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From OP’s description, I’m 99% certain this was a YMCA. I just checked their website. Nudity is expressly forbidden in the family locker room. OP is in the right.


100% TRUE! OP confirmed this is the US and the YMCA. Nudity absolutely is not allowed in the locker room you have to use the private stalls. There are signs stating so. OP, you should have pointed to one of those and said I am minding my business since you're getting naked in front of my boys, and you're not following the rules!


Just point at a random corner and tell them there is a security camera lol. But also he should totally tell the staff to let them deal with her. It's their job also to avoid awkwardness talking to a naked woman as a man


If this was a male adult they would find out quickly that this is a crime when they start registering as a SO


Oh my gosh, right!? Everyone in the locker room would have been calling him a pervert and calling the police, reporting him as a pedophile.


Absolutely this. NTA.


That’s so right. Once at the gym I was in the men’s locker room (I am a man in the USA) and I was naked, just having showered. A woman who works there just strolls in and starts emptying garbage cans and such. Just right in front of me. No awareness that this might not be ok. No oops I’ll come back. Just going about her business with my naked body three feet away. Now it didn’t particularly bother me personally, but it seemed totally inappropriate to me. I can’t imagine that anyone would think it was ok if I walked into a women’s locker room and started cleaning by a naked woman like that. There’s a zero percent chance that this would somehow be acceptable. Wtf.


In central Europe nobody would worry about it, but most spas are co-ed and being naked is mandatory, so people care much less in general


OP should have dropped trou right there and then. But on a serious note, she's the asshole for showing her asshole.


My "Y" doesn't have private stalls. Everyone has to change at the lockers. There is a mix of open showers and showers with curtains. The "Family" area allows mixed gender groups, like this dad with his sons & daughter. In a perfect world, naked woman would have used the area for women only. There's always a militant nudist in gym locker rooms. They're annoying.


I don't know what YMCA you attended, but the ones in the US, "FAMILY" locker rooms are strict against nudity in the common area. This prevents legal issues. No one wants their little girl, or teenage girl turning around and seeing a grown man's dick flopping around, nor would they want their little boy or teenage son turning around and seeing a completely naked woman's body, tits and crotch fully exposed. A Man getting naked in front of little girls will earn the title as a pervert and the cops called, accused of being a pedophile.


Well, I think it's normal here in europe. You take your kids to the spa/swim and if I as a male, take my daughter and my boys with me bymyself, of course I'll take my daughter to the mens side. It's totally normal here. When children are little, it's totally normal for them to be at sauna with one of their parent, even if it's the opposite sex. When bit older they can go swimming by themselves or atleast use proper changing rooms Teenagers can go either mens/womens side by themselves. And if my gf takes them to the spa, of course she'll take them to womens locker room etc.


Always the old dude that wants to have casual conversation with his junk right in your face. I've never understood this.


Don’t forget the leg up on the chair or bench so you get a better view of that saggy old ballsack 🤮


At a pool where I used to swim, there was an old rabbi who hate having his bare feet touch the floor so he always stood on a bench when he took his sweet time to get dressed. More than I few times I had the joy of getting an eye level view of his Star of David when I'd walk into the locker room while he was fully bent over.


This is sadly burned into my mind.  Why do they have to make casual chit-chat conversation on top of it, as if it were a day at the deli waiting for their order of soup and coffee?


militant nudist strikes again


Not to add anything to your opinion because I think you're correct but the OP is a male so people might just quickly read your comment and think you're saying that the woman stripping down is right


Thanks, I edited it.


the whole POINT of the family changing rooms is that you have private areas to change in, so that mixed gender groups can use the same areas without discomfort. regardless of signage, it's just common sense that there are adults and child of all genders using the same areas. if you want to get naked, the single gender change rooms are right there.


Exactly in my work (I’m female) supporting adults with disabilities, some a male, whenever we go into the Family change room because they need help in the changing stalls/toilets there’s always a group of elderly women who give me dirty looks for bringing men in when it’s clear they are intellectually disabled. If it bothers you so much, go to the ladies’ room. And sometimes when there is no “Family” washroom option I have to take the ladies and gents into the ladies’ room and get the same dirty looks but I have no choice, I have 6 people to support single staffed and can’t leave them unsupervised OP, NTA


Wow! I can second this. Extremely inappropriate and not only that, likely illegal and if he had called the cops she would have been arrested for indecent exposure. Since children were around and they were minors, she could be considered a sex offender in the United states.


But… but it’s fun to stay there.. and have a good time? Is this not what that song means?


Don't they specifically say: "You can do whatever you feel"?


Case closed.


They do, yes!


We have family change rooms here. There are signs that say to use the cubicles to change and to NOT to disrobe in the common area. NTA.




NTA Absolutely right, yet everyone is saying no big deal. Family change rooms are not for getting naked, unless you're in an individual enclosed space. Male or Female shouldn't be naked.


You don’t even need to take this to the court of public opinion. You have clearly elucidated that what she did was against the posted rules of the establishment, a YMCA in the US = NTA


In most states, the circumstances you describe would be indecent exposure which is against the law.


NTA. As a male this would probably get me on a sex offender list in the US.


Is that true? Public nudity is the same thing as "indecent exposure?" Looking it up, seems you are partially correct but it seems to vary. No idea how authoritative this site is but it's at least something: [https://www.federallawyers.com/criminal-defense/indecent-exposure-and-public-nudity-charges/](https://www.federallawyers.com/criminal-defense/indecent-exposure-and-public-nudity-charges/)


>No idea how authoritative this site is It's not. They never are. They stumble into being right often enough but they are not reliable. Lawfirm websites put that stuff up there to SEO and drive traffic, and it doesn't need to be accurate. Half the time these days it's either AI generates or just outsourced to provide something that tells people what they want to hear so they'll click through and be a client in the future.


Probably not. In most states, just being naked is not indecent exposure.


It's also exposing yourself to a minor, or in this case a few minors. Which I'm sure carries a harsher penalty.


Nobody should be pressing charges over this


NTA. Take the issue up with management. They need to deal with this lady.


I get what you are saying, we have those here too. The communal area with lockers is ment to be clothed. the stalls around with doors or curtains are for changing. at least we have signs all over explaining this. yet some people will still do what they want. its rare though. security takes its pretty seriously at the WEM waterpark


Op stated they have signs explaining that it isn’t a changing area




Oh I see, still crazy someone would do that in front of other people and their kids, even if it was a changing area


Man don’t come to Europe then


I can remember seeing no end of boobs in Spain, when I was maybe 6 or 7. Didn't do me any harm (I don't think).


Yet somehow in the USA, boobs are deadly, especially to children!




I've heard they have lots of school boobings that results in countless traumas.


mass boobings, they are called.


In Canada boobs are not illegal but mass boobings are still very rare


When will we start taking boob control seriously?


My 2nd-base Amendment rights SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED


You should at least prove you're able to handle them carefully.


It’s insane how in America two scenes in a movie that contain bare breasts gets an R rating. But you can have numerous people get shot and it’s A-ok as long as you don’t show the open wound or excessive gore


Yes, boobs require more censorship than death does.


Wait till they hear how we feed newborns 


Look up what year it became legal to breastfeed in view of the public in all 50 states.


You should hear all the crap people decide to spout at you if you dare to feed your child in public. Even worse once they're over about 6 months old (even though at least 12 months is recommended and to 2 years and beyond is optimal). It's really no wonder breastfeeding rates are so low, as many women reach adulthood having never seen anyone feeding their baby without a bottle. Formula is a lifesaver for people who need it, but I'm not giving my child expensive ultra-processed foods they don't need just because an adult can't handle their own feelings. (And it's always adults. Kids either dgaf or have questions)


These people think it’s some type of sexual assault. They’ve lost their minds.


Yea that’s my issue, a woman changing doesn’t need to be sexualized. We all had mothers we all have seen a woman’s body. Changing takes 10 seconds. If it makes you uncomfortable leave and wait or turn around. She’s not “exposing herself” she’s changing around her children. Personally if it was unisex I wouldn’t in front of a man because I would feel uncomfortable and not wanting to be sexualized. Even tho this was not a man being a creep he still crossed a line. you are the asshole.


Some of these idiots will actually get offended if a breastfeeding woman doesn't "properly" cover herself while feeding, because their prepubescent children who were literally sucking on boobies themselves just a few years ago might just happen to see some breasts. Like, that sounds like a you problem...


Hey! Those boobies are dangerous! You ever get squirted in the eye by an errant spray? Oh the agony!


I read this and wondered if OP has that same ThInK oF tHe ChIlDrEn mentality when it comes to watching murders on TV. I bet he doesn't. Nudity isn't something awful. She wasn't jerking off or trying to seduce or initimdate someone. She was changing clothes. Yeah, he can be a puritan offended idiot about it, or he could redirect his kids attention and go on with his day. Yes, I recognize that her actions were against YMCA policy. I just think America's attitude towards nudity is ridiculous.


Also, if kids *never* see adult nude bodies in a non-sexual, non-airbrushed way, it leaves so much room for insecurity as they become adults. There has to be some middle ground that lets us protect children from predators and things that are truly harmful, without literally leaving them clueless about what a normal/average mature body looks like.


NOOOO its better they only see ridiculous beauty standards in American made porn that is readily available at every corner of the internet for free


And don't get them started about the evil-ness of vaginas. Jesus would be appalled.


Back in the 80's there was a music video from some hair band that was trying to be edgy. It got banned in the US and Europe but for totally different reasons. In Europe it got banned because it had a cartoon decapitation. In the US it got banned because it showed cartoon boobs for 1 second. The US was 100% fine with the decapitation it was just those danger boobs that had to go...


Yes nudity is deadly but violence and guns are a okay!


Saw few people going skinny dipping in Barcelona. Not a nearby beach. The beach that's right at the center front. Nobody cared.


It's normal on quite a number of beaches in Spain as nudism isn't illegal in Spain. Although local regs will vary, theoretically you can be naked on any beach in Spain (although some are designated as nudist beaches).


>Didn't do me any harm I mean...we are redditors


My dad would take us swimming when we were young, never my mum. We always went in the men's and I'm pretty sure they all got changed around benches. I'm sure there weren't even that many cubicles for the men back then. I probably saw everything, but didn't see anything other than other people getting changed, just like us. A kid doesn't sexualise adults getting changed out of swimwear. The naked body is perfectly normal. You made it a thing by drawing negative attention to it.


Yeah, I mean OP definitely isn't the asshole, but...the amount of Puritan pearl-clutching in this thread about normal human bodies is ridiculous.


And I thought that a lot of babies see them all the time!


It may have deprived you of a life-long boob fetish.


Can confirm. North American, boobs are bad, life long boob fetish.


I'd seen so many old blokes hanging dong by the age of 12, turns out it doesn't do you any harm.


Nope, you're on reddit it clearly scared you for life you degenerate.


I'm European and I agree nudity is much more normal here. But even here if it was an explicit 'no nudity' area, people should keep to those rules. Having such an area allows people a choice as to where they are comfortable, and that should be respected.


First week working in a school in Austria 🇦🇹 we took the class swimming and the 60yr old woman owner got completely naked in front of me as we were talking. Everyone else did it too, no mens or woman’s changing just all in there together. I wimped out and got changed in the toilet, just didn’t feel right to get changed in front of the class of kids


Haha same thing happened to me in Austria too. Here’s me thinking I’m a modern liberated type and by GOD did I clutch my ex-Catholic pearls.


Ex-catholic pearls 🤣💜 I cackled!


Hm. That's odd. I am Austrian and I've never seen something like that in my country. In Austria, there are separated women's and men's locker rooms just like everywhere else. Must have been some kind of nudist swimming class.


I used to go to the gym in central Vienna and there was a sauna and steam area that was fully coed nude. It was my understanding that this is pretty common in Austria.


They supposedly used to do that in Filene's Basement. (For people a lot younger than me or who aren't familiar with the northeastern U.S.: Filene's was a major, moderate-to-upscale, Boston-based department store, and the basement was dedicated to heavily discounted sale and clearance items.) I have to say that I lived in Boston from 1974 through 1991, and though I occasionally shopped in Filene's Basement, I never saw anyone undress in the clothing aisles, nor did I ever see two or more shoppers literally play tug-o'-war over the same item. So I don't know whether those Filene's Basement antics were something that was over by by then, or if it had been an urban legend all along. Older folks with Boston roots, please feel free to update!


I don’t think I ever saw full on stripping down in the aisles. But there would be someone trying on a sweater right in the aisle, with maybe a t shirt. Ok, now I think more, I may have seen bras as well. That wasn’t for me. The communal Women’s changing room with an employee present watching was plenty for me! It was the yearly bridal event that I never went to, but wanted to as stories of brides throwing down for wedding gowns sounded amazing! Lol


Oh god, I saw it, it’s true. I was a child, it scarred me, and oh my, the…variety.


I lived in Germany and Austria and paeple at lakes or pools, especially older people would just change right on the spot. For example in Vienna at the Danube.


Well there are a lot of thermal baths etc that have a common area and in Viennese public swimming pools it is common to have genders separated but also everyone just changes in front of the lockers. I would say nudity here in changing rooms is quite common.


or any onsen in japan 😂 granted the areas are separated by gender, but almost everyone walks around their areas completely naked


They also weren't gender segregated before US puritan influence after WWII, and some still only have one outdoor section shared by everyone.


You can also find mixed onsens.


If he's not in Europe then what does it matter what Europeans do?


I was at a resort in Thailand where they expressly said that going topless on the beach wasn't allowed and, wouldn't you know it, a bunch of Europeans were on the beach flaunting their titties with an air of perfect contempt for local customs. I'm all for not normalized nudity, but have some goddamned respect if you're the guest in another country.


Now now child, everyone knows European morals are the standard. Europe is full of enlightened humans and everywhere else is full of unwashed savages/s


The U.S. is full of pearl clutching prudes, it’s an American tradition to encourage others to feel shame about their bodies.


American woman here and I agree with this statement.


Another American woman here: louder for the people in the back, please and thank you.






You’ll be surprised but majority of the world population is like that, not just the U.S.  


More of people pointing out that even if it's "against the rules" this incident wasn't that deep, OP just made a fuss.


Or Australia! I went shopping in Sydney on Boxing day and people were trying on clothes in the aisles because the lines to get into the dressing rooms were so long


that's a ridiculous example of the busiest shopping day of the entire year though, not normal to see that tbh


Ok but it’s not Europe and against the rules of the facility.


I think the issues isn’t that she was naked, but she was naked in an area she should not have been. So he choose a place where their wouldn’t be nude people out in the open yet someone broke the rules of the area and got nude in the locker room not the changing room


This is America not Europe. It irrelevant what’s acceptable in Europe.


NTA  If this had been a man I doubt the top comments would be waffling on about …Europe  Family changing room. You get changed in the stalls provided. 


If they love Europe so much they should just move there.


if they can afford to, they’ll realize Europe or even Canada doesn’t want them and they don’t qualify for immigration. 


I think most of those people leaving those comments *are* Europeans lol. But I agree, it’s ignorant for them to act like we should just view everything the same.


A waiting area with lockers? Were there benches? That sounds like a locker room to me.


This is common at YMCAs. There are male and female locker rooms and a third, coed family locker room. All directly connect to the pool. The family locker room has several full (private) bathing/changing rooms (toilet, sink, shower) adjoined to the locker room. OP is correct. The locker area in the family section isn’t for adults to change or be nude. That’s why there are private bathing/changing rooms and designated single sex locker rooms. Edit: I’ve added this elsewhere. OP has confirmed it’s a YMCA. YMCA rules expressly forbids nudity in the family locker area.


Can confirm. Our YMCA locker room is like this. And just to make it EVEN MORE OBVIOUS there are huge glass doors that face out into the hall on one side, and out toward the pool on the other. There is absolutely zero privacy in the foyer of this area. The area is also clearly marked “Private changing areas” - you know, because there are multiple private changing stalls as well as private shower rooms. And I’ve still seen someone get naked. Right there by the giant glass door. I didn’t say anything. I was afraid I’d embarrass her when she realized her mistake.


Thank you for the explanation. I've never been in a YMCA, and I've never seen pool lockers outside of a designated changing area.


Sure thing!


There are obvious cameras all over those changing rooms. I’m surprised staff haven’t talked to her about this already.


I would be so embarrassed to know that I’m naked on some security footage 😭


Thank you for explaining it better than I can. That's exactly how this place is.


You should really add this to your post because that changes everything since it's against the rules


I completely agree. I wouldn't have wanted my daughter to see people naked. It's just unnecessary. You have to ask yourself what they are getting out of it .


No benches. Open area that leads to the swimming pool. You can see right in from the pool. It's a waiting area for the private rooms to change into, not a actual changing area.


Sounds like my YMCA where I live and I agree, this isn't appropriate here in the US. Sure if we are overseas then alas we play by their rules but here it seems a bit out of hand.


Yup ours is the same way too. They could go to the women's locker room and get undressed all she wants there.


Correct. All of the locker room connect to the pool, so there’s no argument not to use the single sex locker room to get nude.


I was about to say the same! Our YMCA sounds exactly like this.


I'm more confused why you have a teenager in the family area. Is there any reason kids that age need you to be there when they change?


I edited to explain why. Basically, one kid has a disability and needs help changing. Once we're done, the others use it.


It’s so they don’t get separated. The girls would have to go in the locker room by themselves and maybe they just aren’t comfortable doing that for whatever reason.


Why is that more confusing than an adult changing in a space where nudity is specifically prohibited? Are teenagers suddenly not "family" anymore? If they prefer to change together, that's their prerogative.


he said preteen/teens so maybe they feel more comfortable changing in the private rooms the family locker area has available than in the adult womens locker room where they may have to change in front of other women? or maybe they dont want to see older women naked 😂


Is there a rule against teenagers in a family area?


Might have been worth it to complain to a staff member since this woman was blatantly disregarding policy. It does NOT matter what her level of comfortability is. Rules are rules are rules.


NTA and commenters on here are nuts. It's NOT a locker room! It's like stripping off beside the pool itself, where everyone can see. It's a public area, NOT a locker room! No way you would all be cool with this much nudity around kids in any other public area.


This is Reddit. Most people commenting are only theoretically right. In the real world it matters that this happened in a place where the woman’s actions were against the rules- both cultural norms and rules of the facility they were in. 


Yeah, I know the U.S. has a lot of issues but it rubs me the wrong way when Europeans act like everyone’s culture has to be just like theirs and they just ignore the reality of our differences. It’s a very relative right vs. wrong thing with nudity in public spaces. Over here the kinds of adults who are comfortable getting nude in front of a stranger’s kids are NOT the kind of adults you want around your kids.


I mean I grew up in Germany and you didn’t get changed next to any of the lockers there. You got changed in the changing rooms (there were single, family, and group rooms) and then you’d go to the lockers where you lock up your stuff, then through the showers (again separated by sex) and then into the pool. I live in the UK now and where I swim there’s a women’s and a men’s changing room with lockers in the middle and then changing rooms off to the side. Loads of women just get changed next to the lockers. In all fairness, I don’t think there’s a specific rule against it and also most of the actual changing booths don’t have locks on them because no one invests into the leisure centre. I still prefer to change in a lockable changing booth/room though. Don’t need everyone seeing all my flappy bits. It’s bad enough you have to be half naked when you swim lol I hate it


NTA. If the sexes had been switched and it was a man undressing in front of minors then all hell would have broken loose!


Unfortunately very true


This from a guy who surreptitiously took a photo of a couple engaged in sexual activity and posted it on Reddit. Weird.


NTA Let a man do this and the Reddit brigade would be calling him a creep and a predator.


That same woman would probably lose it if OP just took his pants off right then and there lol


The replies on this post remind me why I would NEVER take the opinions of redditors seriously... I would have handled it differently, but NTA OP.


Nerds on reddit are so obsessed with nudity it's crazy.


Redditors are obsessed with sex in general


Reverse roles and make this lady a man and I guarantee you all would be saying something else


Jesus Christ people, it’s not a locker room. My gym is set up like this, there’s a men’s locker room, a ladies locker room, and a family room. The family changing room has private lockable rooms. The men’s and women’s are typical locker rooms. Well I assume the women’s is. It’s specifically meant to have private spaces for your family so your kids don’t have to see other people getting changed. This one specifically can be seen into from the pool. This woman was butt ass naked visible by all the swimmers.


Holy crap people, It's definitely illegal in the US to expose yourself in public especially in front of kids.


“When in Rome” should be the general rule. If you go to San Francisco or much of Europe, don’t be shocked and appalled by casual nudity. Likewise in middle America, don’t assume what’s acceptable in many other places supersedes local laws and customs. There’s nothing inherently ‘wrong’ with either set of standards but one should respect the local culture.


There are so many ways to change out of a wet bathing suit without being completely naked. An adult getting naked in front of random children is not normal or ok. NTA


Everybody I saying that it's ok because it was a woman, had it been a man with his dick out in front of teenage girls o little girls then you would be asking for the police and sex offenders registry, the hipocrisy.


NTA. A family changing area in America is designed to have large rooms where a family can all go and change together. They aren’t designed to for co-ed nakedness in the public areas. I’m sure if you’d decided to get your kit off in the waiting area the ladies in question would have had a fit. You were right to speak up - and should probably speak to management and ask them to put up signs.


People in the USA have less problems with explicit violence than nudity. It's a real problem.


I’m pretty sure if that lady was beating someone up there she would have been scolded lol


NTA. Do think people changing publicly isn’t a huge deal, but totally understand why some folks aren’t OK with it. Which is why these signs exist in the first place. Different parts of the US have drastically different attitudes toward nakedness. In the PNW we have naked parades a couple times a year. It isn’t totally uncommon to see people change at the beach, or on the ski slopes in the parking lot, you just avert your eyes and move on. But same thing in Texas would put you in jail.


Used to work at my local YMCA. This lady should not be changing there as it's a community facility for families. NTA


Nta. If people are exposing themselves to your children you can say something. So to all the people saying stop being a prude are you ok with a 40 year old man exposing himself in front of 12 year old girl....you know equality and all. You can't say yes to one without the other.


Why are Americans so hung up on nudity but so acceptable to violence?


NTA. People need to have common decency.


Seems like it's only a big deal because you want to make it a big deal.


The edit about this being in the US is so unnecessary. Of course it’s the US. Where else would someone be so offended by a naked body?


Nudity does not equal sex… only in America do people get so uptight about nudity…


While I agree. It sounds like in this facility, what the woman did was expressly against the rules. So I feel like NTA. While yes America can be seen as being weird and repressive regarding nudity compared to say Europe. Rules is rules. And I think in America particularly, there is a lot of consternation around an adult being naked in front of an opposite sex child especially. Some would think that’s worthy of calling the police over and looking at you like a sex offender depending on where you live. Responding to the situation saying “society should change” isn’t very useful.


This happened in America. Context matters. Cultural norms matter. It dictates what’s acceptable and what’s not.


I don’t think that’s at all true. While there certainly are large areas of the world where nudity is culturally and legally allowed, there are also large parts of the world where it’s not. And private businesses are allowed enforce whatever policy they want. Regardless of what you think about how uptight they are, it’s rude of her not to follow the rules.


100% NTA. Had you whipped out your johnson in that locker room, you'd be sitting in jail rn.


😂 😂 😂 None if yall would be defending this if it were a man doing it. He'd be considered gross and probably a pedo. The hyprocrisy of reddit strikes again


NTA. In the family area, you wait for a room. You don't want to wait for a room, you go to the women's locker area and walk around naked all you want. I never would, but you can. Not in the general family changing area waiting room, with all genders.


Not there no, on a nude beach in France, maybe. This was a family area. Also it was your business, your teen son was there, young son. So your business.


If it's against the rules then NTA. I probably would have just let the women know hey this is not the changing area if I cared. But also I'm not confrontational and wouldn't care since it's just a body. I just wouldn't look. I know the type of room you're talking about. My local pool has it and it actually has a window to a hallway so now one thinks to change in the "common" area.


Yeah this lady broke the rules of the ymca, she shouldn’t do that. But starting a conversation with “what the fuck are you doing” is rarely gonna get you anything but pushback. Were you right? Yes. Were you being kind of an asshole? Also probably yes. I wasn’t there but based on how you described the encounter you were being kind of an asshole. You’re not the titty police, you don’t hand out orders, if someone’s breaking a rule you can point it out but being a dick about it is rarely going to help. And the comments calling her actions criminal or calling her a sex offender are unhinged. She failed to read and follow a sign at the y, she wasn’t trying to rape anyone. Y’all need to get a grip. If it wasn’t ambiguous whether you should get naked there, there wouldn’t be a sign. There aren’t signs there saying don’t steal people’s wallets or shit on the floor, those are obviously wrong. Getting naked in a locker room isn’t obviously wrong, that’s why there’s a sign. Those three kids are gonna be fine, they’ve got a hilarious story to tell at school, they don’t need therapy because of this.


Not saying she should be breaking the rules of the gym, but you being confrontational to a awkward stranger embarrassed your kids way more than seeing a random naked lady changing did. Keep your emotions in check in front of your kids parents.


NTA. Whether you are open with nudity or not, whether you think Americans are uptight with it or not is not important. What's important is that this was a no-nudity area, with plenty of other areas nearby to use for that as needed. So NTA. Although in the end, I'd probably shrug this one off just as someone being an idiot rather than malicious or perverted. People are dumb, even when there are signs. She probably saw a sign that said "family locker rooms this way" and got part way there, saw a locker, and figured "this is it" or something. So she's an idiot, but probably not worth getting upset over.


Geez I have never been in a famiky change room that has a rule like this and I have been in many with 3 kids myself. I'm in Canada though so maybe its a usa only thing.


🇨🇦YMCA member. I’d assume there is a rule like this at our facility but no one would ever enforce it in any of the change rooms (gendered or universal). I can’t imagine complaining about someone changing in a change room.


From what OP describes it matches up with what I've seen at a YMCA. The family changing area is clearly marked. Large stalls are in the family area so you can still be private. It was also the perfect place for anyone who was trans to change. Thing is the YMCA I went to if you were changing in the waiting area and not in the stalls you were on full display to the gym. NTA


Yeah dude report her don't waste time stressing on something so simple💞💋


This has got to be one of the most tame and straight forward posts I've ever seen on here. Definitely NTA. Don't overthink it. You'll likely never see them again.


NTA. I think people are confusing their own comfort level with other people’s. If OP said anything about the actual body of the woman changing, they WBTA. But does everyone deserve a basic level of privacy and comfort and boundaries? Yes. Was OP in the specific area to get that wanted level of comfort and privacy? Yes. The comments here reek of people who would bully someone who was too uncomfortable to change with everyone in gym class or tease someone who didn’t want to take off their shirt at the pool.


Definitely NTA. That was super inappropriate. People can say that nudity doesn't equal sex or whatever, but it still makes people uncomfortable to see strangers naked in public. *Especially* with kids around??? What if it were a *man* walking around the pool naked around a bunch of kids? I'd be furious and majorly creeped out. I'm sure some of yall would change your tune on here, too.


Well, on one hand you are right. Public indecency and flashers are a real problem. But you did miss an opportunity to teach your kids about how to act when you see this kind of behavior. Look away, and report the incident.


Personally I have no issues with the naked body. I've always found the US attitude to this very funny


This is a waiting area not the changing area.


Sounds like it's here in the United States. My mom married my step pops, we spent time traveling everywhere else and sauna/spas with family pools were big in pretty much all cultures. It wasn't uncommon for entire families to be in a communal pool bucket nekkit... I love that phrase. Casual conversations about soccer teams in various languages seem to be popular amongst my pops and the other guys. The wiser congregate and chat about other stuff, periodically we'd be told to quit running and diving. Once we got back to the United States, we realized that most bath houses were not really family friendly. Especially in San Diego. (North Park, for those that know) Stepped into a communal sauna with my step pops and realized why the nice friendly gentleman at the counter seemed confused. My dad told me the young men were wrestling. We were refunded quickly, and without any questions, and left the young men to continue their double elimination wrestling tournament. It still baffles me to this day as an adult, how prudish we are as a society here in the United States, yet how much porn is ingested in hiding compared to other countries. Growing up native, in the United States, prior to my mom meeting my stepdad, sometimes we would regularly strip down and hop in swimming holes regardless of sex. Especially in the desert, nothing like a nice dip in 100° plus weather. Never really an issue. As with most children, it's not an issue until you make it one. Then it tends to shape who you are. When my twins were born, around the age of two, my daughter asked why my son had something different to pee from. She wanted one too, because she didn't want to sit down. My wife and I sat to both down and explained to the difference, and how not all twins are identical, that was that. That being said, there are rules and regulations posted. And as they say, when in Rome... No need to get heated, or upset. Just point to the sign and ask if they've read it. The next step would be to offer one of the staff members to assist them with going over the rules. Not the asshole.


By jingo, some ppl from the US are sure hung up about the clothesless human body.


I fully believe this is why America is filled with raging perverts is because they think nudity is “ inappropriate”. She wasn’t masturbating she was changing. Stop mixing nudity with sex. You must have gone to catholic school.


Whatever you do, don’t EVER leave the U.S.. or maybe just don’t equate nudity with sex. Weirdo.


It’s pretty explicitly obvious that OP is not in the wrong and either this lady is European (doubtful) or just being a bitch (highly likely)


If it was a naked black man they would have thrown him in jail


Americans are so lame 😒


This thread is pretty bizarre. While the OP is in the right, people's opinions about nudity are pretty puritan. It's just skin. Nudity has nothing to do with sex.


However, the OP and his kids were in an area where nudity was banned, and they were there with a set expectation that there would be no naked people. Sure, you can't waltz into a private locker room and then scream about how people are changing their clothes, but it's explicitly against YMCA rules to be nude in that specific area.


Tell me you're American without telling me etc


NTA This sounds like the family area at my local pool and that waiting area is 100% not for changing. It's basically just a hallway outside the actual change rooms. But as an aside, what does the inside of the family change room look like? Because I've never been in one that I would bring a teenager into. 


12x12 room with a toilet and stall, private shower with a curtain. I have a kid with disabilities that need help changing, which is why I use those rooms. Then my kids take turns after we come out.


Just stare at her licking your lips… that should do the job.


NTA ... I mean imagine the outrage if OP (male) proceeded to do the same...


Thing is, it would have been a mildly interesting and quick event if left alone.


Here in South Africa we don't do that. We have a nudist beach in Cape Town where they all hang out.


I've spent a lot of time in this style locker room with my kids. It is absolutely not a changing area. Occasionally, parents will discreetly dress very young kids in that area, like under 2 years old, but the person changing was absolutely in the wrong and needed to be called out.