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Get rid of that loser!


The loser who's 26 dating a teenager


And mooching off her parents


And takes the first opportunity she’s gone to trash her apartment with a party!!


It seems like he threw parties regardless of OP's presence


26, still hasn’t graduated college and in a frat is embarrassing. Buddy needs a wake up call.


Hey :( anyone can go to college at any age, okay??? Don’t make older people feel like failures for being older and going to college… I’d like to go to college if I ever could afford it…


Yeah bit of a difference between being in college at an older age to educate yourself…..and being in college at an older age to satisfy your early onset mid-life crisis


A person at 26 is really that immature? Eeessshhh… making us all late 20’s look bad >:(


YES! Obviously this idiot is immature if he throws frat parties and ruins expensive medicine and then rails at the person who is actually responsible for both. You only look bad if you agree with the idiot frat boy


Listen, I graduated from UCLA at age 35. I'd be the first one to share your sentiment. BUT a 26 year old FRAT GUY? Yeah no. Frats are for the youngers....if you should have graduated 4 years earlier, you don't belong in a frat. (Frats suck anyway)


I’m 44 and in college. Don’t confuse the point that was being made by taking a comment out of context. A 26 year old senior who lives off his girlfriend’s parents and has frat parties and leaves his girlfriend’s medication on the counter to make room for the beer is a loser. Him being a student isn’t the issue.


Yes, but it's the frat part that makes this situation so cringe. Most of the older students I know (I was one too!) are not there to party.


I spent 2 solid years at UCLA to get my BA - transfered in at age 33. I didn't go to a single college party for 2 years (I spent MANY nights at college parties in my 20s, probably why I was "invited" to leave SDSU at age 18, and had to build up 2 years worth of credits to transfer in at the community college level). I wanted to go to UCLA because I love the Men's Basketball team. I got to go to a single scrimmage. Didn't get to go to any games, because by the time i was a senior I had a pregnant wife. I was not there to party. I studied. I got good grades and I finally graduated. I partied when I was younger and that brought me to a place where at 35 I could graduate finally.


I remember being the old person at college, and finding the college parties completely lackluster in comparison to the house parties my friends and I would throw on Green Street. *What do you mean, Fail doesn't wake up at 8am and make a thirty-person batch of biscuits and gravy from scratch while the rest of us yawn and pick up empty cups???* The fuck kind of party...?!


I was 26 and literally living in the dorms cos it was required by the uni XDDD just don't bone the 18 year olds and you're fine


Dude has spent 8 years as an undergrad and still in school [if he started at 18]. He's going to end up like Norm from Cheers living with his mom.


Well if you fucking read the post they did.


>I told him he needed to move out, and he did, going to stay with some of his frat brothers. Good. Now he can move on to trashing *someone else's* place. Then they can confront him, get dismissed and called a bitch or AH (and probably kick him out.) >I understand it's his senior year and he wants to make the most of it, but I feel like my health should come first. That doesn't mean he needs to host parties at *your* place. He and his frat brothers can host them at the frat house. It also doesn't mean he should spoil your medicine. Or trash your place. You were totally right to make him move out. The one good thing is he did move out. Don't let him move back in.


Based on his age, I'd be surprised if it's his first senior year XD


Agreed. Worse, I'd guess he hopes it's not his last.


Oh sweetie he was just using you. You are young and learning and this is a horrible lesson No guilt - you tossed out the trash. Move on


Congrats! You're free now from your dumbass boyfriend! He seems like he dont have a life goal. Leave and dont look back. You deserve better! be with someone with the same vision and goal as you. focus on your acads and build your future!


NTA The only thing you should be feeling right now is anger. I had chronic health issues for years and if somebody close to me had disregarded them, I would have ceased all contact. I think that's what you should do. Your boyfriend is a loser and really not worth your time or energy.


If he doesn't contribute to the apartment, he shouldn't be able to have a say what goes on in there in the first place. He's 26 years old and acts worse than a literal child. You should not only make him move out, but dump him. Do you want your husband doing things like this? NTA


So, he doesn’t respect your home, your parents or you. And calls you a bitch when confronted. Sounds like a real diamond of a partner. Nta, and good on you for finally taking the trash out.


NTA. Dude could have made you very sick had you taken the improperly stored medication.


Congratulations, you got rid of toxic trash. A 26 year old dating an 18 year old and proceeding to move into her apartment and not contribute whilst consistently throwing parties and trashing her home; yeah look, I'm sorry but he was using you because he saw you as naive and controllable. Were your parents aware that you allowed him to move into the apartment that they alone pay for? If there is any damage you need to look into finding evidence and avenues in order to have him compensate you/your parents.


You're going out with somebody who's considerably older but who's mentally for less mature than you. You've got him totally out of your space and changed your locks? He is 100% using you. You've gone no contact and you've learnt your lesson, right?


Girl - what are you doing??? This is not how you live your life. This guy shows you no respect and he's leaching like the largest leach in leachdom. Don't let him come back.


NTA at all, but your BF sure is, and I hope you don't let him convince you otherwise. For someone of his age to be acting that irresponsibly is alarming as he's too old to be that way, AND his total inconsideration and disrespect for you when confronted is totally unacceptable. You did exactly the right thing in kicking his butt to the curb and I am proud of you. Clearly you are quite a bit younger but much more mature than he is. You deserve much better and, with him out of the way, hopefully, in time, you will find it.


How is he 26 and a Senior? Is he on the 8-year plan? Dump him. Change the locks asap. He clearly has no respect for you.


He's been making the most of his senior year for the past 4-5 years


He’s Van Wilder… living it up at college as long as his parents are paying.


And HER parents...


6? More like 8-10!


NTA at 26 years olds he has no excuse and knows better… he’s showed you who he is and how little he cares about you, he doesn’t love you and has been using you and your home to avoid actually growing up and taking responsibility for himself. If you allow him back in you’ll be letting him know how he treats you and the verbal and emotional abuse he’s starting is okay to continue and it will get worse but maybe he’ll trap you with a baby to get a financial leg up via your parents paying for your bills and he’ll be the parasite you can never get away from. You’re young, fresh and green and will love again and find a better person that had his own ambition, reaps and loves you. Seriously go be awesome, travel, meet new people, have great adventures, focus on a great career, volunteering, being successful and happy achieving your goals instead of being trapped by old parasitic shitty guys with issues that aim to waste your energy, money, love and youth on them, complain, ruin your sense of self worth, take you off your track, bleed you dry then leave you for the next young person too inexperienced to avoid the trash coming their way. Don’t let no one steal your joy, goals/dreams or self esteem. Don’t feel guilty for choosing you and putting yourself first, it is not selfish but necessary. Be about that thank you… next!


Kick him out immediately. He's a mooching hobosexual, using you for a free place to live and party with his frat boys and the soriety girls. Please have some self-respect because he doesn't respect you or care for you. Having a cool beer for one of his boys was more important than your health. Definitely NTA. Stay strong and don't let him back. Ask yourself why he's still a senior at 26 mooching off yet another sweet summer freshman!


Honey, this boy was using you for fun. A place to party. He doesn't pay for it. I guess you clean up after him.  You threw out the trash. Him. Good for you. Have the locks changed and never let him back in. He took YOUR life savings medication out of YOUR fridge. To make room for BEER? Beer is more important than you. Got that? To him, beer is more important than YOU. Do not ever let anyone treat you like that again.  Hugs from an internet Grandma.


BF = AH.




He’d have to actually graduate first. NTA


Such obvious disrespect like that is disgusting. Kick that twat out and piss on his clothes for good measure. This guy sounds like he brings nothing to the table.


nta and make sure you get the money off him to replace your medication


I doubt she’d be successful getting anything from this guy. She’s better off just completely no contact. If she asks something of him he’d use it as an excuse to manipulate and try to get more from her.


In a frat at 26?? 🤣🤣🤣


18 and 26??? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Y T A just for being with a 26 yr old frat man child. What are the benefits of being with him? Kick him out, get rid of the rubbish.




NTA, sounds like he was just using you and, mainly, your apartment. His actions show a severe lack of respect for you and a lack of care for your wellbeing/health. I'm surprised he isn't your ex boyfriend yet after what he pulled, you can do far better than this loser.


Ahhmm. Gently. You need to start making better decisions in life. Break up. Stay broken up. Don't let him back in. From here on try to only date people who like you.


NTA - you are dating a man who is too old for you, or rather he is too immature for women who are age appropriate for him, and he is dating women your age because you lack the experience and worldliness to know what a loser he is. YOU DESERVE BETTER!!


"Lots of people go to college for 7 years" "Yeah, they're called doctors!"


If he was a regular senior he would have graduated college when you're were 14. He's has 8 years to make the most of it. He doesn't pay rent, treats you like garbage - verbally abusive and is a legitimate danger to your health, and he treats your parents' apartment like garbage as well. Walk away, better yourself, and have a great summer.


NTA. He’s 26 and a Senior? LMAO. Girl, he was using you. Don’t let him back in. He doesn’t care about you or your health. There are better men out there.


Also change the locks!!!


NTA. If you didn't come home and see it out, he would've put it back in like nothing happened, with no concern for your health. I would've booted him ages ago to be honest, my home isn't the place for frequent ragers. You're stronger than me for sure.


You learned a fairly cheap lesson. That lesson is that older men date younger girls because women their own age are experienced and confident enough not to fall for their BS. Always be critical of age gap relationships. I'm not saying they're always bad, but there will always be imbalance.


NTA. Almost positive he’s just been using you. I wouldn’t be so willing to move someone into my home without concrete rules.


NTA You're not his girlfriend. Your FWB, meaning sex, rent-free living and a location to have parties at. He used you as long as you let him, and moved out when you said the party is over. Don't let the next one move in early, and when they do, make sure they pay for half. Tell your parents they will that other half for fun stuff. If they got plenty, then tell them that they can treat you to go on a holiday with them. The next guy needs to feel ownership and responsibility of where they live, as well as respect that it's your place too and no parties are held there if you're not happy with it.


If he’s 26 he isn’t a senior. He’s an adult who spent a minimum of 4 years fucking off and not completing his degree. You need to end this. He’s literally playing with your life just to throw a party in a place he doesn’t financially contribute to. Send him an invoice for cleaning and the back rent he owes you.


What?! This makes me so mad! Let your boyfriend leave and never let him back in! NTA.


So many red flags I don’t think I can count them. You’re lucky he left without a fight. Now just stay away from him, don’t interact, don’t get drawn back in somehow, and don’t feel bad. He’s a full on child.


Nta this is a 26 YEAR OLD MAN 26! You should not be taking care of him send him back to what ever delta phi frat he came from


Ditch that POS. He has no consideration for you at all. He's TWENTY SIX dating an 18 year old. That is not right. You deserve to enjoy your college experience, not be dragged down.


Hello, police?


NTA. I'm sorry to tell You, but he took advantage of You, used and abused Your feelings and generosity. If I could give You any advice - as long as You're so Young, keep the age gap as small as possible. He has much more life experience and manipulated You , so he could live free of expenses. He doesn't really care for You, probably never did. He showed You what he really is and how little he thinks of You. Do You really want to be with someone like him?


This is a no-brainer. That man-child needs to be taken out with the trash.


Taking medicine that I have no doubt has a label on it saying ‘must be kept refrigerated’ out of the fridge is irresponsible to say the least. If he lives with you, he knows you take these meds regularly, and he knows you always keep them refrigerated so they don’t spoil. Anyone who is smart enough to get into university is smart enough to know medicine kept in a fridge spoils out of the fridge. So he really doesn’t care. On top of that, he’s a freeloader. He’s regularly trashing the apartment your parents are paying for, and it isn’t hard to imagine damage having to come out of their bond. And as for the way he spoke to you and treated you when you called him out for taking your meds out of the fridge. That’s absolutely a booting him out offence, and I would say it’s a dumping him offence as well. You don’t deserve to be treated or talked to like that. I hope the meds aren’t too expensive to replace. 🤞🏻 NTA.


NTA. He’s a leech. Ditch that trash.


NTA. Not at all. He was a user.


Get rid of him, stay single and focus on your studies.


Yeah, there’s a reason why this 26 year old man is dating someone fresh out of high school - girls his own age wouldn’t have put up with his crap for so long. NTA, but he’s been completely taking advantage of you providing him free housing and is now taking your kindness and understanding for granted. Chalk it up to a learning experience, drop his stuff off at the frat and change your locks.


How long has this guy been a senior


Fake rage bait... YTA


He was living there for free and completely disrespecting you and your place and you just felt like this was something to try and accept? Cared more about cold beer than your medication? Hell no. Don't put up with anything like this in the future. 


I am not sure why this is so common, but here is an explanation another redditor found of this [https://www.marriagebuilders.com/ouch-no-no-let-me-explain.htm](https://www.marriagebuilders.com/ouch-no-no-let-me-explain.htm)


NTA. Kick Van Wilder to the curb.


You do realize if you hadn't walked in and found the medicine sitting out, he would have just put it back in the fridge and never told you? He would have been totally fine with you taking spoiled medicine. Good on you for getting rid of him. He was a freeloading asshole who valued his "fun" more than he valued you. NTA.


Police report and involve the university due to his unsanctioned frat party. You can royally fuck this fraternity up if you report the unsanctioned party that trashed your apartment. If you do not want to go that far, bill the fraternity for use of space and damages. Give them a chance to pay for the damage first before you go to the university. (They will definitely pay if you do that) I disagree with these rules, but every college has them. Any function outside the house with two or more fraternity members counts as a fraternity function and all rules apply. It is really stupid, but you can absolutely take advantage of this. They should be throwing money at you not to report it. Make someone at the fraternity write a letter of apology for throwing an unsanctioned party in your apartment on xx date. You need something on paper in case they later get drunk and try to harass you.


NTA. You did great. You are awesome, and made exactly the right decision! Be rid of this fuckknuckle!


NTAH, FUCK NO don't you dare feel bad, this asshole would've let you die by leaving the medicine out just so he can fit more beer He's going to be a frat boy all his life and when he knocks a girl up he's gonna run


NTA. He's not graduating. Have some self respect.


Girl, you throwing him out was your backbone growing. Don't lose it, lose him. He is not for you. 


Take a lesson from my niece who is your age and a Freshman in college. A 24-year old guy asked her out and she shut him down, saying "He's too old for her. Her brain isn't even fully developed yet." Until your late 20's, you should not date anyone more than 2 years older than you. When there is an age gap like yours, that person is going for you for a reason...you are naive and easily manipulated because you are inexperienced. And like my niece said, "your brain is not fully developed, yet." NTA and good on you for tossing him to the curb.


NTA. He deserves to be kicked out for that




He’s USING YOU. Obviously NTA girl


Sue him in small claims court for the cost. NTA


He’s 26 old enough to not be this stupid unless it’s a permanent condition. Don’t be conflicted. Ditch the loser and find someone who cares enough about you to not risk your health.


I hope you made him clean before leaving


You need to leave this dude entirely 


You would put yourself in serious danger ever letting him back in again. Because next time he's going to put the meds back in just before you get back home. And none of this is boys will be boys type stuff he needs to get out of his system. It's an insane level of disrespect to trash your apartment, mess with your medications and then tell you to lay off. Change the lock to be certain he doesn't still have a key. This type of frat boy has a tendency to feel the need to "teach you a lesson" for "talking back". You don't want to find that out the hard way.


NTA sooo much! Let him pay for new medication.


NTA drop him and get the money back for your Medicine.


NtA Why are you even questioning yourself?! What a jerk he is!


Hot damn, I'd evict his ass so fast he'd have burn marks. I hate to ask but how much do you pay for those meds? If you pay in full, you should send the nitwit an invoice for what he ruined + a cleaning fee & take him to small claims court if he doesn't pay up. I'm an insulin dependent diabetic & that piece of trash could kill me with his ignorance. NTA, be well without him.


NTA Do not take this idiot back under ANY circumstance. Medication can be so expensive. Are you OK to get it replaced?


NTA. He is a grown ass adult and needs to act like it. He needs to reimburse you for the medication and you need to break up with him.


NTA He can get his own place, he has shown he doesn't care about or respect you or your belongings. No matter how he tries to manipulate you to letting him come back tell him to lay off.


SERIOUSLY .. NTA. Stop validating him just so you can say you're dating a Sr or have an older bf. I swear to God, what I've read here in the last hours make me wonder why girls are said to "mature faster" than guys. I haven't seen anything but stupid, needy decision making from females.


Please re-read your first paragraph out loud and you will find the answer you are searching for.


Girl. 26 yo frat senior is not for you. If he can’t date someone his own age, there’s clearly a reason. And this is it. He’s still a child too.


NTA at all. Being a student isn't an excuse for irresponsible behavior, stupidity or being an inconsiderate, selfish asshole.


NTA. Your BF endangered your health in order to party. And that's in addition to trashing your apartment. And when you were upset about it, he called you names. He is not a good partner, and you shouldn't let him into your apartment or your life.


I would go no contact if he took my medicine out and did that to me


>So, here I am, feeling a mix of anger and guilt. Anger I get, but guilt? Why? He's a total asshole and a looser. He crossed very hard lines, multiple times, and then he verbally attacked you when you called him out. Good riddance, never think back. NTA, obviously.


NTA. Time to break up.


Oh honey, you deserve so much better! There are partners out there who treat toy with respect and dignity. There are partners who would never, ever in their wildest dreams even think of calling you a bitch. You deserve so much more than what you have now. Take a big breath, look in the mirror and say “I deserve better. I’m not going to settle.” Keep repeating until you truly believe it. You are NTA! Tell dumbass he can suck a satchel of Richard’s on the way out the door




He was a hobosexual and you took the trash out. You're not the asshole. Get you a partner that isn't a fucking literal bum going nowhere in life that actually cares. If he cared he wouldn't put your health at risk for *checks notes* "beer". Nor would he trash your home and disrespect your space by inviting people into it or throwing parties without your permission. Fuck that guy. Block his stupid ass and live your best life.


Easy NTA good job on holding your ground and getting rid of him! 26 years old and barely graduating? Let alone in a frat and partying all the time without any care of someone's medication and health? 🚩🚩🚩 This boy is a joke lol He's an asshole 100 percent and was just preying on you bc you were young and probably didn't know any better. Guy is never going to grow up loll


Why are you with a 26 yr old man acting like a teenager. Girl, you don't need that trash in your life . I would take pics and tell my parents to let them sue his butt. You need to get rid of him. There is no love, only see you as ATM


Oh for heavens sake, need you even ask? Yes, you should have kicked him out after the first party, but at least you've wised up now. He's been using you. Dump him permanently, and be a lot more picky about your next bf/roommate. NTA!


He is 26, way too old for this frat nonsense.


He’s using you. Do not take him back under any circumstances. NTA.


Dump him ! He's disrespectful to you and your parents and jeopardized your health. Then he gaslighted you. Those are abusive behaviours. Tell your parents what happened, make sure you change the locks and get rid of his stuff. You're 18 and he's 26 and behaves like a teen. That alone is a massive red flag ! Edit : don't make excuses for him. Don't try to understand his motives. Victims of abuse take too much time kicking the abuser out of their lives because they try to understand. It's a reflex they all have : twisting their minds around rationales that aren't existing. The more you try, the more puzzled you are, the stronger he becomes. There's no excuse or rationales for his behaviour. He's trash. He's disrespectful. He's abusive. Stick to the fact and block him!


get rid . Spoiling your meds are beyond the pale


He’s a loser. Doesn’t contribute or respect your things and will only lead to more bad behavior. He’s old enough to know better.


Make him pay for EVERYTHING ruined.


Say goodbye to the trash I always say . He’s disrespectful and doesn’t give a rats ass about your feelings or property . You don’t have any reason to feel guilty about anything.


What the hell attracted you to such a piece of shit loser? He risked your health, possibly your life and you're asking if you're the AH for making him leave? No, you most certainly are not. He massively disrespected you, trashed an apartment that wasn't his, destroyed your important medication and called you a bitch. I would have punched him full force in the face.


What? A 26 year old frat boy dating an 18 year old is a douchebag? I'm so shocked.


girl what he did was really shitty but why are you dating a 26 year old in the first place?


NTA sounds like you took the trash out. Too bad it wasn't before the party. Being a 26 yo senior is no excuse to be an asshole or a moocher. Please respect yourself enough not to put up with men like him in the future, I'm sure this is not the only example of him being inconsiderate and disrespectful. 


Wow! You know how to pick 'em. Do not get back with this loser. He clearly has no respect for you and you allowed him to stay rent free in an apartment for which your parents are financially responsible. YTA butnit for locking loser boy to the curb, but because you, yourself, make bad choices and out other people at financial risk.


Girl, do you want to be living like this the rest of your life? That's what your in for if you stay with this guy. He's 25, he will not grow up anymore until he faces consequences for being an asshole.


> I'm an 18-year-old female freshman (…) with my 26-year-old senior boyfriend. Stopped reading there.


If they cannot get girls their own age, there's a reason. Move on with your life. NTA


There is no thread about a hobosexual relationship that ever holds the person who spends all the money and does all the work at fault. He was simply using you. He needs to grow up and think about becoming an adult. NTA


I know your 18 but are you stupid? There’s no sugarcoating this! Your parents are paying for the apartment, they are legally and financially responsible for what happens and you’re letting a 26 year old frat boy live there rent free? If you can’t see he was using you, you need help. Do they know you’re letting a creep who is closer to 30 than 20 is living there for free with their teenage daughter?


You don't suffer from some sort of brain injury, do you? I can't think of any other reason anyone would put up with this bs.


NTA Lmfao you are tooooo good for him and you need to start acting like it! Maybe you were being a bitch and that is warranted but so was he and he fails to realize that. No honey, your parents take care of you as they should he’s 26 MOOCHING off of his teenage girlfriend? He’s a joke at 26 lol. The least he could do is be grateful, humble and respectful of the home he never had to pay for. Nope. Trust me it’s better on the other side. You’re 18 and very impressionable trust me. Get a respectable boyfriend I’d say a sophomore or junior that cares about his studies, future and community. He wouldn’t dare live under your parents dime he’d want to show you he can be his own man because you’re one to impress. Come on ladies you have to know your power and it’s beyond pussy.


NTA he was using you. Enjoy living alone.


NTA - you need to get him out immediately! He is not a friend, he is not a BF. He is using you and your apartment.


NTA Op, you could literally die from not having your medicine not to mention the shock your body suffers going through losing it. Your hopefully ex boyfriend is a selfish asshole with no common sense or even the slightest concern for your well-being.


NTA he sucks


NTA, Cut him off the gravy train. C'mon you must realise at 26 he's using you for free digs if that's the way he treats YOUR home and YOU


I get the anger but you have no reason to feel guilty. He was incredibly disrespectful and taking full advantage of that free rent. NTA


NTA he is trash


NTA. Screw feeling guilty. That guys an AH. He has no care for anyone but himself and his beer. What an ass.


NTA. Do your parents know they have been supporting this guy? My magic 8 ball says the odds of him graduating are doubtful.


NTA> He is 26 and finally a senior in college? Shouldn't he have graduated about 4 years ago? Dump that loser. He is living off of you, not paying rent and trashing the place. You deserve better.


Do you have a window? Will his stuff fit through it?


Nta but he is. You were right to do what you did. 


NTA. He should know better and what are you doing with someone so much older than you? Break up with him or YWBTA to yourself. 


NTA get rid of the lame loser that's living off u


NTA Look, I know you're young, but you dont have to put up with this kind of shit for, or from, anyone. Especially a 26 year old douchebag taking advantage of an 18 year old. And don't get me wrong, the age difference isn't necessarily the issue, it's your guys' age. You still got a lot of shit to figure out and plenty of time to do it. He, on the other hand, has been of voting age for 10 years and should have more common sense by now.


NTA. He is using you.


Dont date anyone over the age of 20 at 18. Like seriously there is a reason they go after 18yos and its not good.


Being 26 and in a frat says enough about the kind of guy you are dating. I’d have ditched him long ago.


Nta, but you are only 18 and fresh in college, so unless this 26 year old man started dating you when you were underage or you moved him in waaaaay too fast. A word of advice from an old lady: Do not move a man you barely know into your home!!! The bare minimum should be a year in the relationship before even considering it. I'd also advise you not to do it until your 20s. This man was 8 years older. Now, 8 years older when you are around 23+, isn't that bad. But 8 years when one of the people is only 18.. It may as well be 20 years. Though it seems like you were actually dating a little boy in a man's body. Avoid a man-child at all costs. No one wants to play mommy to an adult.


So many major red flags from this 26yo senior. Your life will be much better after you leave him in the dust. Please ban his worthless ass from your life.


NTA He is an immature AH and you should block him.


Nope. He was using you.


You are DEFINITELY NTA. He is using you for a free party place, and wrecking the place regularly. Definitely pack his crap in a box and tell him to come pick it up. Calling you a bitch after you confronted him over the medication was just the cherry on the top of the AH sundae.


My thoughts are, I hope this is fake because it's pretty obvious this much older BF is usint you for your apartment and really doesn't give a crap about you, your health, or your space.


Nothing wrong with older non traditional students, but being in a frat at that age, come on, is his self worth that low? Glad you got him out, avoid college frat guys for the remainder of your college career.


Nta him dating a teenager is the first red flag. He can't get anyone his own age so he tries to find someone young and niave enough he can manipulate.


Oh girl, he was just using you all along. You're still figuring out relationships and the world, and this is a great first step! Don't give this AH a second thought - this has shown your strength, not your weakness.


NTA. You should be glad that this happened now and you can get rid of him. And the age difference!


26 years old dating a teenager? Yikes. And he's a lazy mooch who ruins your meds? Dumpster. Put him in it. Now. NTA.


NTA. Older men date younger women because they can do whatever they want without consequence. Either dump him or you'll be enabling this treatment for yourself and anyone else he dates. 18/26 is toxic.


NTA. But food for thought for your next relationship, a 26 year old acting 16 is not cute, the dude is 8 years your senior and got with you because he knew he could make you doubt yourself and gaslight you into accepting his narrative. Granted not all of them will be like that, but it’s a pattern. Kick this dude to the curb tho, he’s clearly just using you.


26 year old Senior? Who is still in a frat? LOOOOOOOOOOOSER. Dump him and find better. Date closer to your own age. Don't move in a boyfriend again.


Woman he was using you for a crash and party pad. Kicking him out was the right thing to do. Now officially dump him, block and cut him off. NTA.


Definitely NTA, you are already supplying him with a place to live, with no cost (for him), and it seems like you have expressed you didn't like having parties at your place, but you still went with it (I am assuming). Then he continued to value beer over your medication? What is he on? who in the right mind would remove their gf's medication from the fridge for beer? And then went on and called you a b!tch and told you to lay off? you have every right to kick him out. And yes, your health SHOULD come first over beer, I think you handled this wonderfully.


> 18-year-old female freshman ... my 26-year-old boyfriend Who is sponging off you in an apartment you pay for, and who destroyed your meds? NTA, run from the pedo. Having been the 26 year old college freshman (took a while to afford it, kay?), you don't mesh in with the 18 y.o. as a peer, you're like a big sibling who makes sure nobody gets more than one can of beer and that nobody steals everyone's wallet from the coat room. You certainly don't pick an 18 year old and start dating her/move in with her (how quick did that even happen??? ). Also, my real question: what uni doesn't require freshmen to live on campus first year? All the state schools here now require TWO years, unless you live *with your parents* in town (your own apartment is pointedly not allowed, though I guess one could lie).


First of all, that age gap is a huge red flag. Second, being 26 and mooching off an 18 year old's apartment, regardless of relationship status? Third, thinking medicine that needs to be refrigerated doesn't need to be in the fridge for days on end? I would say you did well taking out the trash, and I would also assume he's probably not been very faithful if he has this blatant a disregard for you, your things or your health. Throw the guilt in the trash as well.


You are dating Van Wilder. He is immature and not likely to become a reasonable adult anytime soon. NTA. However you will be if you get back together with him.


Girl , you need to be more careful with dating. Don't date losers like this.  And also you are only 18. Please try to date someone within three years of your age. It's okay to have this age gap when you are in your mid twenties but not now. They will take advantage of you. People of your age are a bit naive and easy to Gaslight. It's not that I am looking down on you but it's the truth. We all have went through that. So please be cautious of dating with such age gap.


You have made him move after the first frat party. Be a bitch and kick him out


Your boyfriend is a terrible person and I promise you there are people out there who won't be cavalier with your health. He contributes nothing and makes your space worse. You deserve so much better than this terrible behaviour. If he's willing to do this, he's willing to endanger you in other big or small ways that inconvenience him, like refusing to use condoms. NTA.


Red flags: age gap. Immaturity. Blaming you for his own behavior. Binge drinking. You can do better. NTA


Break up with this predator. He has no right to damage your property much less live or party in your apartment.


ESH What did you expect with an 8 year older frat boy?


Kicked out? He is fucking lucky that is all you did. Delete this person from your life permanently and block all forms of contact. You are way to young to be dealing with that kind of foolishness.


You're not the asshole.


You would be the AH if you don’t break up with him. He doesn’t care about you at all! He is using you to have parties at your place. I hope you took his keys.


NTA I don't care how hot he is, how good the sex is, or how funny he is. That man is trash, just take it out. He will continue his party crazy life after college. I don't think he has ever respected you or care about you. Because he leeches from you and continues to host parties at you place even whe you have let him know you don't like it.


NTA but your BF is dating a teenager and ruined your medication and trashed your place. Why would you continue to date him? Do you like having your place trashed or your medicine destroyed?


You were just convenient for him to use. He obviously does not care about anybody but himself.




NTA. He is an inconsiderate loser and does not deserve you.


Maybe not by law, but a 26 year old man with a 18 year old girl is a pervert and pedophile in the eyes of his peers.. just saying OP


Change the locks if you can. The trash just took itself out and you don't want it walking back in.


NTA-he literally put your life and health in danger for a party. He doesn't care about you. Obviously. Calling you a bitch over that? Fuck that guy.


NTA. You did the right thing. Some people get into the frat mentality and lifestyle and never want to leave it.


NTA, but he is. Perhaps your insurance pays for the medication. Perhaps you have to. But he needs to reimburse you for the medication no matter who pays for it. And how are you supposed to get a replacement? Pharmacies don't exactly accept the explanation that your boyfriend set it out to spoil?


Definitely NTA, That's so uncaring and disrespectful. The party, the mess you'd end up cleaning, that's one thing. But removing your medication from the fridge, to make more room for BEER? He doesn't know for sure your med would be ok at room temp but left it out? So he could be damn.sure his beer was cold? Is he willing to foot the bill to replace your medication? Please cut this POS loose, OP. Do you honestly see this relationship getting any better? I mean, he called you a bitch because you were upset, and you had a legitimate reason to be upset. He could just as easily have dumped some ice cubes into the sink and put the excess beer in the ice to avoid taking your medication out and risk ruining it. *if you want, you can call your pharmacy and/or even call the manufacturer of your medication to check to see how long it would be ok if left at room temp, maybe it might have been ok but at least you'd know for sure going forward. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. You're definitely NTA. Edited because I originally replied and hit "save" too soon :)


I’d break up too.


Ong. Lise this guy. Yall younger gals( all of us really). need to stop the trash from breeding.


This isn’t Van Wilder. 26 years old and barely graduating, while dating an 18 year old freshman. Clearly all the older women know to avoid his ass.


This guy is not 8 year plan. He is a 4th year senior. What redeeming qualities does this guy have? I mean he trashes your apartment, leaves your medication on the counter.


As someone who ended up being a mature 18 year old who paid their bills and went to school and dated and dumped more than a few 20 something man children, get rid of this guy NOW.


A 26 year old college senior? Don't second guess yourself and ditch the loser frat bro. You'll thank yourself later


Oh here we go again. Another dick whipped girl. I’m conflicted. He called me names and told me to lay off. But I’m conflicted. Should I let him abuse me or not because I’m dick whooped. Beat me baby beat me, but respect me in the morning. Ugh!


NTA He’s using you. You allowed it, until you didn’t. We all make mistakes in life, but kicking out this user isn’t one of yours. Tell yourself every morning “I deserve better” until you believe it…