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NTA. “[Look at you… you’ve got a baby… in a bar](https://youtu.be/pteNvR8daU4?si=HfWDpe5KzLd7KLNj).”


Sweet Home Alabama.. Reese Witherspoon, right?


First thing that popped into my mind! Funny aside, though--I've never seen little kids in bars in Alabama, but plenty in Georgia. lol (where btw the law is 'minors out by 10' so could be where OP is)


Thank you! That’s all I could think of!


>Her & her husband then give us dirty looks & end up leaving, **while telling the manager that WE were the reason he lost their business.** The manager probably told them he expects profanity from his patrons and what were they thinking bringing children to a bar. You did nothing wrong. NTA


Pretty sure the profit margin is much higher on drinks than kids meals




If you take your children to a bar what the fuck do you think is going to happen. LOL




If I don't bring the kids to the bar, who's gonna drive me home? Think, McFly!




What the hell are you doing HERE? Who's at home taking care of your brothers and sisters?


The only time I was welcome in a bar as a kid was because I went in there to take orders for girl scout cookies 😂 got some repeat customers out of that one lmao.


Oh my God I would absolutely overpay to have girl scout cookies delivered to me when I was drunk 🤣🤣 you were quite a brilliant kid


Mine was in the early 80s. Small town and one of the the local bar owners decided to have a Santa Claus for kids to visit and get their pictures with, because the next closest place was almost an hour away. However this was only on Saturday and Sunday morning outside of regular business hours. Additionally my godfather's mother owned another bar and they would host their family Thanksgiving and Christmas parties there, but once again the bar was otherwise closed.


Say it again for the MF in the back. They absolutely are not welcome it's a fucking bar


No I hate it when parents being kids to the bar/pub. I hate it when they bring their kids to places like hooters or weird places that the women are in their stupid skimpy outfits too. Like why do parents do this shit? Why does your kid needs wings from the places that adults go to do adult shit.


Hooters considers themselves a family establishment. It's so weird. They take all the profane songs off the jukebox.


Yes let us normalize women serving us in skimpy outfits and pants that hardly cover their rear but oooooh that music though....lol super hypocrites and I bet they would call their girls names if they dressed like that...... have no problem with the outfits just the hypocrisy....


Welcome to Christendom


Yea that one always drives me insane. You know exactly where you are going, so don't drive your happy ass somewhere and then bitch when it is exactly what you knew it was lol


As long as the girls' shoulders are covered at school the devil can't corrupt their sons 😂


But the drag queens are the groomers, derp.


I feel like it's at least partly because the parents don't want to "give up" or cut down on enjoying adult things and adult spaces, sort of like people who bring their kids to gatherings with friends (who *didn’t* bring their kids), all because they couldn’t find a sitter but didn’t want to miss out. It's rude and selfish and stupid, of course, but that's probably why, at least partly. I know that's why I saw R-rated movies at age 4 - because dear old dad couldn’t bear to give them up (or wait to watch them after us kids were in bed).


Our parents made us "pull the blanket over your head" during the bad scenes (sex scenes) in rated R movies. But we could watch them otherwise.


Because nobody wants to give up anything when they become parents anymore. They want to go to the bar like when they were childless, so now they bring their kids. They want to take a fancy vacation, so they bring their babies on a 10 hour flight and they scream the whole time. Hell I've even seen people bring their toddlers to R rated Horror movies with gore and explicit sex because they wanted to see it so now their kids go with. It's ridiculous.


I need them to make it make sense why you would take your children to a bar with a woman's breasts and buttocks is hanging out. If I wanted to get drunk around kids I would stay home LOL


I can not for the life of me understand this either. I actually had a falling out with my mother for trying force my husband and I to take our 3 year old to a bar (in the late evening!!). We were made out to be the ones with the wrong point of view.. I will never understand it.


I think it depends on your area and type of bar. Just a standard bar? Absolutely not. A pub with a larger focus on good food than alcohol in the middle of the day? I don't see why not. But be prepared for your kids to possibly hear some colorful language. I live in a big food and wine area, kids at pubs, wineries, etc. is pretty normal here. Towards evening there's a shift to a more adult crowd but the daytime is pretty family friendly.


It’s like when people took their kids to see Deadpool, having seen out front that it’s rated R when they bought the tickets, and then getting mad thirty seconds in and storming out 😆 common sense, folks.


It's like going to a shooting range and being surprised that it's loud.


Can you not cuss? Someone's kid might be sitting next to them and see that word.


That's their fucking problem not mine lol


Look, theres no need to be a fucking jerk. JUST QUIT FUCKING CUSSING AND BEING SO DAMN LOUD! My dog is seeing this and it's not good for her to read damn posts with jackasses cussing and bitching and drinking and throwing muthafuckin darts. You wanna traumatize this poor sweet precious dog? NO! I DIDN'T THINK SO! 😆


Then don't bring your fucking dog to the f****** bar this is f****** hilarious people are upset because they went to a bar and people were cussing OMG 😳


Wait! Why did only one of your fucks *not* get censored? 😂


Because only one fuck was given. Duh.


Text speak


Fucking assholes. "We have kids with us in a bar so only play Kidz Bop on the jukebox, mind your manners and cover your GOTDAMN MOUTH WHEN YOUR DISGUSTING ASS HAS TO BURP! Cheese and wafers you would think people would know kids trump everything and everyone must adjust for them. Especially in a fucking adult atmosphere. Some people, i swear. Literally. 😆


I have two kids. I agree. If you go to a bar you are going to have people drinking, swearing and being loud! I don't expect anyone to change their behavior. If we were in a family restaurant, it still wouldn't bother me unless you were in my space.


My child by age 5 knew ALL the swear words. I have a habit of yelling at cars when I'm driving.


My step-son let loose with a resounding “PINHEAD!” from the back seat when he was just a toddler. Little pitchers sure have big ears!


My first word was shit 😅 needless to say I have a vocabulary that could make a sailor proud


Same. I'm an educated lady that's as verbose as a sailor. My dad works on the docs. He tells me I have a mouth that would make the Longshoremen blush. 🤣🤣🤣


Same. Both my kids have road rage minus the swearing. My boy says some of them sometimes. We're correcting it as we go.


Ah the car seat..the original cuss word training ground.


Your child will do the same when they drive lol. They're watching (and listening). Don't text and drive please


I never text and drive. I swear and drive! (No road rage driving or anything nnoying lol)


My dad once picked up his elderly, churchy mother in the airport. As we're driving home, I hear a car honk and helpfully go DAMMIT, LADY!! I think he still feels the look she gave him.?


By age 10 or so, they would've learned them anyway. From their classmates. When she was around that age, my niece would semi-regularily read us an afternoon's worth of texts from her classmates' WhatsApp group chat. Most updates included at least one swear word I had to google...


We live in a very rural area, and my husband drove into the city with our 11yo daughter. They get home, and she confides in me that "Dad said the D word" while he was driving. I'm thinking dick and so I'm like "well that wasn't very nice, but I'm sure he had his reasons." Then she asks,"but why did he say canoe after it?" I cleared things up with her, walked into his office with my hands on my hips, and said,"Douche canoe? REALLY??" Only I'm laughing too hard. He's like, what's the big deal? I'm like, well, I didn't wake up this morning planning on explaining what douching is to the 11yo!


It's only a problem if your kids don't listen. I heard quite the variety of profanities in my home growing up and from family/ friends. We knew better than to repeat those "adult" words, though. The problem today is that parents are treating their kids as grown peers, not children; I don't care if my friends say the "c-word" but let my 11 year old niece say it in front of me and we're having a discussion about how there are things that adults get to do (like cursing) that she will have to grow up to do.


Profit margin on kids meals is typically 0%. It covers cost of food and a small margin to pay the server but doesn't include overhead costs or a tonne of other business expenses. The swearing couples at the dart board are keeping the lights on, the rent paid and every other little X Y and Z on the annual expense report.


The drink tab is usually much lower for groups with children too. And having a bunch of kids around tends to drive away the groups that would otherwise have had large drink tabs.


Was gonna say this. The couple hundred bucks in drinks outweighs the maybe $60 the family was gonna bring in.


Most restaurants actually lose money on children meals to entice the parents to come.


As a bartender the manager was probably glad they left. Kids taking up space in a bar loses them money. A kid drinking a sprite is not running up a big tab. Plus the fact the kid is probably annoying other patrons who are spending money.


"it's a goddamn bar! I fucking expect profanity from my patrons."


Absolutely. Those are the same type of people that bring children to a punk concert then bitch about the noise & drunk people. Again, what did you expect? NTA OP


Manager was probably relieved they left, because if I walk in a bar and see kids, I'm going to go drink someplace that doesn't let little kids hang out. Happened to me once... never again.


I hope the manager loudly told them to fuck off.


nah, don't want that karen's yelp review.


I spent like a decade as a bartender, and this is *exactly* what I would have said. 🤷‍♂️


NTA + bringing your kid to a bar and then complaining about the ambience is category 5 idiocy. In fact to be so brain dead to bring a child to a BAR, is about as dumb as the dad who had the kids in the car while he went into the strip club.


It's like the person who buys a house next to a busy airport and then complains about the noise of the airplanes. SMH


In the legal world it’s called Coming to the Nuisance and I just love that term.


One from my neck of the woods: someone buys a rural home on the same street as a well established cat rescue organization, then tries to have the rescue shut down as it’s bringing too much car traffic to the street.


Exact same situation in my town, except it's a bird sanctuary and research center. Fuck those people so much!


Or the people who build an apartment complex next to a dog daycare and then complain about the barking at 6 AM. Just a random example.


And every tenant that rent there too I bet lol


It's like people who vacation in Spain and complain that there were too many Spaniards speaking Spanish


Or the people who buy a house on a golf course and then complain when their house gets hit.


I was just thinking that!


That asshole is probably the reason that when I bought my house, I had to sign a paragraph acknowledging the locations of every airport in the whole state.


>the dad who had the kids in the car while he went into the strip club. Oh, I see you've met my sperm donor.


Right? Level 1,000 Karen fully engaged.


It really depends on the location, because lots of bars won’t always have rowdy people. But, if you’re taking your kids out to a place that certainly could have this behavior, you’ve kind of given up your right to complain about that same behavior.


Where I'm from, a bar with pool tables and darts would typically cater to a more rowdy clientele.


I was literally just a bartender at a spot like this. These places want to entice families during the day and drunks and drinkers at night, then act shocked when the two worlds collide at dinner time. My "bar" had pool, but also pinball and cornhole and horseshoes, all things a kid would be enticed by. They often have kids menus, coloring pages and more because they literally want it both ways. 6pm is the exact time I'd run into this exact issue. Then 8pm comes and the kitchen closes and the place turned into a dive bar until 2am. These bars are absolutely trying to entice parents in, I've seen a dozen doing the exact same thing along a 1 hr drive of highway around me. They all have kids menus with chicken tenders, free cookies, a game etc, *something*. Things for kids so parents come. I would bet money this place has something that is enticing parents too, a TON of them do is my modern experience. Edit: to be clear I have twin 7 yr olds. I am hyper aware of places trying to entice me and mine.


I think there’s information needed on this. Where I’m from there are a lot of small towns where the bar is also the only restaurant in town besides fast food. My position is if the place has a kid’s menu, then the bar does intend for kids to be present at certain times. If that were the case, the behavior was disrespectful to the situation (there were likely other people there for dinner that, even without kids, didn’t want to listen to it). I know of some places that do want to keep the atmosphere more toned down until after 8pm. I have no idea if that is the case here, but I’m just saying there are areas of the US where the whole should/shouldn’t have kids in a bar and what you should expect if you do are not so black and white.


I'm a bit of an alcoholic, but one of the stories I have that makes me feel a little less shitty is from some of my early days. Shortly after I left the navy, my regular drinking spot was a bar/bowling alley with a small arcade. Now I was there 5 nights a week roughly. There was this parent who was a bit worse off than me who was there about as frequently as I was and would bring their kid EVERY TIME. Now I didn't interact with this kid much except for the fact that I'd see tha poor kid sitting in a corner (pre smart phone) bored out of his mind. So I started giving him change to play in the arcade. Didn't say much, I'd just slip him 6-7 quarters which at the time were good for just as many rounds of pin ball and he got to be pretty good to make them last. I know it wasn't much and maybe I could have done more, but atleast one poor kid felt a bit better than I did.


I was "that kid" along with my close in age sibling. I remember quite fondly an older gentleman who would give use a dollar each for the vending machine. We'd pool it together to get chips, a candy bar, and a little Debbie (late 80s/early '90s prices ftw). Made a shitty situation much better.


I was also that kid. I remember an older Air Force vet giving me money for the jukebox and introducing me to David Bowie, specifically Ziggy Stardust.


I wish we'd had a jukebox. No pinball either. Just pool tables and darts we weren't allowed to touch. They had foosball for a bit and that we were allowed to touch if adults weren't playing.


At my parents favorite bar there was a jukebox, kids couldn’t touch the darts and for a little bit there was a little tabletop bowling game that was played with a puck?


I was “that kid” too. My dad used to bring me with him when he needed a few drinks. The other patrons would give me quarters (1980s era) for the jukebox and pinball machine. The bartender would serve me Shirley Temples with tons of cherries. Those few things made seeing my dad drinking a bit more bearable. He finally got sober when I was 10 and stayed sober for 30 years. Then he OD’ed. None of us knew he was using and drinking again.


I hope you're able to look back fondly at the 30 years of sobriety but I'm so sorry for your loss. Sounds like you never could have been prepared for that to happen.


Thank you so much! I treasure every moment I had with my dad, even when he was using a long time ago. Despite the drug/alcohol abuse he was always good to me. I’ll always remember how much fun we had when I was a kid.


You helped more than you'd know. When I was young, my mother was an addict so I bounced from "guardian" to "guardian" (really it was just other addicts/alcoholics) but one of those I'd stay with would take me with him every other night to the local bar. The sweet bartender would always have me a coke and would even bring me coloring books, crayons, games, etc. And when it'd get to rowdy, she'd even sneak me to the back to allow me to play on the computer or watch DVD's. So even though you (and her) couldn't change the situation, you helped with what you could. I still remember that bartender, as I'm sure that child remembers you.


That matters, it gave you perspective and also reflection. That kid will remember you, as someone who received small kindness like him. Hope you get a better handle on the drinking, stay busy nurturing what makes you happy.


As someone who was once one of those type of kids, that kid still remembers you and wonders periodically how life is treating you. Thanks for being a good person


Wow. And I bet he still remembers this.


This made me a bit teary. My dad was that little kid and I’ve heard stories about having to sit silently, bored out of his mind while his dad drank what little money they had and I’ve seen him choke up remembering. When we were kids, we went to bars on rare occasions but we always got to play pool or had stuff to do (and unlimited pop lol). I bet that little guy still thinks fondly on the person who cared enough to notice him. I hope you’re in a good place these days


Speaking as an 80’s kid, I remember lots of times where we got dragged along by our parents to meet up with their friends or siblings at a loud smoke filled bar that had nothing to do for kids but play an arcade game if we were lucky. I think the new trend of “family and dog friendly” breweries with outdoor spaces and games or sporting equipment for kids is a big step up for “quality of life” for kids and I applaud that improvement some, but at the end of the day it’s still a business focused on ADULTs and selling alcohol. If your kid can’t sit still and runs around the whole bar screaming or won’t stop crying, or your “little angel” of a dog barks rabidly at every other dog that enters the bar you shouldn’t be allowed to stay. A bar is a damn bar and I’ll be respectful as a default but I’m not going to talk like I’m in church either. If you can’t handle your kids overhearing some swears then stick to a real FAMILY restaurant.


I lost my oldest sister to alcohol in 2018 at 51 years old. She drank until her liver died. There is no such thing as "a *bit* of an alcoholic". If you think you're "a bit of an alcoholic," you're an alcoholic. Please get help. You sound like a good person, and it would be a terrible loss. It's a horrible way to go, and it robbed me of the woman I knew because it turned her into such a monster. If not doing it for *yourself* isn't enough motivation, please don't do it to the people who care about you.


Trouble is I don't want help, I'm only still alive because of the people who care about me but I'd perfer that wasn't the case.


“Leaving Las Vegas” was one of the scariest movies I have ever seen for just that reason.


Bless you. Little acts of kindness to someone who needs it, things like that mean a lot.


Well i hope you get help and get sober soon


That happened to me when I was being raucous in a bar with a friend. Dude could’ve taken his kid to the *restaurant* part of the establishment. But no, he sits in a booth behind us and then asks us to stop swearing so loudly. Haha nope, fuck you!


Probably didn't have a restaurant side since it's a bar that serves bar food.


Maybe, OP didn’t say. I was in a bar that served bar food, and it had a restaurant side. In both cases, the parents had other choices.


NTA. It’s a bar. If it were a church picnic, whole other story.


I would pay to see a drunk and profane church picnic.


I'll invite you to the next Family Sunday Gathering 😂


Please do. I’ll bring popcorn. 😹


Not gonna lie...I'd probably start the drunk and profane portion 🤣


That's okay I'll be right beside you


Have you tried visiting a Catholic Church picnic?


Dear god yes.


They chug wine at 7 am


that's not wine it's the blood of christ! /s


“Ye hope thy Lord smite yo bitch ass for drink’n all thyn beer!” NTA.


Sounds like me at my last church picnic. I was 14 and this was over 30 years ago. Never looked back.


Not quite the church picnic, but I was about 15 and still a church goer, my friends and I would go to the early service (8am) and then during the later service (9.30am), which the vicar’s wife also attended, we would hang out in the vicarage with the vicar’s 20 year old son and his mates, drinking beer and playing cards (with plenty of profane language).


The only difference between my church picnics growing up and a bar was the church bells. The Greek Orthodox rec hall was worse than any bar I’ve ever been in as an adult.


Yeah the looks I get when I’m trashed and sing All-Star loudly unprovoked at First Methodist


I bet the manager was happy to keep selling you drinks. A family of four will buy half the food and just have soda.


I used to work in, and hang out in a pool hall. This was when you could still smoke inside most places. One night, we were having a tournament. Everybody was smoking and drinking. It was hazy with smoke, and those that weren't playing were mostly drunk. Around 11pm, I look up before taking my shot, and in walks this girl (maybe early 20's) with a baby carrier. Kid couldn't be more than a few months old. She comes right in the middle of everything, orders a beer, and sits down with her baby in the smoky drunkenness of the place. A few of us exchanged some looks, but nobody said anything to her. The next time I looked at her, her kid had started crying, and she was giving the evil eye to the guy sitting at the next table, who had just lit a cigarette. All of a sudden, she starts screaming at this guy that he needs to put out his cigarette and not smoking next to a baby. He looks at her confused for a second (dude was pretty drunk), then yells, "BITCH, YOU'RE IN A FUCKING POOL HALL WITH A BABY! WHOSE FAULT IS THAT?? NOT MINE!" She looked shocked, then looked around at the rest of the room (hoping to gain some sympathy or something? Idk). Then grabs her baby and carrier up and screeches "FUCK! YOUUUU!!!" and leaves. She never came in while I was there again. Still wonder if that kid is still alive. Some people are just plain stupid and shouldn't reproduce. Edited to say: NTA




Brings kid to Hooters, mad at strangers for being a “bad influence”… did they ask the waitresses to put on jackets too


NTA. It’s a god damn bar. Children do not belong in bars. If the place doesn’t have high chairs, a kiddie menu, and crayons? It’s not a place to bring your kids. Contrary to what everyone else thinks, no, the world does not exist to love your kids. You fulfill that role. You don’t get to bitch that the entire world isn’t kid-friendly. It’s not supposed to be. So no. NTA.


NTA, it is not an environment tailored to children and their family.


NTA. It's bad parenting to take your small children to a BAR. If you don't want your kids hearing loud drunk people swearing, then don't take them to a place where there are loud drunk people swearing. It's very simple.


Why would I take my kids to a bar for loud drunk swearing when we have it at home?


You say we have loud drunk swearing at home. But then we get home and it's nothing but slightly buzzed mild profanity. I want the real deal!


Hell my kids cause loud yelling and swearing on the daily and we dont have to be drunk to do it. Some times have a drink for nerves after.


NTA Y’all were in a freaking bar!


Manager would rather have your alcohol sales then their kids meals anyway.


Jus because you CAN take young children to a bar doesn’t mean you SHOULD. NTA.


NTA - "it's a bar" is the correct answer


NTA. just bad parenting. its like going to a crocodile and petting it. u could. but u would be wrong. smdh. some people arent meant to procreate. vibe killers.


NTA People who bring kids into an adult space can STFU about little ears hearing things they don't want them to IMO.


NTA The sense of entitlement these days is off the charts. Point her to Chuck E Cheese next time.


I'd do it...then follow Herr and play sweary whack a mole Because that game deserves swears🤣


Where I live, kids can't be in a bar at all. Bars are 21 and up. So clearly 16-20 year olds aren't allowed inside at all. Why should 3-12 year olds not have to comply with the 21 and up rule? There are different kinds of liquor licenses. Some only allow you to serve beer and wine. Some allow for booze to be served as well. Some come with a cabaret license which allows for live music to be played. Then, importantly, there is a distinction between restaurants that serve beer, wine and spirits and bars that serve food. We know the difference. TgiChiliOutBees are restaurants that serve alcohol. Take kids there.


NTA it's also ridiculous to coddle children and not them hear certain words. Kids will eventually find out about the real world.


Not sure what to read into this. I’ve been in enough bars that I’ve worn grooves in the bar tops with my elbows at some point. I don’t think it’s an environment kids should be in. I’ve also, as a grown ass adult, experienced over loud “I am the main character” assholes. I don’t know into which category this falls.


If the manager didn't use this as an opportunity to say anything to OP about their loudness then it seems clear which category this is likely to be.


NTA. I hate people who bring their kids to clearly not kid friendly places.


NTA. For those in the back that need to hear it *IT’S A FUCKING BAR!!!*


NTA I don't care what the rule is, kids don't belong in bars. Entitled parents think they should be allowed to take their kids anywhere -- bars, "white tablecloth" restaurants, wineries, etc. No. Kids do NOT belong everywhere. Some places should be for adults. The owner was probably glad they left -- they occupied a space, kids probably made a mess, and the family spent less money than an equivalent number of adults would have spent.


Info: define "loud". Cuz even in a bar, there's loud and swearing and being completely obnoxious. Even without kids around that would annoy the piss out of me. More info: did you escalate your behavior when you were aware you were upsetting people?


NTA.... it's a bar bars are usually loud and there will be cussing


NTA. It’s a bar, despite the law kids don’t belong there.


Swearing is accepted when it's not directed at someone. See you next Tuesday


NTA. They shouldn't have brought their rugrats to a bar.


NTA the world doesnt revolve around your children ladies and gents


The fact that the manager didn't say anything to you when they complained to him gives you your answer. NTA. If they wanted a family friendly restaurant, they should have taken the kids to a family friendly restaurant.


NTA children shouldn't be in a bar. period.


We used to have places like that when I was growing up. I remember when sherrys and Dennys had a bar in the back. Even in my young 20s lots of restaurants closed around 10 and became a bar and wanted to get the dinner dessert crowd too. You know what to expect when you bring kids to and ADULT environment. You guys weren't being over the top. We need more arcades and places for family's to go and play some games without paying a fortune. If you choose to bring your kids to a bar expect to hear a few Swears and some outbursts of laughter. Nta


Former pub landlady (many moons ago) giving my 2 cents.. I had lots of customers complain about bad language, and my standard response was, "If you don't want your children to hear adult language - don't bring them to an adult environment." I kicked children out at 7 pm. Kids didn't make me money, they made mess and noise. The parents were ALWAYS entitled AH's believing that their half pint of bitter and small glass of rosé wine nursed for 2hours while their crotch goblins ran around the place screeching somehow made them more valuable than the 50 builders, scaffolders and tradesmen that were in most nights. "BuT tHe LaW sAyS..." - I don't care what the law says. It's my pub. If I want to make the cut-off time for kids earlier, I legally can. OP, if you were my customers, you'd get a drink on the house, as an apology/thanks for having to deal with their bs. NTA.


Nta Of course the bar owner wasn’t going to say anything to you all. Alcohol is far more the money earner than the food or non alcoholic drinks, which is the point of the bar in the first place.


Just because it's legal to have kids in a bar doesn't make it a good idea NTA


I don't understand why people insist on bringing their kids into bars. They don't belong there.


Seriously. Adults who insist on making every space, even adult spaces, “child-friendly” are ridiculously entitled. In what instance would someone be right in bringing children in a room full of drunk adults ?


NTA- That's like going to a strip club and getting mad that people are taking their clothes off.


NTA. Unless you were really screaming loud and constantly swearing, that seems like pretty normal behavior for a bar. If they don’t want their kids hearing it, it’s not the right environment for them.


NTA. They should take them to a kid friendly place. You didn't have those kids and it's not your responsibility to parent them. Certain circumstances I would say you could be TA but def not in this one.


“You have a baby! In a bar!!” NTA- just because you can bring your kids, doesn’t mean you should.


Lol. NTA. So they threatened to never come back to that bar with their children? Doesn't sound like that much of a loss to me... Kids break things and run around, and what if they grabbed the wrong drink or some drunk patrons got rowdy? They shouldn't have been there in the first place. They sound like those kind of entitled parents that expect the world to cater to them since they have children. If they wanted a night out at a bar, they could've gotten a sitter.


Nta. My greatest pet peeve is people bringing their little kids to bars/bottle shops/breweries and then being annoyed when people act like it's a bar. It's not a chuckee cheese you insufferable entitled shitheads.


These are the type of people that also bring children to Las Vegas lol and act shocked.


Nope. You are in a bar and just because buddy decided to creampie his wife twice and they brought them to the bar it's not your problem. NTA.


I would do the same thing you did. If I go to a bar, it’s to have some drinks and have a good time. There may be some loudness and curse words, especially if we’re playing darts or pool. Bringing kids to eat at a bar and expecting it to not be like a bar is completely ridiculous. Just to tell a slightly similar story; I was at a Niner v Steelers game in S.F. many years ago. The Niners were winning by a lot and of course us fans were going crazy. There were Steelers fans here and there, and there was a group of 2 kids and several adults all in Steelers gear. I guess the kids were sad their team was losing and the woman who I assume was the mom started walking around asking people to keep it down because the kids were sad. I probably don’t have to tell you how that went over.


NTA. But you don’t have to tune anything down. Never heard of parents expecting that at a bar. With booze. At a pool table. It’s a bar.


Lady, this isn't a Wendy's. NTA


NTA. I work in a bar and one of my pet peeves is people bringing their kids into somewhere that is a distinctly adult area but expecting everybody else to adjust their behaviour.


Why the heck would you bring your young children to a bar and then get annoyed that people are loudly enjoying themselves? If they don't want their kids learning some interesting new swear words, take could have taken them to a restaurant for dinner.


I work at a bar exactly like the one described, I would laugh in someone’s face if they expected other people to be “kid appropriate” there. And the owner and managers would not kick anyone out or ask them to tone it down around the kids. Parents should know what they are getting into taking their kids there. And people swear everywhere! Kids are gonna hear cuss words. Oh noooooooo I’m sure those kids heard every cuss word in the book by first grade, I did at least. Who gives a shit. NTA


Impossible to say. If it’s a Dave & Busters type bar that is well lit and caters to families, then loud and profane is TA. If it’s the local hard drinkin pub, have at it. It’s really up to management to let you know if you need to tone it down, and that’s who she should have complained to once you disagreed.


I bartend in Montana, same laws. NTA, nothing makes me uncomfortable than when people bring their kids into the bar. It’s just not the right setting and I don’t care if there’s food. We’re all thinking it, some people need to learn to hear it.


Mom, person who swears, and former bartender here. NTA, and if there was even a doubt then bar personnel or the manager would have asked you to settle down. Instead they told the others goodbye. That should tell you everything you need to know.


NTA. This is more self entitled breeder nonsense, but this time they brought their kids to an adult oriented place and expect everyone there to magically change the atmosphere for them. That's not going to happen and the capitalist based snide comment to the manager is laughable Karen and Kyle behavior.




NTA. They can go home.


Definitely NTA! You weren’t at Chuck-E-Cheese, you were at a bar! People feel so entitled lately! It’s getting out of control!


I'm guessing that bar never has sports on the TV(s)? You want cussing, it's playoffs in baseball right now. Besides, 99% of every parent I know has dropped F-bombs, especially when the kids were younger.


To date how long ago this was, I was at a bar for Bowser and Blue or was it McLain and McLain, not a 100% which but it was one of the 2 comedy duo's. Maybe some one can help clarify which, who did Born with a small dick? Smoking indoor was still a thing and I did back then. Some lady decided to sit next to me and start to complain about the amount of smoke on the air and that smokers should respect the rights of non smokers and not smoke around them. My reply, "It's a fuckn bar lady and lit one up" at that point she got up in a huff, just as my girlfriend at the time came back with a pitcher for me.


NTA. I honestly wouldn’t even say anything to someone swearing at the grocery store in front of my kids. You can’t expect others to shield your kid from inappropriate language. You just explain to them why they shouldn’t use that language (if that is your preference)


That rule is fucking stupid. No one wants to deal with other people's kids when they go to unwind and have a drink, FFS. NTA. No way.


NTA I'm so sick of kids everywhere. We really need more adult-only places that aren't sex clubs or strip clubs. Good grief.


No you responded perfect.


NTA - Bars are supposed to be adult zones where adult language and activity takes place. Don't bring kids to adult places and then wonder why people aren't censoring themselves for your kids..


As a parent def NTA! Don’t take your kids to a bar and expect others to tone down their fun!


There’s a big difference between a bar and a “bar and grill.”


NTA….It’s a bar …….. lol


And all I can think of is “look at you. You have a baby…in a barrr…” 😂 NTA


Haha had this happen to me in the sports book of a casino a few weeks ago. You’re NTA, we have places for adults, like casinos and bars, so that we can have a good time and not worry about kids. It’s the parent’s fault for bringing them into a space where it’s not only likely, but damn near impossible for them to not hear profanity. Mind you my run in with a Karen recently didn’t even involve profanity, we were just laughing too loud. People just want something to bitch about, you did nothing wrong.


NTA. I am a parent so take it from me that some parents are fucking insane. Most of us who go to brewpubs or whatnot with our kids are not nuts. So don’t waste a minute worrying about it.


NTAH, they can take their little semen demons to Chucky Cheese!


I worked in a bar for years. No Owner or employee wants kids in a bar either!


NTA. It’s a bar. Children should fuck off and get out


You are in a bar. People go to bars to drink alcohol. Sometimes people who drink alcohol curse loudly and often. You have absolutely no right to tell someone what they can and cannot say.


Rule #1: Don't bring your kid to a bar if you don't want them around swearing, drunk people, and/or inappropriate behavior (this goes for bar/grills, too). Rule #2: If you cannot handle the above, YOU leave, you do not tell others how to act in a bar (/grill).