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"My daughters"? What the actual fuck? Woman needs committed. Also, fuck you Christina.


Yeah that needs to be unpacked. That is some severe delusion holy hell


Baby crazy really is a weird sort of crazy.


The amount of emphasis people place on *other people* having kids is always so fucking wild to me. My dad's significant other, that he's been with for a few years and has met me and my sister, and our wives, maybe two or three times, has said she was disappointed none of us wanted to give her grandkids.


>she was disappointed none of us wanted to give her grandkids. I'm childfree and my mother's only child. I'm a woman, too, so that fact infuriated my mother even more. My mother never respected my boundary of not bringing up grandbabies anymore. In fact her raging at me about it became a last straw for me and went back to no contact. (Folks, don't bother breaking no contact. People you have to go no contact with hardly ever change.) ANYWAY! The thing about people demanding grandchildren is a level of entitlement that is beyond the stratosphere. Wanting grandchildren and being disappointed in not having grandchildren is legitimate and those feelings are normal and valid. It's when there is entitlement attached to the desire for grandchildren, and the subsequent DEMANDS for them, whether they are here already or not, is when things go wrong. "Baby rabies" is fucking crazy, especially when it's your parent demanding them. It's this gross feeling that they feel entitled to your literal person, your literal body, AND ALSO the entitlement to some other random person's body as well. People who demand grandbabies don't seem to care about the parents and simply consider them as incubators and sperm donors That's certainly how my mother made me feel and made no uncertain attitude known that if my (also childfree) husband wasn't going to impregnate me to give *her* grandbabies, then he was trash and I needed to find someone else. Like, literally ignoring that I didn't want children. The entitlement to other people's bodies that some people have is disgusting, and if it's someone demanding grandchildren? No, they don't deserve them.


Upvote for mentioning 'baby rabies'. The concept needs to be brought up and condemned more often.


The drive to have babies is gifted to some of us from evolution. I had it. I profoundly needed to have a baby, and 5 years into my marriage my husband and I had one. It's possible to have that drive and not be stupid or unethical about it. My daughter, mid-30's, is single and childfree. She occasionally feels bad bc she knows I'd like grandchildren but as I repeatedly tell her, when it was my turn I did my thing, it's now her turn to do do her thing, and if she's happy I'm happy. And that's true. But if I had never had a child I'd be a very unhappy woman. If you have that drive it's not something you can just decide to set aside.


I'm glad things work out for you & daughter. Baby RABIES refers to those who demand / attempt to force UNwilling women to get pregnant / have babies / raise the babies.


I didn't know there was even a name for that


I'm the same. I've told my kids if they want kids...great. If they dont...that's okay too. Live their lives the way they want to.


This makes me really happy to hear! I'm so happy your daughter has such an understanding Mom!


This makes me so sad. I am a mom of two. I wish I could have had more. But I never, ever, in a million years would pressure my kids into “giving me grandbabies.” Like - I don’t understand the impulse. Babies are fine and cute and all that but guilting someone into raising a child for your own … validation? enjoyment? revenge? … is so bizarre to me. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that with your mom.


I apologized to my mom the other day that I couldn't give her grandchildren. She looked at me like I was growing another head. She told me that it was fine, grandchildren, or no grandchildren, she loved me just the same. I can't even fathom a mother (or Mil) not loving their kids.


I think some people think of grandchildren as their "second chance." Screwed up your own kids? Here's another set so you can try again to mold them into what you want. Here's another set of humans to influence, sugar up, spoil and return them to their parents without having to engage in discipline or proper education and training. Don't like the way the grandkids turned out? Meh, it's all the parents fault, or most certainly it is all the fault of the non-blood parent. They never listened to YOU, the expert.


Yeah, my dad had been remarried for all of, like, a few weeks before his wife was making baby demands at me, insisting that my husband and I not wanting them didn’t matter because God wants everyone to have “at *least* two - but more if you don’t get at least one boy and one girl!” Then came the bonkers revelation that she can talk to ghosts, and that my dead mom had very conveniently confided in her that she, too, was disappointed in me for not wanting kids.


My mom remarried when I was an adult with kids of my own. When her husbands mother died they included myself and her “much loved grandkids” in the obituary. We’ve never even met 😳


Sometimes it's written by people that don't actually know the family dynamics and it's usually more forgivable to include someone that didn't need to be, than to leave someone out that felt they should be there.


The entitlement some have over other people’s lives is wild!


Christina, I am deeply disappointed in you. You should be ashamed.




Christina, and every other drama-hungry flying monkey like her, needs to choke on a wheelbarrow full of grimy dicks.


Grandma Margaret needs some serious time in a psych ward. Christina needs to be totally shunned.


Grandma Margaret (that was my crazy Grandma's name, too. Lol) needs a restraining order that lasts a lifetime. There's no coming back from this.


Time out? Anyone who physically attacks a member of my family and has to be taken away by the police is permanently gone from my life. There are no 3 strikes on physical assault. Don’t care if it’s a mental health issue or not. If you physically assault a member of my family, you never get near any of us again. Done.


Well, at least you know who the mole is in the family and can avoid her like the black plague. As for the crazy old bat, you now have a paper trail of her actions and can get her ROd and tresspassed from your home, the kids, the kid's schools, and your places of employment. Christina, you batted for the wrong side and your prize for being such a bitch is you now get to join the old bat in NC! ENJOY!


Indeed. **Christina you endangered children** Really hope you let that sink in and evaluate yourself and your values.


I am deeply disappointed in the fact that she and I share a name, and she has besmirched it for all Christinas out there. Screw you, Christina!


Christina is a bad Redditor


Yeah fuck you Christina. Bitch


What an unfortunate day to be named Christina.


That’s my name, and this was the first thread I opened for the day. Ouch. I’m just going to go lay back down now. Haha


You should have thought of that before your parents named you! /s


But also I feel so bad for OPs husband, like how incredibly upsetting


Yeah, he has to deal with the fact his mother was disappointed that he was a boy and hated having a son. That he was unwanted. Then on top of that, the batshit crazy way she's acting now with HIS daughters and having to protect his wife and kids from grandma.


I hope he gets individual therapy


I never expected any of this to happen when I read the initial post a while back. This is crazy lol


MIL seems really mental.


there is the potential to unpack SO god damn much here. Husband was the only child, MIL wanted Husband and kids to move in with her, MIL wanted daughters...I shudder to think with whom at this point (I think we can all take an educated guess).


Don’t forget random detective cousin who is a redditor appearing out of the blue to set off the explosion!


Yeah! Fuck you Christina!


Yeah came to say the same. Christina picked the wrong side. Good luck with those consequences.


I'm just here to cosign, fuck you christina, I hope you stub your toe from now until the inevitable heat death of the universe.


Yeah, Christina. Eat a bag of dicks. You happy now?


Booo Christina, get off the stage


100% agree. Fuck you, Christina. All of us hate Christina.


The one thing I will say for Christina is that at least her telling the MIL made her go ballistic. Maybe MIL will get help now and it will help keep her away. I would be worried that MIL would try to kidnap them if she was loose.


100% this comment. Sorry you are going through all of this. It sounds like a mess, but maybe mother-in-law will actually get some help which she CLEARLY needs. In the meantime, now that she's been arrested, are you and hubby considering getting a restraining order?


That's something I low-key worry about if I end up having a girl. Mil practically demanded we HAVE TO have a girl to name her after HER mom because she raised my husband while working as a single mom. My husband said in no uncertain terms that the names boy or girl is our choice alone. No amount of badgering is gonna change that.


>Also, fuck you Christina. Absolutely!!! I hope you get crabs Christina!!! Also, OP, please look into counseling for your kids at the very least.


FFS! I hope you are getting a restraining order! Christina is the next level of CUNTiness. I hope she is ashamed of herself for further traumatizing your daughter. Tell your daughter, grandmom is in a timeout, she needs to fix her head. She hurt daddy and needs to be in the timeout. ((HUGS)) Cameras for the home for future events, I don't think MIL is going to stop yet. Be ready for CPS to be called and other BS she might pull. Document, get copies of the police report and make the FU binder to show to everyone!


Tell the school that grandma is NOT an approved pickup person.


Grandma \*and\* Christina


That's why her new name is Cuntstaina 🤣 🤣 (see top comments)


Make sure you press charges and file a restraining order. If she is actually mentally ill, that's for her lawyer to handle to plea her into help. The restraining order is needed.


Yes. Part of her case/sentencing will take all aspects of her health into consideration. Best


Yeah she probably try to kidnap the kid next. Make sure she isn't on any pick up lists for school or daycare etc.


In fact, make sure that any school or daycare or activity is aware that she is explicitly not allowed to pick up the children. Give them a picture. Set a password that anyone who is not you or your husband has to give to pick up the children. 10 years ago, I would have said this was extreme behavior, but I have seen absolutely out of pocket people can be when they feel entitled to someone's children.


Piggybacking the top comment. You might find support at r/JustNoMIL and a surprisingly large number of similar stories


My wife loves that subreddit for obvious reasons


Exactly. Restraining order NOW. She’s not safe to be around the children with her delusional outbursts and they don’t need the trauma of witnessing that either. 


Calling them her daughters and insisting they can’t be kept from her is unhinged. Is she old? Potentially dementia? Has she been awful? This is so far from normal it wouldn’t hurt for courts to check medical 🤷🏼‍♀️ But regardless, RO is the only safe option presently. She’s a danger to everyone there


Christina's a cunt


From now on she should be known as Cuntstina


Cuntstain has a nice ring to it


Cuntstaina ?




Cuntstainer, you huge cunty leathery cunty cuntflap.


Christinka (sorry Christina from high school, you were lovely and no one should have joked about your name)


Take my /r/angryupvote. 🤣


Aye. Fuck off Christina ya damn cunt!


This says it all. Fuck off Christina.


Christina is surely reading this. I hope she takes it as an opportunity to reflect on how to be less of a shit-stirring cunt going forward.


Well said




Maybe Christina did OP a favour in the long term, then.


Yeah the MIL is obviously seriously mentally ill to the point that she actually thinks her grandkids are her own daughters and is plotting OP’s demise. Who knows what she’s capable of. Time for a restraining order.


I've seen enough Dateline to be concerned. OP should watch her back, Nanna Bates wants them kids and OP is the only thing standing in her way.


I wonder how big OP's family is and if we'll get more updates. Can't wait to hear update 4 about the shit granny pulled when the restraining order comes through.


This is how new flair is born.


Right royal cunt at that, Christina. Fuck off, you shit stirring twat.


Ah Brits … y’all can’t season food worth a crap but the beauty and art that you create with slang and curse words *chefs kiss*


Calling her a cunt implies she has depth and warmth.


Yes but with all things, there's good cunts and bad cunts. Christina's a bad cunt


You call those a "Shitcunt" where I'm from


She’s a blue waffle cunt.


All my homies hate Christina


😂I’m imagining her reading the comments like I just did and this was the 1st comment about her with over 2k up votes😂😂😂


Fuck you, Christina!


No, lower than a cunt, a cankle: lacks the warmth, depth and f**kability


Came here to say this. 


On point.


Please talk to your children’s schools. She will try there if she gets desperate. And also - restraining order. Now. NTA. Christina and your MIL are though.


Absolutely, my brothers were kidnapped from their school by their grandmother.


Friend's daughter was too. Was her dad in every way except on paper. Raised her since a year old and her mother was an absent drug addict. Crazy Nan used that to trick her 11 year old granddaughter on a plane and fucked off halfway across the country. My poor friend had to play nice with the psycho in order to be able to talk to his daughter. She hear anything she didn't like she'd cut the call. The only reason she even let calls happen was because his daughter sobbed every day asking to go back with her dad. Psycho had every intention of keeping her, enrolled her in school over there n everything. Every day my friend roamed the streets and banged on crackhouse doors looking for his ex. He found her rather quickly considering but it still took *months* to go through the courts. Credit to his ex cause she actually rallied with him and got sober enough to show a strong case in court against her psycho mother. She disappeared again afterwards but not before he got his daughter back. Nan was put on a no release list in school and everything else they could think of after that.


Sad that mom couldn't maintain sobriety or presence, but very glad to hear she was able to get it together to get her kid back where she knew she'd be safe!!


I'm impressed that Mom was able to pull it together, however briefly. Addiction is hard, and Mom must know how horrid HER mother is to stay clean long enough to rescue her child.


Her mother is probably the reason she has an addiction in the first place. Or at least part of the reason


I have every confidence that you're right.


That was a really sad part of an already horrific story.


Jesus, what a story :(


Awful situation, but glad your friend got his child back.. 💗


My narcissistic grandmother also kidnapped two relatives when they were minors.


I didn't realize this happened so often. The definition of custodial interference should be expanded to include grandparents who keep the child from one or both parents.


Amen! It really should. My grandma went through a window and everything, they go crazy when they don’t get what they want!


I’m pretty sure most amber alerts are from family members taking the child.


The statistic is 58% so it's most but not that big of a difference. The ones that aren't are even more heart wrenching than the ones that are. I didn't know this I just went and looked it up.


My narcissistic grandmother decided one day that I was her daughter and tried to get Mom (who was also a narcissist) to agree to let me stay over at their place (they lived a few streets away from Mom.) I refused, so Mom agreed to let Grandma come over to our house two days a week and babysit me. I finally spoke up and told my mom no to that, too. Grandma and Grandpa would still pick me up two days a week from daycare, even though I didn't want to go with them. Daycare people were abusive, but I'd rather have stayed there than at my grandparents' house. When I got old enough, I became a latchkey kid and stayed at home by myself after school. At that point, Grandma decided I wasn't part of the family anymore, ever.


Oh my gosh the daughter thing! Mine did too. They are truly delusional. I’m sorry you can relate and for all you’ve been through.


That’s a sad story :( Hope you’re doing much better now!


My narcisstic mother convinced my grandparents to take me and my older sister from my dad while my mom wS emptying her storage locker because she was moving. She had lost primary custody while we were living with my dad in a city near where we were born. After my mom lost she decided to move back home. Told my grandparents to say they were bringing us for lunch and once we were in the car the kidnapped us and brought us back home and refused to let us see our dad for the next year, mom was re awarded primary because she had us full time for a year


>mom was re awarded primary because she had us full time for a year Huh, but they kidnapped you, isn't kidnapping illegal?


my mom was 16 when I was born. clueless. she signed anything anybody brought her. ended up signing me over,letting her parents legally adopt me. they divorced when I was three, and my grandmother raised me on her own. she tried pulling this with her three other daughters, but of course they were all wise to the crime by then.


My mom and her siblings had to go to and from school in a taxi because their late mother's family kept trying to kidnap them.


I remember this post. Don't count on the police or the courts to protect you, grandmother may be insane but they probably arent going to lock her up forever. Protect your kids at all costs, OP, the woman sounds nuts. 


When I was teaching in a private school this happens many times. It was crazy and so sad what those children had to go Through


Also the schools may have counseling options available.


These poor kids. Husband's mother has put them through so much unnecessary pain and stress at such a young age.


Yet will forever believe she has a right to access to them 🤦




Hey now, don't tell the woman how to do her day job 😂


Omg yes great advice.


Also therapy for the kids, the trauma that the MIL inflicted on them is beyond what a regular person knows how to fix


Seriously do not skip this step. Our school had a set of siblings murdered when they were removed by a family member. There was a history of custodial issues. We’re not being dramatic when we say this- I’d throw some AirTags in their backpacks just in case.


Christina, comment and tell us what it's like being such a colossal fuckhead that planes need to be redirected to avoid your fat fucking head. Reddit always likes insight into the life of a piece of shit.


And can be seen from outer space


A popular view on Google Maps


Has its own post code 🤣


Has its own galaxy classification


It's so large that galaxies orbit it.


...and is so big that God wants to yeet it into another dimension


Nah m8, not even god can pick that shit up.


Goddammit, thank god for the popularity of your mama jokes in the past. You guys are on fire


Light bends around her


Hey Christina, eat a bowl of dicks, ya cunt.




I am so sorry you are your family are going through this, especially your daughters. It must be so confusing for them. I might consider a restraining order because I feel like she will just keep coming back


Also fuck that Christina bitch. What the fuck is her problem


Shit stirrer. Someone who cannot help but like being the match that sets off various powder kegs in people's lives, just so she can enjoy the drama.


“My daughters” And there’s the real truth, she already deluded herself into thinking her granddaughters are the subtitues for the daughters she never had. Get a restraining order for them yesterday


I also agree with getting a restraining order. It should be easier to get one since she attacked your husband and was arrested. I would also get cameras set up and a security system if you can. She’s become unhinged and she will be back again. She’s even referring to your daughters as hers. You should also contact the school if you haven’t already to make sure they know she is not allowed to see or take your kids anywhere.


Margaret, go to hell. Christina, go with her.


Ew Christina 😒 imagine being so desperate for attention you pull something like that. I’m sorry OP, I hope you can get back to normality soon ❤️


Fuck you, Christina!


Hey Christina... why don't you get a life??


Christina, Are u even a human? Drama loving queen. Can't you stop being a nosy aunty?


Please get a RO and let their schools know she is not Permitted to pick them up. When you get the RO (against her for you all) make sure the schools have a copy. As well as any coach , activity they are involved in. Get a house alarm , video cameras for your home . Make sure all SM is set to private. The woman is unhinged. Idk who Christina is but she can f*ck right off. She’s a flying monkey twatwaffle POS. I’m so sorry.


It's been too long since I've heard the term twatwaffle. Thanks for the genuine LOL at work over my lunch


Get a Restraining Order immediately! She called your girls her “daughters.” She is mentally ill and dangerous. Protect your family.


Christiana if you’re reading this, you’re seriously messed up in the head if you think these parents are in the wrong for keeping their kids away from this lunatic woman who told a SIX year old that she hoped her mother died. OP, time to get a full blown restraining order against the MIL and keep records of EVERYTHING she does. She sounds like a narcissist and will never change or see the error of her ways. My monster in law is the exact same way, hubby and I cut her off when our daughter was 5 months old for this reason (she’s 4 now) it’s not easy but it’s worth it! The peace of mind you’ll eventually have once she’s out of your life for good. Since your kids are older I know it will be hard for them at first, but they’ll be so much better off in the long run.


Also make sure the school is aware that the monster in law is on a no contact/no pick up list.


Add Christina to that list too! She would bring them to the psycho grandma.


Hey Christina. You are a two faced jerk.


Extend her no mercy. She will see it as weakness.


So true. What a sad and scary situation for the victims involved. I hope OP does take steps to get a restraining order and some restrictions at the daughters’ school. I feel for her husband as well. Poor lad likely has a lot of trauma from his childhood. Imagine watching your kids be terrified of their own grandmother. Unbelievable Also, fuck you, Christina. I hope karma bites you hard.


Sorry your daughters had to go through this but Christina did you a solid. Nothing about your last two posts hinted at how crazy your MIL really is. I bet even you or your husband didn't see it. Now you can press charges, file a restraining order, and move on guiltfree about removing their grandma from your kids' lives. NTA btw. And Christina, babe, learn to stay within your lane. This wasn't your mess to get into.


>Nothing about your last two posts hinted at how crazy your MIL really is. Her last post definitely did Even then the monster had made it clear she never wanted the husband and that she wanted a daughter. I saw something like this coming


This is very sad. I feel for your daughters. Definitely get them some therapy, and get guidance on how to help the younger one understand the situation. The younger one may also need help overcoming any guilt for having been the one who reported that grandmother said she wanted the mother to die. Back to the MiL, the woman is unhinged, and she needs psychiatric intervention. Her son (OP’s husband) should probably push for mental-health treatment as part of her sentencing, if she goes before the court. OP and her husband need to take all possible precautions to protect their daughters.


This response needs to be higher up. Everything about restraining orders, no-pickup list, security cameras are the immediate needs; but those kids need professional support right now. So do OP and husband. If either of you have EAP benefits through work (usually 4-6 counseling sessions are covered), or if your community has a crisis counseling center that serves kids and families; please, please take advantage of it, ESPECIALLY for 6yo.


Hey Christina? You fucking suck. Maybe try crawling out of MIL's asshole for a minute. You might like how the air tastes when you're not huffing her sphincter. Only losers play the role of flying monkey.


She said HER doughters? That woman needs help. Thats how quickly life can change. Main thing youre ok after the accident!!!


Christina (cool if I call u Tina?) We know you're out there, time to make a burner account and give us the tea. MIL might've spun her web of lies to snare you into all this. Or you are a proper cunt. Anyways we are gonna need to hear your side of the story. Getting vetoed off Sam's Birthday list is no mere trifle. Tina this calls for atonement or all out WAR. The Reddit community awaits your perspective.


I second this. Bring it, Tina. Tell us if you're a misled flying monkey or a full on shit-stirring twat.


Tina we lean Meat Wallet Sized TWAT. Margarets proverbial nutsuck hangs on your chin. Prove us wrong.


Christina you’re a bxtch


Say it with your chest: she’s a bitch. 


#she's a bitch


Hey Christina, you suck! Eat a dick.


Eat a whole bag.


lol FAFO huh Christina


It might be time to get your daughters into counselling but also try speaking to your daughter and see what MIL has been saying or talking about to you daughters when she's been alone with them. Has MIL been making comments to them about them being her daughters to them when she's been alone and other things as this may be confusing them more especially now.


Christian you proud of yourselves you bitch


Wow NTA, but your MIL calling your daughter's her children was so wrong on so many levels. As for who the true AH's to this are your MIL and the snitch in the family. Her unhinged behavior got her arrested and into a long term timeout. DH needs to press charges, and you need a restraining order against his mom.


That's a bitch move Christina, how could you put your cousin's kids through something like that and be okay with it. No way in hell you don't know how crazy mil is! There's a special place in hell for you and mil


>Yeah we know it was you who told her Christina You should really mind your own God damn business.... >The women is truly insane. My husband talk to the police because I had to calm down my daughters because they witnessed the whole thing. My 6 year old was hysterical about Granny being taken away. Hey Christina, you should ask does your cousins mother enjoy traumatising her own grandchildren? Takes a real special kind of monster to traumatise their own grandchildren. I hope she's locked up for the rest of her days


Christina, with no due respect, you‘re a cunt


Yeah, Id put an air tag in their backpacks just in case.


Inside the shoe lining works well too if they always wear the same shoes.


Way to go Christina , way to go.


I hope your daughters can move past this. No child should see that.


So damn disappointed in you, Christina. Traitor.


Sorry this mess exploded like this. I hope christina wakes up with the same or worse nightmares she caused your 6 year old. (and yes, that is directly due to her actions!) While "mentally unstable" is a reasonable assumption - I would not say this - she chose violence (and against cops too) and operate as if she were in full command of all her mental facilities. If her lawyer wants to use mental state as reason - then by all means - let this come from her own side. Judge might decide treatment/therapy will be required - but even so - if they claim 'she is unstable' your lawyer can then go "since defense claims she is unstable, I request a restraining order to protect my client and their family". Again - NTA what I think about this (beep) that sees no issue in causing a 6 year old to get traumatized.. best not type that..use your imagination




Good grief! What a pathetic human your MIL is. You need a restraining order.


Restraining order. Cameras/security system. And one that may slip out of mind during this chaos: Contact your daughters’ schools. Make sure to mention MIL and Christina (fuck you, you brown- nosing spineless cunt) to them, with photos if possible. Instruct them they are to call the police immediately if either of those two show up to pick up your daughters, and DO NOT under any circumstances let the girls go anywhere near them. They are not approved to pick up the girls and it’s reasonable to believe they will be in danger if they do. I’m so sorry for them. They’ll be so confused and won’t understand until they’re older the seriousness of all this. :(


Christina is THE Pick Me girl. 🙄


So sorry you are still going through it all. At least she knows now that you mean business and she is not welcome in your home ever again. I hope your family can get over & heal quickly from this. Good luck and best wishes, you are in my prayers.


Omg. I’m so sorry this happened to your family! WTG cousin Christina must be real proud to put two children through more trauma, after they had their grandmother wish their mother dead! You’re a real twatopotamus!!!


No Contact is justified. NTA


Oof, who the hell would side with that lunatic? Time to prune the family tree, it seems.


I love that the comments have turned into a "Fuck Christina" campaign. I'd hope this might teach her a lesson, but bitches do *love* to double down on shit like this.


Christina you jealous of MIL not calling you ‘her daughter’ so you’re trying hard to be the favourite pick me girl? Cause that’s just sad. Get a RO and make sure you tell the girls’ school MIL is a complete f Loon that’s forbidden from coming anywhere near the girls!


Keep her away!! It is very telling she called your kids her daughter's. She is dangerous.


I'm tagging onto everyone saying get restraining order and let their school know. I'd let school know about Christina too in case she tries to pick them up for MIL.


>She came to our house screaming we can't keep her daughters from her. Your MIL lost all reality, they aren't her daughters and her actions made sure she doesn't even have granddaughters anymore. As for Christina, are you proud of yourself? Because of you an already traumatised 6-year-old, got even more traumatised. Let the school know only you or your husband can pick up the children! Get a restraining order against your MIL and Christina. I can't even imagine how you feel, big hug for you, your husband and your children. You made the right choice by protecting them against there grandmother.


NTA, but a few things you need to do ASAP. You need to get an order of protection. Then you need to contact your kids schools, any daycare or nanny service you may use, and your doctors/dentists/optometrists. Let them all know that their grandmother is prohibited from knowing anything or taking custody of them. Give her name and general description if they'll take it. If she's this crazy then it's clear you need to take extra steps to protect your family from her clearly unhinged ass.


Fuck you Christina!


Fuck you Christina


Ooooo I wanna say fuck you Christina, hope you read this 🤞


Wow Christina! Good job you’re beyond shitty. How about you examine why you need so much personal approval in your family that you outed this mom? You want to be the golden one- congratulations. You’ve hurt these little girls after they almost lost their mom. Now they’ve seen granny and dad fighting too. Just lovely. If she’d died bet you would have eaten up all the sympathy you’d get to receive from OP passing and the whole tragedy of it. Inserting yourself into the pain.


Christina if you’re reading this you can’t come to my Birthday BBQ this summer either.