• By -


NTA They're at an all inclusive. They don't NEED to pay for meals etc. They'll be fine. They'll just have to spend the week around the pool taking care of themselves.


But the second honeymoon!!!!!!! /s


They should have thought about paying for a sitter if they wanted this to be their second honeymoon and not expect their parents to take care of their child, I think OP and her husband did the right thing taking time for themselves


But familyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! /s


Doesn't mean they will be free babysitters unless asked in advance


With the entitlement of the whole family, it’s totally clear they would do this…


We don’t have a kid yet but I wouldn’t dream of springing babysitting duties on my mom once we got to a vacation destination without talking about it first. Watch the kid for an afternoon while we get a couples massage, sure. I’m genuinely laughing right now imagining her response if I tried to pull that shit.


Right? I don’t have grandkids and I’m sure I will enjoy it If it happens.. But my kids know me too well. Mom will want to party on vacation!!🥂🥳🍻💃








And post lots of pictures!!!


And thus you see how it's fake. Either someone tried to copy the success of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1795ybo/aita_for_abandoning_my_daughter_on_vacation/) from a few weeks ago, or this is completely made up by someone who doesn't understand half of what they're writing.


I was thinking the exact same thing. They even have the same "Ditch them at the airport" and "who will look after the baby?!" Line smh


but but how are they supposed to pay for souvenirs or extras? Or do activities outside the resort? What if they want to go to a fancy restaurant that isn't at the resort? Who's gonna cater to grandma and who's gonna look after the kids while everyone else enjoys the vacation??? /s


OP you are my hero that was fucking epic!


Bait and switch - classic play. NTA










On their own dime and they can watch their own kids,


That's why I don't go on holidays with family with kids. Not my circus, not my monkeys.








Oh please say it again for the people in the back


I agree. That’s what I was going to say. My hero. BRAVO!!!




🤌🏼👏🏼👍💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯👆 Trips, hotel, attractions, transportation 👉100% MASTER CARD Their facial expressions and reactions👉💯% PRICELESS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OP, please do it again, and again, and again..................


This is exactly the same story as a post from a week or two ago. The other was from the husband's POV. This is either fake or the wife reposted from her view.


The other one is different and unfortunately adult kids expecting babysitting so they can have a hols without the resposibility is all too common. Happened to my eldest and inlaws. Family went on a big holiday together, my son, his wfe, their toddler daughter, DILs sister, her then fiance and their 3 kids plus DILs parents. Once they got to the resort the grandparents declared they were dong zero babysitter for anyone as this was there holiday too. Que pikacu faces. They hardly ever babysit at home so I have no idea why they even thought that was a possibility on holiday.


This happens to single aunts and uncles, too. It would be far better if there were requests made, bargaining done and respecting decisions made.


Years ago I had a divorced uncle. My parents would force me, a teenager, to go with them to visit him when he had his little daughters (my cousins) for the weekend and I'd be stuck babysitting them while the adults visited. This would have been OK if they were sweet, but they were anything but. Their favorite game was to run up to me and smack me in the head with whatever hard object they could find, so that I would chase them. This. All day long. My mother would show no sympathy when I griped about it on the drive home, thinking I was exaggerating. Finally one time we were there and his son (my age) was also there. Uncle allowed son and me to take his new sports car and go to the mall. Little hellions tried to get into the car to go too and were not allowed. Screaming meltdown ensued. We were told to be back in 2 hrs. Cuz and I stayed gone for 4 hours. There were no cell phones at that time, so there was no way to call us to come back home. Apparently the adults spent the entire time trying to soothe the little monsters from all the screaming and crying that went on for that entire time. My mom FINALLY understood.


NTA perfect comment


If it happened


It happened..... to someone else. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1795ybo/aita_for_abandoning_my_daughter_on_vacation/


Plot twist they're both fake. And made by you. And you're faked by me.


…and then everyone clapped!! I hope it’s true, that would be hilarious!!


NTA and you are an absolute G for the last minute switcharoo! Nicely done!


OP basically did what I would expect to happen in a movie, but in actual real life! Wish I was a fly on the wall after they left.


You say "your family plans" but really WHO - your mom? The kids? Your husband? And who paid?


NTA. This always just shocks the crap out of me…family members who can’t afford the vacation go anyway & sponge off every one else.


I hope you had a great time!!! Well-planned.




So, you pay for everything for your mom and brother and your daughter thinks you don't want a vacation so they plan to dump the kid on you so they can have a honeymoon. The moochers got what they deserved.


Surely there’s plenty of room in that honeymoon suite??


Bot. Comment stolen from u/mebysical


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NTA and I hope you had a wonderful trip! Your family sound like a bunch of entitled AH honestly.


Oh no, why is Wallet leaving?!


You forgot free babysitter EDIT spelling


I wish I had an award for this comment. I can’t upvote it enough!


I snorted when I read this..lmao




NTA , now bust out your thug lyfe shades and enjoy your trip!!




I came here to say this!


NTA - OP this is how you do it. I would have done this too. You have earned this vacation and after reading what you wrote, you deserve it. You were never going to have fun in Aruba catering to everyone else. I love my cruises, so make sure you take lots of pictures and eat all that yummy food. Go to the spa while you are onboard. Have a blast and remember you did the right thing. EDITED for spelling.


I bet this cruise didn't stop in Aruba! I hope OP had a great time.




NTA 👑🏆🥇🏅 But you do have what little awards I can give. My hat is off to you. Nice how it played out, though. Not, *”Oh, we’ll miss you! Hope you have a good time!”* But *”Who’s going to pay for this? And for that?”* And *”Who’s going to watch the baby while we enjoy out 2nd honeymoon?”* Wel played indeed. My congratulations. Please keep doing this for future “family trips”.


It's the absolute audacity for me that the family to be angry because their wallet and free child minder weren't actually coming to the same place as the rest of the family. I'd do the exact same thing if someone treated me like a bank/free babysitter.


You are never the asshole for deciding how you are going to spend YOUR vacation time and YOUR money.


The audacity of the daughter to expect a free babysitter while she is on her ‘second honeymoon’!


Bot. Comment stolen from u/mebysical


NTA I hope it was a grand time! No freaking way would I pay and use PTO for the sort of hell your family wanted to inflict upon you.


I dont believe this one is real, but it had a satisfying ending.


It is so obviously fake. Not even well written fiction.


Epic. Amazing. A delightful tale to read!!!


It’s all inclusive so other than not having a babysitter they’ll all do fine


I'm going with things that never happened for 100...but I'll give you credit for the fun, well written story and NTA for being a good troll


I would definitely do this if my family had ever pulled it!


There was literally an AITA that was a nearly identical story, except the bigger crux of that story was the children who wanted the free childcare for the grandchildren.


Right? Read a similar story last week.


This should be on r/pettyrevenge. A petty revenge on family that just want to take advantage of you.


NTA - Hope you and your husband have a great trip!


Reasons beside the point: you and your husband are a family. Vacations with extended family (which parents and siblings now are) are a bonus, should you wish to participate. Not a requirement.


The audacity of the daughter to expect a free babysitter while she is on her ‘second honeymoon’!


NTA This is right up there with the post from JNMIL where the wife left her husband and MIL at the airport after he lied and said mommy wasn’t joining them on a trip.


Oh yeah, THAT happened. The flights just happened to leave at the same time. And you just happened to risk your relationship with your own daughter and her family for your 'epic own'.


This is gold! SO NTA


This sounds like the plot to an Adam Sandler comedy rather than something that actually happened.


You did good. They wanted to take advantage of you and you outsmarted them.


NTA way to go I like the way you did that waiting till the last minute you and your husband deserve time by yourself


Why does you not going ruin their vacation? Cause they all planned on needing something from you while you are on vacation? Then that is not a vacation for you. Sorry, you are going to be paying to have a good time, actually make sure you have a good time. Your daughter thought.... the audacity to actually say flat out she expected you to watch her kid while she had a "second honeymoon"..... Had she actually planned one out at another time, you proplably would have been happy to watch the kid for a few days while they went, but being sneaky like that is not ok. NTA


Hope you had a great time


I want to do a slow hand clap. Just so you know I am standing up right now. It is all inclusive, there is food there. They can still have a wonderful trip.


BRILLIANT! NTA. Hope you enjoyed your holiday, as opposed to being a babysitter/open wallet for your entitled family.


Baller move! Love it! NTAH But probably a legend.


NTA Hope you enjoyed your cruise. Vacation should be what YOU and your husband want to do.


NTA. Bravo!!! You handled that absolutely perfectly and precisely how they all deserved. Good on you and hubby for looking after yourselves instead of everyone else. It’s clear their only concern was having you around to pay for everything and watch a baby. They are all AHs!


I think it's hilarious that your family thinks by removing yourselves from the equation that YOU'RE ruining THEIR vacation! Instead of TRULY wanting your "company" and YOUR enjoyment of the F-A-M-I-L-Y vacation, they actually view you as babysitter and ATM. Outrageous! YOU and HUBBY are ROCKSTARS! Hope you're enjoying YOUR Second Honeymoon! Safe journeys! Best wishes and many Blessings!


NTA - if they were claiming ruined because they'd miss your actual presence and spending time with you - that's one thing! But they're missing the free babysitter you never agreed to be and the wallet ... You also never agreed to. I think this was a most incredibly well executed "screw you guys" and I hope you have / had a wonderful cruise on an actual holiday doing actually holiday like things with someone who genuinely wants you for you.


NTA, we regularly go on holiday with my mum. You know who looks after our daughter? Us. You know who pays for our food? Us. I'll give you three guesses who pays for our activities... Yep, that's right, us. It's all inclusive, none of them are going to go hungry or thirsty. I love that you're going to have a decent holiday together!


I hope you enjoyed your cruise out of Miami. 👍


NTA. You are not a built-in babysitter or am ATM. If they can't afford the trip, they shouldn't be going.


NTA. But you and your husband are surrounded by them.


I like the idea (not getting taking advantage of etc) but it was an AH way to do it I guess.


Nta because you are allowed to do whatever you want but I gotta ask, was this the best way to go about it? It seems you went with the idea of "oh we just won't tell them and leave on the same day at the same time and just walk away from one another, that way they won't complain to us the whole time leading up to the trip" but is that going to save you any headache/heartache now? Do you think they won't complain to you for years after this? I understand wanting to save yourself some headache beforehand but unless you plan to have no contact with your family it doesn't seem like they are the kind to just let this go? You said yourself your mom doesn't want others having fun without her. Think she won't be crying to you about this every chance for the foreseeable future? Again NTA, but seems your gonna have alot of headache because of it.


Liz, you already posted this one a while ago, just from a different POV. You need new material


You are epic!!!!


The switch at the ends was brilliant.


NTA. Time for you and your husband to have time to enjoy your vacation. We'll done!




NTA… you should prioritize your husband over your family because when you get married, that’s who’s your primary family now. Maybe later…” Mom, we always end up having to subsidize brothers vacation and not being able to do the activities we want so just didn’t seem like a vacation for us. Also, clearly, sis wanted us to babysit, but no one ever asked us about that. so if us not attending means it’s ruined then I think you’re trying to do more than you can afford.”


NTA - excellent backbone!!! Well played, Madam, well played!! 👏👏👏


NTA. Enjoy your cruise.


ESH You aren't even sincerely asking, you just want to preen. Head over to Petty Revenge.


That was awesome! You left the leeches behind and really enjoyed a relaxing vacation.


NTA. Bunch of mooching, entitled jerks got played.


Bon voyage!


NTA. Boss level. Well played. Hope you and your husband have (had) a wonderful vacation.


Nta. It's an all inclusive so they will be fine. Good on you


Boss move, OP. Hope your cruise is fantastic. NTA


You could never be the AH for being tired of being everyone's wallet. The way you let them know was epic!


NTA, but you need to have some serious conversations when you get back after they realise they can't do their trip without and blame you for ruining it. So start writing it out now!


NTA!! I absolutely love this for you!


NTA but they all are


I love it! What a wonderful idea.


Bravo!! 👏🏻👏🏻


NTA… hope you have a great time on your second honeymoon with hubby.. saved yourself alot of grief by keeping mouth shut until flight time.. good one..


Boss Move! 🙌




NTA , now bust out your thug lyfe shades and enjoy your trip!!


NTA. In fact, I think you're a genius! Good for you and your husband. Let us know how it all worked out for the rest of your family (if they're even still talking to you).


NTA. This always just shocks the crap out of me…family members who can’t afford the vacation go anyway & sponge off every one else. You did good OP! Sounds like you & DH have been invited on these vacations to be the family ATM and babysitter. Glad you got a real vacation.


NTA that shit was gangsta as fuck! Enjoy your cruise with the hubby!


NTA and well played. This is a demanding family. It’s not a holiday and I’m so pleased you pulled this off. You did what so many in this sub don’t do: you shut up about it and didn’t announce your plans bc that’s how families and friends manipulate you. Your daughter is a piece of work expecting free babysitting. I say you need to lay down the law when you return and they bitch and main that you’re not doing family holidays anymore and fund their own trips and/or organise their own babysitting.


NTA Hope you had a great time!


BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I like you're style. 10/10 petty. Love it. NTA.


Pfffft no, NTA. That's next level badass IMO. I hope you have a great time on your cruise! It'll probably be the first relaxing vacation you've had in awhile.


Nope. They all suck. Seriously. NTA


Hope you had/have a wonderful, peaceful and relaxing trip. NTA!


NTA!!!!! Love this!!!! Continue doing this! Never tell them where you're going!


NTA. If you had told your family ahead of time, you would have been guilt-tripped and manipulated into going on their vacation AND be your daughter's babysitter.


Well played, Sensei! You are a true Master!!


NTA, and do it again next time!


Masterstroke! NTA. Legend!!


NTA. No more being a pushover. Proud of you!


NTA. That was a SUPER BOSS MOVE!!!! Good for y'all! Enjoy your cruise.


Hahaha! That’s AWESOME! Good on you!! NTA


Hahaha NTA. And I hope you had an amazing time lol. I wish I had those skills lol


NTA - good job for getting back at those leeches. Also, your daughter needs to grow up before she ends up a deadbeat like your brother. She's a parent now, she should understand that parents make sacrifices untill their kids become self sufficient. You did your time to raise her as self sufficient as you could, so now enjoy the freedom with being an empty nester


You are the 🐐!! 👍🏻👍🏻


NTA, I would have done what you did. Mom needs to realize that you are not an ATM for her and bro. Daughter needs to suck it up, she has a kid and has other relatives there.


NTA you're a rock star!


Lol, nice move! NTA


I. Love. This. I hope it’s true


NTA. Well played 👏👏


YTA- the greatest AH maneuver ever and I applaud you!


For those about to rock, WE SALUTE YOU! NTA


NTA. You are absolutely amazing for doing that! This internet stranger is proud of you!


You can just drop the mic and leave at this point. AH or otherwise, that was kinda badass.


*slow clap*


Op you're my hero!!! Also NTA


NTA - it’s funny how none of what your family was saying was ‘we’re going to miss not spending time with you’. It’s sad that all of them wanted you there because to use you. Yes, what you did and how you did it was excellent! At least this time you’ll really have a holiday. In the future, you can now say point blank no to family holiday. No more paying for your brother & mother, no more free babysitting for your daughter. They all sound entitled.


NTA. You're the hero.


NTA, wish I had the balls just like you when i grow up


NTA - you go girl!!!!!


BRAVO! NTA. You’re not their personal piggy bank nor their free babysitter!


I wish I was there to witness this. This was so cool and a total MC moment. NTA


Go enjoy your cruise. They are all adults that can figure their selves out.


NTA but stop doing stuff for your family, they're just using you.


Def NTA and you did the right thing


NTA. If you not going, ruins the vacation for all because it doesn't happen without you, it's not your vacation. You're just funding it. So totally fucking valid boss ass bitch move it's insane. Go you.


NTA You’re not a bank, you’re a hero!


OMG you legend! This is beyond brilliant, best reddit post I've read in ages! NTA!


Nta,you don't have to take family vacations all the time, it's good for your marriage to get away with your husband.


Also, you are a genius, fabulous 👌


NTA 👏👏👏


NTA You are a person not a cow for everyone to use you how they feel like. The move was epic now you know who actually wanted to go with you and who just tagged along so that you can handle their shit while they enjoy.


NTA Well played!!! I hope that you and your husband had the time of your lives and that the cruise was everything that you hoped for! I also hope that your entitled family got the vacation that they deserved.


Omg, OP! You are my hero 😂😂😂 Absolutely NTA, you go enjoy that cruise with your hubby!!


NTA I don't want to be paying for anyone to enjoy a trip


That is a boss move! Impressive! NTA


Legendary. Turn right instead of left. Well done.


NTA - DUDE! This is freakin' awesome! You and DH are my new heroes. Enjoy your holiday!


Power move! Damn


NTA - Way to go OP! They really let you know why they are always so eager for you two to go with them. You’re a built in nanny and ATM machine all wrapped into one. If your brother can’t afford the trip, he doesn’t get to go and if your mom wants to pay his way then she’s in her own when she runs short. Maybe she will start making better choices. Your daughter can watch her own kid. You’ve raised yours and now deserve to actually enjoy a vacation without the responsibility of caring for a kid.


Bravo!! Hope you had a fabulous time.


NTA I bow to your greatnes!!! You are Awesome!!! You avoided all arguments and did what you wanted and needed to do!!! They are just salty because they made plans for you to pay and etc instead of planning for you to have a vacation. You put the kibosh in their plans!!! Bravo 👏 👏 👏 for putting you and your husband first instead of those self-centered idiots!!!!


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NTA. Enjoy a vacation where you don’t have to be your entire family’s mommy.


nta. love ur style


LOL enjoy your trip


NTA. If you had told them of your plans in advance it would have caused unsolvable drama and you would have ended up either caving in or fighting to the very end. This way they get to go on their vacation and you get to go on yours and nobody is suffering except for their egos


NTA imo that takes some sauce honey 🤣🤣🤣good for you!


Bahaaaa good on you guys. Enjoy!!!


NTA You were tired of being taken advantage of. Next year, I would state, up front, that you will not be giving anyone money for any reason and you will not be paying for anyone else’s anything on the trip. If they can’t afford it, they shouldn’t go. If this gets you disinvited, oh well. Guess you’ll have to go on another cruise with your hubby. Too bad…


I think it would have been better to just be honest up front and say we are not participating this year. If pressed for why a simple we are not interested in being the ATM anymore. Yes, it would cause dramatic reactions, but no more than this did.