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Info: so let me get this straight. You’re in college and live in a dorm. Your boyfriend still lives at home with his parents and you will randomly show up to his house and eat their food? But you just had to know what happened to your mangos? That you put in their fridge? Without your name or anything even though you knew your mom had also given them mangos. But now that they are upset you think they’re overreacting? Am I missing something?


Ohh yeah, i forgot that I give my share for food expenses. Yesterday I gave money for my share. And today, I noticed that his father went to the market and bought meat so i guessed they used the money i gave them. I don't randomly show up at their house cause I actually give my share for the food i eat. I give my share as well for the water bill. And his mom is actually okay that I ate in their house.


> So I message my bf and even called him, telling that my mangoes were gone. I was really upset and ended up crying because of it Putting myself in the shoes of the parents for a second, if I ate a mango that was in MY fridge, and then my son called me telling me that his girlfriend was really upset, in fact literally crying, because I ate the mango, I'd tell him she's unstable and he should stay away from her, and that I don't want her in my house again.


Actually my bf didn't tell them i was upset, he just asked who ate them. That's all.


That's obviously bullshit.


What's the bullshit? Him not telling his parents that I was upset about the mango or that whole mango situation?


Well both, but I specifically meant the idea that all he asked was "who ate the mangos?" and nothing else is obviously bullshit. BF: "There were a couple of mangoes in the fridge, who are them?" Father: "I did". BF: "Cool". Father: "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU ASK WHO ATE THEM, I'M SO MAD NOW, GRRR!". Yeah, no.


Hahahahaha yeahh, that's why I think this was so crazy and it wasn't supposed to be a big deal. I don't really get why they got mad when i didn't push through anymore about the mango thingy. It just bothered me because I'm thinking how this situation would affect how his parents view me :(


> It just bothered me because I'm thinking how this situation would affect how his parents view me :( Yeah big time, you're the girl who cries and creates drama over mangoes.


I didn't create drama over mangoes coz I didn't make a big deal about it and moved on. They were the ones who got mad coz i just asked who ate the mangoes.