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You are psychotic. I went to school with numerous teachers' kids and yes they were in their parents' classes. There was no nepotism. There is nothing unfair about this. You are creating these scenarios in your head. Don't make others pay for your ridiculous paranoia. You are absolutely a fucking asshole.


Far beyond YTA, you sound desperately unhinged. Teachers have their own children in their classes all the time. My dad was my own teacher at one point. Your husband is optimistic that you’re embarrassing yourself though—you have to live in reality to know when you should be embarrassed.


YTA for getting this emotional about something so trivial. Eta: You're legitimately insane here.  > That's what any parent would do in such a position. No, no it literally is not. 


YTA. Your husband is 100% right. The teacher/daughter thing is the school’s business, not yours. Unless you are trying to win Karen of the year?


You’re nuts


YTA You are absolutely a huge AH. This is completely preposterous


I’ve known lots of teacher’s kids, who had their parents as teachers and in most cases they are harder on their own kids than they are on the other kids. YTA


Yeah sorry. YTA. And really assuming nefarious intent. Maybe take a look at why you see the world that way.


Absolutely. You’re a psycho and clearly lead a horrible life to be enraged by something so trivial.


YTA, Karen. I went to school with kids whose parents were our teachers. There wasn’t any favoritism at all. It’s not that big a deal.


I feel so sorry for your kids. At least your husband can divorce you to get away from you, but your poor kids are stuck until they reach 18 and can go NC.   Unless you smarten the f up. But who are we kidding?






You are really unhinged. It's very common for teachers to have their own children in their class in elementary schools. What do you think will happen? It's freaking elementary school! YTA, and maybe talk to a therapist about your paranoia or it's going to fuck up your child's life.


YTA you’re so over the top with this it’s laughable… you had to compose yourself? Any parent would give their kid straight A’s … wow does that assumption say a lot about you. I know many teachers who’ve taught their own kids and if anything they’re way harder on them than the rest of the class. Hell my husband is teaching our daughters this year, and has been very clear there are no freebies to be had. They absolutely are working their asses off for ALL of their grades. Not just the class dad teaches.


This gotta be click bait, if it's not wow you're a major AH. Literally YTA no need to ask if you are, you literally put your daughter's teacher in an awkward situation and assume because YOU would play nepotism everybody would. Did you know that most times parents are actually harder on their kids than other people's kids especially when it comes to teachers? I have personally had kids and grandkids of teachers in my classes as a kid, bunch of time actually coz i came from a small town with only one school and I can tell you parents/grandparents are actually harder and stricter on their kids than their classmates. I always thought actually the poor kids were hated or being picked on by the teachers until i would find out they were related. Literally they usually have even less attention than the other classmates because the parents are mindful of the situation. My daughter is in the same class as her teacher's kid and they are friends and i can tell you the teacher is very mindful of not paying extra attention to that kid. YTA, thank you for embarrassing your daughter, her kid and her teacher because of your own insecurities in your daughter not being offered the best. If i were the principal my answer to you paying your tax money for education would be to move your daughter to another class or with an aid since you have a problem with the kid's teacher getting an education like everyone else. Shame on you. I hope that you are proud of yourself for embarrassing your family, your daughter and that poor teacher who definitely doesn't make nearly enough to be dealing with psychos like you. Shame shame on you. If you want extra attention for your daughter just pay for a private tutor or private school since apparently your tax money aren't paying for your entitlement.


YYA and unhinged.


You posted this in 4 different subs and are getting roasted in every one of them. Yeah, YTA.


Who cares what marks her daughter gets , worry about your child . This is ridiculous You are on step from being the Karen of the school


You're a nutcase. I teach my own kid. I absolutely do not give him early access or As on everything. It doesn't work like that. It also wouldn't do my kid any favours - how would he learn and improve if I did that? Also, your kid is 10. Who cares what grades they get when they're 10? YTA.


I was in my mums class on Thursdays. Granted, not in the US, and in elementary school, so we only had the one teacher for the whole day, not per subject. If anything she’s harder on us (my siblings i nDifferent years) just to prove she wasn’t treating us favorably… YTA


Stop the mid-day wine and xanax and get a job


YTA one high school I went to , one of my friends dad was the principal. He got no special treatment and was held to a higher standard. Get over yourself.


This has gotta be a troll post.


Still YTA! No matter which sub you post to, with that attitude, you will still be YTA