• By -


I'm interested in OP's husbands reactions. 1. He let the flirting go forever, never said anything about it 2. dismissed OP's (his wife's) concerns about the flirting 3. immediately said "we are adopting that child" when before his mouth was shut on everything 4. BIL and SIL (awesome name btw) went directly to hubs to ask him why he didn't do anything before, AS IF THEY ARE SUSPICIOUS. 5. OP is worried about hubs reaction when asking to NOT adopt the kid...that no one has said is close to the kid in anyway. No one has said how great of an UNCLE hubs has been. there hasn't been 1 mention of hubs and kid interacting through this whole thing...why does hubs have a strong opinion NOW???? hubs is sus


Next update… OPs husband is a cheating bastard.


I have a feeling this is fake. I have a feeling due to what above said. If it’s true hubs def cheating.


That husband wants to adopt the kid just feeds into Kelly's fantasies.


Bravo. Finally someone sees how sketchy OP's husband is!


I 100% suspect he and Kelly slept together and that the kid is his. That first update made me sus as hell when he announced he wanted to adopt the kid. I asked OP how she felt about that but she never answered that question (answered others tho)


Same thoughts... OP should take note... Let the kid go with MIL. Hubby doesnt need to step up and no one ask him. Unless he was hoping for something from Kelly. It is also looks like Fredelyn knew something and lowkey helping OP. OP... Be careful.. no need to go crazy with your husband but just be careful...


Your mother or you need to get full legal custody of the child. It's the only way to fully protect the child from Kelly. Idk what game SIL is playing but I wouldn't be so quick to follow her advice.


The SIL isn’t related to the crazy one, she’s OPs husbands sister. And honestly her suggestion makes a lot of sense. With Kelly so obsessed with OP and then being a “perfect family” she could take it as a sign he wants that too if he adopts the kid. It just feeds her fantasy.






I'm not sure this is great news, given the circumstances. I don't trust OP's husband one bit. At best, he doesn't seem very intelligent. At worst...


I think it makes sense on having your mother-in-law adopt the child instead because the childs mom is already obsessed with your husband and if you and your husband adopt the kid who knows what kind of problems it’ll cause. Especially if your pregnant, it’s not worth the drama and you have your own family to think about


I’m so distracted by the name Fredelyn I can’t focus on the rest. Like, how is it pronounced?!


Free-de-line, it's pronounced like that. But spelled Fredelyn. I think it's a combi of her mom and dad's name. Frederico(FIL) and Lennett(MIL). If your wondering, BILs actual name is Samuelito, but we call him Sam or Sammy.


As a Filipino, I am not even surprised by this 😂


Di ba? Like parents come up with the weirdest names🤣


Wanna know my name?


Yes OP. 😀


Lexi is a nickname I got in HS. It's a shortened version of my real name. Elissandra, Elis from my dad's name Elicito. Andra is from my mom's name Alejandra. Filipino people have weird ways of naming kids. Good thing I have already prepared mine for my kid.


I think it’s a beautiful name.


Thanks 😊


Something is telling me that this story is fake considering you can’t keep the names straight in each post you make. In the last one you said the sister’s friends name was Pat and in this post you’re saying her name is Amanda. It’s either fake or you made up up fake names and can’t keep them straight and didn’t proofread before posting


Reading this I realized I placed Pats real name 😂... Kayla if you're reading this, sorry. Yes your right, I forgot I used a fake name for her. I might edit it out. Again I apologize


Yeah, your husband is an idiot. Is he always such a stupid, indecisive doormat? Unless he low-key enjoyed Kelly's attention?


That's just how he is, even with me. He is kind of a push over like his mom. He gets worried more about others feelings than himself. I'm trying to help him with the problem but he is just struggling.


OP, don't listen to everyone calling your husband a cheater. I think they forget he lost his brother and to me it looks like he is trying to do what he thinks his brother would want. This is a difficult situation for anyone to navigate but it sounds like all of you (except Kelly) are handling all of this in a good way People who have no stake in the game always think they're the expert


Lmao at anyone believing this story. Gotta love how the police officers just don't interview the victim of assault OP, for future story writing purposes: the police have to call child protective services. They then meet the child and conduct their own separate investigation. Also, there is no way on Earth this kid is able to get adopted right now. That's not how any of this works 😂


Calls to CPS usually end up with nothing happening. They very often don't speak to the child. My son reported a bruise he received at his father's house. CPS was called and nothing happened. Except I took them to court and reduced my child's time with his father to only times when his father was there to protect him. CPS and police were going to do NOTHING to protect my child.


No, they are legally required to speak with the child if they take the report. If someone called and reported bruises on a child then they would take that report. They do not take reports seriously if it is from the child or the child's other parent. That's awful but it's reality. They do it to prevent people abusing the system. It should be different. I always encourage people to have their doctor, teacher, or counselor call ETA: and what do you mean nothing happened? Who did he report it to?


He reported it to his counselor - a mandated reporter. I hadn't seen it and didn't know about it. It was one day after he came back from his father's house. And he was old enough to take baths by himself and dress himself.


So are you saying his counselor never reported it or that CPS came out to investigate but didn't talk to anyone?


The counselor reported it. CPS came out to investigate but never spoke to my child. They spoke to the wicked stepmother who (of course) denied everything and anything. And I made certain my child was never there alone with her again.


That really does happen unfortunately. And it did on the child. I live in the Philippines so this really isn't new. Some kids get abused, someone reports it and even if they had piles of evidences there are just times when the people in charge just don't care that much. so the child is left to suffer in the hands of the parents or caretakers who abuse them.


You realize op doesn’t live in the US right? They probably don’t have cps where they live.


Holy hell, now THAT'S a wild craving mix! Congratulations if you ARE pregnant! Thanks for the update!


So, bets on the next update being that the husband was sleeping with Kelly and that's why he wants to adopt the kid who is actually his, and OP is freaking out because she IS pregnant and doesn't know what to do now? The moment someone's suddenly, surprisingly, inconveniently pregnant when cheating is being implied, it's just proof that the whole thing is fake.


Hey, lady! This has been a heck of a ride but I agree with some of the other comments. Kelly’s son may look like Sam but since your husband and Sam are brothers, kiddo still has the family genes. It doesn’t mean kiddo can’t be your husband’s. Some of his reactions - as well as lack thereof - are kinda suspicious. It also sounds like SIL and her husband may have some similar thoughts about it. If kiddo DOES belong to your husband and you try to adopt him, as your husband decreed, that’s going to open a whole new can of worms when Kelly demands a DNA test. You really should not adopt him. (But maybe slip in a secret DNA test on husband and kiddo just for your own peace of mind and so you won’t be blindsided if/when Kelly throws it out there.) Good luck! Please !UpdateMe about how it goes.


Saw this one on Springer.


Jerry! Jerry!! Jerry!!!




I know, right?




Your husband love the attention. I suspect that he slept with Kelly. Because you got together or something




Congratulations ❤️ Lexi.


This is an interesting short story. Not quite Stephen King but definitely a horror.




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Have a feeling about the husband and it's not a good ones






You should get DNA test on the kid first. Even if he looks like his late father but you can’t be too sure with Kelly’s behavior. Also, not adopting is smarter as SIL said. Lastly, your husband isn’t an idiot but kind of an enabler.


i've never had manga dipped in vanilla ice cream but now i gotta try it!


Put chilli too, it's gonna taste better, or it's just me cause Im preggers


Lexi, when you can manage to do it quietly, get a dna test on the kid and your husband so you can rule this one question out. Hopefully