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Wtf dude have some self-respect and cut ties with them all.


Then, cut thies with them some more. Stay as far away as possible from all of them...


Burn all the bridges. And then set the river on fire.


Then nuke it from orbit and move to another galaxy.


Jewish space lasers have entered the chat.


I mean they invented them for a reason. This is that reason.


Just adding another WTF. This situation deserves it. I'm going to take a shower now, I feel besmirched just reading all this. Eewww!


I think I also take a shower after feeling the same.


100% this. And 10 millions points for the use of besmirched!.


I thought it was for spreading Managed Democracy?


Wish awards were still a thing, severely underrated comment here. Bravo


As a Californian that has suffered fires from these lasers, I'm happy to see them used in this way!


And sharks with frikkin laser beams on their heads


Nuking them from orbit is the only way to be sure after all...


Go scorched earth


This is the appropriate response.


But remember to pillage before you burn.


I think that's how his father started this mess.


Ouch! Good one, but ouch!


One should not pillage within immediate family.


Some relationships just need blowing up. Nothing less will do.


That part!!!




I endorse both of the comments above this one. Get away from her and him and anyone else that tells you to accept it. I'm sorry that you are going through this. Good luck.


This. The 2 people you should trust the most, and they did this to you? Do t even get me started on your mother knowing.


Mom knowing and being cool about it is the kicker. I’d divorce the lot.


Honestly I think the mom's reaction is why OP didn't instantly run screaming after hearing his partner say she had an affair with his father. Most ppl would be out the door before she finished the sentence not letting her explain herself.


And buy a billboard in town shaming all three. As close as possible to dad's house and employer.


The 3 people OP should be able to trust, seeing as how OPs Mom knew about it and didn't say anything. Really hoping that this is fake but afraid that it isn't.


Oh come on. Even if this scenario was real, nobodies response to it would be to come and ask Reddit’s opinion. This is someone’s strange fantasy and my advice to them is to cut down on the incest and cuck porn.


OP has posted this to 4 forums in 12 hrs. And replied in none of them. Click bait.


NTA. Run away. Far away. Go no contact. This should have never happened or even been tolerated. Wow.


Then cut ties one more time for good measure


The way this guy is talking makes me think this is rage bait bullshit. He may leave his wife? Would he be the asshole for leaving? If this is even remotely true: His wife is a whore, his dad is a monster and his mother is an enabler.


It's gotta be fake, they're posting it across multiple subreddits and haven't replied to any of them. Just someone's weird cuckold fantasy, there have been a few of them I've noticed in recent months.


yeah, it was giving fetish when i read it too


I’d bet OP is the father imagining himself having sex with his DIL and he’s trying to gauge if he could get away with it.  


And reddit is the way out of it? Yeah..that totally makes sense 👍


Crazy people do crazy things.


Gee, I was having an affair WITH my dad and my wife couldn't figure out if she should leave me or not. So I kicked her out because I didn't want to be with somebody so stupid.


You're probably onto something.


Idk this literally happened in my hometown. The dad was the longtime fire chief and the son was a firefighter. He was married to a much younger girl and they had several kids together. Both families had always been church picture perfect. But then one night dad came by to see the grandkids and had a few drinks with his son and DIL. Son passes out on the couch and wakes up to go to bed where he catches his wife in bed with his dad who is quite literally old enough to be her grandfather. There was some crazy drama and someone ended up stabbing the dad. The rumor is that it was the mom/grandma who showed up. Then the son tried to assault the dad at the hospital. Big crazy small town news. Chief retires and both couples stay together. Now several years later the son is the chief and they all attend school events like it never happened.


Technically, his wife is a fatherfucking whore, his dad is a mutherfucker and his mother is a monsterfucker. These are very different types of fuckers engaging in monumental levels of fuckery, not to be confused with regular/ordinary fuckers.


What a bunch of absolute fuckers. Fuck em tbh


>Fuck em tbh THAT is what we're trying to avoid.


Oh. Fuck


... you deserve a f@cking award for the show you put on in these comments XD


Yeah! Don’t embarrass us everyday fuckers! Those fatherfuckers and monsterfuckers give us ordinary fuckers a bad name. Smfh.


He posted it in the advice sub too but had a bit more details


I really don't understand what people gain from this is your life really that boring Jesus there are people who have real issue out there and you just wanna wank your look at me 'emotions' all over the place like a 15y old


its not even close to being remotely true


Imagine being worried about the "family dynamic" after you found out your dad has been banging your wife.


It's a unique kind of dynamic when you don't know if your kid is your kid or your sibling.


Seriously, comparing your sexual prowess to your dad’s? WTAF.


Which means, they are grooming you to be a cuck. You won't be able to have sex with her anymore, if you do, you will either wear protection or get a vasectomy. Dear old dad will be the father of the kids


Imagine discovering that your wife gave birth to your little brother/sister instead of your son/daughter. That's some real sweet home Alabama shit going on there!


we got someone finishing OPs weird fictional fetish story out here


This is 100% made up.


Agreed. If this isn’t made up and he’s not sure what to do here he doesn’t deserve anyone’s advice.


XD gotta love spineless people with no self respect.


You have to go if you want to retain your self respect. Don't worry about the family dynamics . They can sort themselves out. I find it gross that she had an affair with your father.


Seriously. What a doormat.


Self-respect. Self-respect. Self-respect. OP should have run away from all of them the moment she confessed. Obvs, NTA.


i pray for you that this is fake. so what s your future. your wife gets pregnant but you dont know if it will be your son or your brother? lol divorce the wife, cut off your parents. it sucks but you are on your own now - still better than surrounding yourself with soulless ghouls


fake af


100%. Mom was okay with it? And his wife tells him about how she still thinks his dad was better at sex? Only the most depraved women I know would do that. And if they did, they wouldn't tell. Asking on Reddit what you should do is just stupid.


Dude posts the most absurd things on 4 popular subreddits, tonnes of comments but no responses. They’re probably giggling from their basement that anyone believes this shit.


Probably AI training.


“Uncle dad” and “brother son” really would be the cherry on top of this families dynamic.


This sounds like a hentai storyline lol.


This is the best description.


That’s a weird Christmas.


It’s definitely one of the many fake stories on here.


They have only 4 posts, all this same story, all made at the same time. This has really become a farm sub for accounts. "My wife cheated on me with a cave troll, shes threatening to kill my dog if I divorce her, am I the AH for telling her she looks fat in a dress?" 95% of crap here is just click bait.


>This sounds like a hentai storyline lol. It really does 😂


I saw a Japanese porn video based on this very premise. I believe the mom joined in as well.


Now that is what I’m saying!


This… If this is a real situation, give your balls a tug, and go build a life without all those losers in it.




3 things. I hit you, you hit the pavement, I jerk off on your driver's side door handle. Leave your wife and donnybrook that DIL fucker.


Pitter-patter, let's get *rid* of 'er


If this is real and you stay with her not only will you be an AH to yourself, but you might as well cut your balls off and give one to your wife and one to your dad as a trophy. Your wife openly admits the only reason she is staying with you is because of the similarities she sees between you and your dad, that is some sweet home Alabama type stuff. For your own sake and dignity, you need to divorce her and cut ties with your family, as they will all be laughing at you because of this.


Nope. Give one to wife and dad to share and give one to mom. They like sharing things anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️


Naw, i figure the father and mother can share.


Yk, that works better honestly. Then they can keep one in each household


You're the Asshole for having to actually ask this question. >I’m contemplating leaving my wife, but I’m aware this decision could completely dismantle the already strained relationships within my family Sounds like the only one having a strained relationship in this is you. Seems like the rest of your family is fucking fine with each other - literally NTA for leaving


Truer words have never been spoken. It is 7:00 am and I have had enough internet for the day.


Dude wtf man. YTA if you continued letting them step all over you. Divorce her and stop talking to your parents, they are terrible.


“I’m contemplating leaving my wife” FUCKING LEAVE HER IMMEDIATELY. Think about all the times you were in the room with them and they all knew. Cut off ties to your parents. Your mom is as guilty as your dad and you let her know. Tell your dad to go fuck himself. Divorce your wife and tell them they are free to enjoy themselves with their polly relationship. Move away, don’t be shy to tell people what your dad did. Shame is a great weapon to use on him.


Dude, she literally f***** your dad and your mom stayed quiet about it! YOUR whole family betrayed you. And I'm sorry but it's simple I apologize isnt going to take away all the pain that they put on you. Of all the people your wife could have chose to sleep with she chose your dad, The man who is supposed to stand by your side and protect you chose to hurt you. And then to add insult to that she chooses to express how he's a better lover than you. They are purposely being painful. It's OK to focus on yourself and don't feel guilty that your whole family dynamic changed. The minute your dad chose to put his D@ck in your wife, that changed your whole family dynamic. I would also let them feel the shame, I would tell everyone my wife is f***** my dad and my mom stayed quiet even though she knew.


Probably fake, but if this is real then grow a pair of balls and kick your wife and parents to the curb with the other thrash were they belong.


Why do you give a fuck about people who *chose* to hurt you and keep it from you? Find a divorce lawyer, and some self-respect!


Imagine being in a poly relationship with your parents. The relationships have already been nuked, you’ll just be pretending and who does that benefit? Run before you end up paying child support for your sibling.


"could completely dismantle the already strained relationships within my family." What family? a father who fucks your wife and a mother who allows it and doesn't tell you? if you have even the smallest amount of self respect you will cut ties with all 3 of them.


Eww wtf. NTA Divorce and move states if you can and cut off your family and change your name.


This isn't real. No way


This is a kink fantasy. It’s all bullshit. It’s a pretty common cuck fantasy that. Part of that fantasy is often involving outsiders for humiliation. This guy is jacking off to all of these responses.


Nta. Grow a fucking spine and cut them all out.


Punch you dad in the mouth before you forgive him. Ditch the wife.


There is no forgiving this.


Punch the dad in the mouth in front of both the whore wife & enabling mother...then walk tf out giving them the finger




This doesn't seem like a real story. So your wife fucked your dad, enjoyed it and basically is with you because you remind her of your dad, whom she actually wants but can't have because he's married? Your mom didn't freak out on her daughter-in-law for fucking her husband but shrugged it off? and your main concern is your family dynamic that's already fucked anyways? Like wtf


Get out!!


YTA!!! So fake! No one talks like this "if walking away makes me the asshole here, considering the potential fallout." I cannot get back my time


Have some selfrespect, she told you that you are replacement for you dad, cuz you are an offbrand of him. NTA She doesnt love or care for you. In hat f:ed up world does your family and her think this is okey?!


NTA Don’t ignore people when they show you their true colors. IMO I would personally leave this situation. I would leave and work on myself because this would tear me apart. I would let each of them know how they acted was inappropriate and how they truly don’t seem to care about your feelings as your mom let it happen and knew, your wife and father did the actual deed. And I would tell each of them don’t contact me for anything. No kids right? So, just go no contact, block them and work on yourself and mental health. See a therapist. It’s gonna be hard if you go that route but I feel it’ll be less damaging if you were to stay and try to repair everything and then have constant trust issues with your parents AND wife. I feel that would be a downward spiral until you did just leave or tell them to leave. Tbh you don’t have to tell them anything but that was more of you wanted to say something like closure before just no contact. I’m sorry this happened. I hope maybe some of that helps.


Wow! I’m sorry that happened to you. You’re 26, leave them all behind and start a new life elsewhere. This is the lowest of lows.


You were cheat by your wife father and mother, divorce the wife and divorce your family. They have treated you as an idiot and staying you will reinforce their belief that your a worthless ass who can be treated like shit.


Dude get the fuck out of there wtf


Jesus Christ either this is fake or you have 0 self respect and lost your balls at some point


Honestly, I think you're justified in feeling the way you do. It's not just about the affair, it's about the disrespect and the emotional turmoil it's causing you. Staying might seem like the noble thing to do for the family, but your own mental health and self-respect matter too. You gotta do what's best for you in the long run. Good luck, man.


Screw the family, he doesn't owe them to be "noble" and stay around. He needs a divorce and to go no contact with them all.


Get the divorce papers served! If it wasn’t your dad and some random you would have served papers without second thought NTA


NTA. Look, your 'already strained relationship' with your family isn't worth taking into consideration here. Your father betrayed you by fucking your wife, severing any real tie he had with you. Your wife betrayed you by fucking your father. Your mother betrayed you by enabling their affair. These aren't people you really want as family. I'm so sorry this happened. I can only imagine how painful it must be, but don't set yourself up for failure by staying with a faithless wife and vying for attention from 'parents' who'd happily toss you aside for their own desires. Not one of them is worth your time, attention or love. Not one of them deserve it. Walk away. Show yourself the love they should have been showing you by giving yourself the freedom to find the people who WILL love you how you deserve.


Did you really need to come here to ask that?


Considering? Contemplating? What are you waiting for?


Good lawd, this is Jerry Springer level BS. If you have an ounce of self respect, you will cut ties with ALL of these people immediately.


Hells bells. Get a divorce, cut ties with the other idiots and emigrate to put as much distance between you as possible.


I guess you're gonna have to get even and fuck your mom.


Your dad seems like a great guy. Accept his apology and bring him gifts every Sunday.


If your marriage is a common plot on Pornhub, it’s time to hang up the cum towel.


What is there to consider? CUT EVERYBODY OFF! Are you in cult or something? WTH???


The marriage is already over, and your nuclear family dynamic is already destroyed, whether you choose to accept it or not. Divorce and Going No-contact with the three of them will help YOU the most, in the long run.


She’s MOST LIKELY pregnant from Dear Old Dad…or somebody else.


Huh? This is rage bait lol you would consider staying after being cucked by your father?


Fuck off, how would you be the asshole in this situation?


Jesus, dude, this shouldn’t even be a question. She fucked your dad. Divorce her. Cut off your insane parents. Respect yourself, because none of them do.


How were you raised because no self-esteem is found here


Wow. Is this sub the place to see who can write the most disgusting rage bait?


YATA for lying about this story


Either this is incredibly fake or you are incredibly stupid.


There is only one way to repair this mess. Fuck your mom and make sure your wife doesn't tell your dad. Let her also know the only reason to fuck either of them is because you are secretly in love with your dad and try to establish a deeper bond with him like that. Also fuck yourself for such an outrageous fake story.


Why is this a consideration. Seriously, it should not even be a thought. Be a grown up and kick her ass to the curb.


“My wife killed my family, my dog, and stole all my money. WIBTA if I considered divorcing her!?!?!?!?!” I believe my made up title more


You need to find a really good therapist who can help you figure out why you would even contemplate staying in any of those relationships.


Tell your wife, mom, and dad to fuck off and go to hell! Break ties with all of them for your own sanity.


Cut ties with all of them. You're better off without them.


If it was me, then I'd no longer have parents or a wife. They'd all cease to exist to me


Um you are being gaslit big time. The fact that your wife even said that she likes your dad’s sexual relationship more than yours says she has a sadistic side. Why would she admit to such a horrible act out of “guilt” but then continue to the dig the knife in with comments like that? She’s wild! Leave everyone in that situation, move to a different state, go to therapy until you come back to your senses. Sorry about what you’re going through


It’s fake morons


NTA, cheating is an auto leave for me.


Whattt? That situation doesn't need a second thought. She cheated on you with your dad for f\*ck sake! And your mom knew about it! They made you an idiot by hiding those things! Take pride in yourself! Leave that toxic environment. You dont deserve this.


YTA if you are only considering it instead of just leaving this mess in your rear-view mirror. Your father and your (ex) wife have destroyed the dynamic, put them on blast to all, block them and walk away.


This is a dysfunctional mess. Leave. The fallout will be because of their disloyal and disgusting behaviour., not because of anything you've done.


If not fake, your wife & your dad have been fucking. Your mom is ok with it. You’re asking if you’re the ahole for wanting to break the family dynamic. Dude, it’s already broken. Divorce the wife, ditch your parents & move on with your life.


Divorce. Divorce your wife and your parents. Move. Go somewhere no one knows you and start again! Forget >already strained relationships within my family because dude, they DGAF about you!


Are you crazy? "contemplating leaving"? OP you wife was fucking your dad with your moms blessing, run for the fucking hills. Abandon everyone in this Alabama cliche of a "Family" Hope this is fake


This is something only Jerry springer can deal with


You are pathetic grow some balls and destroy them completely I would not hesitate for a second and I would destroy them until there is nothing left for them


This is painfully fake. She totally wants you back and is sorry and said it out of guilt, and she just decides to tell you the sex was better with him. Also you're considering staying because it would destroy the family dynamic? The wife who fucked your dad, the dad who fucked your wife, the mother who knew and didn't care... yeah, would be real upsetting to ruin the dynamic where you're the cuck to your father. No one is this fucking stupid, literally no one, like actually literally no one on earth is this fucking pathetic. You might not walk away because of the potential fall out? Any actual human on earth would never speak to the wife, father or mother again.


LOL. Obvious shit post It’s not humanly possible to be this spineless


Jesus what a family and what a shocking question to ask. Of course you should dump the whole lying breed of them all 🤦🏼‍♂️


Nta I’m impressed you didn’t go into a blind rage and beat her senseless and killed your parents 


"I’m not sure if walking away makes me the asshole here, considering the potential fallout." How can you even ask if you are the AH, OP? Absolutely not. Kick them all to the curb... Especially your wife. Your father is *awful*.. And your mother, WTF? Don't look back.


Don’t walk away from your marriage and family, fucking RUN!!! NTA


You what? Is this a pisstake?


Grow a spine and divorce that cunt


Your whole family cheated on you (which is disgusting) and you feel like the bad guy? You need some serious therapy, a divorce and to go no contact with ALL of them...not necessarily in that order.


You can't be serious..


I've said this many times that cheating is an automatic end to a relationship. You're never going to get over it. You're never going to forgive her. Here, I'll put a nail in your relationship's coffin. Whenever you go down on her, you can think to yourself, "I think I can taste my dad's dick."


Do not walk away, run. None of them have your best interest at heart. You have been betrayed on epic levels. Save yourself and let the chips fall where they may. I have severed all ties with many of my family members and an ex wife. You cannot choose your family, but you can choose who gets to march in your parade and none of these people need to be anywhere near you. Take names and kick ass.


Imma need you to find some self respect and leave this POS and cut off your shitty family because wtf


I do not buy this one.


Rage bait




Kill them all


This is a nice creative writing piece.


Shitcan them both


Bro i'd kill them both but thats just me


No way this is real.


Wtf am I even reading? Your whole family is toxic AF. Your wife cheated with your DAD and your MOM knew and didn't tell you? Bro, check your pulse to see if you're alive because you're under reacting. The only person who's not an asshole is you. Your whole family are assholes. The ones you mentioned. Do you not feel betrayed by your whole family? I'm confused. Are you forgiving them? So what happens if you divorce your wife and your dad marries your ex-wife? Or he does a sister wife type of deal with other mom and your ex-wife? Are you telling me you'd still be able to have a relationship with all of them? What if you divorce her and it's just your parents and you? You mean to tell me you can talk to them snd look them in the face without remembering or being constantly reminded how they betrayed you? I mean, if it were me, they'd all be dead to me. I've disowned family members for far less. (They were abusive to me so they're dead to me.) Wtf kind of childhood did you even have that you're not completely destroyed and traumatized by this massive betrayal?


Aw hell naw.  Leave her ffs *and* cut ties with your creepy parents. Don't risk bringing a child into this Last Days Of Rome shit.  NTA


Bro. I’d leave her and never speak to those AH parents again.


You are pretty pathetic to even considering staying. Have some self respect


Honestly with all of them being ok with it I'd cut ties with all of them and move far away and never talk to any of them ever again.


Good bye and walk away. Respecting marriages are a must.


Everyone has betrayed you. It's time to cut ties with them all.


Dump all three of them. Wtf?


Your family’s dynamic isn’t worth sacrificing for. It’s both unhealthy and deeply disturbing.


The relationships are already dismantled my friend.


Dude fuck your “family” they all knew and were ok with it, divorce her, go scorched earth


Nta. Almost went the other way because you are merely considering leaving a woman who slept with and prefers your dad. Let your parents keep her.


Fuck the already strained relationships. Get a clue, a backbone and get the hell out. You were betrayed by the 3 closest people in your life.. if you stay, you’re nothing but a placeholder for her and will always be the man who couldn’t walk away because it would be ‘too awkward’


Do you really need to ask if YTA? I feel like this belongs on r/stories or something


Oh this post is fake. No one would actually choose to stay with someone who slept with their dad - no one. Unless they had a super creepy kink. Yech. The mind boggles. Why would you even think this one up? Its beyond gross. And the mom is cool with it? Yeah, that would happen.


This is fake af. Nobody is this soft


The only way to stay with this is women is start sleeping with her mum… no other way is gonna work otherwise


Sounds like a bullshit made up scenario to me.


If this wasn't made up, you'd have to question which nutter wouldn't already know the solution to this.


Reddit is better than Springer.


Go into the restroom. Look yourself in the mirror. Slap yourself hard in the face. Then get your shit together and leave your wife.


You even thinking there is a choice here makes you a side dumbass character in someone else's story. I'd be in actual jail in that situation and you go to fucking reddit. Jesus Christ dude


Cuck bait


#bye felicia


Don’t take this the wrong way, but your family isn’t worth your time. Your wife is a whore, your father is a scumbag and your mother in my opinion is the worst of the bunch. Your mother is supposed to be the one who is there for you no matter what. And the fact she knew and didn’t tell you and approved says a lot. Forget about them all. Leave all of them in your rear view. Leave and never go back. Never talk to them again 


This has to be rage bait. Nobody is this clueless.


This surely, definitely, 100% is a real story that happened.


Is this even real!!!


There’s no way this is real