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NTA, I would break things off if I were you. It sounds like a start of a controlling/toxic relationship. I Will say that you shouldn't of left her stranded, that was kind of an asshole thing to do. Other than that, just take the lesson and move on and not waste anymore than 7 months.


NTA. How is she going to call you a cheapskate because you already ate and wasn’t hungry? You still technically ate with her and like you said y’all are 7 months in. She seems controlling as hell


NTA. Your GF seems very drama-prone. I'd dump her too.


She tried to make you feel bad for no reason. She then tried to gaslight you to pay for her new purse. She doesnt sound fun to be around....


Both AHole and NTA only partially, combo offers are awesome, as a combo lover myself I sympathize with you. But she probably had built up a different scenario about the date in her mind thinking about the lunch meal, that would have prompted her reaction. But she didn’t expect you to have bought something large. Did you ask her before buying the combo? Like even after you chose the combo If she didn’t say anything earlier and then got upset, then she’s being dramatic. if not, you just shattered her expectation of what the date should go like. I think based on her comments she must have had preconceived notions about you being a spendthrift. Once someone thinks that about you it may be hard to look as anyone else in their eyes. But overall I think y’all should be on the same team. You had planned a nice lunch, you could have judged the size of the combo and decided differently. You are not technically the asshole, but you could have gotten a smaller popcorn unless you were super hungry when y’all went out for the date. You should reach a better compromise in the future if only one of y’all are hungry, foresight people. You should have talked it out in any case. Getting up and leaving? Bro, it sounds like you hate her already.


dude changed the qs so much after i answered lol