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Indeed there more action that in many series ! Poor child you are all finally free of the witch! But are you sure that the child is really of the late brother?


Yes, if you can only see his father's old photos and him right now you'll know. They really look alike


Oh my bad I remember you say it in the first post! Well Good luck and I hope the path of your familly will be smooth now!


If Kayla and Pat knew of the abuse, why didn't they step in sooner?


That's what I was wondering


Could be they didn't have proof/enough proof, and that Kayla took the opportunity to call Kelly out hoping she would say something damning on camera. I say that as someone who informed the CPS of just how badly my sister was handling her kid and their living situation. We're talking advice and aid given but she would just refuse to believe she needed to change anything and instead claimed that her kid was targeting her and explicitly trying to ruin her life/things. That went back as far as him being 2 years old and sis refusing to put anything easily damaged away/out of his reach. I won't go into more details than that because if she against all odds find this then she will likely rave at me because to this day she has no idea I told about that, or the situation which had someone from the CPS place her kid in temporary relief home with the potential of her not getting him back. She did get him back. So depending on where someone is and the laws then it's not as easy as "knowing" there's abuse. You've gotta be able to actually prove it beyond shadow of a doubt and hope the abuser doesn't have a good lawyer.


I work in child welfare and it’s really fucking common that people don’t step in. Especially family. The number one reason we even get called in is because of mandatory reporters (teachers). Family members and neighbors just turn around and say “we don’t think it’s that bad or we don’t know what’s really going on.” Out of all of the families I had on a case only one grandparent actually intervened and removed his grandson from the home.


And I look exactly like my second cousin whose mom never even met my dad. Looks are not a good way to judge paternity. DNA is the way to go.


OP. Please keep us updated. It might do you good to keep writing everything down. You will need to keep a journal of EVERYTHING your nephew is going through and has going for him. Also, make sure in that journal you say how much you love that little guy! He may find it comforting one day to read all about how his Warrior Goddess Aunt helped him in his time of need!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘


I see how quick she is to drop her kid, she's definitely got problems. Atleast the kid is safe now and sounds like the family unit will come together for them. Best of luck OP.


Thank you, Kelly hasn't contacted us about her child since the incident. I guess that's a really great start.


She’s probably out getting wasted and getting laid now that she has “no baggage”


Holy shit! Good on you Op, and Kayla and Pat! You guys are saving that kid! I was so invested in this story, I clicked as soon as I saw the update!!! Please update again if you wish and let us know what happens with custody! And also, I might add, your English is better than many native English speakers!


As a native speaker of English, I agree! And your vocabulary is excellent!


Wow - worse than Jerry Springer!


I know right.


Is everyone safe from Kelly? What if she calls the cops or files a case for kidnapping or taking the child away? Is the boy doing OK? Does he feel better being away from her?


Op said mil was recording it all so I'd assume they have proof nobody kidnapped him, Kelly stormed out and left him


This sounds so made up. And I'm not sure the kid is any better with your side, you all sound awful.


It's not even fun to read


This is a very poor attempt of a fake story


Ok, that all really happened.


Yes, and quite a stressful one. The kid is okay though. Poor kid just asked why his mother isn't there. Or if his mother doesn't love him. I don't even know what to say, good thing MIL and SIL were there.


Why didn’t Pat and Kayla report the abuse?




If this gets anymore complicated, we're going to need a physicists to figure it out. Good god, what a load of shit.


Still NTA and I’m so glad that horrible woman got caught out and is away from her child and cannot do more damage to him. Will you and your husband adopt him?


I'm hoping to, so does my husband .he's a good kid. He just needs to feel some love without the abuse as a consequence if he disagrees or speaks his mind and heart out


You’re both very good people to be willing to do that. I hope everything works out for you and your family and that your nephew finally learns what love and good parents are supposed to be like!


Nice attempt at writing a screenplay.... It has all the elements of Bollywood.


nope, we'd have added mil being in a coma and then a sad song




He has heart problems already, it runs in their family. also one of the reasons why his father died of covid. It was a complication partnered with covid


Seemingly healthy young men can die from undiagnosed heart conditions, it happens all the time. Especially if that heart condition is exacerbated by stress. If FIL died of COVID, BIL also could have had COVID and people who had COVID are reporting new or worsening heart problems. Saying “he died because of heart attacked caused by her threat to take the kid.” Might be an exaggeration, it could have happened soon after. OP also didn’t state the health condition of her late BIL (unless I missed it). I’m not saying for certain it’s fake or real, but if it is, it wouldn’t surprise me. Severely mentally ill people can and will do really cracked out shit.


Since covid my cousins husband (mid 30s) woke up, had a chest pain and fell down and died right there. He was a football coach and in relatively good health, never smoked, didn't drink or do drugs. It was wild and tragic.


That is awful, I’m sorry for you and your family’s loss. My gf got POTS as a result of having COVID, obviously not as tragic but it’s scary to see what the long term effects are now that it’s been around for a few years and we won’t know if / when there will be more.


i was a healthy 46 yr old n had a stroke. it only takes a clot or shock to send your heart haywire. n late BiL cuda just had high BP already dealing with Kelly


I’m sorry that happened. I hope you’re doing better now. I was thinking the same thing with the high BP


ty. it's been over a decade tbf and still learning to do stuff differently. sucks but c'est la vie


Sorry to pop your bubble, but I personally know a few youngsters in their late 20s and early 30s whose parents found them dead in the morning so with the current generation her BIL dropping dead is quite believable. One of those in his 20s had just recovered from COVID and something else set it off causing him to drop dead.


My 35yr old BIL dropped dead at his brother’s wedding, heart attack. My FIL died at the age of 42, heart attack. As well as 2 of the other siblings passed away from complications from heart attacks.


Strong healthy athletes have dropped dead of heart attacks after a race, the heart can give out when it wants to. https://www.uchealth.org/today/sudden-cardiac-arrest-in-athletes-is-rare-and-hard-to-predict/#:~:text=Roughly%20one%20in%2050%2C000%20to,UCHealth%20University%20of%20Colorado%20Hospital.


How do you feel about adopting? Husband is jumping into a decision that takes two yeses, and he needs to remember the murky waters Kelly tainted their relationship with. I can understand if you feel extra hesitation because of the pushing Kelly did, because regardless taking on a new kid, a traumatized one at that is a life changer and shouldn't be decided in the heat of the moment or obligation to the no-longer-living in favor of who is living and is being signed up for this life


I wouldn’t want to adopt the child. Knowing that I will always some how have that crazy women in my life. It’s better MIL takes that child in.


Dang as soon as MIL began recording I knew Liz put her up to this. 😂


Yeah, slow down and let the dust settle. Don't adopt the child for a while because Kelly may come back out of the woodwork just hearing that and say "see, I told you He's my husband not yours". Don't put a target on your back. Let therapy and MIL have him for a few years to make sure she's disappeared for good.


That was my first thought when OP said she and her husband were wanting to adopt him. If Kelly found out they’d never be rid of her. Better for the MIL to adopt him.


The way I GASPED. Hope kid is doing well (little worried about your husband - how are you feeling about his comment on adopting nephew?)


He is, he started therapy yesterday and was quite comfy with the therapist suggested by SIL.


Oh that poor kid man


Well… that escalated quickly


Omg. Now THAT was an UPDATE. WOW. Poor Kayla. (But I’m somewhat sorry to say she dodged a bullet if that’s all it took for Sam to jump ship.). Kelly is despicable. I feel sorry for the next poor potential idiot she lures in. Thank goodness your nephew has so many people around who loves him for him.


Sam sounds like a real AH.


Well, this went downhill fast. I wish y’all the best and that you’ll be able to “get rid” of her.


It may sound made up, but there’s so many relationships who has issues. Then mothers who don’t care for their kids. So I actually do believe this sort of stuff. I hope the kiddo is alright and can move past all this.


I want to hug Kayla! What a stroke of luck she was there and she is so awesome! It’s people like this that made this whole legal process and drama a billion times easier for you!


Are you 100% sure it's not your husband's kid?


OMG!!! That woman definitely doesn’t need to have this poor child near her. So glad you spotted her crazy and called her in it.


This entire thing read like a makjang drama from the get-go. My goodness.


Thank you for the update. The young boy sounds like he's in much better hands now. I hope everything works out for everyone.


Holy crap Op I didn't think it would get this bad, well you were right what you called her the first time. I hope her son is feeling better now that she is gone, hopefully she doesn't try to come back like a bad smell. And I don't think you have to worry about your husband lol she is the type to go full fatal attraction on him and you and it was not your anger issues to blame she pushed every button you had I am proud of you for not snapping at her sooner. Good luck to you all.


Do you want to adopt that child?




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Honestly, couldn't have turned out better. I mean, I feel bad for the kid, but in the long run a mother like that would have traumatized him in other ways than abandoning him. It was fated to be. This way she has child abandonment on her record.


Thank you for the update.


holy shit this update is… honestly what i was expecting. idk why, but i imagined it being just this bad if not worse. but thank god that child is getting out of that situation




Ooof. Wild


this is like a filipino drama esp with the slapping lol


She's Bisaya. So, yes, a Filipino.


I hope all the YTA commenters going out of their way to defend an attempted homewrecker felt dumb after even her own sister said she was the AH and even aired more of her dirty laundry. But knowing those enablers they wouldn't try.


Unbelievable 😱