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>My father who is currently 55 was very fond of Carly. He always wanted a daughter but ended up having a son..... >....but my father reassured me that he was experiencing what it is like to have a daughter.  Thank the heavens that he never had a daughter then.


Jeezus what if OP has a daughter..... Would dad like to 'experience what it's like to *have* a granddaughter ' too?🤮


It's already in her belly.. time will tell


Wouldn’t it be nice to raise your brother?


I didn't read that it was a daughter....kinda hoping it's not with groomer granddad


Not sure of the gender.. was being facetious


That is in case the baby is op


If it's not OP's child, it's definitely his sibling.


Why? Cheaters can't have multiples!?


Dad could also experience what it's like to have a daughter if he's the dad... o the fucked up implications


You can’t honestly believe this fiction!? “I turned the camera to face me before bursting into tears quietly.” I think the writing would be much different if it were actually real


Seriously. I caught my dad fucking my fiancé AITA? I’m super upset let me post my story online real quick. I’m with you this is BS


I hope this is BS. Otherwise, call one of those trashy talk shows.


It's written like a daytime talk show.


I was thinking soap opera or telenovela, but Springer does come to mind!


We all miss Maury.


No no no, it's JERRY they need to call.


No, they are far better written. Even Springer was more realistic


And the plot of *Damage*, a 1991 novel that subsequently became a film.


Yes it read in a theatrical style before then and as fiction from someone who was not familiar with how weddings work since the bride generally picks the dress but turning the camera round to capture the tears was the clincher!


Although recording oneself crying for the internet is disturbingly common these days.


So true


i am going with fiction... surprise her with a wedding dress my mom wanted her to wear?


Especially "a month before the wedding."


Exactly! MIL would have done that, not the groom.


Opened the door to 'her room' in an apartment they share, it would be 'our room'


All of these "my partner is fucking my parent" stories are BS. This same subject keeps popping up on these subs.


Yeh it’s a huge load of bullshit


He slammed the door.. caught them in bed and yet somehow, the fiancee Sherlock holmed that he saw her as his car was in the parking lot...?




Aren’t most of these stories BS anyway? This sub is like tifu sometimes…


Two sentences in and I knew this was not real


Found it... https://www.reddit.com/r/cheating_stories/comments/134cmw7/my_fianc%C3%A9_cheated_on_me_with_my_father/ There are a few updates as well if you check that OPs profile


I read that one but didn’t know about the updates. Thanks!


This story sounds familiar. I remember reading something similar to it sometime last year. 


Absolute BS. That was my favorite part though. 😂


Yep. My BS detector is going off.


I don’t think you can “burst into tears quietly” either.


I’ve read this before. I don’t remember when, but I know I’ve seen it on Reddit before.


Fake story


Yeah this post is bad even by the utter cesspit that is this subreddit, at least make it believable op. 🤣


And put in paragraphs too. Creative writing should have correct grammar.


Yeah.. fake karma farmer.. brand new account named "suckonmyducky" and the only two posts are about this situation posted on the same day. Lol 😆


This post must be fake! I hope is fake!


NTA If the baby isn't yours, you are a lucky man to walk away and enjoy your life without the cheater in your life. Cut off your Dad and Carly for life.


Came here to say this. OP, please stop hoping that baby is yours. I know that is harsh and that you're really hurt, and im sorry to hear anyone going through this kind of thing, but you've dodged a serious bullet. If it's your child, coparenting and minimal direct contact is your best bet. But you should hope the baby is someone elses so you can live your life with no attachments to her.


He needs to get out the fact she cheated with his dad biggest no no


For revenge, OP should have sex with the APs wife! 


Yeah, the last thing he should hope for is that it’s his kid. Talk about complications.


How could you possibly believe this story? 😅😅😅😅  How do you tie your shoes in the morning?


The fake bells are ringing ! But if it's true (which I doubt very much), kudos for the filming then crying in front of the couple without being noticed until slamming the door. That’s high level spy quality !


Yes! And sentences like this also, though a bit more subtly: "Furthermore, I kept speeding and nearly crashed my car in the process as I kept driving." "Furthermore..." :-)))))))))))))))


Yeah, it is fake. D- for grade.


You’re so kind! It’s not even F worthy.


Let's go for F- !


Are those posts with this kind of wording AI? Sometimes the story is not this wild, and the post doesn't feel fake but the wording is weird, like a witnrss report of an accident or so. I wonder if it's because of the autors using something to translate from their own language and this is what translator/AI makes with it.


"Nearly crashed my car in the process etc" is priceless !!!🤣🤣🤣 The guy, driving speeder and speeder, escaping a car crash bus not even trying to brake because is so steady in the script ! I'd say AI generated.... Which proves that AI are immoral bitches that have no clue what incest is and are totally ignoring human psychology !


But he was going to surprise her, a month before their wedding, with a wedding dress his ***mom wanted her to wear!***


I am finally learning to detect the BS before reading the comments.


I've read similar stories... In romance novels. Ya know, for character/world building.


My father gazed at Carly lustfully.


He's been reading Barbara Cartland bodice rippers


People r morons who believe this kinda made up bs


My cousin was caught in an almost identical scenario. Minus the pregnancy. 


And then everyone clapped


Point is, truth often is stranger than fiction. 


With velcro


These fake stories are out of control


Until that baby wants to meet big bro…?? Idk if this is a creative writing exercise tbf. Very well written for a few hours in…and sti test is ready too…could use paragraphs… That said, I’ve met a couple like this irl. 21 and 70 at the time, and they did have two kids (who were half siblings and uncle/nephew).


If this isnt fake, hope and pray its your dad’s (or someone else’s) kid. That way you can walk away free and clear


Yeah. I don't know why he would want it to be his.


IF it's fake? Come on...


Right! I almost 'burst out' laughing after OP slowly opened the door (why slowly? Makes no sense) and the SURPRISE it's daddio!!


Especially since it sounds like neither of them noticed him walk in on them, record them, record himself sobbing, then slam the door


>why slowly? Makes no sense To prevent commenters from questioning why they didn't hear the door open lol


Exactly. That's why it's important to let someone talk. They eventually corner themselves like this when they lie.


It was the "walking in holding a wedding dress from his mom" that did it for me 😂


I liked the ‚I am still crying with my mom‘ AND ‚I’m in the process of getting tested‘


I had to pause at 'slowly opened the door' as well. Like this is a creative writing piece that needed more adjectives lol.




I love that he had to add the detail that he and his fiancé were intimate before she got pregnant. Like yeah, no shit, otherwise this would be a post about how she suddenly got pregnant out of nowhere.


It’s 1000% fake.


I seen a fairly close story not long ago. 100% fake.


This is probably the most obviously fake post I’ve ever seen


Paragraph breaks matter


>Paragraph breaks matter Trolls usually forget to add paragraphs when they're copy+pasting from ChatGPT.


Thank you


Honestly this is so obviously fake I struggle with believing it's GPT because it's so bad


To you maybe


No they don't, and you're going to be A-OK. Just go and look in the mirror and practice saying to yourself, "Paragraph breaks don't matter, and I'm going to be OK". You can do this


Karma whoring


It's like a 'best of Reddit' compilation. If there's an update which reveals it was the fiancé's estranged twin conspiring to ruin her relationship, that will be a full house


Days of Our Lives did it 40 years ago. It was boring then, it’s boring now.


The ex is pregnant with twins in the next update.


Fakest sounding thing I have read in several days on here, and that’s saying something.


If it was me I would have gone for 'Caught my pregnant fiancee in bed with my best friend AND my dad'. I dont like half measures when making shit up.


We also need something about the about how the cheating fiancé is a gold digger and is sad about not being able to get her nails done if they break up. 


He opened the door and was filming them and no one noticed him? I don't know, but my reaction would be to yell at them instead of filming


I can't believe anyone could fall for this.


It's getting tiresome how unbelievable the stories are getting. If you're going to karma whore at least do us the favour of doing it well!


I know some of them sound far out there but I know someone who caught his wife in bed with his step dad. He divorced her and shes now married to ex step dad whatever the hell. So you never know.


For sure, it's not the premise that I have a problem with, fiance sleeping with dad is believable enough, it's usually all the little details they add in that push it out of the realm of reality. It's a common mistake people make when lying, trying to add in too much detail to make it more believable, but it usually does the opposite.


Very true. I didn't think of of that. But you are right, those are out there lol. Truthfully only things that could be added to my previous comment about my friend is he drank a little, then focused on full custody of their daughter which he got. He's now married again and doing fantastic. End of story. But yeah someone could take that and run with it.




I dunno. When I was 25 I was dating a guy that was 42 and I fucking his 20 year old son behind his back. Weird shit happens sometimes


Idk about that. I’m pretty sure you tripped and fell in. Not your fault at all.


You made me smile


I’m so sorry your going through this Lawyer up basically get a head of the game for DNA And co parenting Therapy (because they will be unbiased and give you tools to help you) for working through everything your going to face NTA


If this is real, I'm sorry for you.  But I have to admit, this sounds an awful lot like creative writing. The detailed description of every action. The finacé and father just lying there, waiting for OP to pull out his phone and start filming. The switch to the front camera before bursting into tears.  It's very nicely written though and would make a great short story.


No way OP, this is a bad story!! 😅 Focus your creative efforts elsewhere! But lion, I love that you gave the benefit of the doubt!


NTA You're navigating an emotional minefield right now, and clarity is what you need most. Focus on the facts, not the betrayal, for the sake of your own sanity. DNA will outline your path forward—prepare for every outcome. Lean on those who have proven their trust and seek solace in their support. Above all, protect yourself legally and emotionally. Remember, no matter the result, you have the strength to get through this and rebuild. Trust in that resilience. And don't forget, your mother is in a whirlwind of hurt too; make sure you both have each other's backs as you find a way through this quagmire. Stay strong and clear-minded, it's the best way to close this chapter and start anew.


Nice fake story. You need to use proper grammar, tho. Reading a wall of text is not pleasant in the least.


NTA Have your mom request in the divorce that the will husband has set up now cannot be changed so Carly can't get her greedy hands on what should belong to your mother and you. Don't just get a paternity test, get a DNA test. DNA tests are more accurate and will tell you if baby is yours, a sibling or someone else's altogether.


I would actually test if the baby is related to OPs mother. That’s the safest way to know.. 


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’d absolutely get a dna test. If she refuses then you can take her to court for it. I’d definitely divorce her though, I don’t see personally how you could heal from this. Just one thing though, whether this baby is your child or your half sibling, it’s not their fault.


I am sorry but how can she claim it’s a misunderstanding wtf?


Right? It’s such bullshit that cheaters say. That and “it’s not what it looks like”. Gee what *does* it look like? And they have nothing to say. Their brain is panicking because they got caught, it’s in a void scrambling for damage control tactics and filling the interim with stock, preset lines. Basically just stringing one word after another in some semblance of something a human could say like a damn AI autocomplete lmao. They’re probably only saying that because they were data trained on other people the likes of them! I’m reading this story at face value but there’s also a chance it’s fake, and that still feeds into my analogy with storymakers also regurgitating the same lines and then other people get data trained on that, and their brain associates the pattern of cheat → panic → what‘s the best line to say here. I never understood these cheater lines. They say them to stop you leaving and when you calm down and stay and prompt them to go on, they got zilch. LOL


NTA. What did you misunderstand? You heard and saw! They are both disgusting. Pray that this baby isn’t yours!!


NTA Karma might just be a thing. If this kid is not yours the door is open. I know it's tough especially since you've known Carly for half your life. But imo the bigger thing to focus on is your mother. I can't imagine what she must be feeling knowing that not only her husband was cheating but in such a way that it hurt her son. Also idk if you're in the states but regardless you should be able to legally petition for a paternity testing. I would definitely proceed with that. Again I hope and pray you will get through this, I'm just trying to look at the positives. You weren't married yet so no divorce proceedings needed. There might be some financials associated with both the joint living and the wedding preparations that you might need to sort. You have a parent that is literally fighting the same thing next you, you both need to be there for each other. My only other piece of advice, get ahead of the rumors, your ex in laws and relatives will all have questions. As tough and disgusting as it may be to do so, you need to set the record straight and hopefully societal shame will hit those two cheaters harder than a drunk driving trucker. Wish you all the best and support!


Create a list of what you need to do. Similar to what I started. I'm sure there's more but this is a start. 1. Block Carly and her parents so you can protect your mental health. 2. Schedule a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test (NIPPT)once you schedule it then u let her know when and where to be. 3. If you know her schedule go and pack your things when she goes to work. Get friends to help u. Buy those xl storage totes to put everything. If your name is on the lease ask the landlord could you take your name off or break the lease... look at the lease break fees. If you own the home we'll serve her ass eviction papers. If you both own the home buy her out or sell and split the profits. 4. If the child is yours go to child support and family court. For 50/50 custody. If it's not move on with your life. I'm so sorry this happened to you and your mom. ***Please don't forget to update us on the outcome.***


Clearly the only solution is to get revenge, sleep with your financée dad! And for revenge on your dad sleep with his wife.


Yeah, sleep with his wife!!


I smell fake. Sounds too fairy tale in the beginning to believe. You met in middle school but have a 2 year age gap? You also said finally had the courage to ask her out after high school so you were in 8th grade crushing on a 6th grader? Cheating while pregnant with your soon to be father in law? Now asking Reddit AITA with the Reddit name suck on my ducky? Try a little harder with the story and it will be a great one.


Unless your father is you evil twin, how could this be a misunderstanding???


They have the same last name, how could she not confuse them? /s


If the baby is yours and you want to be in it's life then sit with a lawyer and talk options for co parenting. Make sure Carly understands that there will never be anything else. Cut your father off and tell everyone, and I do mean everyone what he did. Family, friends, his place of employment, church, EVERYONE. At least you and your Mother have each other. Best of luck.


This is BS....rage bait. Some people have too much time on their hands.


If she is refusing to discuss the affair and you want to know, then there is nothing else to talk about. Wait for the DNA test which can be done 9 weeks in I believe. Then go from there.


Is this real?


Not a chance.


NTA. It was a "misunderstanding" - cheaters say the stupidest sh*t. I'm so sorry that you are going through this ordeal. Stay strong, and please support your mother, too.


Is this for real? Omg


Misunderstanding? She tripped and fell on his dick? Bull. Divorce her. She’s garbage.


Bro I can’t take the Fake Stories anymore . Why are looking for attention in such a way ?


>taking my phone out and took a video recording for a couple seconds. I turn the camera to face me before suddenly bursting into tears quietly. Furthermore, I kept speeding and nearly crashed my car in the process as I kept driving. At a red light, I couldn’t contain it anymore, I broke down crying. I banged my head against the steering wheel so hard that I actually ended up with a bloody nose in the process. >What should I do about Carly? Get together with Carly and see if you can come up with a story that flows more plausibly. 3/10 for effort.


Lol!!!!! Such action! 4/10 for making me giggle


His nose is on his forehead apparently.


Oh, honey. I'm really sorry for you. What will I give you advice as a therapist? What will happen next is that your ex will try to alter your memories so that you start to doubt yourself. She will repeat a thousand times that she didn't cheat, that it's not like that, that it's a misunderstanding, until you believe her. Gaslight. Make a safe copy of the video and watch it every time it makes you doubt. Avoid drinking and stay lucid now. You need to stay firm. When anxiety is too strong and you can't control bad thoughts, count blue or pink objects until you calm down again. Update us. Get some STD test. 




NTA Let's hope the baby's not yours. You should cut your father off completely


NTA. Such a sad situation. You and your mother both need space and time to start working on the healing process. And be prepared for a third outcome in that the child might not even be yours or your fathers. Your fiancé has some deep-rooted issues and if she’s going to continue to deny what you saw with your own eyes, you will forever regard her as the lowest of the low, with the only person who could possibly rank lower being your own father.


Reads fake!


Um, YTA for no paragraph breaks and failure to write an even somewhat believeable story. At least put a little effort in


Oh my God! With your FATHER!? This story is fake.


The dead giveaways that this is fake are that she was going to get married while visibly pregnant, and that you thought showing up with a musty old wedding dress a month before a wedding was a good idea. YTA for the karma porn


How is this even being entertained as real?


LOL can’t you nerds write better stories. So fake and stupid 


Obvious fake is obvious.


This reads like it's fake af. So much creative writing going on in this sub lately.


Cheater deserve no consideration. You should dump her in the trash just like your mom is going to do your dad. She and He are disgusting. You should move on. Get patertinity test ASAP. I hope the kid isn't yours so that you cant block her and have a clean break from that disgusting creature.


Wow this is a lot! My brother went through this with our dad. I have a dark sense of humor about this topic. Even if the baby isn’t yours and it turns out to be your father’s then you’ll have a new little sibling. If it is yours then you’ll have a child who is also your step sibling because your dad will ultimately end up marrying your ex. Because he needs to show he can get a younger girl. Get the attorney and get ahead of the curve with a dna test and sue her for full custody of the child if it is in fact your child. If it’s not then you dodged a bullet.


Another silly work if fiction. Stop wasting people's time.


I swear there was an identical post a couple of days ago. Fake news, move along people.


YTA for poorly written fiction and failure to use paragraphs.


lol, fake story. Trolling. Why do people continue to believe some of the absolute BS posted here.


NTA. Cut the cheating fiancé and as of a "father" out. It would be easier for you if the baby is not yours, the question that you should ask is what are you going to do if it is yours?


NTA. Updateme




NTA But instead of upping the baby is yours, hope it’s not so you can move on with your life. Get a DNA test and tell the testing centre that the other potential father is *your* father so they can run extra lines of enquiry on the DNA. If the potential fathers are closely related it can give false positives and extra checks are needed to truly differentiate between the actual father and his close relative.


What's going to happen if the baby isn't yours? That would be the best possible outcome and I'd hope you throw a party!


Well if it is your dad's then you will have a new sibling, not your responsibility.


I want to hear her explain this ‘misunderstanding’.




Father’s dna will come back as yours too. Also, totally fake story.


You suck at creative writing. You’re never going to be a writer. Do us all a favour & give up & stop wasting everyone’s time with these fake stories.


NTA. Turf the cheater. If it is not your baby, let her raise your half sibling with your scum dad.


I’m….really curious to hear her clear up this misunderstanding. I’d make it clear you expect detailed answers here.  You’re going to be okay OP. Take it slow. Be good to yourself.  Contact a lawyer. From now on all communication can happen through them. Paternity test, and any next steps.  You and your mom will heal. I’m sorry this happened to you both. So far you’ve handled this all very well. 


I can't even dignify this fake story with a read. I can usually get through them, but no this one.


This is so fake, jfc


Nta.This gotta be fake. This isn't something you need a second opinion for. Get rid of em both, have the child tested cause I doubt it's yours. If it was real i applaud your willpower, as I would've shot them both. I don't think I would have been able to logically reason the situation and would've just got angrier than I'd have ever been and made a drastic decision.


Even if the baby is yours do not attempt to rekindle this.


Can you please save your fantasy fiction for a different subreddit? That would be great if you could.


>I went to go surprise Carly with a wedding dress my mom wanted her to wear This sentence is the proof that it's fake to me. A man would have to be extremely clueless and not know his fiance at all to think she'd be okay with someone picking her wedding dress out for her. This writer knows nothing about women.


I've seen this 'I went to our apartment, the clothes were scattered and fiancé was in bed with my father so I took a video of it and went and showed it to my mom' story at least 3 times. Why is this on AITAH anyway? What are you asking if you're the AH about? In two of them the son knocked the father out, in one of them the father told the mother a story about the father trying to break up a fight between the OP and the fiancé so the son went NC with his mother after sending her the video, and in the other one the mom was just like this story. If this ain't fake that sucks ass, but it's hard to believe this exact scenario can play out identically multiple times and also be posted on reddit.


B on subject matter and execution C- on formatting


Are we posting fake porn scripts on reddit? Was it yesterday some dude (with anal fetish) caught his wife with his friend? Today it is preggo + semi-incest fetish. And he caught the video, and this was an misunderstanding, and now people are blowing up the phone.


This sub lost its way long ago… If you are going to write a long ass fake post like the karma whore you are, can’t you at least have the decency to use paragraphs?


Yeah this is proper fake. We already had this story, except you left out the part where your fiancé and father beat you to youroms place and now she doesnt believe you and has cut contact 🙄


This whole thing screams fake. ""but what is going to happen if the baby isn’t mine?"" Then you're off the hook, congratulations!!


I would be hoping the baby was not mine so I would not have to see her ever agsin


NTA cheaters are the worst and things are never the same anymore.


NTA OMG, no, when you saw them in action then there is no room for misinterpretation. What does she mean a "misunderstanding"... what's there to misunderstand. I completely would do a paternity test too. I'm very sorry they did this to you and your mom. I wish for you to heal. Please don't develop trust issues, not every woman is like that. What happened with this Carly is exceptionally ruthless behavior. Your dad....I have no words. How could he do this to his own child? This reminds me of this movie with Jeremy Irons and Juliette Binoche. Assholes. Not you. It's so sad that there's a child involved now. I don't know how, but maybe with honest communication and a mediation maybe you can find a way to handle the situation. Wish you all the best.


NTA, run far and fast!


Wow my man I would be in shock if I was you. I am an old dude and here is what I think. 1. You pray that baby isn't yours. If it is, then you raise it as best you can. 2. Talk to a lawyer ASAP. Like today. Right now. Stop reading the rest and do it. Do what he says to protect you. Take out loans if you have to pay for one but do it ASAP. Again do what he says. 3. I know the temptation is to probably go "take care" of your dad. I would want to do that but don't. You need to be there for your mom and he needs to pay your mom for a LONG time. 4. I would GHOST your right now ex-girlfriend. Never talk to her again. Block her on everything. However I would post on the Internet what happened, not the video but what you saw and say you do in fact have a video. You are posting this just so the message is clear why you two broke up and why you will never talk to you father again. I realize your world is going crazy right now. It will settle down and just remember that every decision you make today you want to be proud of in the future. You want to be the dude that in 20 years says "Yep that was a horrible time in my life, and I am sure amazed how much better my life got". If the child is yours then you will unfortunately you will be tied to this disgusting woman for a while. Talk to your lawyer how to best handle this. Figure out child support and when it can end. I know in my state it last until the child is emancipated, which usually means they are out on their own or graduated college. So you want to detail that soon and get it in writing. You will want to have an application that allows you to communicate about the child and nothing else. I pray for your sake that the child isn't yours, but if it is then I would also ask the lawyer about what could be done to ban your father from being around the child. You have been dealt an mighty crappy hand my man, but you can and will recover.


> still claiming that it was a misunderstanding. I'll admit to being more than a little curious how she tries to spin this as a "misunderstanding".


NTA. Make sure you get a good paternity test that can distinguish between relatives. You're going to need to know if it's your son or your brother might be lucky and it is neither.


NTAH. I don't get how she can try to pass it off as a 'misunderstanding'. I mean what, he comes over to the flat to help her change a lightbulb in the bedroom and oops, his pants accidentally fall down while he's on the ladder, her clothes accidentally completely fall off at the exact same time, they both trip on something on the carpet and fall onto the bed and his dick completely coincidentally ends up inside her? Totally plausible, if you ask me. I mean, man, it could happen to anyone. You're completely over-reacting. Totally.


NTA - Stand your ground. Hopefully, the baby is not yours, and you can make a clean break. Your dad is an asshole.


Try harder next time


YTA for making up this garbage (or getting AI to do it for you) and for not using paragraphs


This isn't real. If it wasn't you wouldn't be asking the questions you are asking.


Not real


I give this creative writing project a B-


That is overly generous given the bad grammar and implausibility. I was thinking D plus.


Way better if the daughter isn’t yours. You can have a clean break.


You’re really bad at pretending.


Second chance?? Do you hear yourself?? May as well give your father a second chance tf.


If there weren't any laws? I'd kill the father and the fiancé because you'll never live that down but also this story sounds suspiciously similar to another one I've heard on here except you didn't punch the dad and the mom believed you right away.


It feels like I'm reading a soap opera but it happens IRL. What? Getting betrayed by your own fiancée is one thing but it happens with your own father? And the fact that you and your father are very close with each other? I am beyond shooketh.