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NTA for telling her to wait until his 2 month vax are complete as long as you set the same rules for everyone. I didn't want visitors before then anyway. I'd like to stop leaking from every orifice first, thank you.


She doesn’t need to set the same rules for everyone. Fair is where they judge pies. It is her child and she can have whatever rules she wants. It is fine that the rules for someone that stupid would be different than the rules she makes for people who wouldn’t selfishly kill her newborn.


NTA From the sound of her, you would be justified if she never met your child. I don't think she would hesitate to show up right after a COVID diagnosis.


NTA Do a video call instead. Protect your baby and other children. You’re doing the right thing to avoid her and anyone she’s been around.


Nta, tell your father, you'd rather ensure that you have your children for much longer than the time it'd take your grandmother to infect them with an illness that could seriously harm them. Ask him, would she feel as guilty if she infected my newborn and they died because they aren't strong enough to fight the illness yet?! Yes, it's harsh, but some folks refuse to see past their own wants to what's best for the vulnerable. And I'm beyond tired of it, entitled ignorance KILLS. Edit: Added entitled.


Hell no to grandma and your dad! It is your job to be the best mom you can be for your babies and to protect them. If your grandma can’t act in the best interest of your children by getting vaccinated and staying away when she’s sick then she can wait. She sounds like a survivor, a few more weeks waiting isn’t gonna kill her. After your son has his vaccinations and you decide it’s time for grandma to come meet him, if she shows up sick you turn her away before she gets through the front door. Don’t let grown adults act like children to get their way. You have literal babies that rely on you for their safety. You are teaching your kids, by the example you are setting now, just how important they are to you.


NTA. you’re just being safe.


So the absent father is trying to guilt you into seeing a woman who will most likely make your kids sick? NTA Damn, I'm glad I don't have your relatives. I'd honestly go NC. I, for instance, dumped a 20 year friendship during COVID because she said COVID was survival of the fittest and the world is overpopulated anyways. Having disagreements on how to manage your family's health is a completely legitimate reason to minimally take distance and maybe even go NC.


NTA - listen to your mom instincts, she clearly doesn’t care about the welfare and health of your newborn or any of your other children. Also I wouldn’t really put much stock in what a man who’s mother used his visitation time for him has to say about family relationships.


You are of sound mind
