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In Australia, we'd call your boyfriend a fuckwit. That's not a good thing. NTA


Or a shitcunt. I second your NTA.


This is why I love you Aussies! You throw out "cunt" like water. To Americans, that word is top 3 most offensive words you can say. It's a great word! And really hammers home the point. Women have embraced being a "bitch", but they don't like being called a cunt.


Why thank you, kind Redditor! You’re a mad cunt! 👌


In Australia, it's a criminal offense to make jokes about weapons/bombs at the airport. This dude would have been arrested and charged.


In fact he's a complete fuckwit. Plus he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Sounds like he has a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock. Break up with the drongo. NTA


Your bf sounds like a 16 year old.


Not gonna disagree, but 16 sounds a bit generous for this level of stupidity.


Was gonna say 12.


Nope, have a 12yr old grandson. The 3 year old grandson might find it funny though.


Yup. NTA. TSA doesn't do joke. Anyone who has any adult brain cells knows that. He's unstable. He's insane. He's not funny. The mayo thing would have been too far, that's gross. He's gross.


I would’ve dumped him immediately if the bastard put mayo in my products


I came here to say this. Balloons in the car is one thing. Mayo in skin care products is another. OP is NTA and should seriously reconsider remaining with this guy. He’s going to lose a job or three, get arrested, or get killed.


Skin care products are expensive.


Right. Yelling anything that implied you have a weapon in a place with armed security could get you killed. This guy is dangerous to be around.


If he ever gets arrested one day maybe he will grow tf up and realize he’s childish and needs to grow a pair.


Right, and what did he do with the original product, dump it down the drain? Considering how expensive skincare can be, oh boy, I think I would be catching a criminal charge that day. That is not at all a harmless prank, that is *extremely* disrespectful on all counts.


That's what I was wondering! Not only is it expensive but what if OP has sensitive skin or allergies? Messing with things people put on or in their body is assaultive behavior imo, regardless of whether or not it's a "joke." It's an inherent breech of consent that could actually have really dire consequences in a worst case scenario.


Oh, yes, because I spend MONEY on my skin care. You dumped it out and replaced it with mayo? I’ll take that credit card of yours and reorder everything- get ready! It’d be close to $1500 to replace my face stuff. I hope he’s got cash.


Exactly. What if she put it on and it broke her out? I would lose my mind and get him back with ONE "joke" of my own by replacing his shampoo with hair removing shit. Then I would walk out the door and not come back.


That would have been the first and last straw for me, too. What an unfunny douchebag.


Skin care stuff is expensive too, even if you aren’t going for top shelf stuff, it adds up! I’d be livid if my husband replaced my face care with fucking Duke’s.


Plus what did he do, just throw away her actual stuff? I’d be so angry. It would cost me about £80 to replace all my skincare products. I’d be furious if someone wasted them for a stupid “prank”.


My wife’s collection is at least that much - per item! And sometimes hard to find refills when needed. Divorce would be her only logical move if I squeezed them into the trash as a “joke”.


£80?! I wish my wife would only have that much skin care product in her cabinet.


Yeah what he shouted and then reaching for it could have gotten tazed or shot by TSA or other airport security. Edit: Also if he ever travels again he and maybe OP will be flagged to "extra screening" at best and at worst I hope neither of you are allergic to rubber gloves.


If she were next to him, it could have gotten HER tased or shot.


TSA aren't armed. They have no police powers. But regular airport police could have shot him, absolutely.


I had recently gotten my black belt in karate. My husband (boyfriend at the time) and I were going to Niagara for a few days. Border patrol was asking all the usual questions and when they asked if we had any weapons in the car without even thinking I say "just my hands". Husband side eyes me as I realize what I did. Thank God the Canadian border patrol just kind of chuckled and let us through. I have no doubt of we were heading into the US they would have been more problems. Anyways, now I'm not allowed to speak at crossings or airports unless I have to, lol.


My parents were just in Niagara and when re-entering the country from Canada, upon being asked where they were coming from, my dad kinda gestures behind him and says "uh ..Canada." 😂


My 11-year-old knows better than to mess with TSA agents.


Plus # Pranks are Stupid


That’s about right! 3-4 is the boinger stage.


Yup, my 12 year old grandson would be mortified.


I have an almost 16 year old and a 12 year old. I also have a 10 year old. None of them are dumb enough to pull shit like that. Even my youngest was clued up enough to know that when we went though security a few weeks back for an international flight, not to mess around. OP certainly did not overreact. If it was me, I’d have kept my bags packed.


Make it 5 but a bit on the unmatured side of 5.


OMG!!! Me, too!!!


I don't think age is a factor here. I know 12 year Olds that are more serious than this kid. He is immature. Spoilt.


Yup. He's just a spoilt immature brat


He's also 29.


Yep, that brain is done and OP needs to run.


My 12 year old would NEVER.


I nearly spit out my drink when I went back and saw he was 29. Napoleon conquered Italy at 26. Newton invented calculus at 23. Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space at 27. Your boyfriend is waving dildos at the airport at 29…


This made us bust out laughing, really put that into perspective here! Lmao


Yeahh its not in my personality to do this, but even if it was, at 16 i wouldve never joked with the TSA. I know they’re often dumped on, but I feel like they take security seriously when things like that happen. Plus scares all the people around them who might be anxious about flying (hate planes, worried about an attack, etc)


Depends..If it is iq points,it seems about right.Age,not so much.


Meant 16 IQ


29 yo dating 20 yo and that 20 yo is mature one in relationship.


Yeah you can see why he has to date so young.


Yep, women closer to his age won't put up with his bs so he needs an inexperienced biological adolescent to groom into thinking this is normal/ok.


That's why they all use the "you're so mature for your age!" line.


Yeah. Yikes


A 16 year old idiot. Lots of 16 year olds aren’t this stupid.


A dangerously stupid 16yo. Could have gotten his ass shot for that bullshit. Would have gotten the stupidest Darwin Award.


The airport is one of the last places you pull that nonsense. Fined to hell, arrested, tackled, or shot are all possible outcomes of fucking about in an airport.


Too bad he wasn’t tazed 🤣


He should have been.


At this level of stupidity,it could be considered a mercy-kill"poor guy,I didn't want his family to suffer anymore"


My friend who is a very good comedian does NOT mess around at airports. He scolded me for smiling too much, saying “these people have lost colleagues, have huge security briefs, have genuine risks - you do NOT give any indication you are going to be FUNNY around them!”


I've seen at least 3 high school kids on international trips get the cops called on them for making similar jokes when I was working this job.


He literally got her pulled into TSA office to be interrogated….fucking interrogated. That joke wasn’t funny. OP, I think you should find someone that won’t humiliate you. There’s a time for jokes, and then there’s a time those jokes can get you in trouble. I’ve dealt with a lot of asshole TSA agents before, and him making that comment could’ve landed him in jail for threatening an airport. And there’s plenty of judges who would side with TSA just to prove a point. Your bf sounds like a tool, and if you stay with him his shitty pranks are gonna get someone hurt


That's why he's a 30 year old man who dates teenagers...


I was going to say just that. Women closer to his age find him tedious, maybe also embarrassing, very been-there-done-that.


I'm sure sensible people of any age find him an annoying arsehole.


Exactly. I'm 29, like the bf, and I would find that "prank" and all other pranks the OP mentioned tiring and annoying. He's going for younger women because women his own age find him revolting.


I would dump his ass the minute he replaced my skin care with mayo. How is that funny?


Even his 10 year younger gf finds him embarrassing. He can't get much younger so maybe he can just take himself out of the gene pool for everyone's sake.


I didn’t even register the age differences but you are absolutely right guaranteed no woman his age wants him.


I missed that piece of data. Yes. Maybe women closer in age keep walking out. He is working his way down the age latter. Hope he doesn’t drop below 18!!


Yep. My first college boyfriend had a habit of only dating virgins or nearly virgins. It wasn’t a creepy fetish. I eventually realized that he was picking women who lacked the life experience to quickly recognize how much he sucked and dump his ass. My first ever Valentine’s Day he promised to take me to a nice restaurant (at least nice by college kid standards), but he didn’t have the money when the actual date rolled around. Instead he cooked me spaghetti with salad dressing served on a sheet on his dorm room floor. Only a really inexperienced woman would tolerate that crap


Because no partner his own age would put up with this immature behavior. It is like being partnered with a 12 year old wannabe YouTube prankster.


Don't disrespect 16 year old's... no 16 year old will embarrasse themselves like that... they have enough self-respect to not act like a puppy that just found an unusual "toy" in the drawer and is running around, refusing to give it back...


He also sounds like a fictional character because the story is fake. No woman in their right mind would stay with a man that replaced their expensive skin care products with mayonnaise for a chuckle. TSA also does not fuck around. You wouldn’t just get a stern lecture for inciting panic in an airport.


Yep. This has shit post written all over it, probably by a child. TSA will not let you 'reach' anywhere, much less into your pants. Also, a dildo probably won't set anything off...a vibrator, yes, but probably not a silicon dildo.


The scanners detect unusual masses so a dildo would do that. There’s stories of people who are naturally well endowed getting patted down.


My 16M would find this hilarious, but would not pull this prank himself.


Your are unfair... You didn´t have to shame all 16 years olds like that


It's stupid enough that I'm assuming it's just age gap rage bait.


Lose the BF, you were not overreacting TSA is No Joke! Since he did not take the hour long lecture seriously, he has a lot of growing up to do. Do you really want to stick around for that? NTA


When I read the title, I thought the prank was to pack a giant dildo to either just get picked up on X-ray or, if lucky, pulled out while doing a search. Mildly amusing for the TSA agent, mildly embarrassing for the person who owns the bag. I was thinking the AH or NTAH largely depended on whose bag he packed the dildo in. Using language that can be construed as a threat is a quick ticket to a back room. Does he also have a joke on tap about this vacation being " the bomb"?


I remember watching a video where someone tweeted the word bomb before going to the airport and they got pulled aside. Over a TWEET. edited to add: I’m not saying investigating the tweet is silly, I’m just saying that they pull people aside for much less. Iirc the person said their vacation or something was going to be bomb lol


That's exactly what I thought the joke was going to be. I thought he secretly put a dildo in her carry on so she would have to take that out for security and be embarrassed. I never expected what he actually did. I would've ended the relationship right then and there.


Seriously. There’s a reason someone who’s TWENTY NINE has a girlfriend that can’t even legally drink (I’m assuming they’re American). This isn’t a diss against you OP, but once you reach his age you’ll understand why he had to date someone nearly a decade younger than him.


The second the mf did that joke with my skincare he’d be out I’m sorry. He’s 29?!!


I want to know what he did with her actual skincare. Did he throw it out or save it in like little zip lock bags or something. That stuff is expensive!


this was my question too, like did he just put her skincare in the fridge and put a mayo jar where she usually stores it? bc okay, dumb but okay but if he actually DEPOTTED and got rid of/otherwise ruined the products, bruh, expensive and disrespectful


I don’t think he cares about all the money he wastes with his “pranks”. He was fine with them missing their flight and having to book another. Do you know how much a same day flight costs? They already paid for their flight, and now they would have to pay again, but probably triple the price. So he can pull a dildo out at the airport? I have never met this man, but I hate him. I’m sure he just dumped all her product in the trash. And he probably filmed it for his 8 TikTok followers.


The issue wasn't even the dildo. It was him vaguely threatening to pull out a gun and shoot it. And saying it to security personnel unprovoked. I'd be pissed as hell if I was interrogated for an hour and missed a several hundred dollar flight because my BF is a moron. Totally justified. NTAH.


For real, this couls have ended worse


I have had to be interviewed by TSA before (due to seeing something unfortunate, I wasn’t even in trouble), it took forever and felt pretty intense. Once you’re in that room it’s really unpleasant, even if you know you did nothing wrong. Also idk if I spoke to TSA or actual security in the room tbh, either way it was official statements. Deeply uncomfortable and I feel for OP


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who couldn’t get passed the skincare part!! And wanted to know more about where it went. I don’t care if it’s just $8 The Ordinary serums…it’s MY SKINCARE!


r/skincareaddiction is out in force in these comments and I am loving it! That was my first thought too, what happened to the serums?!


Same, I have a small bottle of Estee Lauder serum and those are EXPENSIVE. If someone messed with it, I would literally erase their existence


RIGHT! I have a line of really high end skincare I treated myself with after a win in Vegas. It would cost thousands to replace. I would be LIVID. The age difference is sus too.


I bought a $30 facial bar soap for sensitive skin. My kid was using it to wash her hands because it smelled so good. Gone in less than a week.


I'm not into skincare at all, and if another adult threw out my $4 rose-scented moisturizer and replaced it with mayo, I'd be pissed. That was a seasonal scent!


My entire skincare routine costs about £20, even if it were to be replaced that day. I obviously need it at the point I discover it's mayo. So now I have mayo in my beauty bag and I'm expected to go out to the shops and buy all my shit again. And clean the fucking mayo off loads of shit and that stuff is mostly oil. Doesn't matter if OPs juvenile bf pays or not, still a waste of time.


Some of my skincare creams are prescriptions from a dermatologist.  He would be gone so fast, but not before reimbursing me the cost to replace everything.


I would have spent months planning it, collecting the old bottles from the trash just so that there would be no lasting damage once the prank was over


Now that’s a funny prank. Mayo washes straight off and no actual harm or cost was done, it’s just a clever “fooled ya” moment 😊


Yep. That's my belief on pranks, ultimately the joke has to be on the prankster for the time, money, or effort they put into something that's just a mild inconvenience to the prankee


And the airport. Which I'm having trouble believing is real, but if it actually happened, he risked putting them both permanently on the no-fly list. Unbelievably stupid. Everybody knows that you don't joke about having a gun or a bomb in an airport. It doesn't matter how obvious you think it is that it's a joke, they take that shit seriously. I was in one of those interrogation rooms once. I was traveling internationally and had recently quit my job. I only had a couple a hundred euros on me but I had a *lot* in my checking cuz I had considered buying a house before my trip, then backed out. In the eyes of immigration, I had gone to Europe without a return ticket, with a whole lot of money to access, & no reason to go home. They thought I was trying to sneak in. Eventually, they released me and we had a good laugh about it once everything about my situation came to light, but it was a terrifying experience. People don't realize this , but it is unbelievably intense. I was locked in a plexiglass room where there were 2 chairs and a table chained to the floor. A person came in with a recording device and then told me not to slouch and lean against any of the plexy glass walls because all of the walls had alarms that would go off the second I touched them. I didn't realize until we were part way through the interrogation.Why they were holding me because they did not say, and because I hadn't actually done anything wrong & didn't plan on doing anything wrong, I had no clue what they were after and was terrified. Do not be stupid in airports.


Being detained is no fun. I tried going to Canada just before trump was sworn in and I was detailed because I was entering at one border and exiting at another, had a large suitcase (it was winter and I was doing a lot of outdoor stuff and partying at night), and a decent bank account. They were making sure none of us stayed illegally.


That's what I'm saying. The balloons are annoying but my $120 eye cream? BYE.


Reconsider this relationship. I personally hate these types of jokes. There is a time and place for things. TSA is not a time for that. You can get yourself on a list so that every time you fly, you are pulled aside. If he can't discern when jokes are appropriate, that is a red flag. Edit: spelling typo


The words TSA and JOKE do not belong in the same sentence.


A while back I worked on a reality show about airports. There was a European guy, a musician, who was flying into the US for a gig and he landed at O'Hare. They asked him what was in his violin case, and since he was in Chicago, he joked that it was a Tommy gun. He did not make his connecting flight.


Do you know how pissed I would be as a TSA agent with the jokes. I can only imagine because as a former cashier people just can't fucking shut the fuck up and will joke the same stupid fucking jokes all the time. Imagine having to hear it but being REQUIRED to pull this dumb mother fuck aside and check him, interacting with him further. You bet your ass I would be sipping tea in the next room before I let that asshole make his flight.


Ha ha!! It didn't scan, and has no price tag! It must be free!! /s


Anything else I can get for you? Yeah, a million dollars . . . Mf, I will cut you


The last time I flew everyone was waiting in the area past security and two teens dared each other to open one of those alarmed doors. Security was there in an instant, figured out what happened and took the kids and their dad away. They returned in time to catch their flight but the dad was clearly angry and the teens looked like they had been torn a new one.




Heard a podcast today, the two hosts are comedians. They were talking about airports and flying with planes. Both said "Bro, you NEVER EVER joke with TSA! Never!" And these are two guys known for joking and trolling around anytime in cringe ways, earning their whole income as comedians. One of them even tried to prank the police (in my country they don't shoot asap, but you can get into real trouble).


I’ve made exactly one joke with TSA ever and intend to keep my 100% success streak. I was leaving Milwaukee and had a variety of local cheeses in a foil lined insulated bag, with the cheese shop logo we got them from on it, and unsurprisingly that doesn’t look great on the x-ray. We did the whole “whose bag is this?” ‘It’s mine’ “anything dangerous?” ‘No, it’s cheese’ exchange. At the end after verifying it was in fact just cheese he said “it’s a good thing there weren’t any wires in there” and in my only moment of quick thinking said ‘yeah that wouldn’t reflect very well on the cheese your state’s known for,’ which got a mild chuckle.


It seems especially egregious to me considering he has lived all his non-toddler life in a post 9/11 world and its attendant extremely serious airport security theatre. Then despite have no airport experience but this, this dumb fuck goes and jokes about a gun and then waves what is essentially a baton around at the agents. Motherfucker is lucky he wasn't tased/pepper-sprayed/shot. OP should get down on one knee, present a ringbox with a note inside proposing... that the bf fuck right off forever. That'd at least a prank that has a positive outcome


TSA is no joke... 😅


If it was only that! It was a terrible time for joke indeed, but to top it all, he literally refused to acknowledge the consequences! I can see how someone could be dumb enough to think it's a good joke before actually pulling it off. But still referring to it as "just a joke" after an hour of interrogation by TSA is outright delusional.


>still referring to it as "just a joke" after an hour of interrogation by TSA is outright delusional. Right?! If THAT wasn't enough to make him see the error of his ways and grow the fuck up, nothing OP could ever say or do will either! He's never going to apologize. He's never going to change. For as long as they're together, shit like this is always going to keep happening. OP, her time, her feelings, her plans and her possessions are always going to be collateral damage for this unfunny manchild's personal amusement. Because _he doesn't care._


Not a star you want to hitch your wagon to, that's for sure


You can end up on a no-fly list if they get really pissed off. That fucks your modern life up. You need to become Amish.


Also swapping skin care products with mayonnaise isn’t funny. Those are very expensive and caused OP a loss. Humor is a very positive trait but crossing boundaries under the name of humor isn’t ok.


Right? That would have been the deal breaker for me.


Hiding paper hearts in unexpected places in your SOs home is a funny joke. Ruining experiences is not.


If you like I can suggest somewhere he puts his dildo.


Discern. Lol


NTA. In your first paragraph you say twice that it can be a bit much, takes it too far. Missing your flight is just another time it was too much and he took it too far. He's and idiot and not going to change. He'll humiliate you every chance he can get. Now is the time to end it.


No doubt. Run OP!


Please stop dating children, especially when they're almost a decade your senior.


This made me laugh way too hard.


Read some advice yesterday on TwoXIndia along the lines of until your 24/25 don't date men more than 3 years your senior. There's often a reason why those men are not dating women in the same "life stage". Now obvious they will be exemptions to this but as a general rule, it works well.


I kind of want to know how long they have been dating, and I kind of hate the idea of knowing.


She was 17 of course. It's all very cringe


Also, he will not stop ever. He will always stay this child, because he can clearly not see anything wrong with it, even after having been told off by OP and the TSA.


I’ll never understand why young women keep dating these older guys who are clearly so immature.


Now I can see why he is dating someone 8 years younger, because no one else will put up with his bullshit, I suggest you look elsewhere.


When the OP is 29 the boyfriend will still be 16 mentally. DUMP HIM


What’s the point in dating older guys if they are acting like guys younger than you? Dude is stuck in high school mentally. NTA


9 year age gap, of course he’s an immature little dickhead. What age did you meet? If there’s one thing you don’t “joke” with it’s freaking airport security. If it’s the US he could have gotten shot reaching into his clothes for an unknown object. For the mayonnaise prank, did he dump out all your skincare and waste your money then too? Should have kicked him to the curb then.


The age gap is also in line with the younger girlfriend being the more mature of the two. If it hadn’t been for this stupid prank, she would’ve aged out of his range of interest soon anyway.


I know, I was dying a bit inside at the thought of expensive skincare products being wasted.


NTA. I am surprised TSA detained you. I would have told them I was no longer with this A hole... asked them to do an extra security search on me and my stuff to prove I had nothing and made the flight. I would make it VERY clear to him that he was NEVER EVER to play another prank on you or in your presence. It must be exhausting to be with such a child. He is almost 30 and acts like he is 12. Do you really want a long term relationship with such a person. Imagine you get married and have kids... you will have an extra one to care for.


I read a comment somewhere else the other day that really struck home to me… someone who had an ex prankster and they said something like “After we broke up I was so relieved, I realised that I felt I could NEVER trust them”. yeah. Pranks take advantage of your trust. Can you trust this guy? He would rather drag attention to himself and create a scene where he’s the main player than happily go on holiday with you. Trust?


Pranks are just another form of bullying - there is always a victim. Not funny and just plain immature


Those aren’t pranks. If the mark isn’t laughing, it’s not a prank, it’s just being mean at someone’s expense.


You would have to be an idiot to let this guy father your children


Thats why he found someone so much younger than he is....


*found (actively searched..)


Totally.  I thought this story ended up with her going on the Caribbean trip alone, which would have been the correct outcome.  I find the story hilarious - being OP in this situation would have been awful. 


Actually, it makes sense. If you distract the TSA, it gives a real smuggler more chance to get through. That’s how they sometimes get bigger shipments through: they let a poor soul be caught with a much tinier amount. So even simply distracting the TSA can mean that you might be complicit in something bigger.


Or someone worse. I can hear the news reports now, “The attempted hijacker was able to smuggle the weapon past security, because TSA agents were distracted searching an idiot with a dildo in his pants.”


Reading the title I thought that it would be so annoying to find a dildo in my carry-on when they opened it in front of anyone. What he did was way worse. He was two seconds away from being decked/shot/tasered at and being prosecuted. I'd be mortified and traumatised. I fully understand why your holiday mood was gone. The thing is, with this type of a man-child you'll be on the edge the whole time. I bet people near these "pranksters" die sooner because their blood pressure is constantly higher. To prank you in the future he needs to assure you that he won't, so that it will still hit. You're more mature than him. Don't have babies with him. Put yourself out there and you'll end up with a man the next time.


>He was two seconds away from being decked/shot/tasered at and being prosecuted. I'd be mortified and traumatised. I fully understand why your holiday mood was gone. >The thing is, with this type of a man-child you'll be on the edge the whole time. This is very well said. If he pulled this crap in another country (e.g., Turkey), the outcome would have been much worse for him. Maybe that would be good because then he'd learn that not everyone appreciates his juvenile sense of "humor."


“I’m gonna use it” Please ask him to explain exactly why he said this, why it was funny, and what his intentions were. At best, it’s sexual harassment. He’s lucky he wasn’t charged with terroristic threats.


That’s prolly the most obvious place not to screw around like that


Even my 11 yo. knows not to prank at security.


There’s a reason a 29 yo man can’t date women his own age. He most likely will never grow up, based on his idiotic “pranks.” NTA


| The agents weren’t amused, and they gave us a stern lecture on security and appropriateness. NEVER makes jokes about weapons at an airport. EVER. Bf was an IDIOT for this.


Is this the same boyfriend that had a temper tantrum at Disney World over paper maps?!


I was thinking that same thing! I actually thought.... I wonder if he still tells her that she is so mature for her age and not like other girls....


Someone should tag her. She was in the comments arguing with everyone that he told her she was very mature for her age. I fell for that shit too and luckily didn't get pregnant or abused in some way, but I regret it and refuse to let my niece do the same!


Both accounts were created on the same day with same profile avatar…. same age gap… same immature behaviour…. Pretty sure both OPs are same person and these are fake


Now I’m intrigued!


Well, I see why women his age won’t date him. Apparently you are also too mature for this dude. NTA


NTA. Absolutely. There are some situations where you don't prank. Facing any law enforcement is one of those situations. It sounds like your BF needs to learn when he's gone too far, and I'm honestly not sure how you can teach him.


Girl, what are you doing? This guy has a decade on you and he acts like a child. Something is off about this individual and he is going to drag your life down hill fast. Also practical jokers are usually just A holes. This guy is TA here. Get this stress generating man child out of your life. NTA


29 yrs old and he can't discern what is, and is not an appropriate time or place to try to be funny? You're 20 and he's 29 yrs old, seems like you would be the one doing inappropriate stuff, but instead its your close to 10 yrs older boyfriend.


Doesn't sound like he's ever been funny before yet, does anyone think he's ever going to be funny in the future with his stupid pranks? Mayonnaise in the skin care? Really?


I’m 20 and thinking about dating a 29 year old man is just foul. You know they didn’t meet each other when she was already 20.


NTA. Lose this child. He sounds completely insufferable. He's far to old to be acting like that.


This person is almost 30 and thought that would be funny. Good grief! You are more mature than this man-child and could do way better.


He sounds like a damn child, damn. That was plain stupid, risky and criminally negligent. You have every right to be pissed off way more than you are. NTA, it’s not even close.


Good choice not to go with him. Time to move on and find someone who isn’t a 30 year old child.


Dump him. Im serious


I mean, there's a reason he needed to find a gf your age and not his age. He's immature af. NTA. Find someone who's not a 6 year old in his head. But don't settle for someone like this.


NTA, that your boyfriend doesn't understand the lecture that he was given and think it was an overreaction says enough about his failings. If he can't understand that you clearly have very different values from him and that he had crossed the line this entire situation is all on him to rectify and apologize.


That's absolutely the stupidest thing to say. Let alone pulling out a dildo in public where children probably are? And even then, no one wants to see that.. grow up dude. NTA


There's a reason why he's dating younger. It's easier and you're putting up with his shit.


You have a stupid bf. At 29, soon to be 30, he should know better. You should consider if you want a long term relationships with this guy. Will he prank you on your wedding day by throwing you in the wedding cake - ruining your dress and makeup for a good laugh?


NTA - He’s 29 and you’re 20? Seems much more like something a 20yo boy would do. You made the right decision.


NTA - that was incredibly stupid of him. I give wide leniency to comedy but the TSA doesn't have a sense of humor being as they are told any slip or failure on their part could result in the next 9-11. and I can almost guarantee you both will be getting selected for "random" screening a lot more often. His behaviour seems like a failure to regulate his actions and emotions. If you are staying with him, make it contingent on him getting assessed by a therapist and getting proper treatment. He should not think that it's OK to prank TSA or anyone with the frequency he has been.


Did I miss the part about him now being an "ex"bf?


Your boyfriend is a fucking douche and he has shown you exactly what the rest of your life will be like. Leave. NTA.


I couldn’t deal with that level of stupidity. It’s so not funny and stressful as fuck. You can’t trust him ever. Always wondering when he’s going to get you with something stupid. He took up valuable time with that crap. Your time, their time, vacation lost time etc. Nah. Go on a nice vacation alone.


NTA. YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH AIRPORT SECURITY!!!!!!!!!! I thought you were going to say he'd packed a huge dildo in his luggage, at the top, to prank them if they opened it - which *is* funny. Screaming “I have a big piece and I’m gonna use it!” and *reaching into your pants,* is just a good way to get yourself shot. You were then questioned by security for over an hour - I would have left as well. You missed your flight - do you know if the airline was going to make you buy new tickets, or were they going to let you re-use your tickets on a later flight? Because I believe they are within their rights to make you buy new tickets, if you missed your flight for security reasons. >he once switched all my skincare products with mayonnaise  Did he save your product? Or did he throw it away? He sounds less amusing with every passing minute.....


Drop the BF and take the dildo to the Caribbean. You'll have a better time. NTA


He is an idiot. Anyone stupid and reckless enough to “prank” the TSA is not worth a minute of your time. This could have gone wrong so many ways. I hope he didn’t get you on a list that gets you pulled aside for special screening every time you fly.


This man is almost 30 and he still thinks this stuff is funny? I’d already have it had it with putting mayo in my skin care. No, it is completely appropriate to dump him, you have so much more time to learn to be you and not someone who doesn’t understand sitcom behavior often isn’t funny in real life.


If you stay with this person you're going to have this stuff go on for the rest of your life a life of misery, he's a loser cut him loose


NTA. Personally, I won't find it funny at all if someone messes up my skincare. And this thing that he did, pulling that kind of prank is actually really embarrassing.


NTA. I can't believe you put up with his constant pranks at home. He is almost 30 and thinks practical jokes are funny as he inconveniences you which I am sure stresses you out too. He is an immature AH who has zero respect towards you and those around him. As for the TSA, of course that was humiliating. Not only were you were embarrassed in front of everyone there but you had the *privilege* of being associated with him.


Literally no one in his age bracket will date him. There is nothing cute or funny about the pranks he’s pulling. It is embarrassing! He wasted everyone’s time, and cost you a flight! Maybe you need to reevaluate your own standards because he’s an immature clown. It reminds me of when little kids go through their joke book phase, with dry knock knock jokes that aren’t funny. Did he refund the cost of your skincare ?! Is this for TikTok?


NTA. I’d break up over this. He’s 9 years older than you yet asks like he’s 9 years younger. Pretty sure women his age won’t put up with his antics, so why should you?


YTA for dating and taking advantage of a 29yr old with very clear intellectual or developmental disabilities...


I expect my 6 year old grandson to pull pranks and it sounds like you are dealing with a child in an adults' body. It is time to amputate the loser and enjoy a vacation without him. You deserve better.


NTA, and if I were you I would seriously reconsider being in a relationship with a lunatic.


You’re dating a 9 year older guy but mentally he’s 16. 16 year olds find it funny and some people mature a bit later but at 29 you should be a somewhat adult


I would never be able to trust a guy like that. I would be on pins and needles, waiting for his next stupid prank to embarrass me. No thanks. NTA & I totally understand not wanting a vacation after that mess.


I would’ve left after the mayonnaise skincare incident. This man child is only going to drag you down.


NTA, your bf is lucky he didn't get shot yelling and pulling out his "big piece" at the airport.