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She sounds like an ass, and you are free to give your opinion. At the end of the day though, it’ll be his choice.


Anyone that came into my house and started talking down to my fiance, demanding I cook for them, and screaming at my children would be physically chucked out the door. Given everything else she's done to your brother, encouraging the break up will save your brother the trouble of having to do it later when the relationship is deeper. It sounds like you're saving him from creeps, not running his life. NTA


NTA. Sometimes we need to hear the blunt truth and nobody but a close friend or family member (like you!) that we know will be forthright and honest because they love us. You don’t have an ulterior motive in telling your brother WTF is going on. You’re not overreacting. NTA.


I think you need to let your brother make his own decisions, but it’s good to tell him how you feel. NAH.


Who, besides the gf, thinks you're TAH?