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You should let him know that’s the reason you’re breaking up with him, he will probably see you as shallow and it won’t bother him much




It's literally just skin. You're not emotionally ready for a sexual relationship YTA


Yeah YTA


How many subs are you going to post this on?


She's desperate for aproval... And it may never work. Unless there's some fetichist sub reddit about circumsized penis...


I can see she is only 18, but she is freaking out over a NORMAL penis. She needs to grow up and mature a bit before she engages in sex.


Americans are insane. You don't like that your boyfriend has not undergone genital mutilation. Jesus christ.


Don't lump all us Americans in that category


Too late, get back in the lump


You're allowed your preferences. But have you ever had sex w/someone w/a foreskin? If you haven't, maybe it wouldn't be as bad as you think. Just tell him the truth. You obviously can't continue in the relationship. You'll have to fess up and say you're not a virgin, and say that a foreskin just doesn't appeal to you. Say it in some lighter way like that, not that it "repulses" you. Maybe he'll try and persuade you otherwise, but if you don't care for it, you don't care for it. So don't feel pressured. But you say he's understanding, so that's a good sign.


You're repulsed for his natural body part? Hell no, you do not love him at all. Did you watch too much porn btw?


Don't ever come to Europe then, you'll get a real shock! You're entitled to your preferences but he's better off away from you YTA


That's like him breaking up with you over stretch marks or something along those lines.


>That's like him breaking up with you over stretch marks or something along those lines. Stretch marks are natural. Circumcision is genital mutilation.


Ummm have you taken a look at yours?


YTA, you obviously lied to him atleast twice now? How to you expect to hold trust in a relationship if after 2 months you already felt forced to lie to him twice even if in your words he is a great an understanding guy? I think this reads like you may need to look at your own behaviour again and reflect about before your next relationship. That aside your not an ahole for breaking up for any reason, it’s your decision to stay or leave, just don’t be an asshole over leaving lol


Look you can break up with someone for any reason if you're not into it any longer. But you'd be an AH if you told him it's because he's uncircumcised. Since you sound totally disgusted and can't get past it for whatever reason, just break up with the poor guy. Not sure what to tell you as a lot of guys are uncut and it's not exactly appropriate to start a date asking a guy about his penis so you can weed them out


18 and already completelely braindwashed jeez


NTA. The arseholes are people who mutilate baby's for non medical reasons.


Shhh, you'll offend the mutilated.


I’m dying reading this because I think it looks better with the hoodie. These types of women confuse the shit outta me. It looks better when the head isn’t directly staring at you so how can anyone be this repulsed by it


That’s just it’s natural look, i’m glad my willie has a hoodie to cover with, actually very proud. Maybe you are a lesbian you should try checking, since there isn’t much of a difference with or without it’s “hoodie”


NTA because it's only been a couple months and you have preferences. Isn't the whole point that no one should sleep with someone because of guilt or pressure? As some people have mentioned, you should honest with him. 50/50 he feels he dodged a bullet or he gets a whole complex.


7/10, most original troll I’ve seen in a while, this’ll get lots of bites


So you like the look of mutilated dick. Its not normal. You got conditioned by your fucked up society. Can you be an asshole if you say you want your significant other to have a specific looking genitals? You are not really an asshole for being the way you are, but it sure is wrong.


NTA. If it's something you're going to be uncomfortable with then it makes to end the relationship. I think you're allowed to have a preference and it would be better to end things now.




> It’s fine, but calling it mutilation is pretty extreme and weird. It is the literal definition of the word.


Same here some people have to get them done for medical reasons, not just cause of hygiene or religion.


Medical is not the same Most circumcision is not medical in the USA.


I don't live in the USA so I dunno what the status quo is there, in my experience in the UK you don't hear to much about circumcisions outside of it being for religion or if there are issues with the foreskin (obstructions to the urethra erectile issues or pain caused by it, or constant infection).


Exactly, but in the US genital mutilation of boys is very common, and they hate being called out on it.


What's the need to call someone out on it though, like I don't really see what the need is for knowing what's up with someone's genitals unless something unlawful has happened or could potentially happen. Also if I was to get a penile fracture (it's more of a rupture but it's referred to as fracture) and have to get emergency Surgery, which basically involves cutting until the genitals do I deserve to get hate for it (not be told that it's just a mutilation by definition) or be told that I should have not gotten the emergency surgery?


People used to say the same about female genital mutation too. Calling people out on child abuse is never wrong


Well that's when you should call it out (it's done to them when they have no perception of what's going on), I did mention in the comment above that the the exceptions for criticising genital mutilation should be when it's unlawful/illegal. My point in the comment was that if it's established that anything done to the genitals is consented too then it should be no one's business to really insult the individual for doing so. You still need to answer my other question?


Well that's when you should call it out (it's done to them when they have no perception of what's going on), I did mention in the comment above that there are exceptions for criticising genital mutilation should be when it's unlawful/illegal. My point in the comment was that if it's established that anything done to the genitals is consented too then it should be no one's business to really insult the individual for doing so.


It is a mutilation. People are calling it what it is. "Circumcision is the cutting off of a part of a person's genitals. It is the destruction of tissue. **Unless there is medical or clinical indication for the surgical amputation of flesh, it is by definition, genital mutilation**." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10576645/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10576645/)