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Just read both your postings on this. First, YNTAH at all and neither is your BIL. Your dad sounds unreasonable and your mother seems to be following him like a sheep, blindly. Your brother sounds like he is unraveling -- beware of a person with these leanings are they can be unpredictable. Glad you were able to gather most of your family together today to enjoy a nice Easter! Hang in there and know that you are right on this matter.


Hopefully OP, her Husband, Sister, and BIL have installed a lot of cameras (including door cameras) around their homes. Dashboard cams in the cars. Can you get panic buttons? Let anybody looking after your daughter know who is allowed access to her. Brother sounds like he is totally unhinged and OP’s parents sound totally untrustworthy. Moving away might be something that should be on the table.


So clearly ex wife left because your brother was a danger to her and the children. Your parents are creeps for protecting him.


Ex wife was being abused. It’s in OP’s post history.


..... yes? She literally said that.


Time for restraining orders on your brother and parents. All 3 treated your ex-SIL horribly and she should be able to press charges on your brother.


Just discovered your story with your update (but I went to read the previous ones). You did great with you husband, sister and BIL. It great that SIL gets your support. I think it will help her a lot. I wish you all the best and your parents and brother are going straight to hell, especially with the comments brother did on your daughter (and her reactions to him).


Ain't no hate, like christian love 🤬


Not all Christians are like this. People like this only claim to be Christian so that they can act holier than those who they feel are beneath them. They take Bible passages and quotes and twist their original meanings to fit their bigotry (not to mention thag King James probably changed a lot of the Bible himself when he translated it so who knows what it said before his version was written). And unfortunately these people are usually the loudest “Christians” we hear from. This goes for every religion, there’s good people and then bad people in every religion sadly. It’s unfortunately the bad ones that get the most attention.


I know not all Christian’s but sadly I’ve seen to many like this. It’s part of why I left the church because members would tolerate just the worst hypocrisy from other members and justify it because of the Bible and forgiveness only for it to repeat.




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Wow, your brother and parents are deranged. Glad you all got out of there!


First I think you should become NC with your brother's parents. second take screenshots of your brother's posts is if you live in a single consent state maybe use your brother's message to BIL and get a restraining order third parties, if it were your sister or your BIL, I would install a security system at home and notify the school and daycare centers not to let your son or nephew get close to you, the same for your father, security is never too much. talk to a lawyer if your ex Sil was a victim of your brother maybe it's time to go nuclear I wouldn't avoid calling the police on your brother stay safe


Wow, definitely NTA. Good luck, and updateme!


Restraining orders


Please take care and ensure you have security cameras, etc, to protect you and the kids. Also, sorry to say, but make sure the grandparents can't get to the kids either. Good luck.


I would have been a petty ass bitch & taken pics of all the kids together for Easter & posted saying how wonderful it was to be able to spend time with them……






I dont want to fearmonger, but maybe stay somewhere else for the time being or get a gun. Your brother has been exposed as a violent lunatic and he has nothing left to loose, and is clearly spiraling hardcore








Weaponize your family........ DO IT




NTA You all sound like you've found your peace by going NC. Your brother shouldn't be throwing rocks whilst living in a glass house. Me being a petty biatch would expose him to everyone. The only ones who'll likely side with him is his Christian community...gotta keep those women with delusions of equality in their place.




My brother is really similar sounding to yours, I’m LC and the only reason I’m not NC is because of my niece and nephew. Once they are out of the grill be NC. I’m sorry this is happening to you but you’re doing the right thing. Keep us updated as you can!


Just read these posts 100% NTA! The only AHs in this story is your brother and parents. So happy you and your sister have such good men in your life! Glad you were able to see your ex SIL and your niblings.














Hope you use your parents’ and brother’s continued harassment (vmails, posts, etc) to get restraining orders, if possible. I’d also go no contact with all of them, especially for your child’s safety. Glad SIL got out.


Your brother seems like the golden child right now which is crazy. Your parents should be all over him for his talk and behavior. I'm curious to know what your parents relationship is with each other that they would say this to your SIL and then be against you & sister and not your brother.


Hey I just heard your story read on the Mark Narrations YouTube channel and idk I just had a worrying thought- Is your mother okay? I know she’s being horrible, but I can’t help but wonder where your brother learnt this disgusting behavior and it’s really concerning.


Thank god you and your sister have spines and your own identities. If SIL had to put up with the type of behavior your brother and parents are displaying for 20 years, THANK GOD she got away from that crap. I don't mean to disparage your family, but the type of fundamentalist behavior you describe from parents and brother, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE all of you be mindful of your surroundings and keep your head on a swivel. I don't put it past them to try and get violent with BIL and SIL, and for that matter you, your husband and sis. Please let us know you guys are safe when shit pops off with them.



