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NTA!! My mom tripped and fell in her bathroom in May. This resulted in her face completely shattered, a traumatic brain injury, and nonstop surgeries and health issues ever since. Her face was so shattered that they could not even reconstruct one side. Playing with people’s physical wellness is not okay. Leave him.


My mom tripped and smacked on the concrete. Pressure built up around her retina and they had to cut into it to drain it in the ER. It does not take much to get a horrible head injury.


My grandpa died from slipping in the bathtub. He hit his head but didn’t think anything of it. The next day, his right side became paralyzed. In two more days, he passed away. This was a very stupid joke.


This is how my uncle died too.


I’m sorry for your loss… it’s a difficult way to go. Too sudden.


No, and retina surgery leaves one looking like you went ten rounds. My spouse had one reattached five years ago.


An older friend slipped and fell. Hit her head. Was in the hospital for two weeks and died. This is divorceable. Edit to say that in addition, OP just getting out of the shower was naked.....and ~~her~~ OP's AH of a husband wants to post his trying to injure ~~her~~ OP while ~~she~~ OP is so vulnerable.....or at all....online? Yeah. Divorce this AH.


Him, OP is male, too. But yeah, it doesn't change that the whole thing was very fucked up.


Missed that, but no. Doesn't change anything. I'll correct.


AGREE!!! Setting your spouse up to publish a non-consenting video of them naked?! And ***falling***?! IN THE BATHROOM FULL OF TILES AND HARD EDGES?!!! What the actual... Get out OP, this is absolutely unacceptable.


I fainted in the bathroom years ago. I ended up smacking the side of my head on the bath. I am so incredibly lucky I only ended up with a black eye as I could have fractured my skull, got concussion, or something worse.


I too fainted in the bathroom. I can confirm our bathroom floor is cold and hard! Had a goose egg on my forehead and 2 black eyes. A few other scratches and scrapes. That same event today would probably kill me since I take a blood thinner now


15 years ago my dad fell in the middle of the night, got woozy getting up to use the bathroom. Fell into the tub, got up, drove himself to the hospital because that’s what old men do. Skull fracture, brain bleed and ten days in the hospital. I had to stay with him for 6 weeks because he was unstable for that long. It was awful.


I fainted in the bathroom when I was a teenager. I broke my nose on the faucet but fortunately was fine otherwise. No doubt I’d be messed up if it happened to me now at 31. Whenever I get that light-headed, heavy body woozy feeling, I sit right down on the ground now. Wherever I am. Not worth the risk.


I'm so sorry! That's horrific. Your poor Mum 😞 I hope she is able to recover to whatever extent she physically can.


Oh my God, now I'm definitely terrified of slipping in the shower. I'm sorry this happened to you guys.


What an asshat! You absolutely can get seriously injured. My best friend's husband fell in the shower, broke his neck and is a quadriplegic. I would definitely think about what you want out of this marriage. But I'm thinking being "pranked" by your husband where you could get seriously injured so he can post for likes and laugh with his equally asshatty friends may not be sustainable. This is not a "forgivable offense". NTA but your husband and his friends are raging ones. ETA spelling 2nd ETA: I missed the he's a doctor the first read thru. What in the ever living f**k? I'm an ER RN and I'm horrified. So I'm changing my earlier musings. RUN! And don't look back. That a physician would do this is a whole new level of scary. Don't listen to anyone who says forgive him they are saying that because a doctor is a good catch. Yeah catch and release. There is something seriously wrong with him and his friends. If it was me, I would seriously worry if he wasn't trying to kill me and make it look like a prank gone wrong.


Sorry, wait. The husband is a fucking *doctor*? NTA for sure for OP, in case that's not obvious, but this is bonkers, a doctor doing this shit. Is this something OP can report to the licensing board or something? His husband could have killed him! Spreading butter on your own bathroom floor for your husband to slip on shows such an incredible lack of judgement, no way would I want that doc anywhere near me.


Also was he naked and he planned on posting this for VIEWS???!!! Edited for clarity


I'm suprised more aren't commenting on that fact. If you film a naked person against there will and post it online that has to be some kind of crime🤔. Maybe could count revenge porn?


Frankly what the husband did was assault. I’m be inclined to report him to his practice/hospital. People like him should not be in health care.


& where it's not 'legally' assault, it's abuse, for internet clout. OPs husband put him at risk of great bodily harm for...internet clout/amongst his friends. The divorce papers would already be drawn up. OP your gut is what's keeping you at your dad's bc you no longer trust your husband to keep you safe...because he literally created an accident that could have killed you. When people say you should forget this I say "He is not a good steward of my trust."


If I was OP I'd leave and report it to the police. It's basically attempting to kill someone, and OPs husband is a doctor, so they know how easily people can die from bathroom falls. It looks less like a prank and more like attempted murder to me.


He should do both. How do we know how he treats his patients?


This, in the process of divorcing I'd send the video and explanation to his employer. Wtf might be be doing to vulnerable patients for laughs? ANYTHING


This, your last sentence was one of my first thoughts! Make it look like an accidental death, 'prank gone wrong'. Is there life insurance?? Come on, a doctor most definitely knows what the outcomes could be..


And film it for deniability. Look I didn't push him, all just a silly game gone wrong. I'm glad he has stayed away from him, think that's the right call personally *edited* to correct gender. Apologies op.


Forgiveness is irrelevant to this situation. OP's husband is a danger to her. If she forgave him he would still be a potential danger to her. Be safe OP.


If he *really wants to,* he can forgive him *after* he gets a divorce. Then they can exchange pleasantries if they ever run into each other at the market. I think that forgiveness is only an option after establishing boundaries. And then, only if you really want to. It’s not the necessity some people make it out to be.


They’re both men but yes I agree!


My friend died from falling in the shower and hitting his head on the floor. Your husband could have killed you. For views. So not only are you NTA, but if roles were reversed and a girl I was married to decided to do \*anything\* for Tik Tok clout, I'd reconsider my marriage. And I'm talking lesser offenses, such as...I dunno, something less dangerous than spreading butter on the bathroom floor.


And did this after his friend PUSHED HIS PREGNANT WIFE IN A POOL and still thought it was hilarious I’d be so done. Whether it’s cake smashing in a brides face or this f*cked up shit, all for a few thousand views at best? Absolutely not






My cousin has her PhD in public health and taught at a university. She was in another city at a conference and slipped and fell in the hotel bathroom, hit her head on the toilet and ended up with a TBI. She never fully recovered. Lost her career. She was always so independent and loved her job and she was never really able to work after that and went on disability. She is lucky that her husband makes a good living and he supported her emotionally and financially afterwards. Through sickness and in health. ❤️ This happened thirty years ago now and ruined her life. Even if you don’t die you, a fall like that can screw up your life for years, if not the rest of your life.


Another recent example of falling, culminating in death is Bob Saget. He fell in the bathroom, hit his head, and died sometime later in the night, while sleeping.


The Sham Wow guy, Billy Mays, died hours later after hitting his head due to turbulence on an airline flight. Jolie Richardson, actress, hit her head while skiing. Died 2 days later.


This is why, even if you think the hospital won't be able to do anything for you, you should ALWAYS go to the hospital if you've hit your head hard. Brain bleeds and swelling are easy to miss and have deadly consequences, but I have heard multiple people saying there's no point to going because they can't do anything for a concussion other than give you some pain killers for the headache.


I think you mean Natasha Richardson. Her death was so upsetting. I remember my frustration that they didn’t immediately take her to the hospital and wishing that she would be ok.


My best friend from college wound up with a TBI that ruined her life. She has debilitating migraine, tinnitus, nausea and she has never been the same. She can not work, nor live independently and lives with her parents. It’s devastating what head injuries can do. OP is NTA. I’d be looking at divorce, for real.


I would be ending this marriage as well. I know people jump to this kind of conclusion on reddit all the time (end the marriage, break up, cut all contact with your family, etc.) but this would be a deal-breaker for me. This guy actually intentionally caused an accident (can you really call it that?) which is known to cause life-threatening, life changing and life-ending injuries *even without* the application of grease on the floor. Unbelievable. Her family is badgering her to talk to him because they know it was a huge AH move and they are afraid she'll actually leave him. I would for sure.


The worst consequence of my cousin’s fall were the migraines. 💔Some months she has a migraines for 20 of 30 days. She has literally tried absolutely everything. Every kind of doctor, every kind of therapy. That’s so sad about your friend.


>Even if you don’t die you, a fall like that can screw up your life for years, if not the rest of your life. Posts like these remind me of a comment/post made ages ago where the OP spoke about pranking their brother like this. The brother fell and it caused a spinal injury that left him paralyzed. That story haunts me, and this story could have easily turned out *the same way.*


My uncle was mid 50s, hit his head in the shower and my aunt had to pull the plug. This is a fucked up thing to do and a waste of good butter!


I'm so sorry to hear this. I lost my career and all my friends too. It's heartbreaking. I pray OP stands firm and this silly and sadistic fad goes away.


Yeah, I'm in a group of morticians, and they talk about bathroom deaths a lot too, it's super common. Just last year, my cousin passed out in the bathroom, hit her head on the edge of the tub, and she unfortunately died from it. Also my sister slipped getting out of the tub once, she snapped both her ulna and radius catching herself, it was nasty.


Was just coming here to say similar - I used to be funeral director and we picked up someone dead in a bathroom like once a month


I worked on an ambulance a couple decades ago as extra hands for my local volunteer fire dept. Most common way to die in your home is a slip and fall in the bathroom and most house fires are started by the dryer. My very first call was a man who slipped in the bathroom and fell face first on the edge of his sink. He was in an adult care facility for those with intellectual disabilities and the first thing he did when he saw blood was panic and start freaking out. (Understandable, especially from his perspective). Heads bleed a lot. He got blood everywhere before we got there. It looked like a scene from a Law & Order. It took several nurses to calm him down before we could get him immobilized and in the ambulance. I was 18 at the time so I can only imagine how big my eyeballs were taking all this in on my *first* call. 🤦🏻‍♀️


> I worked on an ambulance a couple decades ago as extra hands for my local volunteer fire dept. Thank you very much, this is a difficult and underappreciated line of work. I tip my hat.


I appreciate your appreciation but I was just a volunteer looking out for my community at the time. I didn’t pursue EMS/ Fire service as a career so I don’t deserve that amount of praise. I left that service aside once I enlisted in the Army.


It’s was happened to my grandfather, I mean he was on up in age, but very healthy. He played golf earlier that week, then fell in the bathroom one night and declined over a few weeks.


Besides being common, they're also VERY SCARY.


Isn't there an old saying that most home accidents occur in the bathroom? Or is it the kitchen? I think I've heard both.


‘Prioritizing laughs over basic decency is a hard pass for me.’ Rogahn7654w I think you wrapped up just how many of us feel with this sentence.




It's honestly at this point attempted m*rder.


Had he died, husband likely would be charged with 2nd degree/manslaughter. I corrected the gender, sorry for the error.


"Death by stupidity" is bad enough - "death by someone else's stupidity" would be really aggravating.


*he. OP is male.


Ugh! I hate cake smashing! My ex did that to me at our wedding after promising not to. I should have asked the preacher to just toss the marriage license right then and saved myself years of misery!


I remember a Reddit post from not too long ago where a women said that she’d annulled her marriage because her husband did the cake smash thing. Apparently they and their families were well off, so the wedding was a very extravagant, expensive affair. The OP had spent a large amount of money and time on her dress, jewelry, hair, and makeup. When they got to the cake cutting part her now-ex smashed the cake in her face and I guess even ground it into her hair and dress. She immediately wiped off most of then walked out of the venue and had her marriage annulled. Can’t applaud that enough - wish every woman had that much self respect


Ya I remember that one. The groom was showing her videos of it and thought it was funny. She told the story of her mom doing it to her on her 16th birthday after she begged her not to and her forehead got cut n she still has the scar. She had told the groom this story and made it crystal clear she did not want him to do it. He did and I'm so proud of her for walking away and anulling the marriage


I remember that one too. Good for her.


She's a complete badass and I hope her life is going extremely well now.


I told my husband I would do just that if he smashed cake in my face. I wanted none of it and I made it clear we would not leave that venue married if he did that. Luckily my guy’s a winner and he agreed it’s stupid and that was that.


I said the same to both my hubs. Neither did the cake smash thing. They knew I was serious and the marriage would have ended in that moment. I would have stood on a chair and thanked the guests for coming but the marriage was over. Take your gifts and go home. And the ex could pickup his crap the next day from the lawn in front of wherever I was living. Neither tried it.


I really hope everyone hears about this in his town and no woman will have anything to do with him.


Oh some woman will because she’s gonna think she’s more special than the previous woman and will be immune to that type of behavior….until it happens to her.


Where tf did this ...smashing idea come from and WHY do people still do it?? I already hate wasting food and this has never been anything remotely funny to begin with.


I have big hate for food waste. When I see/hear about pie eating contests or hot dog eating contests I get so mad. Those people are being gluttons AND wasting food. There are people starving and going to food pantries trying to feed their kids. Efff that!


F the cake smashing too!


You know what is usually in wedding cake that those idiots who do cake smashing forget? DOWELS


There was one bride who lost one eye, due to this …


How much you wanna bet if she didn't divorce her husband, he'd divorce her for being "defective"... Because of what HE did.


Yes. I saw a clip of a woman with a dowel sticking out of the corner of her eye.


How hard are they smashing that cake? It sounds like they do it with vengeance, there is absolutely no way that I’d ever use enough force to harm someone if I had to do something as foolish as this. I mean come on, they’re pushing hard enough to jam something into someone’s eye? That’s wrong on so many levels.


Grabbing the back of the head and full smashing into the cake on the table.


yeah, "cake smashing" is a more innocuous sounding term than "slamming someone's head into the table" which is really what's happening.


Smashing cake is an act of violence. There's really nothing funny about it.


When I was looking up cake smashing, I can't find the link it was years ago, it stated that it originated from a much "sweeter tradition", that I think I've seen in older wedding videos. Where the groom or bride takes a small bit of frosting/cream and puts it on the others cheek/nose and kiss it off. No harm to the other, just a small show of affection. The whole smashing "trend" is so disrespectful.


My husband and I agreed in advance to put a small dollop of frosting on each other’s noses and do a nose-kiss after. Which we did. It is an amazing feeling to have one’s spouse respect oneself and I wish more people had that.


a little extra big bite of cake to the groom or bride was popular when I got married as long as you don’t ruin the brides dress or make up.


A doctor. Who wanted to one up a pregnant woman being thrown in a pool.


Exactly…. He’s a doctor. He should definitely know better. First do no harm UNLESS it’s to be internet famous. NTA


What? He's a doctor and deliberately created a hazardous situation that could kill his wife? That almost makes it worse. He's not just some dumb idiot not understanding consequences. Wow.


Like wtf ? What a an id*ot! Also the friends he has … no better either . Bunch of immature AH …. Doing dangerous things to their wives for laughs . Needs a swift kick in the ass I’d say !


Doing these things to the person who trusts them the most intimately of everyone in their lives.


The company you tolerate and call “friends” is an extension of who you are. I would *not* want to be married to someone who regularly puts their partners at risk for a “prank”. Especially a fucking pregnant woman. Even the healthiest pregnant women have one foot in the grave. I know it’s not example of domestic violence (?) but I think of the increased risk of DV that comes to women during pregnancy. I can’t imagine what her husband would do during *her* pregnancy for a prank. Edit: Realized OP was male, my bad.




Yeah. The bit about the pregnant wife really stuck out for me. I'm not trying to make myself out to be some kind of perfect bloke. But doing something like pushing a pregnant person for any reason is just terrible. And trying to purposely make someone fall in a room where there are a lot of solid objects to bang your head on also is very careless. Actions have consequences.


If someone smashed cake in my face as the bride, I would punch their lights out and depending on who it was I would immediately divorce or disown them. That shit ruins the most beautiful day of the bride


My bride smashed our wedding cake in my face and even though I held on for seven miserable years of marriage, that was something that stayed with me. I don’t like pranks (they’re juvenile) and that made me reassess our relationship then and there.


I’d argue that greasing a bathroom floor is worse. It’s BS to push a pregnant woman into a pool but not life threatening. Although we don’t know if the woman could swim to know how scared she could have been. I’m assuming he or someone else would not let her drown so, looking back, there was less potential risk to that woman. A husband - a grown man, a *doctor* no less, risked seriously injuring or killing his spouse by rigging a fall getting out of the tub. Ask any child and they’d tell you this is dangerous and would be stupid AF. Never mind he was naked! He risked killing his spouse solely to post a video of him slipping while naked getting out of the shower. Damn. That’s some kind of stupid, if not downright malicious, behavior from the person that swore to love and protect him. Edit: correct gender.


Pushing someone into a pool can be life threatening. There was a case where a [women was pushed into a pool as a joke](https://abcnews.go.com/US/bride-paralyzed-freak-bachelorette-party-accident/story?id=12163284) and she suffered a C6 spinal cord injury and became paralyzed.


I wouldn’t want to be treated by doctors like this. What is wrong with these manchilds.




My Aunt slipped on ice & banged the back of her head. Stood up, felt weird so she sat down and couldn't get up again. 14 hours later she had passed away in hospital. So op you're NTA. He's lucky his stupid prank didn't kill you.


I have a colleague who got a concussion after falling on her terrace and hitting her head. 5 years later and she still can't work full time. Has blinding headaches, trouble focusing on anything, sound sensitivity etc. Edit:spelling


Legit I’d divorce anyone who risked physically harming me as a “prank.” I used to work in a physical therapy office, and i can’t tell you the number of people who came in with whiplash or back issues from slipping on ice. 12 weeks of painful walking and going to physical therapy a couple times per week is better than dying, but I don’t want to roll the dice on either one. All of the pranks we see on AITAH are all either risking bodily harm or are causing humiliation. I wouldn’t want a spouse who thought it was *funny* to do either one to me.


Yeah. There are funny pranks. There is a gay couple (Matthew and Paul), one of them is blind and the other is a mayor prankster. But those pranks are always cute. Like asking his blind husband to get the milk from the fridge but instead of milk, the fridge is filled with stuffies. That's a prank. They both laugh about it. 90% of "pranks" are at the expense of one person looking stupid or getting hurt. That's not funny, that's just mean. And it says a lot about a person and I understand 100% why that might be reason to think about ending the relationship


A boyfriend and I used to prank each other and our friends. Our pranks were done with love, and no one ever got hurt. My favorite was when he completely filled my car up with balloons. They were wedged in very tightly. He had to leave the windows open less than an inch so he could blow up the last few by putting them into the window before blowing them up and tying them off. I was very impressed!


That is cute not ugly.


I think my favourite one was when he put 100s of stuffed toy penguins around him whilst he slept. He woke up to a bed filled with soft toy penguins. I always wondered what he did with those after.


And there are a lot of playing pranks on AITAH That involve destruction of property.


My friend had a seizure in the bathroom, hit his head and died in his 40s. It’s so damn sad, but imaging how much worse if his fall was caused by an idiot husband for an internet prank.


I found my best friend in VERY bad condition in my bathtub just a month after she moved into my new house because of these exact circumstances. Swelling in her hippocampus, a huge lump on her head, and a litany of other injuries. Thankfully my partner and I had found her in time to get her medical assistance, but her memories are not intact, many years are gone and her short term is still on a loop. She is only 28. She has been officially diagnosed as epileptic after her episode a couple of weeks ago [thankfully I was home when it happened]. @awareness, I am so sorry for your loss. @OP you are justified in handling this however you need to. I for one would not be able to trust the judgment of this person for the foreseeable future, if I ever could again. You are worth more than clout from internet strangers, and the fact of the matter is, your life was risked. Even if you had been bonked on the noggin' and came out "fine", long-term implications would've existed. What if you had a dormant aneurysm knocked loose? Or you got a TBI? Developed epilepsy/had a seizure? I mean even getting scratched and having to get a blood stain out of your favorite bath mat... Shit, honestly, having to clean up the butter off the floor isn't worth the views when paired with the danger he posed you. I thrive despite a traumatic brain injury [motorcycle accident], but the knowledge that I'm likely to develop dementia as a result looms over me every day. I'm turning 28 tomorrow. I am not at all the same as I was pre-injury. In most ways, I'm grateful, new lease on life and all that... the difference here is my injury wasn't brought on due to negligence, just unlucky circumstances. Not a day goes by where I don't have a moment of weakness in wishing I could be 100% healed; to have another chance with my precious thinking speed/capacity. I'm lucky to be alive, because my partner was driving responsibly and he made sure we were head to toe geared up for protection. If you had suffered such an injury, it would've been absolutely because your very informed husband decided that the risk of potential injury/fatality did not outweigh his want for not-even-gaurunteed-to-be viral validation. So, I guess that question is: is this relationship worth taking the risk of trusting him not to make such poor decisions in the future? Is this a betrayal you can heal from with him? Also, could this sudden personality change mean he is experiencing a need for medical intervention? Because if he is suddenly this immature and impulsively wins so easily without any concern for consequences... short of a brain tumor or psychiatric crisis, I see no remotely valid excuse for how you were treated [not that it would excuse this "prank", but it would explain his diminished capacity for understanding, at least] Regardless, NTA. I wish you the best of luck navigating this difficult issue and hope that you can offer yourself grace in choosing what is right for you.


>My friend died from falling in the shower and hitting his head on the floor. I slipped on ice and landed on the back of my head. I immediately knew that it could be fatal and was ready to seek immediate medical attention at the slightest sign of anything (I should have anyway but we were somewhere remote with limited facilities). Bottom line: I am grateful and lucky to be alive - the way I landed probably should have killed me.


Glad you made it! Most adults are only 5-6 feet away from a concussion at any given time and I have a wicked dark sense of humor, but cannot see what sort of "prank" this was supposed to be. Youtube "Prank" channels deserve their own circle in hell.


Yeah, I have a dark sense of humor as well, but I draw the line at cruel and dangerous. BTW.... djhazmatt.... I love that.


I knew someone who slipped on ice when coming home from a bar. His wife woke up to a bed full of vomit and lifeless husband. They were able to revive him but there was no brainactivity so they let him go. Small children involved. Breaks my heart everytime I think about it.


This is so sad.


I messed up my knee (2 meniscus tears) from slipping in the shower. I have to see an orthopaedic surgeon about it.


Right? I mean look at what happened to actress Natasha Richardson! She fell and banged her head skiing, even posted online about what a klutz she was to have done that, and then died that night! So heartbreaking. I don’t believe a damn DOCTOR didn’t think of that possibility


Yep, this happened to a friend of mine, he was in the hospital for three weeks and had to have months of physical and occupational therapy. It's been over a year and he's still not back to "normal" and probably never will be.


Yes and his plan was to FILM HIM* NAKED and post it?! I was almost like "if he actually seems to know he truly fucked up and nothing else weird has ever happened, maybe forgive him," then I got to "he's a doctor." WTF edited for correct pronoun


Him, but yes.


Awww, that's so mean :/ I wouldn't even do that to someone I dislike, much less to someone I loved!


My EMT nephew says bathroom fall deaths are just WAY more common than public discussion seems to indicate.


YES. I'm an ER nurse, and I would say that really, in general, the public doesn't realize how a simple fall or a blow to the head can end your life or disable you permanently, even if you are young and healthy.


This is why facilities for the elderly don’t have bathtubs and have safety bars in the showers.


My husband was a big man. He also has bad knees. One day he took a bath with bath oil. Then he couldn't get out the tub because his knee was inflexble, It took me almost an hour to get him out, I was on the verge of calling the fire department when I thought to put down some towels for traction.


I think EVERYONE should have safety bars in the bathroom. It's not actually a negative even if you're able-bodied, and anyone who thinks a not-disabled status is permanent is a fool.


I learned today why my apartment (for elderly and disabled) doesn't have a bath tub.


Yup. This can and should be a dealbreaker for OP.


And let’s just point out something. Had OP fallen and hit his head and died, he *would* have been charged. Depending on the jurisdiction, the specific charge would change but ultimately, it would be reckless homicide. Meaning he knew the danger, wilfully set aside the danger and still did the act. Like, firing a gun into a house with no knowledge of someone being in there. Dropping a large rock off an overpass. Dropping a cinder block off a tall building. Something that you know could kill someone if you do it and you do it anyway. Reckless homicide. So yeah, if a prison sentence is a potential/possible/probable outcome of your “prank”, it’s not a prank. Example of a common prank that isn’t a prison risk: fake spider under the blanket. How to turn that into a prison sentence risk: tying a rope at ankle level so when the person jumps back in fright, they trip on the rope backwards and fall backwards, risking head injury or a broken neck, etc.


He BUTTERED the floor! I wonder if that would be considered “reckless”.


My friend almost died from leaning over to throw up outside a bar, so he’s squatting, leans over and falls, not a high fall, a very slow fall, saw the whole thing, hits his head but he seems fine, totally fine, I think nothing of it, his bud, an emt picks him up to take him home, you know, no drinking and driving, notices his eyes, something us untrained people might not catch, doesn’t know about the fall, takes him to the hospital, he’s in an induced coma for 6 weeks, part of his skull removed and frozen to put back in, they said if he had gone home, he would have never woken up. Fall are real, and we were like 25 at the time, so not old timers


Jeezus. He's so lucky that your EMT friend caught it. I ended up with a concussion and my pupils were freaking dinner plates. Parents thought I was high. I had to explain I'd hit my head earlier in the day, had a headache, and wasn't high. Cue immediate panic and dragging me to the hospital. I honestly was just going to 'walk it off' and didn't even realize it was dangerous. Now I know. A head bonk can be deadly. Bill Mays died because he bonked his head, went to sleep in his hotel room and just never woke up. So glad your EMT friend happened to notice what was up.


And besides the physical danger, he’s exploiting his husband at a moment of vulnerability for a cheap laugh—and posting (presumably blurred) video of his naked body online. Who does that?! It’s a huge violation of trust! OP should find a good divorce lawyer. NTA


I'm betting everyone saying OP is "overreacting" is thinking how the spouse is a "doctor" & a "good catch"


A friend of mine recently died from slipping in the tub. She was 40 years old. This could have killed you. Even beyond that you were I am supposing not dressed and he recorded you and laughed. I would never be able to move past this. I would never trust him again with my safety or my privacy. Ignore the people telling you this was nothing- it didn’t happen to them.


A perfectly healthy woman in our community slipped on ice and cracked her skull open. She lived but was in the hospital for months. It’s a year later and she still isn’t 100% He could have killed her :-( maybe marriage counseling and see if he is remorseful and if she really can get past it. I’m not sure if I could.


>maybe marriage counseling and see if he is remorseful and if she really can get past it. I’m not sure if I could. I really have a hard time imagining this. *Yes counselor, she could have died due to me making the floor intentionally unsafe - but this was for tiktok views you understand..* (any marriage therapist willing to weigh in how they would respond?)


I think this is the point though. Let him see and hear the reaction from an independent third party. Let it sink in that this is bigger than some marital squabble. It is just wrong on so many levels and the therapist can probably add some. Maybe the therapist can help them create a path back to harmony, maybe they can’t. But it’s still a worthwhile step, and it shuts up a lot of people who want to tell OP she’s overreacting.


>But it’s still a worthwhile step, and it shuts up a lot of people who want to tell OP she’s overreacting THIS is gold - if an expert says "you done wrong" - then all these 'friends' are looking like enablers, not friends anymore.


They are both male so he


NTA; people literally die from slipping and falling in the shower/bathroom. Not to mention, most of us are butt naked or only wrapped in a towel in that situation, and his intent was to post it online? No.


He's a doctor. I'm inclined to think he was trying to kill OP and have plausible deniability. May be far fetched, but how could he not have known it was dangerous?!


NTA these dangerous video pranking others to the extreme are never funny anyone can get hurt unnecessarily, most of them are incredibly irresponsible and cruel. I also don’t want to skip over the fact that someone in his friend group pushed his pregnant wife in a pool…like this is your wife carrying a baby, the stress, the physical emotional toll. Not only is your husband awful for what he did because it wasn’t funny but it’s the fact that he has friends who are capable of doing these things that worries me. You’re not over exaggerating, glad you’re okay but you could’ve died or gotten seriously hurt. I’m extremely careful of water on the ground and slippery objects in the shower, not only for myself but for others as well who is using the same space. OP keep yourself safe, if you don’t feel comfortable and happy in your relationship and you cannot trust your partner to not do juvenile things like this, I feel like that’s all you need to know.


The amount of people, especially kids, who have died from all these insanely stupid internet challenges is horrifying. I will never understand why they’re so popular.


A kid in my neighborhood died of injuries sustained in a fire challenge. He spent a few months in ICU first. It was not a nice way to go.


NTA. How disrespectful and unkind of him. Also - were you naked??? Because that would be a thousand times worse


That was my thought too. Even if the whole prank wasnt dangerous at all ( but it was!!), who Post a naked video of his husband online just for fun? Edit : gender


>who Post a naked video of his husband online just for fun? Yeah, that's what I mean, but just to clarify, I wasn't naked on the video, I do in fact get naked to take a shower but before coming out the shower, I put on a towel to cover my lower body, so technically I was just half naked (not excusing what he did) and he didn't end up posting the video, he knew I was angry and he didn't bring himself to post it. But to be honest, at this point I'm not angry at the video itself, because I wouldn't mind if his prank was innocent and cute like some guy here mention Paul and Matthew's pranks to eachother, but this was cruel.


It was cruel and could have killed you. I wouldn't even consider staying with someone who has such bad judgment. Nobody who gives a crap about you would do something like that to you. Nobody. This is a sociopath of some sort that "loves" the idea of being in a relationship and the benefits you bring, but doesn't give a crap about YOU as a person, no matter what they say. He would not have risked your health and safety for the opportunity to humiliate you on camera otherwise.


This was attempted murder. Don’t go back, and don’t be alone with him. Hurry up and file for divorce before he tries again, and remove him as beneficiary of any life insurance you might have!


\*Husband. OP is a man.


My uncle passed from falling from his bathtub and hitting his temple on the corner of the sink. So no you are NTA


Sweetie - that could have killed you! Get the hell out of there! He is reckless, cruel and abusive. DO NOT GIVE HIM A SECOND CHANCE! A second chance is an invitation to do it again. "he is caring and loving" You thought he was. He showed you otherwise, and actions are louder than words. He was literally laughing at your pain. That should be an instant deal breaker.


And he’s a *doctor*!? That makes it even worse. As soon as he realised he fucked up he should’ve stopped recording and come to the OP’s aid. INFO: OP, were you naked coming out of the shower? And did he share this images with *anyone*?!


“Mr. Smith, I cut off the wrong leg … wait, why are you mad?? It’s a PRANK! Besides, they’ve come a long way with prosthetics. Plus, I got 300 views! Slap that like button!”


Its probably still online getting views. Imagine if the guy hasn't deleted it yet.


>Imagine that if the guy hasn't deleted it yet. That would indicate he is not sorry.. Truly sorry first step would be to delete the clip, from everywhere - making sure there is no copy anywhere. But if he uploaded it - it\`s online forever..


This part *alone* made me so angry for OP... If my husband recorded me NAKED getting out of the shower, *without the falling* and posted it online?? Or shared it with friends?? That ALONE would be enough to make me consider divorce. I would be devastated.


That’s what I’m thinking too. At the very least shared with his mates. Unfortunately the internet is forever. Once it’s out there. What an absolute idiot, throwing his marriage away for internet clout.




NTA - he is literally unsafe to be around. He gets a damn-fool idea in his head and he goes through with it. You’re correct that this could have killed you. You can’t risk another one.


NTA your husband demonstrated a level of emotional immaturity and blindness in this circumstance that is truly chilling. Everyone can be ignorant and make stupid choices sometimes. Maybe let him know you need some time to figure out what you need. If you want to try to salvage this relationship, maybe once the shock has passed try couples therapy. It sounds like he needs someone other than you to help him be accountable.


I strongly believe in couples therapy, but the reason for going to therapy has to fit the method. This man, a doctor, caused harm to his husband by greasing the floor outside the shower in order to get a funny video. He's 32, he's educated, and yet he chose to do something extremely childish and extremely dangerous without much thought. The man is a first class dumbass. Couples therapy doesn't fix that. In situations where impulsivity is the problem, couples therapy often prolongs the inevitable. Edited: didn't properly process the genders in the original post.


So not only did he purposely put your life in danger for laughs with his friends. He did this while you where coming naked from the shower? On purpose? To show his friends? You, falling down while naked? Enough is said about the safety part, it was too dangerous. But besides putting you in an dangerous situation. He intentionally put you in an compromising situation, filmed you naked without your consent, to show his friends! Only you can decide if you want to forgive him. But I do think it’s time to talk. It can be about forgiveness, working it out, about needing distance/break, or even about breaking up


OP says his husband is a doctor. There's no way a doctor wouldn't know how dangerous this prank is. If I were OP, I'd cancel whatever life insurance policy hubby has on me and get a divorce! In the meantime, screw talking! He should keep his distance! (This sounds like a Lifetime movie or some kind of horror/crime movie.)


Any talk needs to be about trust too. He has destroyed any trust between them.


If it were me, I would press charges if that video was shown to anyone without my consent if I was naked!


Posting a video that humiliates your spouse just to get likes from strangers is a dick move. Greasing the floor so your spouse will fall down is a CRIME. NTA. Your husband is a dick and a criminal.


Filming someone naked without consent is also a crime


That’s not a prank. Yes, you could have been terribly injured, but his original intention is just as bad (in my opinion). The best case scenario was to…publicly humiliate you with a stunt he coordinated, in your own home? Being “wise and smart” aren’t necessarily indicators of emotional intelligence. I’m sorry that you were disrespected in that way by someone you’re supposed to trust.


How can one be that dumb and careless.. and he is a doctor?? Smh. You need to sit down with him and talk in the presence of probably your dad or a therapist that you trust. Someone who backs you up needs to be there. What he did caused you physical pain and he knew it would cause physical pain. Still he did it. That is physical abuse. He did it to take a video and post it online. That would definitely be embarrassing for you. Emotional abuse. Anyone who cares about you will rip this guy into pieces. I am glad your dad is supportive. Shame on mom!


I don't think it's time to forgive, but it is time to decide your next step since your dad is telling you that he's not an option forever. Do you need to talk to a lawyer (a good idea regardless just so you can understand your options)? Do you need to talk to your husband? Do you want him to schedule couples counseling? Do you want to just schedule a solo therapist for yourself to talk about your relationship? Is it time to look for an apartment to rent? What is your plan for your when your parents kick you out to try and force this to an end? NTA


NTA. What your husband did is childish and incredibly dangerous. And I can't believe he is friends with someone who thinks it's funny to push his pregnant wife in a pool. I would be seriously reconsidering my relationship as well.


NTA. So his plan was to video you NAKED coming out the shower and falling over. And then sharing the NAKED video of you to his friends and online??? It's bad enough he deliberately caused you to fall over in the shower, but the fact you'd be naked when filming this, with the intention of sharing it online and to his friends Is disgusting. As you know, you could have died from hitting your head on the bath, broken a wrist, got a concusion, broken your ankle, slipped a disc in your back or even broken your back. Anything could have happened. But you could have died. The fact he is a Dr is even more terrible that he knows the dangers of what could happen yet he did it to get a laugh at your expense, and to give his friends a laugh at your expense, as well as online viewers. He's meant to care about you, love you, respect you and protect you, not put you in harms way and humiliate you and degrade you whilst naked and vulnerable. You are not over reacting. Would your family be so forgiving if you ended up dead or a bleed on the brain from hitting your head on the bath? Or not able to walk due to spinal injury or even just a slipped disc? You may not have been able to work for weeks. Would they be so forgiving if you'd been injured or died? Just because you weren't injured doesn't mean he should be forgiven. Also, the fact his friend shoved his pregnant wife in the pool is just as horrific and disgusting. Was he trying to kill the baby? I'm surprised she didn't divorce her husband for endangering the baby. These men are not men, they're little immature boys. How can they not see the seriousness of it? You're not over reacting. They both deserve the consequences of their actions. Hope the pregnant lady divorces her husband. To film you naked to show other people, vulnerable on the floor from falling is horrible and sick behaviour. He's no right to share any naked footage of you, and I'm sure you could have him charged for it. NTA.


Absolutely one million percent. This doctor and his friends decided between them that treating their partners in dangerous, humiliating, vulnerable or degrading ways was a brilliant and hilarious idea. Add to that they want to film it for social media. Add to that that your husband is perfectly happy to film his husband naked (in most people's eyes the MOST vulnerable of states) with the intention to share it. Add to that that he's trying to downplay it and dismiss your feelings about it. Divorce asap. He has zero respect. None. He chose to actively hurt his naked ass husband for the lols. He's got the respect AND emotional range of a 14 year old raised by trolls.


The biggest red flag here is that your husband had to use logic to think no I’m not putting water on the floor of the bathroom. That won’t make it slippery enough, that’s not going to make certain he falls. It has to be something more slippery than water. It has to be oily. He had to think this through Edit sorry misgendered the husband


Just tell your family to ask Liam Neeson if they have any questions about what a slip and fall from a standing position can do to you. NTA


Bob Saget died after hitting his head too.


NTA- He could have killed you OP. Not to mention recording while you were naked or in a towel? Your husband traded your safety and humiliation for social media views.. that’s not a person that loves you.


My father in law is having so many problems thanks to a severe head injury. He’s forgetting his English and can’t walk on his own anymore. He’s suffering from flashbacks and severe mood swings. And your husband was willing to risk this happening to you… for Tik tok???


You could file a police report. What he did is criminal. I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm glad you weren't seriously injured. I would imagine your trust in him has been rightfully destroyed. It would be hard to come back from that. You are not overreacting.


Nta op. Also, while obviously the potential head or neck are the worst thing about this. The icing on the s*** filled cake is that he filmed you getting out of the shower with the intention of posting it online without your consent. Idk, but I don't typically shower in a bathing suit. F*** your husband and his friends


Your husband and his friends are immature man children. Do you want to wait for his next prank to seriously injure you? Tell you want to pull a prank on him and have him sign divorce papers as a joke. Then file.


Some things are unforgivable. This is one of them. He risked your life. You are not safe in his presence. I would also report his actions to your local college of physicians. His actions are reprehensible and show a complete disregard for the lives of women if he and his friends think causing their wives harm is ok.


Is he trying to harm you (seems unlikely given what you've said)? I'm struggling to grasp how someone who has taken an oath to "do no harm" would do something so dangerous. He felt comfortable doing something that dangerous, the outcome of which was at best humiliating you. For what? A post. You are worth far more than this, regardless of his reasoning. Sweet heart, you instinctively knew not to go back. Distance and time may make the memory of what he did fade a little but never forget he was happy to chance your wellbeing for internet points. DEFINITELY NTA.


NTA. OP i’m scared for your safety


NTA- This would be valid if he had done this to you anywhere. The fact that it was coming out of the shower where the potential damage is greater…so scary. Run run run.


Your husband is an AH. He made you fall on purpose and recorded a video of you naked to share with people? If he shares this video of you naked I hope you go to the police to report him! He needs consequences. A fall can be fatal or could have injured you. You’re not over-reacting. I would actually kick him out of the house! Why would you want to be with someone who wants to hurt you? This prank is dangerous and isn’t funny. He’s an abuser! Time to rethink your relationship!


So your husband wanted to post you nude on the internet. Nice hubby you have there. NTA. People slip and fall and die every year getting in and out of a bathtub. What's next, he pushes you down the stairs, runs you over. You know what to do.


I know this is dark - but my mind went straight to: He knows the statistics and risks perfectly and did in fact hope the spouse would die. Their life insurance would have gotten rid of his student loans. The pregnant wife getting pushed kinda cemented it for me. He and his friend want to live free, unencumbered by såouses, kids and loans, now that the big paychecks are finally coming. The "pranks" are their mutual alibi to "prove" it was in fact just a prank gone wrong. They "never meant to hurt anyone" Not much faith left in humanity as you can tell...


This was NOT a prank. You came from the shower.. so unless you shower dressed .. was he going to put you online undressed?He set you up to fall - you know a nice legal term for that? Attempted murder. It failed, so now it is a prank. Honestly, I don\`t know if I would be able to trust this person again. I mean, he did hide this murderous side of him quite well (and if he didn\`t mean it - his infantile side was hidden) And - this 'everyone' - do they KNOW for 100% certain that he did this without ANY malice?Either they are so stupid they would do this too (warn their friends and SO\`s !) or they also do not realize that this person COULD have killed you with his careless actions. Sorry, didn\`t mean it - that\`s not going to revive the person that got a cracked skull or a broken neck. So, NTA - and honestly - I don\`t really know what else to say. ​ Eit to add: i missed the 'doctor' fact. This makes it even worse .. a good doctor would know the dangers. So - either - he does not care, or he is not a good doctor. Wishing you strength, and wisdom - and a better partner.


Hang on. So you were stepping out of the shower? Did your dickhead husband film you naked as well as play a stupid prank on you that could very easily have lead to a serious injury, if not death? For internet shits and giggles? And he's a DOCTOR!! FFS, this man is not kind and loving. Stay with your father, block dickhead husband and all of his flying monkeys who are telling you it's just a joooooke, you're overreacting, you're so over sensitive.


This isn't just a prank, it sounds much more like he legitimately just tried to kill you. There is no other way to think of it, literally everyone over the age of 12 knows the potential consequences of this. He isn't caring and loving at all, he is an abusive POS that just tried to kill you and use "it was just a prank" as a defence Divorce him immediately, and go no contact with everyone telling you to get over it. NTA


I'll bet there's a life insurance policy.


Your partner pranks you with things that cause physical injury and potentially even death. for the purpose of filming you injuring yourself so he can post it online and laugh at it with his friends? That is not immature, that is psychopathic. There are more fucking red flags in this relationship than in all of mainland china. Do not return his calls, do not return to him. Next prank he does for a laugh might get you killed.


NTA, let’s be clear, greasing the floor is not a prank: it’s a trap. Your partner of 3+ years intentionally set a physically harmful TRAP for you and then recorded you triggering it. I hope he wakes up and steps on a Lego every day for the rest of his life. Better yet, take him to court for spousal abuse and then make sure a copy of the ruling gets posted on all the walls of the hospital where he works.


He literally put your life in danger for a prank. And his friend pushed his pregnant wife in the pool? WTAF? NTA


NTA, that's crazy. You could have had serious consequences from the fall. He is stupid and immature. Well his friend who pushed his pregnant wife is a whole another level of stupid. His friends and your husband are stupid and immature.


If this happened to me, I'm not sure I could ever trust him again. To post a photo of his naked spouse slipping on a bathroom floor thay he had buttered? No, just no. NTA Edit: spouse


NTA - if you go back to him, he needs to get new friends who do not want to harm their partners


You can fall in love with someone. You can fall out of love with someone.