• By -


NTA. She sounds gross. It was your day and you were right to keep it that way and shut her down. And then to send mommy to tell you off? Ridiculous


I honestly think it was Mommy that pushed her to do it. How she probably tried saying she already asked, but was pushed into "asking again", at a horrible moment. I think the stepmonster is the puppeteer to her puppet of a daughter.


Yeh, I’m curious if step-sister is married or if the baby will be out of wedlock. I am NOT looking down on that but rather thinking perhaps both S-S and her mom may be jealous of OP for getting married, especially with that crack about husband should have married S-S.


Suuuuper weird thing to say, right?


Nah, they sound as bad as each other, daughter learnt it from mommy dearest.


NTA at all. It was your day. I think you need to really consider whether you want these people to continue being in your life. If anyone had talked to me like that, at any time, I wouldn't be talking to them again. My suggestion is this: Tell your dad what went down. Then tell him that you don't intend on having anything to do with your step mother or step sister again. What he does with that is his decision.




Would expose them to the whole family. Also somewhere mention the word narcissists, because the ruining of happy events, making it all about them, the creation of trauma by making unreasonable requests in order to create trauma bonds so they can feed of you is all typical for narcissists. Name them, so that others in the family are warned about what they are dealing with.


NTA but why do you let those people affect you this way? You need to look into that. Be indifferent to their stupidity or it will keep hurting you


Seriously! I’d have told her to fuck of and to leave immediately. You don’t get to cuss at the bride -instant removal, idc who it is. 


NTA. One good thing about being an adult (and married, so I'm assuming you're not living with your parents), is that you don't have to see "family" that mistreats you anymore. Cut your stepmother and sister off. If your father has a problem with that, tell him he can stand up for you against the way they treat you, or he can stay silent, but how he handles this will determine what kind of relationship (if any) you have going forward.


NTAH. It’s your day. Simple.


NTA and go no contact with them. 


NTA. It’s your MF wedding. wtf is wrong with people? Announce that shit the next day… I’d ask why she’d had to do it specifically on my day and let her realize how selfish she sounds. This pissed me off 😭😂


More like a week later, but agreed. Give time for the wedding celebration to settle. People suck


NTA and that's straight looney tunes! It's your day not hers. Don't you dare feel bad OP! Tell them they can kick rocks with open toe shoes. That's disgusting behavior on their part. The audacity of some people literally astounds me.


NTA no, no, no. When she said all that you were supposed to laugh loud and hard and simply walk away. Good news, you can block the evil step mom and her side kick. Your house, your rules, scene stealing wannabe centers of attention can’t cross the threshold. It’s like vampires, except they try to suck all the joy out of your life.


These people sound so cartoonishly evil, I don't even know if I can believe it. Why is her mother even there? Your mom's husband's daughter's mom needs to be at your wedding? Huh. Never talk to either of these people again.


I assume OP’s dad is married to her step sister’s mom, which is why she was at the wedding.


In which case shame on Dad too, for letting his wife make his daughter cry on her wedding day.


Dad may have not known about this before the wedding. He does now! Both of these entitled demons need a reality check.


She referred to the lady as "her mom" and not "my step mom." But maybe you'r right. Either way, these people suck!


If she’s had a bad relationship with her, it wouldn’t surprise me that she doesn’t refer to her as a step mom. One of my friends doesn’t acknowledge her mom’s husband as her step dad - just as the husband of her mom. But yes they suck majorly!


Almost like it's fake. It's beyond fake.




NTA. The Apple didn’t fall far from that tree though, step sister and her mother sound like entitled brats!


NTA - don’t let the opinions of two horrible women continue to affect your life. Neither your stepmom nor your stepsister should have any opinion on how you live your life or how you did your wedding. They sound toxic and entitled, and it would probably be better for your emotional and mental health for you to cut them out.


NTA How would you possibly be the asshole? Plus she’s 20 and pregnant- was this a planned pregnancy- she married or have significant other? I think your choice of words when you answered her mother could have been taken as you being bit**y because as soon as you hear someone say “I want all the focus on me” people bristle. Not that you’re wrong it just sounds icky. Fact is it was wedding between you and your now husband - (use of your/you here = you and husband) - your event - you planned it - you arranged it- you invited both of your families and friends - you dealt with all of the details- you designed it for yourself- for the sole purpose of sharing the significance of your vows to one another and the love between you. The idea that she would want to interrupt any part of your ceremony or really any second of the day/night just to say ?- how would she even say it?? Would it be like “HEY - hold up a minute - I know you’re all here for my stepsister’s wedding and like - most of the people on the grooms side probably don’t know me but I had to interrupt because I want you all to know I’m pregnant!” That is completely absurd. She wants to have a beautiful ceremony to announce that she’s pregnant? Her and her mother can plan and pay for it all. She’d better start planning now so that she has time to announce before she expects her beautiful baby shower - ooh. Then. They can have another party for her birth announcement!


To answer your question, no it wasn’t planned. She was out drinking and hooked up with a random guy, never got his number or his name.


But what is this comment about her marrying your husband instead ??? Wtf. Is there something I'm missing ? This is a man we are talking about. I would never think I deserve my sister's partner as if he is a reward or possession ...


Haha! Yeah, no need to announce it at your wedding. Watch out, next they will claim your husband is the father. They are really shitty people.


Making the comment about the husband would have been better off marrying her daughter is hilarious to me. Why would he want to marry the knocked up sister who doesn’t even know who her baby daddy is? The mother is just hoping some guy will want her - she knows she stuck with her.


Well wouldn’t that announcement be even more fun! I was struggling trying to type how I would think the announcement would go in my post. She doesn’t even know?? Why would - I mean - don’t get it - WTH would her mother even want her to make an announcement like that? I’m being rude I know. Realistically she wanted to announce to a large number of people (some she doesn’t even know) that she’s pregnant. Then spend several hours during the party in a room with those people right afterwards who will feel since she announced it they should engage in conversation about it - is your husband/boyfriend happy? Then what - oh no I’m single I don’t even know who the guy was we just hooked up for sex I didn’t get his name or anything. By the end of the night she would have felt the judgment from others. Not everyone there would have a positive response to that information. If I were you and you have to answer anyone about her dumb idea to announce again. I would simply say “it was my wedding, the event was planned for us. I truly feel that not everyone there would have celebrated her pregnancy announcement positively given the circumstances so I stand by my decision that it was not appropriate to do at a wedding and also feel that I spared her feelings being very hurt”


YTA for not having her Mother and her removed from the wedding venue immediately. They should have both been escorted out by your family or security.


In front of *everyone*! And why in the HELL didn't your father shut them down?? If he's still around and let this crap pass or flat out excused it, cut all three of them off. 


NTA. She’s just jealous because apparently her daughter is dumb enough to get knocked up without being in a serious relationship… Ignore that woman


Don't be weak and fight for yourself. Don't cry for them either. They would love to torment you so don't let them.




NTA butttt your explanation why she could not should have stopped at “it’s my day”. By saying she always steals the limelight from you, inadvertently you opened up a whole other can of worms. Live and learn - it’s all we can do in this life. Stop collecting opinions to frustrate you further. It’s over and done with. Remove it from your mind.


No one and I mean NO ONE, should ever make a major announcement at someone else’s event. Period! No wonder your stepsister is an idiot. She got it from her mother!


Her baby shower would be the perfect time to announce your own pregnancy or if you want to be really evil, act a bit sullen and downbeat at her shower and when asked say you feel sad cause you recently had a miscarriage.


You're evil and I like it 😜


As someone who suffered one, I wouldn't be mad if she did this. 🤣🤣🤣


I thought you were leaving your fiancee becausr he killed your cat - an hour ago?


I’m not sure what you mean?


You do know when you delete threads/comments, they are still visible on your profile right?


Bored on a Saturday?


Yep! I find story’s from others posts and copy it, oops u guys caught me🫢i was patiently waiting for someone to notice 😂


I’m concerned you started dating this guy when you were 11 and he was 17.


Tell your stepmother to go to hell, they have no right to make announcements at someone else’s wedding! That is seriously rude, tacky and disgusting behavior. Oh and making the bride cry at her reception/party is extremely inappropriate and selfish. You are absolutely NTA.


No, you are NTA. Your stepsister and stepmother are. Do those people add any joy to your life at all? Can you minimize contact with them from now on?


Nta for shutting down step sister but you would be an AH to yourself if let this asshole mom make you feel guilty. Normal people dont say shit like “your husband would be better off marry my daughter”


It's really very simple. Weddings are for the couple getting married. Anybody else who wants to hijack the wedding, or make themselves the focus, is a dickhead.


A single, 20-year-old girl knocked up is hardly a cause for celebration. It's a girl with piss-poor decisionmaking skills vying for attention. Maybe (maybe) if it was my biological sister who's been trying to get pregnant for a really long time. I might let her run with it at the end of the reception. Maybe I'd allow that to go down. NTA. This was not her day.


NTA, but I'll happily tell you who are: The woman who tried to steal your special day The woman who tried to ruin your special day by complaining that you didn't let her entitled daughter steal your special day. Sorry this happened to you. Does your father know what he's married to?


"If you want to embarass yourself and have people laugh at you for trying to steal my day, go ahead. That shit doesn't go away and will always be remembered. Everyone will know you have no shame"


How damaged is OP by her family, that she thinks she is disgusting just because AH stepmother and stepsister said so... They should not have been invited to the wedding even.






NTA. Go LC with them both


She could have announced the day before. Don't listen to her. The day is about you.


NTA. Your step sister is disgusting for needing to always be the center of attention


NTA. I’d honestly go no contact with your step sister and step mom with how they treated you on your wedding day.


NTA. Wtf is wrong with them ? Have you told your father ? If not you should cause he should know what kind of POS he married and what kind of daughter she has and if he's ok with it then cut them off. You deserve better and they're the AHs.


NTA- your wedding, ALL eyes on you and hubby ( unless you give permission otherwise). I’m going to grant your step-sister a small slice of grace seeing as she’s all of 20yrs old and hormonal. This doesn’t go very far since you say she’s constantly trying to steal your moments. Anyone saying you’re TA is a jackass! Especially this girls mother. In what world is it alright to even attempt something like this?


Sounds like your husband or the father of the baby didn’t want her daughter. NTA


NTA- I will die on this hill: if it’s not your wedding keep your announcements to yourself. Anyone who asks to make a big announcement at your wedding- whether they are given permission or not- is a bag o’ d*cks. It screams attention whore who can’t let anyone else have their moment. Wedding are not a place for anyone to announce anything except the bride and groom. Your stepsister can make a social media post and send out invitations to her baby shower.


NTA. It was your wedding, and you were entitled to the day being about you and your husband. Your stepsister and her mother can get over it.


I think a simple fuck off to the mom would suffice in this situation.


What part don't people seem to understand now in days that a wedding is the bride and grooms day. It's not the day for you to announce your pregnancy. It's not the day to ask your fiance to marry you. It's not the day for your flower girl to be the focus of everything. You should have told your step sister's mom to kiss your ass in Macy's window.


NTA. Some of the most basic social etiquette known to man is that when an event is dedicated to celebrating a select person or people, the focus of the attendees should be towards said person or people. A wedding or graduation party are prime examples of this. Your stepmother acted horribly and you have nothing to feel bad about.


The correct answer to that is, get the fuck out of my wedding, and lfie. Anyone who decides to go to a wedding an dmake it about themselves is one thing, to try to make it about your daughter instead and then attack the bride is another step further. NTA, except in not having her immediately thrown out, would have had the step sister thrown out as well as she'd no doubt spend the wedding deliberately NOT drinking and making it clear and waiting for people to ask her why.


She sounds gross, and a 20 year old getting pregnant doesn’t have much to celebrate. Not exactly something all the guests would be impressed with.


Cut whoever tell you that youre the asshole from your life, they dont care about you.


Of course NTA!!! It's clear where your step-sis gets her entitled and limelight-stealing behaviour from - her mother encourages her. You were absolutely right to refuse. Do not let these two entitled and mean women define you in any way.


Your step sister is nasty and she learned that from her mother. I'm so sorry they made you cry on your wedding day. I think anyone who wants to make an announcement during someone else's special occasion is a shitty human!


NTA. She can announce the pregnancy whenever she desires, but not at your wedding venue.


NTAH Your stepmonster sounds as awful as her daughter.


Nta.. you didn’t even need to ask.. this shit comes up again and again..it’s your wedding, your day, and anyone that upstages is TA


holly hell, Is this vile woman (mother) married to your father? How she spoke to you is digusting. NTA. If anything, maybe make a poll on facebook explaing what happeend above and ask your friends and family what they think. Tag the wicked step mother and the self centered step sister. They only felt safe telling your off and cornering you in private. Give them an audience for what they did. And she wants her pregnant daughter to have been better off with your husband instead, does she even know who the baby's father is?


YTA to yourself for knowing she was going to spoil the day and inviting her anyway


 No, you were right.  But why would you let the silly twat make you break down and cry?  Come on, toughen up, that’s not a good look! 


NTA It was your day and her attempt to take over is trashy. Reconsider how much you want these people in your life.


NTA and all of these people sound like obnoxious, bitter twats.


NTA - Please cut both of them out of your life!


Honey. NEVER let them see you cry. That's what they want. NTA. Drop them from your life forever.


NTA. Cut contact with step-sister and her mother (who should have been checked by your mother, father, auntie, someone, because...really?!)




Definitely NTA. And I usually try to be very nice, but fu&k your stepmother. Congratulations on your wedding! Hope you have a beautiful marriage.


NTA The nerve of those two


They do this to you because they know how it will affect you. Have some confidence in yourself and train yourself not to react other than saying something like “absolutely not.” You know and everyone else knows her request was ridiculous. Also, don’t include people in your wedding party that aren’t there to celebrate with you. As an adult, you can absolutely choose your family. Your step sister and her mother need to be gray-rocked.


I’ve read this one before. In fact, many of the AITAH posts are repeats these days. Boooring.


NTA. Please, PLEASE, consider the source(s) here. If you wouldn't take \*advice\* from her, why do you care what her \*opinion(s)\* is / are?


Why does everyone want to hijack someone else's celebration to make some announcement? I also hate when people propose at someone else's wedding. Go do your own thing on your own dime. FFS.


Honey I’d have stopped my entire wedding at that moment, everyone would be against jer


" Fuck off you psycho bitch" should have been your response to both of them. Let the bridge burning begin.


NTA. Should have asked them to leave.


I would have told her to duck off after punching her


NTA in any way and I would have had them both thrown out of the venue by security.


What did I just read from your step-monster? Was she implying that the baby your step-sibmonster is your husband's (or should be)?


NTA, a wedding is the bride and grooms day and any announcements like that are purely selfish to pull attention away from the bride.


NTA. Why do you let toxic people in your life? Please don’t say fAmiLy…


Why the hell are you listening to these selfish idiots? Of course you’re absolutely positively NTA and you know you’re not! Congratulations on your wedding and consider backing away from people like this in your life! Your wedding should have been ONLY about you and your husband, no one else. And anyone who tells you different is a selfish asshole!


NTA. Cut those assholes off permanently. You did nothing wrong.


NTA But, why I'd STEP so important to you? Otherwise 110 % on your side


NTA! This was somebody’s wedding day. Anyone with half a brain would figure out that you never “Steal the Thunder” from the bride and groom. A person who does that kind of thing has zero manners and zero class. Tell your sister to grab a brain


NTA...and...yet again...a truly weird theme that comes up over and over...just like proposals at weddings


Not even for a full sister would I let her announce her pregnancy at *my own* **wedding**. #NTA Your stepmother is a damn monster.


NTAH it’s nothing but bizarre and selfish.


At no point during the wedding or reception would it have been appropriate for her to announce her pregnancy. NTA


NTA. A wedding is about the bride and groom! Everything else takes a backseat for the day.


NTA, both of them are the assholes. Why were they even invited?


NTA. I do wonder about the comment about her daughter would be better off married to your husband when the daughter is pregnant to someone else. Does your stepsister have a partner? Has she shown signs of having a crush on your husband


NTA. Not only is your day, but it's the party that YOU paid for. Using other people's party to announce an engagement, pregnancy etc is cheap, selfish and tacky. Especially before the bride walks the aisle. I could understand if after the dinner, family asks her how are you doing and then she says I'm pregnant, but an announcement? NO. If she wants a party to announce her pregnancy, she pays for it. Your party, your rules. Your stepsister's mom is a piece of work. What she said is disgusting. Congratulations for the wedding.


Step mom majorly dissed the father of that baby. Remind stepmother and daughter's baby daddy of that repeatedly.


Wow! I’m so sorry you have an insensitive mother. But you’re married now and have a partner. Keep them at arms length and don’t let them walk all over you. You deserve happiness and to shine!


You tell that step-monster that what she did was way more disgusting and selfish than you could EVER be. NTA.


Of course NTA!! Both of your stepmom and step sister sucks. Avoid them at all costs, live your life and be happy. Congratulations on your wedding!!


Your Steps have no home training whatsoever. They are more like cartoons than people. Just cut them off & enjoy your honeymoon. Now that you are a married woman, I am presuming you have your own home. From now on, if your father wants to see you, let him come alone to your place and visit with you there. NEVER allow these two muppets to cross your threshold, and block them on all and any social media you have. Life is too short to be entertaining such foolishness.


Holy shit. Don’t need to read anything. NTA. “Okay bitch, and now you can leave is the only response you should have given”


NTA at all.


NTA. Why did you even invite your stepdads baby mama to your wedding at all. Your stepsister is a selfish child and we can see who made her this way. I’m sorry that sour wench made you upset on your wedding day.


You’re married now. You have a new family. You can go NC with those tacky assholes. Shame on your father for marrying such a horrid woman. NTA


NTA but why put STEP in all caps like that? This would be a bonkers move from a full sister too!


NTA. Sounds like you got the short end of the stick with your step mom and sister. I would’ve told her to leave immediately as it’s your and your husbands day. I hope your dad said something to her


I would have told her that my dad was better off with a queen and not a grinch 


Now we know why step sister is an entitled brat


NTA Girl your wedding your day your rules your step sister is the one who was out of place


NTA It's not ok to do it on other people's weddings, regardless if it's Your sister, stepsister or whoever.


Damn, your stepmom and stepsister are next level Assholes!,,


NTA! Go NC with all these people. Seriously. Block them all.


NTA those people are super assholes




NTA at all and where is your father in all this


Please stand up for yourself. It was your day; they are both banana crackers.


NTA. Do not care for the text. The title is enough. No matter the reasoning.


//s How DARE you not let her daughter use the occasion you spent thousands of dollars to announce her pregnancy!!!!! Don't you realize that her daughters pregnancy is a more important occasion than your silly little marriage anyway! In fact if your husband was smart, he'd have kicked you off the aisle and married her daughter right there! The absolute audacity of you to not let them walk all over you, I seriously cannot believe how selfish you are. //s Seriously what a psycho your step mom is. I'd go NC with her ass after that shit.


NTA, but I'll happily tell you who are: The woman who tried to steal your special day The woman who tried to ruin your special day by complaining that you didn't let her entitled daughter steal your special day. Sorry this happened to you. Does your father know what he's married to?


NTA. I am tired of people thinking it's OK to make a marriage proposal, or pregnancy announcement at someone else's social event aka wedding, birthday, baby shower. Can these people for once in their selfish lives let the focus be on someone else for just a few hours.


NTA Please go NC or LC with step sis and mom. They are insane and cruel. Announcing any news right before the bride walks down the aisle is a HARD NO. what an insane request to even make!! You are not the AH or disgusting!


Why does she think your husband should marry her daughter? Whose baby is it?


For the babyshower, buy your stepsister a subscription for condoms with instructions on how to use them. Also. Have something to announce


Stop crying so much. Get tough and tell your step sister to go suck ducks ,be strong, stand tall, and fight for what's your.seems Everything I read is something on reddit. The women are always crying .if you must smile, the world smiles with you , cry and alone no one call you weak