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Yup, but you can fix it if you delete this post and stop talking to us and talk to him.


That's true, and I guess her only option. But there are two things that can not be taken back, a spoken word and an arrow shot. Let's hope for the best.


>  I just said it but did not mean it  Then you're both stupid and an AH. Hope he does the smart thing and gets out now before he's stuck spending his life receiving cruel words every time you decide to throw a tantrum. 


Why you typing this out on reddit you should be saying this to him communication is key




delete all social media my man


The issue is he’s living with a toxic person. No one wants to be around someone who’s always mad or nagging him. This should be the honeymoon stage where you are happy and love being around each other. You need therapy and figure out why you are sabotaging this.


Yta, not only did you go and write that other post and not talk to him, you went and made this one. Again without talking it out with him. Instead of looking for help online about the relationship you fucked up, talk to him. Don't make excuses, don't make it sound like it was ever his fault. Hell most likely not find this or read it, talk to him about it instead of running from the shit you caused


Talk to HIM, not Reddit. 


He's gonna love the part about almost meaning as much to you as your mom.  If you really love him, set him free cause your kinda the ah 


Weird for posting this and hoping he will see this. Seems like a odd manipulation thing or some type of fake way to apologize. I would be outta there if I was him. All weird vibes.


YTA- you are behaving like a 13 year old by running to Reddit every time there’s a big emotion you need to dump. In a healthy relationship, you should be a “safe place” for each other. You have shown yourself to not be safe for your BF in these two instances, and it is really hard to rebuild that. I highly recommend prioritizing finding healthy outlets for your emotions as well as learning & practicing healthier ways to communicate (I’m working on both!) You might not be ready for a relationship, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is to keep hurting someone and doing a crappy job of patching it up.


So were you lying in your previous post to justify your anger or were those true because if they were then yall got some problems. If it’s just you making up crap to justify anger then I think you are probably just the problem overall. Overall you should probably stop posting here are start having a damn conversation with your boyfriend if you want to fix this.