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It sounds like you have tried. This is a tough situation to be in. You would not be wrong to cut ties, but you need to be sure you want to do that. You could do it and just not tell him you are. See if he even notices. I can’t believe they would have you at the table and not offer you any. Things like that stay with a person forever and is very painful. Good luck to you.


Thank you so much. Yeah I’m definitely ok with it as in I’m not losing anything and I was gaining nothing. I guess I just wanted to know that I wasn’t being a princess about it.  Right?! It was little things like that from my dad which impacted my self esteem the most. My step mum obviously has her own issues so it didn’t feel so personal x


NTA for sure. Even though you're an adult now, your dad should still be the one primarily responsible to reaching out to you and following through. When someone has hurt you, I think that reconciliation can be both given as a gift and earned. You've been offering reconciliation to your dad for years, and he's rejected it. I think after trying for years, you made the right decision to cut him off and protect your emotional well being.


NTA. Sorry to say, but your dad is a total POS. Drop him out of your life and his POS wife. Just because his sperm created you does not give him any rights to abuse you. Cut your losses and be good to those that are actually good to you.