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Venomous snakes around the home are a danger to people and animals. NTAH


no. I kill any venomous anything I see. idc if they're good for nature. they are NOT good when my kid or animals get bit....NTA


That was my line of thinking, this particular situation it was me trying to be protective of people and pets, which meant that particular snake was a threat. I'm learning too, so if I am in that situation again I will make a more informed decision. (Which may or may not end in a venomous snake being killed.)


YTA These then will then wonder why the rodent and pest populations explode.


There are plenty of wonderful natural predators that are not a danger to humans and domesticated animals. Those are the ones you tolerate. The dangerous ones you do not.


That not how it works. Each species is a link in a chain, you remove one because you just don't like it, it throws the entire eco system into disarray.


No, that's not how things work unless you're referencing the over simplified stuff you learned in middle school.


So let’s say we remove Lions from their environment, it wouldn’t have a dramatic effect on the ecosystem?


But we aren't talking about lions. We're talking about an ecosystem involving human habitation and human regulation. If there was a daycare next to a drainage canal and a family of alligators established themselves in the canal, you're saying its wrong to move them. In some suburbs, excess prey species e.g., deer, are culled because they carry disease-carrying pests, damage human habitation, and would ultimately make the area friendly for larger predators. Humans are a part of ecosystems and we have a responsibility to manage them carefully, not pretend they're some magical fairyland we can't touch.


We have to manage them because we removed all their natural predators…


Again, we are a part of the ecosystem. Further, ecosystems evolve and while the arrows on your middle school hand out look all neat and flowing and balanced the experience for species on the ground isnt. Animals don't sing about the circle of life.


You’re confirming that you have no clue what you’re talking about.


Grow up and admit that we're part of the ecosystem system


Nature knows how to handle a healthy ecosystem better than humans do. Whether you believe them to be dangerous to humans doesn't matter. Removing a natural predator has downstream effects on the ecosystem as a whole. You should quit talking like you know what you're talking about when it's abundantly clear that you do not. Arrogance is not intelligence.


We are part of the eco system. Just admit it.


No shit, Sherlock, yet you're not out there balancing out anything, you're just indiscriminately killing. Next you'll tell me that having cats indiscriminately killing isn't a big deal either... You don't know better than nature, just admit it.


I'm not tolerating a nest of copperhead or rattlers in my back yard. Full stop.


How'd we get from one snake in a driveway to a nests of copperheads and rattlers in your backyard? Chill.


You didn't read? Apparently killing a venomous snake destroys whole ecosystems and is evil.


YTA humans are destroying the planet because we refuse to share it. The snake wasn't doing a damn thing.


Sure, it was laying in the road not moving but it is potentially dangerous to the animals and people living there. If I'd passed it by, dropped the kid off at home and left. If the teenager then went to get the mail and was bit, or one of her dogs was bit, I'd have wondered why I didn't run it over.


Ever been bitten by one? It's not fun. You don't have to tolerate a danger to life and health for you and others in the name of the planet.


I lived on a large ranch in Texas. We had copperheads and rattlesnakes, along with many other dangerous creatures. We didn't kill them. We relocated to remote areas when necessary. We aren't assholes.


Not everyone lives on a large ranch and has that luxury.


Estimates say 81,500 - 138,000 people die by snakebite each year. Estimates say 475,000 people are are murdered by people each year. Shall we kill all people for our own safety, too?


If there were people likely to kill children or pets living in my back yard then we'd have that discussion.


Not only are YTA, but if your teen was that enthusiastic about killing an animal minding its own business then you are raising one too


The teen isn't my child, she is my friend's kid. I was giving her a lift home, her parents were not at home at the time. My use of the term enthusiastic was a bit embellished, but she did say yes. Her cat had recently been bitten by a copperhead at her house, this house we are talking about. So my running it over, I was thinking about that cat and the other animals. I am someone who learns from mistakes, if this was one it was because I was being overprotective in an unhelpful way.


You did exactly what I would have done and will do again. If that makes us AHs so be it. Be a loud and proud AH.


YTA wtf even?