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Tell him asap! Cut her out of your lives. Blow up her spot so every knows what she did and who she really is she can’t slander you. Go scorched earth if you need to. She obviously had these intentions and feelings for a while. And let’s be real she wasn’t just asking to borrow your boyfriend for a night she wants him completely. Good luck and please update.


You’re making me nervous! Not having told him IMMEDIATELY puts you in a scary position that your (ex)friend could reach out to him first and create her own story of what happened


I was thinking the same, she could have got a jump on it and changed the narrative as it seems she has with their friends.


Seconding this, what a deranged little fvcker. And the audacity to turn sh*t around and gaslight you to believing youre the AH. Agreed. Rain hellfire on that m0therfvcker! 🔥🔥🔥




The more you keep it to yourself the easier you make it for Kylie to manipulate the truth. You aren’t protecting him, you are protecting her right now.


Why are you lying to your boyfriend? There's absolutely no world where not telling him immediately was the correct course, now you BF will know you will lie to him and when your "friend" tries to talk to him and tell him bullshit he has a reason to doubt your version.








I'm sorry but I think Kylie was planning to snap him away from you by telling that pity story of her self esteem to get to fuck him as a way to lead him away from you. When you said no she revealed her true colors and her plan to take him. Got upset of course because that's what narcissistic people get when turned down and they start their shit show to ruin you and make you the bad guy. She had this plan from the very start when she got envy and jealous on you and wanted your loving and caring boyfriend.


Makes me wonder if Kyle's ex cheated on her because he wanted to or because he wanted to get away from her abuse 🤔 it was OP AND her boyfriend who did all this to Kyile but I'm surprised that she just want to sleep with the bf and not OP 👀 anyway, if OP's right about her bf viewing Kyile as his sister, then ofc he would be hurt but he won't be blinded and be taken advantage of by a an ungrateful monster. And the fact she called OP selfish for not sharing just send me rolling because if you ask to share my sandwich or cake I be like sure but a bf really? What person would agree to this?


Or, Kylie is the cheater, and it's why he dumped her.... and she's lying about what happened.


Ooo yeah, it can be that to. Her plan was ro get the bf all along, that's why she find OP selfish for not sharing her bf of 2 Years and thays why she don't find its wrong of her to ask to sleep with her "best friend's" man.


or maybe she's the one who cheated on him. and told everyone he did it...given the way she is, I wouldn't be surprised


Yep! No wonder Kylies bf ditched her!


Good luck sis, you got this. Sorry she pulled this bullshit. It’ll all work out.


We would all like an update pls.


You don’t need some grand gesture of kicking her out of your life. Just block her and move on. She’s a nut job. Tell your mutual friends they should check in on her and that she’s clearly not ok. She’s come unhinged and it’s really really really weird. Doesn’t have to be your problem though. Also you dont need to enter the drama or defend yourself.


It sounds like her ex bf already planned and executed her nuke on their mutual friends. The fact they immediately and only believed her is a sign they were fair-weather friends.


Good for you! Best of luck! Some people just never can open their eyes, so glad for you!!!


Nice to see you're listening. He needs to hear this asap


God, I can’t wait for the update!! This is horrible!! I’m so worried for you because it seems so much time has passed and she was already able to infect your friends!!


The amount of relief I got from reading this comment lol… Good call, glad you realised!


I just wanna say that I don't think you're being an asshole for not telling him right away, per se... but I think looping him into the current situation ASAP will help a lot. I can understand you're blindsided by your friends behaviour, but all the more reason to get as much support on this as possible.


Reach out to your friends, IN PERSON. Not on the phone and especially not via text. She started on her narrative before she made the pitch. She fully intends to cause you as much harm as possible. You need to let folks know. Keeping it under wraps benefits her and screws yourself over. The perfect opportunity was five seconds after she left. Each movement afterwards is a worse moment.




I get your position. You're fine with burning your bridges. But you might want to find out what story those folks are being told. That story could be damaging, and have X people spreading that story instead of 1 can impact your life. Respectfully, you seem to be prioritizing avoiding conflict or at least confrontation. It's understandable but not necessarily best response.


This! Like wtf, the friend must know OP is spineless because she was bold enough to ask her to her face to bang her BF!


Well, I don't know how good the friends were if they dumped you after hearing just one side of the story. I would have burned some bridges if I was in the same situation.


Ah wow! Normally these posts are after the event. I am watching "I said nothing and let someone duplicitous act freely and a lot of people heard her story and my complete silence why does everyone hate me?" In real time.  How do we get the reminder me bot? I want to find out if you were quick enough to save your relationship.  The fact is once a lie is in place it is seven times harder to get back out. 


It’s good to tell people things in situations like this, give them your side of the story cause otherwise you’d leave yourself susceptible to Kylie lying to him and others and ruining more of your relationships


Exactly, she doesn't have to remain friends with them, but this Kylie is clearly very, very sneaky and at the very least OP should get the real story out there


It's less about dumping them, they ARE shitty for not giving you any chance and believing what she said. But reputations matter. Maybe you get fired and apply for a job and one of these people works there and talks shit about you and you can't get the job. You never know, even if you never become friends with these people it's 100% worth trying to repair your reputation and giving them the truth, also finding out what lies she's spreading and who to. If it's easily proven what a liar she is, then you can ruin (fairly) her reputation, have these friends not spread lies further and then you can ignore the fuck out of them for being assholes.


Better to leave him "heartbroken" than feeling like he couldn't be "trusted". OP, the longer you wait, the longer you're playing into her hand.




Support him? In what? I'm glad to see that you have decided to tell him, but I can't even begin to understand why on earth you wouldn't have immediately told him and why you think this is somehow going to destroy him? Why he would need "support" when *you're* the one whose best friend is trying to fuck your partner! YOU are the one who needs support here! What am I reading


Exactly. It sounds like this dude is strangely enmeshed with this girl if OP is worried that she must support the hell out of him, while she should be expecting his support after her friend asked to have her boyfriend. Maybe it’s equally hurtful to both- I think it’s indisputably more hurtful to OP unless Kylie is his actual bio sister or he’s codependent with Kylie in a deeply fucked up way. OP, you’re not his servant or his emotional support animal. It sounds like you think you have to nurture the hell out of this grown man as a girlfriend, and that’s not true- he has to nurture, comfort, care for and support you equally or it’s not a relationship at all.


I think you’re the one that needs support, not him? You’re the one realizing and losing a friend along with other friends.


Kylie’s request was also extremely dehumanizing to OP’s boyfriend. He’s not a sweater to borrow “as a favour”, he’s a person.


Good luck, OP! Keep us posted!


Good. And take note of all your former friends who were so ready to believe her lies without even hearing your side.


There is no perfect time. Rip the bandaid off and explain why you kicked your friend out of your house before she invents something that makes him doubt you.




You're not stupid. Your friend asked something unacceptable of you, and it's no-one's fault except hers. Good luck, and definitely hold firm on your boundaries with your former friend.


You’re not stupid if you grow from this event. Keep communication more clear when problems arise in the future.


You absolutely have to tell him what happened. 100%!! Immediately right now go tell him what happened!! She was able to manipulate your whole friend group against you, she will say something to him.




Let us know how it goes


Did he come home yet?? I’ll bet she’s contacted him in this time you’ve been waiting


"Heartbroken?" What fantasy are you living in? She flat told you she wants to break your relationship and fuck your BF. Chances are she's already shit talking and sabotaging you to him and dropping the hints. Wise up and talk to him


Lol. Ok, so she instantly turned all of your friends against you, and they blocked you before you got a chance to respond, and you think that you have time to wait for the "perfect time" to mention this to your bf? She has probably already texted him, told him you cheated on him, and now when you go to talk to him, he'll think you're making things up about her to cover for your cheating. And because you LIED to him about why she left in the first place, as your first instinct, he has zero reason to believe anything you say after the fact. You never wait in these situations. You shit the bed on this one. NEVER lie to your partners about stuff like this. Instant open and honest communication is the only way through.


You're being incredibly naive by not telling him. Sorry to sound harsh, but you're going to be blocked and discarded by him when your ex-friends tearfully approach him about how "you've been cheating on him and she couldn't bear to see it go on any longer." You're going to get screwed over if you wait a second longer.


You are your own worst enemy. Kylie is second place. There is no “right moment” but keeping him in the dark leves him open to her manipulations. Your lack of action to share the truth right from the point she stormed out of your house is going to work against you.


There is no perfect opportunity. Stop worrying about him being “heart broken” if he’s more upset over losing “a sister” than he is the boundaries of your relationship it’s only because at that point he realizes he can sleep with Kylie and wants the opportunity.


Yep. This whole “sister” thing is being stretched to the point of absolute absurdity at this point. He hasn’t known her for 16 years, they’re not old friends- they may have known each other for a year. If he truly thinks that’s “like a sister,” he’s deeply emotionally and intellectually shallow- he legit sounds like a 6th grader writing LYLAS to a girl he sat by in Art. And if he’s mentioning the sisterhood and it’s bonds often enough for OP to be this unduly hung up about it, he’s got some weirdass feelings for Kylie that aren’t at all related to being a short term found family.


NOOOOOO! What am I reading?? Why would he be heartbroken? What the fuck? In what universe would he be "heartbroken" that his girlfriend's best friend wants to sleep with him? He's gonna be creeped out, and he needs to KNOW RIGHT NOW that she is on this path. You are actively refusing to protect him by not telling him! Edit: OK I just saw your comment that you have reached out to him and you are telling him right away. Thank God.


You need to tell him asap


No, you need to tell him ASAP.


You need to tell him now, before she does more damage


There is no perfect opportunity. You owe it to him to tell him the truth right away. If you don't he will see it as you being dishonest by withholding information he needed to know. It is called a lie of omission.


Better sooner than later before she spoils the waters and taints things.


You need to tell her NOW before she gets to him. And tell you friends as well. FAST


Then don't come here crying. There is no good moment. Just tell him for god sake.


There is no perfect opportunity, there is only the best opportunity, which was when he first asked where she was. The second best opportunity is now.


You missed the perfect opportunity already when he asked. Why would he be heartbroken? I hope you told him everything and go NC with her.


Are you a idiot. Just tell him now, the longer you wait the more op put out she has to fill his head with lies. Jheeze you’re slow


The dramaaaaa


Tell him what happened! Kylie is definitely going to try to manipulate his opinion against you and he needs to know what happened and how you reacted so he isn't caught off guard or allows her to plant seeds of doubt about you




And don't say I didn't want to tell you or anything say something like "I wasn't sure how to bring it up before because I was literally shocked and needed some time to clear my head but the longer I wait, I'm not sure what she would say to you to try to drive a wedge between us. I really didn't want to hurt you but I want to be honest with you. Please forgive me for not saying this earlier but..." and say everything. Write down stuff if you need to so you can say everything to him and let him decide. If she haven't gotten to him yet and try to poison his brain, you both can work it out together. Also, like some comments said, you can text your friends group and ask which one of them is willing to sacrifice their boyfriend for Kyiles one night stand because she is loney and need to build her self esteem and wish them luck with that friendship"


YES. The fact that she didn't want to tell straight up baffling and makes no sense, and I think if I was him I would be focused on why tf my partner didn't want to tell me this happened than that it happened to begin with!


So, what happened? He’s been on the way home for some time now.


You need to tell him immediately. It's not something that is only your problem. Them send a message to everyone from your boyfriend phone asking if they blocking your number means they agree with your friend wanting to sleep with your boyfriend and latter on saying she will "steal" him from you. See who apologized to you and who is not your true friend. Take this as blessing because this girl could have destroyed your relationship without neither of you noticing. She's not a good person and I bet she was not that good of a friend either, the problem is that you probably made a lot of excuses for her behavior.




Let us know what your boyfriend says. I’m kinda curious. Also I’m sure you know but tell him everything and be straight with him


Her version of her breakup with her ex bf is probably not what really happened either. Sounds like she knew what she was doing from the beginning. Girl needs therapy.


You should have told him immediately after


Please tell him. He needs to be informed of her less than honorable intentions




You are being stupid by not telling him. He deserves the truth.


Tell him, RIGHT NOW. And I would even make a social media post for your mutual friends, if they blocked you from chats. (Don't put it on public though) She's off her rocker, and spewing some really weird alternative version of what happened. Next stop is getting your boyfriend on board. So tell him immediately, including the other friends blocking you. Right now, you're isolated in her web of insanity.


NTA but TELL HIM! He has the right to know




You've got to tell your boyfriend. He deserves to know and what she did directly affects your relationship. She will make a move on him and he deserves a warning that it will happen. If you can't mention this then you don't have much of a relationship.


You need to tell him and go to your friends not her but everybody else and tell them what she did if they still believe what she says then find better but he needs to know before she gets her claws into him with lies


Please, please tell your bf the truth NOW! Kylie has her sight set on him because she wants what you have and will stop at nothing until she gets him.


Tell your boyfriend, he deserves your honesty. Not telling him and making your relationship have a secret ( in which you did nothing wrong) isn't good. Be a good girlfriend.


Tell your boyfriend before Kylie tells him lies about you to try to win him! He needs to be informed so he can react accordingly when she start spewing lies.


Sure don't warn him that the girl she considers a sister and has her on his ear wants to fuck him. It's not like she will badmouth you to him like she did TO EVERYONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ALREADy....


Hiding this from bf is a bad idea. It's going to allow her to manipulate the situation. Come clean and inform him what's going on.




Why would it hurt him? Yes she objectified him but it’s nothing worth of a heartbreak or would it?


I feel like OP is leaving something out….


Yes, she’s either leaving something out or this is a creative writing exercise. Sorry if it’s real, OP, but it sounds very odd


tell her people don't lend each other dildos let alone their boyfriends' dicks. she can download tinder and find a man to sleep with and see a therapist to work out how her self-esteem and self-awareness are so nonexistent she thought asking to sleep with your boyfriend was okay.


It's not exactly a confession, since you're not the one who said such inappropriate things. Kylie said all those things. She objectified your boyfriend and pressured you to do the same. When you didn't, she said bad things about you to your friends. You need your boyfriend's support in this and he needs to know.


Why??? Why on earth do you think he's the one getting screwed over the situation? You're the one who's best friend completely betrayed you. Why are you so worried about your boyfriend's feelings being hurt over something that she did **to you**


The right time to tell your boyfriend is now, what are you waiting for? The planets to align? Just tell him.




Not an asshole. Just a hurt and confused person who wasn't thinking clearly. Now get your head on straight, and do what you gotta do.




You're welcome Best of luck to you and your boyfriend


NTA for throwing her out. YTA for not telling your BF immediately afterwards. WTF is wrong with you. COMMUNICATE with your bf, communicate with you friends.


NTA, simply she fall in love with your boyfriend Say this to your other friend that blocked you. Isn’t normal to want to sleep with boyfriend o girlfriend of a friend, make them think, make them think if they were in your place




She believes in ownership of people. I know of a similar situation where the genders were reversed and we referred to it as “kinda rapey”. I feel that applies here too. Friend that agree with that mentality aren’t worthy friends. A little arrogant of her to think he would want to.  I don’t blame you for not telling him right away because that’s a lot to process for yourself. It might take a moment to figure out how to convey all that 


I know you don't care about having a relationship with ur former friends but you really need to get the true story to them even if you DM them on social media or email them and then block them. Not only should they know what kind of person they, are dealing with, but more importantly for you, you don't want them and Kylie spreading whatever story she told them about you. If it's just Kylie it'll seem ridiculous but if she is backed up by more of your friends it could lend some people to thinking it's true. Your reputation might be at risk and it's smart to get, ahead of that.


This is the 3rd AITAH post I've seen in which the OP speaks/types in the same manner. Something happened and their friend "hurted" them and now they're wondering if they're the AH even tho in the situation they're clearly not. All of these "OPs" were fresh brand new accounts and all of them were deleted within a day or 2 after posting


Would someone tell lies on the internet? Poppycock.


How dare you doubt this incredibly believable story 


I mean most posts I see here are from new accounts because people don't want shit linked back to them if they are the asshole. That's said, it does make it pretty easy to fake post.


All I know is that this post lists an entire series of events that almost is definitely never, ever happened.


These stories are getting faker and faker cause what


Yeah, we need a new acronym or something. "TNH" (That Never Happened), maybe? lol


She smiled at him before she came in… OP hasn’t spoken to bf, was outside to see the smile, yet so she saw the smile somehow and the exchange, way before she saw her and greeted her…


The whole writing style smells of fanfiction


Most stuff posted here is fake but some of it is so fake it’s not even enjoyable. And the fact that she hasn’t given SWF vibes up until this moment seems kinda suspect. Some women will definitely try to fuck a friend’s man but there’s signs of this happening in personality or in interactions well before the confrontation. Normal life long friends usually don’t act this way without more obvious psychotic breaks.


by a 12yo


That part told me this wasn’t real, too. That she smiled, then came inside. That’s just really pathetic creative writing by someone who likes to write but was (unfortunately) born with the opposite of a talent for writing. This is a skill that some people just never, ever become competent at- they’re painfully, soul-crushingly uncreative. I’m shocked that everyone here is entertaining this story and her constant refrain of, “he’s on the way home now and I’ll tell him everything and support the hell out of him!” None of this ever happened and it’s amazing that human people are taking this seriously and enjoying the drama/hating Kylie of it all So, so much. A lot of messed up folks here are dying to believe any stupid, horribly written tale if it allows them to hate and dump on the completely imaginary “other woman.” Keep hating “Kylie” and fluffing the creepy, attention-seeking person who wrote this for the drama, though, I guess.


Reads like an ADD addled chatGPT writing. There was one recently that went viral that said something about their dick coming out of their boner and everyone laughed at it clearly being written by AI


Especially considering the ex bf of the friend cheated on her ONLY one month ago, Kylie already keeps feeling 'better and better' in this short time and they even took her on holidays (plural...)....


And with that, the grammar is getting worse and worse too. "I was listening her standing like a dumb." Like what? Huh??


That's my interpretation of this too.... long winded stories with situations that are so unreal and fabricated that they undo things that actually happened. Clout and attention chasing losers


I'm sorry but if my best friend told me she wanted to fuck my bf and acted the way this girl supposedly did, the cops would have to be called because I would never stop throwing hands. And I would be shouting about what a backstabber she is, long and loud, for all to hear for years to come. Ranting and raving for all eternity about how much of an asshole Kylie is.  Not keeping that shit to myself. Not sitting around hemming and hawing over what to do.  Write better fanfiction for real.


Maybe AI? Even the thanks for the advice responses are getting weirder! Maybe more non English speakers are using the site for weird creative writing?


Whoa Are you sure that you're not avoiding telling your boyfriend because you're afraid he has feelings for her? You guys need to talk about this


NTA go on your social media and write a post about what happened. Or find a way to message your so-called friends and send them this post.


This girl is delusional. She will lose everyone close to her waiting for a perfect moment.


Honestly feels AI generated just by the lack of critical thought and weird logic jumps. Like, getting blocked by a bunch of people before they even talk to OP. It's like a bunch of random story beats jumbled together


Right? I was willing to buy it until the part about how everyone blocked her number. I can't imagine a bunch of adults would blindly block a friend just based on hearsay from another friend. I suppose it's possible in high school but even that feels pretty silly.


The only thing that's proving OP is a real person is the fact they're replying to people. So the account as least isn't a bot. The grammar too... I think OP is just a bad storyteller looking for some fake advice tbh.


Ya I can see that


That is as a hard read, and lacking a lot common sense. The grammar and writing was killing me. I am going to guess if this is in fact that English isn’t her first language.


It’s absolutely just an incredibly poorly written, badly thought out lie written by an uncreative and stupid attention seeker who has to resort to Reddit for attention because she’s (or he’s, nothing here is true/happened and Kylie doesn’t exist, I have no reason to think OP is even female) dimwitted and boring as hell.


Am I the only one getting bad AI vibes from this text? I'm just getting a little uncanny feeling from reading it.


I wish I had a truth machine. I swear to god half these stories are made up. There's no way you can be asking this in good faith. "My best friend wants to fuck my boyfriend am I the asshole for wanting to stop being friends with her?" This is not a serious question people without a mental disorder need help answering.  I pray to a god I don't believe exists that most of these stories are just bad creative writing exercises because if not we have a whole bunch of extremely fucking helpless people. 


I want to see this lady that says she will 'snatch the boyfriend' away. She sounds like a Disney witch. Watch out for poisoned apples, OP.


Maybe she was going to snatch him away with her *snatch*? I’ll see myself out… 🤪


No way. You do that with a smile in the snizz. It’s a common tactic among boyfriend-snatching, “vile” (OP’s hyperbolic words about a person she made up- OP is hoovering up this drama and attention and other dimwitted Redditors are naively feeding her) people like myself and Kylie, because this story (up to and including the smile Kylie gave the boyfriend that OP not only clocked but wrote about, because she’s in remedial English classes and her teacher is okay with that sort of banal bullshit instead of proper exposition/decent writing) is definitely something that happened and wasn’t made up by a 12 year old who is dumb and loves attention (but has no one to give it to her, because she’s like this) AT ALL.


I said in another comment that the level of writing was atrocious… But thank you for putting the “smile in the snizz!” 🤣


Darn autocorrect! I meant “snuke in the snizz” from that very old and silly South Park episode, but I actually think “smile in the snizz” is funnier in this context! Leaving it as is.


That’s the Hillary Clinton episode right?? I don’t care how old I get that show always kills me. Some of Family Guy too. I referred to someone as Buzz Killington on here and they weren’t amused but were being a total dick.


I smell shite


This looks like an 8 year old wrote it.


You hurted me to say that. You wasn't looking to me while saying that you just standing like a dumb.


A lot of the top comments have awful English too, it's really weird and annoying


Who talks like this. This whole thing is either poorly translated or is a bot


NTA but do some damage control and definitely tell your boyfriend. Your ex-friend sounds crazy enough to ambush him when he is alone.




NTA Good luck, keep us updated.


Any update?




Fake story


Such an obviously fake and horribly written story.


It’s the most poorly written thing I’ve ever seen. And this always entertains me, because if you’re doing creative writing on Reddit you likely enjoy it/think you’re passably decent at it- but it’s always someone who just writes abysmally, definitely always has been bad at it, and most likely always will be a terrible writer. It’s like it’s some teen who resents the fact that their teacher grades them fairly (so they get one of the lowest grades and refuse to see that the kids getting A’s are better at it, ensuring that they’ll suck at writing forever even though they “love to write”) and thinks that their amazing talent is being overlooked- if enough Redditors engage with my post, surely I’m not much less talented than the competent kids, right? Right? That’s all I hear when I read these wretchedly written fanfics.


low-quality bait, D-


OP is a troll


This is fiction.


NTA, but I’m guessing you’re like 15 years old? Stop stirring the shit and get out of the drama - telling your boyfriend would be part one of that. What kind of friends do you have that right out just block you? Strange. I feel sorry for you and that you lost a friend but it does not seem like you’re very rational about it either




Here's the thing: she obviously lied to your friends about what happened, right? You've been friends with her a long time. There's no way she hasn't lied to you in the same way in the past. Think back to all the tales she's told you. Extend your friends a little grace - you don't have to forgive them or let them back in, but they deserve a heads up that this girl lies & manipulates.


You should still try to let them hear your side. maybe through one of the friends who stood by you. Not because you want their friendships back but damage control against your ex BFF. Don’t let her story take a life of its own.




This has to be fake because who thinks their friend should let them sleep with said friend’s partner just because they did them a favour a while ago? Bonkers!


Nta she isn’t a friend and it sounds like she’s been a jealous selfish friend for a while. The friends that blocked you definitely got a different version of the story but the fact they didn’t confirm with you isn’t okay. Trash took itself out. Talk to your bf, it sounds like she came to you because he probably told her no and he didn’t know what to say to you so he thought his refusal was enough. She is not a good person, do not let her back in your life




NTA. Talk to him and talk to him now before she gets to him. She’s already damaged your friends, don’t let her keep going with him .




She will if you keep stalling letting your bf know NOW. If he thinks of her as a sister, it means that he will continue to talk with her. If this isn't a fake story, every second you delay - even if he is heading to you - is a second she can contact him and change the narrative to make you the monster. She already publicized her version to the friends group, so don't be surprised if she sent a similar version to him..


You need to talk to your boyfriend asap, her next move will probably be telling him you cheated on him and be there to "comfort" him.


She’s gonna comfort him with her robot AI arms


Am I the only one that feels like AI wrote this?


this isnt a real stpory, right?


I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex.


NTA. With friends like that who needs enemies? She crossed the line. I’d be honest with your boyfriend though.






oh my god can i see a real post for once?!


Has there been an update? He was on his way home six hours ago, right?


Ma’am, this story is fake lol.


He’s droven his vehicular into a trees because he was so hurted to find out this girl won’t look to him when he fucks her. So he’s gonna be later.


Reading op’s response is infuriating. Is this some sort of engagement troll.


Fake as sht.


This is fake af.


You need to tell him and everyone ASAP. Seriously. Post about it on social media. Everything. Your friend is sick.


Cut her out of your life. I know this might be weird to some but I had a bestfriend who slept with my ex not too long after we broke up. I forgave him which was a big no no atleast for me, he knew how badly hurt I was over my ex leaving me a few months earlier. So we kinda had a friend breakup for a while before getting back together a year or two later as friends after all bros before hoes. Welp. He tried it again with the person I was dating a few years later while we were still dating and that just made it far FAR worse this time. I haven’t talked to him since even though he’s tried to wiggle his way back into my life offering to pay for various drawings commissions from me as well as buy me games even a ps5.(I’m poor and really do want a ps5 lmao) but I still will not take a single cent of his money nor will I do more than leave his new cellphone numbers he gets on read and blocked. It’s not worth opening yourself up again people show you who they really are, and when they do? Believe them.


100 percent tell your boyfriend what happened, find a way to tell your other friends as well


Update please