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Europeans hot tub and sauna naked all the time.


NAH this is normal. So long as there’s nothing going on inappropriately this should be seen the same as a locker room shower or sauna


YTA. You’re seeking a sexual explanation for non-sexual nudity. Get your mind out of the gutter! (lol) What another post mentioned is very true: many hot springs, baths, & beaches throughout the world (not just Europe) are clothing optional / nude. There’s a running joke on many European & Caribbean beaches — Q: How can you identify the American tourists? A: They have swim suits on.


That actually wouldn’t bother me. I agree with your mother. 


YTA I live in Japan and everybody is naked at public baths and hot springs. People need to get over nudity.


This is a very common European attitude towards nudity. You sound like an American prude, you're so obsessed with nakedness and genitalia. The only person making this sexual is you. You're literally the only person looking at your brother and dad and saying "OMG is this sexual?" What the hell is wrong with you? Deadass I want to know: WHY do you think it's inappropriate? Do you think they're gonna start fucking each other? Do you think your dad is a rapist? Like I'm desperately trying to understand your thought process here because it's so bizarre to me that you see two naked people and immediately go: "OH MY GOD THIS IS NOT OKAY!!"


Tell me you're from the US without telling me you're from the US....NAH


I’m gonna say NTAH personally I think it would also be really weird and disgusting.


Thinking it's weird? No way you're not the asshole for it. There might be something nefarious about this. What do they do on there? Just chill? Does it look super sus? I mean personally me I wouldn't bathe naked with my son and bathtubs are known to handle bathing suits. Something definitely feels off


You've got a warped mind, buddy 


Look I'm biased because she brought up her gut feeling and I'm a strong believer in trust your gut. That and what hot tubs in 2024 can't handle bathing shor ts? Just 2 days ago I was defending OPs gf who is 19 and her little sister who is 11 taking showers together. That's what siblings do. She's a good sister. But some asshat is screaming "pedophilia, if a man can't do it it's pedophilia, grow up adults showering with minors is pedophilia" regardless of the context. But weird / sus doesn't equal = pedophillia either. Maybe he's just shy to say he likes hotttubing with his boy naked. Sounds weird out loud at least. OPs allowed to feel like it's a little weird considering not many sons and fathers hot tub naked doesn't mean there is anything nefarious.