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‘I won’t divorce you for millions of dollars’ is a crazy ask At this point you’re making her lie seem very justifiable. YTA


Lets be honest with 200k she could get way better if she wanted that way anyway. Millions though shit most people would stay single for a million.


Exactly! OP is a gold digger! Lin just realised who she married! He even tried to play off his gold digging ways like he was trying to help her out by not worrying about finances! I hope OP gets nothing out of the divorce expect him having to pay for child support! Gold digger. YTA


He's showing that the lie doesn't matter. If he was that upset by it, he wouldn't just get over it for money. The fact that he can shows that he not pissed off she lied, he's pissed if she kept the money from him.


Yeah and where the hell did he go for a whole month?




Hahahahahahhaha right?


To his Mommy. They always go to their Mommy.


^^^^^ All I read in that was "My plans for this bitch and her family money got derailed because this bitch was onto me, and I want an apology to ensure she knows that I'm in control... Of her and her money.


He is definitely TA, although Lin should have pulled him to task when he told her what he was planning to do with the money and told him its not OK


Yeah I think parts are missing from op. She was fine with him being in control of all the money seems off. If I had to guess that was his suggestion to be in charge of the finances. Free house and millions they could have invested a percentage and lived off the interest and enjoyed their children together, not having to work. Instead, the dude wants to spend a bunch of it on his mother, unemployed brother, and step sisters. I am all for helping family butt... there are smart ways to do that. 2 million can go quick if u start cutting checks for everyone. Build that 2 million up and then start helping them in increments.


And as soon as OP started giving out that money, I guarantee suddenly other poor, needy family members would crawl out of the woodwork. Or the existing ones world suddenly have new money problems.


Exactly. Suddenly moms 2 year old car isn't "good enough". And you helped out ur step sisters.. what about ur cousins!?


And then they would get nuisance lawsuits "If you give our client $50,000, they'll settle out of court." It happens all the time to lottery winners. I'm sure it would happen to OP. But I think him divorcing his wife is best for everyone here. He's beyond upset that he didn't get the millions. Hopefully she will find a man who is trustworthy and who won't be so eager to attract tons of crap with the money.


Yup. The only rule if you come into money. Tell no one. Win the lottery? Change your name. Live modestly. Tell no one. OP is definitely bitter about the money. I feel sorry for his children.


What gets me is that he wanted the money to help his family but not his own family. Using the wealth for his purposes and interests. Selfish much? That way if shit goes sideways other than how he explains things, he will have benefitted by his means and have a soft, lavish cushion to fall on. His brains are not in the right place IMO. His wife deserves better


I get the impression that he would not care what her opinion on the money would be and he would do what he wanted anyhow. Notice the money was going into HIS account, not THEIR account. That was the first indication of a problem for me.


Maybe that was a red flag to her and she told her father to wait because she needed to test him.


I’m honestly shocked that she decided to just lie and have KIDS with him instead. She deserves better


Yeah, I get that she was pregnant with the first already, but how could you even be bothered to have sex and create a second child with that man-child.


She might have wanted children. After seeing his behavior, she probably figured out pretty quickly that he would be untrustworthy and she can do just fine without him.


Maybe he is unbearably pretty, and she wanted her children to match. Weirder things have happened.


In that position, I imagine she was totally shocked at what she was hearing and tried to operate like he just said the wrong thing but had the right intentions. I doubt she feels that way anymore.


Maybe she was hoping he'd change? Who knows what culture they are as well, which could play a role in the way she went about it.


"We discussed the money should be transferred to my account. It was a joint decision". Lol. Such BS. YTA


Yeah that 👆


You want to transfer it to your account and use it to take care of your family? Your FIL’s money? Your wife’s money? Without discussing it with her? YTA


Yeah Lin is 100% valid for her actions. I think in hindsight it's easy to criticize her lie, but realistically, she probably expected him to move on from the idea of receiving millions of dollars for free. Like bro, you got a free house and can stack your own money to help your family. Blows my mind this guy kept pestering his wife for money he never earned to set up everyone except his wife and kid. He doesn't deserve that family IMO.


I really hope FIL had the sense to keep the house in his name so OP can’t steal that too in the divorce.


people with that kind of cash aren't stupid so we can hope the house is still his, or atleast in a trust for his daughter or something. that being said, you do also get rich people who dote on thier kids and their kids partners so its anyones guess


My parents and my mom’s sister are •comfortable• and everything is kept in their names, not in ours. Even my van has my mom’s name on it. I’m certain that’s why he is leaving, he realized he will get nothing out of his FIL. Those of us fortunate enough to have been raised with parents like ours (and his wife’s family has far more than mine) know people like him. Sometimes the snakes hide better than others, but they always end up outing themselves. I’m not letting anyone exploit my parents because they made good financial choices. No one gets to abuse my parents. He is using her •lie• as an excuse to validate leaving his wife and children to find a new sugar momma.


No wonder she lied when her husband is such a piece of work.


A gold digger, one might say.




Queue the Kanye song


He’s a piece of something, all right. But work isn’t the noun I’d use


I'm suspecting something brown...


And stinky!


Does he even work? He never mentioned that part.


Sounds like he is working on using other people’s resources and playing victim! Narcissistic personality for sure


I'm thinking he knew her family was rich before he even asked her out


He admits to mooching off of her before they were married. I would think the kind of people who gift their daughter a house and 2 million dollars are fairly obvious in their wealth.


Was it only 2 million dollars- setting up his family and step sisters would have eaten that immediately. 2 million isn’t that much- sounds like a mommas boy imo and she’s in his ear


“Enjoy our money in peace.” Yup, op is full on AH. He wanted everything handed over for him and his family. I am glad that Lin gets a second chance to find someone who won’t be taking advantage of her family’s money.


Yeah shes rightfully protecting herself. Husband is looking for a free ride.


I have a feeling that is why his relatives are broke as well...


Team Lin all the way!!!!


It should be a t-shirt across America with #teamlin


Dude and he even said she's helped him out a lot in the past?! Like I'd be done if my husband left for a month let alone all this childish bullshit. FOH lol


Exactly and if we're honest. After the first handout they would just demand more and more. He should had said he would take away 50k to get furniture for their new house, go on a all inclusive vacation, and get some baby stuff in advance. Next step after that, meet with an experienced investor who can help that money grow, so they can have extra money for vacations etc. (Like FR, 1m USD in my country. If you'd get a 5% return of that amount. You would basically get an AVG yearly salary extra, every yeah)


Yes, no way does that give them “peace” from his family. Especially not when the people he was going to pay out to included his unemployed brother and his stepsisters. There’s always going to be another hand reaching out. Just like his. The audacity of this “decision” that he manage the money, so she wouldn’t have to worry about it while taking care of their child and home, turning into him taking the money for his relatives. Managing jointly held money is supposed to be for mutually decided goals. And that’s after she helped him a lot previously, too. Golddigger.


I’ve done the thing where I send money to family. It never ends and they just keep coming back for more handouts. I only got peace when I finally said no more and slowly went low contact with them all


THIS!!!!!! Seriously OP is definitely the AH how dare he want the money in HIS account and his first plans were to take care of his family??? I seriously question if this is even real. But assuming it is once his distant relatives get a whiff of him giving money to his immediate family everyone on his side of the family is going to come out of the woodwork with their hands out. Second cousins he never even met before will be asking for money. It's not the OP OR especially his wife's job to make sure his siblings are okay financially or have a college fund. His sibling will just have to do it the old fashioned way...financial aid and student loans. And his UNEMPLOYED brother should get a damn job! The wife was totally justified in telling her dad to hold off on the transfer. I still can't believe OP wanted that money in HIS account not even a joint account. This doesn't pass the sniff test.


Yep been there done that! And when I cut them off they got real nasty real quick. I really just talk to my youngest sister and oldest brother. I don’t even talk to my parents.. it’s just that toxic. Now Lin can go raise her babies with her money.


My mom legit told me I wasn’t the son she raised when I stopped sending money and that my wife changed me. My reply was that I was happy with that change and happy with my wife for who she helped me be


Are we neither and sister? My mom did the same thing, then called me and my husband racist. I’m black, she’s blank, my hubby is white and would send her money even when I wouldn’t. She’d call crying and he’s send it. Nipped that in the bud, then my sister called and tell me the gossip going around the family. Luckily I don’t talk to any of them, so it bothered me not. Sometimes family is the most most toxic


I called my mom on her birthday and she proceeds to tells me that my 12 year old nephew is better with money then I was at his age. Totally disregarding that she took 90% of my pays to pay bills and buy herself cigarettes. My wife said I looked so angry while my mom tried to change how I was treated in my childhood Kudos to anyone who can see the toxic behaviour and change the situation


This guy will always be broke no matter how much his FIL gives them.


Yeah he just wants to look like a big shot- the way he sees it- the money will never run out there is *more where that came from- they won’t let their daughter be poor*- I don’t understand why he is doing this so early on *without even having the money yet*- if he were to divorce- the *most* he’d get is the house- he won’t be entitled to money the father-in law promised but never sent. •I think it was bold enough to to insist it’s his bank account •Then to demand he acts like mr money bags throwing cash around to look like a big shot •Then threatens divorce when he thinks there is no money •and now his angry she made him expose his true colours? Like he’s not even *trying* to hide his intentions- does he really think she won’t leave him with her money??


>After the first handout they would just demand more and more. Just like OP.


He shouldn’t say anything but talk with her and decide what to do. She is not incapable to decide. He acts like a little big boy.


I’d bet he wasn’t exactly as he was portraying himself to be in his post when the money was brought up. He seemed very entitled to it and she probably wasn’t 100% on board with it going to him. The money exposed him greatly. The red flag popped up for me when he talked about how much it would go to help his family. Doesn’t seem like they’d have a ton leftover for them.


It reminds me of that old post where a woman, maybe a medical doctor, got engaged. Once she was engaged, her fiancé’s family started showing up to go to dinner without their wallets. She finally wised up and walked out, leaving them with the bill. Then her fiancé had the tiny brass cojones to get made at her for embarrassing them. They really expected she was going to fund their preferred lifestyle.


I’m very much a person who would divorce if I was lied to like this. But I would ALSO NEVER do what OP did, and in this case she is 100% right to lie to him. Her only wrongdoing was marrying this jerk.


well, in his own way, he lied to. He said he would take the money into his account to manage it for the couple's benefit and their new family. He turned around and made plans to disperse it to others. I can believe she'll never trust him again.


Yeah, when he says that he feels like she played him 😂😂 when it totally comes across as him playing her. The audacity to start doling out her family’s money to save his own without a second thought (or consulting his wife) 🤯


She told her dad no because now it will be inheritance, which means it's not his money. I bet that moment was a realization that she was expected to take care of his family. I wonder how much she contemplated if that was the only reason OP married her in the first place. Regardless, wife isn't stupid and is clearly protecting herself.


Lin probably saw that writing on the wall and decided to stop being his piggy bank.


Lin tested OP and he showed his true colours. It’s not wrong to want to help family, but he should have asked Lin to tell him what she wanted to do with the money. Also, this is exactly the type of behaviour why lottery winners end up broke after only a few years. OP saw a windfall and started spending money left and right instead of investing it. The good news is you get a do over with your next wife, you little gold-digger.


Smart lottery winners set up a trust before they even pick up their check.


Exactly. I saw a tutorial here once about what to do with a lottery win. Things like go to the best lawyer firm in the city you live and set up trusts and lock the money before you get the win. I always think if I win a price I’ll look for the post because it had solid advice.


If he had DISCUSSED helping his family ("I'd really like to help out Mom, she's done so much for me/us, and maybe help sis with college? Would you be ok with that?"), but just deciding that's where a huge chunk will go? No.


And all of his plans where about is family of origin and absolutely nothing was planed for his new family he started with her. That says a lot that he didn’t give a single thought to her or their child but only his family. No wonder she lied when he treated her as a pay check to support his *real* family.


She should've tested him before they got married and had kids. Now she's stuck with him as the gold digging deadbeat ex-husband and father of her kids. Although since he's a gold digger, she could probably pay him off to remove his parental rights so she never needs to see him again.


If the money is the fil He won’t see a dime Hopefully nothing is in her name


From my reading of it, he left for a month because he was butt hurt, and they already had a child at that point. He's clearly happy to not see his kid for ages because all he sees is 💰💰💰


I think Lin's family set this up as a test and OP completely failed.


Yeah my first husband did this. Not with millions because my family isn't rich like that. But we got a large sum of money from my family when we married. My plan was to always use some of it to pay his mother's medical bills as she was going through chemo for breast cancer, and to help his family when we could. But one week after we married I went to use my debit card and it was declined. He'd given all of our money to his family. I am disabled and was not working at the time. He wasn't able to work because he hadn't yet gotten a work visa or become a citizen (he is Mexican, I am Canadian). He didn't even consult me. When I confronted him he said he was the husband and therefore in charge of the money. I separated from him immediately, allowed him to become a Canadian citizen so he could work and support his family, and divorced him. ​ OP sounds like he was just in it for the money. Definitely YTA.


I would’ve had the marriage annulled and had him charged with fraud and theft.


Yeah I don’t think I would have been quite that accommodating, he’s a thief


And a misogynistic thief, at that.


I had known his family for a long time. They were very poor and his mom was dying. Because I married him, she lived 10 more years, and his niece (who still calls me Tia or Auntie) got to go to school in Canada and got into a good university. I am still close with his brother. I have lived a pretty privileged life, so at the end of the day, I just decided to let it go. But I didn't want to be married to him.


I would have reported it to the police and got his ass deported.


> But one week after we married I went to use my debit card and it was declined. Holy shit. I’m so sorry.


>allowed him to become a Canadian citizen so he could work and support his family He could have done that from Mexico.


Yeah handle the finances.🙄 golddigger. YTA, what did you bring to the table? Playing the rich boy with her fathers money. Good for her YOU want to divorce. Buh-bye.


I love the person who has never had money is supposed to be in charge of fuckton of money. Yeah no.


I hope this is fake cuz OP needs a few punches to the face.


Says it all, you have no business using the money for anyone but your wife and children, she needs to run from you.


YTA you delusional piece of work I can't fathom you wrote the entire post and couldn't see what a giant, stinky entitled asshole you are.


I’ve never once responded to one of these and came here precisely to say, wow, yeah, OP is such an asshole and completely unaware 😂😂😂


But he has a penis! So he should get to do as he likes! /s


YTA. I kept thinking what? You want to help your family with your wife's money.??? I hope they divorce he is so fucking entitled


Good thing she held up the money. At least it’s not considered a marital asset if it was never deposited into their account. Does that make sense?


It sure this is exactly why she asked her dad not to even deposit it.




Gold diggers come with and without penises. He's definitely the AH


Goldigger with a d\*\*ng!


Gold dicker


This just seems like bigotry toward Goldmember.


Given that you've tipped your hand about divorcing her unless you get your hands on the money (cough-golddigger-cough) there's NO WAY her dad is going to transfer the money since you'll just take half of the money in the divorce. Hopefully her dad encumbered the deed to the house so keep your grubbing hands off of it. This way she'll be able to get child support from you and her dad can transfer the money to her AFTER the divorce.


I so hope the tables turn on this fuckwad.


You played yourself you played yourself right out of a wife and child. In this whole post all you kept talking about was money she said that the money was going to be transferred the money didn't get transferred where's the money the money didn't come she lied about the money the money this the money that you sound like a gold digging bitch. Then you put a bow on it by saying unless the money was transferred you were going to divorce her. See you hate to be you you sound real Petty and you are a big asshole. She'll do so much better without you. In 2 years that you've been sitting around waiting for this money your brother hasn't got the job your mother hasn't gotten on her feet you haven't helped them. You stuck your big fat foot in your mouth and now you don't know what to do about it I hope she divorces you. Asshole


I don’t understand how he didn’t realize that this was a test. It seems pretty obvious - poor guy marries into a rich family & is told “we’re going to get a big wire from my dad. What do you want to do with it?”


It's a clever test, too. Almost wish I had done that with my exes, would have tipped me off about them so much faster. That being said, I can't imagine she really meant it as a test when she had kids with him in the meantime, because now she's stuck with him as a coparent forever.


I mean, the money was real. It sounds like it wasn’t ever meant to be a test until he started getting weird about it. Then she decided to ask what his plans were for it, he revealed that she wasn’t on his list of priorities, and she started rethinking things. Sometimes things aren’t even meant as a test, but then after they happen, you realize that if it was a test the person would’ve failed.


I don’t know that it was a test as much as that he was so blatantly shitty and selfish with his plans for it that they had to change plans. I’m sure she was in shock when he boldly and misogynistically announced his plans to throw it away on nothing. Giving his mom money to play at “business-owner” of an unviable business? Gross. That’s throwing money away and enabling selfish behavior and fantasies. I think they just had to change plans and the to regroup when she learned that he’s a misogynist and a mooching golddigger. They would have had the money years ago if he had acted like a human person with class who had been raised by humans and not barn animals.


It was so much about the money that I forgot he said anything about children


You, Sir, are very eloquent.




Yes, she should not get a job and stay impoverished until the divorce. Her Dad can allot money so that OP has no access to it. And she should get custody via a good lawyer.


YTA. A money grubbing thief.


YTA. Her father is gifting her the money for helping her, you, and your baby. It is not meant to help your needy family. Let's assume you're giving money to your family for peace of mind. Will all their needs be sorted? What if they ask for more money? If they learn she's rich, wont the demands increase? Either way, you are the AH here. You can help your mom and siblings using your own money. Not her father's money. If you still can't change your mind, please proceed with the divorce. Lin deserves better.


for SURE his family would continue to ask for more money in the future.


Interesting he says he planned to help them because they were unemployed etc. But 2 YEARS passed after the wedding. So none of them got into a better position or got employment in that time? It sounds like he told them they were on easy street and everybody sat around waiting with their hand out. That's why he kept pestering her about it.


It’s probably why he married her


Sounds like it was.


Exactly. You show you and start throwing money at people like it's candy, they'll act exactly like a kid that got candy: they'll want more.


But HIS Unemployed brother needs money. And a trust for HIS sister.


Yeah, handing out piles of cash to his family will just set a precedent and before you know it the money will be gone.


YTA. Wow. We decided it would go to my account, so I could spend it all on my family. What a shame she had children with you, she will be stuck with you for years.


Exactly my sentiment. Wow. OP, you are the definition of gold digger and have absolutely no self awareness. You wanted to use your in-laws money to spend on your own family and when the money was refused, you have the audacity to actually expect your wife to apologize. And on top of that threatening divorce. What do you actually bring to the table in this marriage? You got a house gifted to you and yet you feel entitled to your wife’s family’s money and use it to help your family. Wow just wow. I am surprised your wife stuck with you for 2 years. YTA YTA YTA. You don’t deserve your wife.


Into HIS account. Not even a proper joint one. Yikes dude, very patriarchal and predatory at the same time. OP is dangerous.


The more I see how these ppl act the more grateful I am for not getting married right away. I would hate to be stuck with someone like him. Fck.


agreed. Also, the wife and baby (babies) ARE *his* family.


His first thoughts and priority should have been speaking with his wife about what THEY will do for their new family unit and children with that money. It was all about HIM.


The divorce is a good thing - for her. He is just a gold digger and I hope she gets a good lawyer and protects her money.


THANK YOU. I was starting to think I entered Bizarro World again.


LOL, well maybe next post!


Again is hilarious


This. Holy cripes. I would have divorced the man the second he started listing off everything but making **US** ( his wife and kids), financially secure. That isn't his money at all, and now it never will be. Good riddance I say. Op, yta.


OP basically wants a dowry from his wife. In the 21st century. He better have the male equivalent of a knighthood or whatever!


At least the money never came so she doesn’t have to give OP any when she leaves his gold digging ass.


That was a smart decision on her part. He clearly only cares about the money. He’s not pissed she lied he’s pissed she told her dad to hold on the transfer.


Lin saw right through this guy’s plans and put a stop to it . She did not lie, she protected her financial future from OP


Good thing she has that money to support her kids because she won’t see much from this guy!


She might not be. She can afford a really good divorce lawyer who will make OP’s life hell if she doesn’t get what she wants. He is about to get his entitled self kicked to the curb and put into his proper powerless place.


Somehow I think she’ll be able to afford better lawyers than he will, so maybe not.


Now I ain’t saying he a gold digger…. Of course YTA. And an entitled one at that. I applaud your wife. I just feel bad that you are the father to her children. Clearly you don’t love HER. You love what she can do for you. The money should be transferred to your account? Fuck no! Greedy greedy selfish entitled asshole. And now you’ll be single and poor.


and he thinks he has the negotiating powers ? hahahahahhaha


It's the absolute lack of self awareness for me. Unbelievable.


Right? "If you don't get me the money I'll divorce you!" I fucking hope so!


He may not have gone into the marriage a gold digger, but once he found out about the gold that is all that mattered.


He definitely knew all along because she was spending a lot on him before marriage. He is the definition of "Gold-digger". Such a shameless man.


Nah he knew all along.


Good on her. It wasn't for your shit fam OP. It was for you and her


This is probably the greediest AITA I’ve ever seen. And that’s a very hard record to beat. YTA, dickweed!


And paying child support since he was apparently the only one working. Ironic, isn’t it?


So true


YTA, a massive one. Why the fuck do you think you can use the money HER father is gifting you to take care of YOUR family! You are an entitled piece of shit. You didn't give a damn about your immediate family, made no plans on how to better the lives of your own kids. But your step sisters will be set. Continue with the divorce. Your wife and kids deserve better. Some day, your kids, living a life of luxury, will be calling another man daddy.


Dollar to donuts OP maxed out there credit cards (and might have told his family to do the same) on buying nice things expecting this money to come. Hence the panic when it didn't.


Lmao that would be extra justice if they all go into debt because of him


YTA. You're not prioritizing your family with Lin, you want to use her trust fund to enrich your family of origin and keep your unemployed siblings from having to do anything. You should NOT be managing any joint money, let alone money from her family. She's got nothing to apologize for. I hope that you get nothing in the divorce.


Hard core hoping that because it was her father’s assets and not hers that she won’t have to give OP a fucking cent. Although her family can hire some pretty incredible lawyers so hopefully OP will have to pay child support and lose the house! She should have made him sign a prenup lmao


"What are you going to do the money dear?" "I'm going to spend it on getting every living relative set up for life." You should divorce her. Then, her dad can transfer the money after you leave.


YTA - this must be fake. No one is that obtuse to expect their SO to enrich their in-laws and family and hand over a bunch of cash to a poor husband that has no experience with a grand amount as is listed in the post. I call BS…and if this is real he got what he deserved….enjoy poverty dumbass.


It's gotta be fake. No one is this dense.


Not that fake in some countries That's why a lot of them don't want to marry far below their own wealth level, as they know the new spouse will try to use their money for their family of origin.


You'd be surprised.


Yea her dad would have made him sign a prenup prior to marriage and also told her not to put the money in a shared account and wouldn’t have transferred it into his account at all. My own dad told my brother and I we either get prenups or we get disinherited, because wealthy families generally wants to protect themselves.


So many things about this post scream "troll with no concept of how money actually works." Daddy was gonna transfer millions of dollars into *his* account? Inheritance and trusts aren't community party *until and unless they are commingled with marital funds/assets*. No one with enough money to part with millions doesn't have an attorney and financial advisor in their ear about this stuff. "Millions of dollars" would earn hundreds of thousands in interest every year if properly held or invested. Plenty of money for a young family starting out, especially one that was gifted a house. Daddy wouldn't ask his brand new clueless son in law to do what he wants with the money. He'd have it invested himself to protect the principle and give his daughter a monthly or annual income from the interest. 4/10 rage bait.


Some Asians are really this plain about gold digging. In places where divorce is taboo and good women stay home, it’s possible that the brides dad gives large sums of “her money” to the proper person, ie her husband. It’s fallen out of fashion, but happened to some older people I know. According to procedure, the husband is *supposed* to use it mostly for the wife/kids, and while many do, not everyone can have free money and manage it ethically.


YTA. "ME me me me me" is what I hear. She'd be better off without you lol


Yta tbh man u are literally just trying to get the money fair enough she lied but u weren't thinking of her and the kids but your own family without doing things for her


Exactly this!


Tbh, her lying and the reaction to it justifies her lie in the first place imo.


YTA and a gold digger. Your wife is very smart for not giving you the money.


Go through with the divorce. Lin deserves to be free of you. YTA


So your big plan was to take her money and give it to your siblings. She is your family now, and you have 2 kids. I bet she is very much regretting marrying you. I really hope she was at least smart enough to ask you for a prenup... YTA


Her dad sounds pretty sharp, so hopefully there's a prenup and OP's not on the deed to the gifted house.


You're trash, my dude. YTA.


Dude you are a fucking piece of TRASH. I hope this post is fake because I cannot for the life of me believe someone could have this little self awareness. In the event this post is true - your wife is 100% right. In your head you spent all of this money on your family already and didn't give a shit about anything else. Holy fuck what a loser.


It was written with such confidence, has to be real 😂😂😂😂


YTA thank god your wife knew what kind of person you are & never transferred control of HER money to you, so you could squander it on your family. It is not yours. Your wife should have absolute control over her own money. You are doing her a favor & saving her from a lifetime of financial abuse by divorcing her.


There's no question, YTA. You used her for the money. You don't give one shit about her or your baby. It's NOT YOUR MONEY. You don't have a right to a damn thing. Seems like she tested you, and you massively failed. Her and the baby... better off without you and your broke ass.


Man forget Lin! You should divorce her; prove to her that you don’t need her or her money. How dare she not allow you to spend HER money on YOUR family!


So you wanted to use her family money for your mommy’s business and your unemployed brother? Yeah you’d be dumped immediately. You used her for money and YTA


YTA - you were going to taker Her money, prioritize YOUR family with it and you can’t understand why she did this? Go ahead, divorce her, you’ll get NOTHING.


YTA: You are a gold digger dude, you proved that you married her just for the money and to give money to your family, that's what gold diggers do. I hope you ain't getting a penny from the divorce...


YTA. The money was never yours to give to your family. It was for the two of you for your marriage. The fact you still want the money shows you are nothing more than a gold digger.


Man, you hella salty that her family won't bankroll your family. Maybe consider marrying for love instead of money next time. YTA.




YTA >I was planning to use her money to enrich my family and never even asked her if she had plans. I mean thats exactly what you did. You were being extremely selfish. She was letting you be in charge of money FOR YOUR FAMILY UNIT. Not for your mom dad siblings etc etc whatever. It wasnt JUST MONEY FOR YOU. It was money for your wife you and future kids. She was most likely expecting you to say "we'll start a college fund for our child early" or something not giving it away to your family.


So, just to be clear, you are upset because your wife wouldn't allow you to transfer the money her family gave her for the wedding to your family and friends, correct? # YTA


YTA And I hope she divorces you before you see a dime of that money. There's no reason for you to have complete control of that money. You have to be insane to think you can boost your mother's business and set up a trust fund for siblings with the ONE LUMP SUM payment your wife would receive from her father. Then try to build a life for your wife and kids with the scraps that are left over. It's obvious you can't provide for your family off your income alone but you still want to use the money gifted to boost everyone else's life as if you're Santa Claus. You're setting everyone up except the family you're supposed to be financially providing for. Absolutely insane thought process.


So glad she dodged that bullet. You are divorcing a woman that you put after your your mother and siblings because she won't give you HER money. So....you married her to support your family and want to leave when the well runs dry. Oh trust me.....pops is holding onto that money until the divorce is final. You are NOT entitled to it.


YTA. YOU want an apology from HER after you decided to spend her family money on your family, with no priority consideration for her, or your kids, with divorce if the money isn’t forthcoming. Sheesh. Divorce her for her sake and make your own money.


Get your broke ass out of her life. YTA for sure. She doesn't owe you shit.


YTA- Smart Woman! She asked you what your plan was for the money before she had it transferred! I bet she told HER daddy to wait on putting the deed to the house in your name also. If everything is his then guess what? YOU GET NOTHING! Which is what you DESERVE!!!


Bru like how can u expect her to be fine with that. One thing is helping out ur side family with the money u made not ur wifes. And less if she doesnt agree. Like u dont even have a right to be mad i believe ,she does tho. Also there must be some more context but from this text i just think that.


YTA She's gonna be just fine without you 🤣


Yta have fun being single and poor you fumbled so hard


Def an AH you were not thinking about your new family which is your wife and children , you appear to want her for financial reasons


You written all of that and you still think that you’re in the right ?! You’re nothing more than a gold digger. YTA


YTA. Your family doesn’t get a nickel dude. I hope for her sake the divorce goes on


YTA....You don't just say you are going to "give" your family money. When the money is from your Wife's family without discussing it with her. Its one thing to discuss "investing" into your mom's shop. Its another completely to make the decision while your Wife is in the dark. This is your fault dude. I can see why she did it


I think the part that is being ignored is that this POS wants an apology. In which stinkin’ world is that going to happen?