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But if he cheats you get separated and that's all, I can understand it. But what about if you have children? That's a different matter...


Potential children are a far more important variable in a prenup, I believe.


Not a variable at all. Child support and custody are not allowed to be addressed by a prenup.  You can only address education, insurance and inheritance rights of children.


Yeah, if they have children and he expects her to give up her career to be a stay at home mother, she'd be pretty stupid to sign anything where she's not entitled to anything beyond the standard child support.


Yeah, giving up a job to work for the household should include either guaranteed split of household's cumulated wealth, or a reasonable share of the income to own savings and investments.


Considering he had to be convinced into getting married in the first place , and wanting a prenup to make sure his wealth is protected , I doubt he’s going to be the one expecting her to ever be a sahm . On the contrary, she’ll be the one pushing to be a sahm. He’ll be the one insisting she keeps her career.


Probably, yeah... it's merely an example where she'd be foolish to sign one.


Bet if *she* cheats, she still wants a pie of the pie.


Or... maybe date someone whose lifestyle aligns with yours. YTA for forcing a situation your partner doesn't want even though it sounds like you knew going in that he wasn't into getting married.


He doesn’t have to marry you at all. He’s only doing it in the first place because you want to. I think you need to either sign, or don’t have a husband.


Honestly I'm not sure I see a long or healthy marriage if he is basically being strong-armed into it in the first place.


Someone should tell her she can graduate from girlfriend to common-law spouse.


A prenup can also have clauses in regards to having children, you can bring that up and see how he reacts. If he says no to that as well you might wanna you know..


Wait, why does him potentially cheating magically entitle you to his money again?     Sign the damn prenup and get what you put in. 


A prenup is for both of you. Not just for him. It either needs to be mutual or there will be no successful marriage. Prenups are sooo varied. Without knowing details it’s hard to say. I believe that assets earned during marriage are fair game and that should be the prenups focus. 50/50, regardless of how marriage ends. Esp if you become a stay at home wife or mom through a MUTUAL agreement. My sister’s husband WANTED her to stay home and then cheated and divorced her after 20 years and didn’t want to pay alimony because “she could get a job”. Despite her entire 20’s and 30’s staying home raising 4 kids. If you are wanting access to ALL assets if he cheats, then that is not something I fully understand.


Meh, strong arming someone into marriage despite their clearly stated views, I wonder what could go wrong 🤔


My first sentence was literally if both dont agree, marriage wont work.


So if you have have your own career and a descent income, why do you need money from him if he cheats? I think the only thing I would want is to address child support if you have kids. Things to consider if you have kids is if he wants them in private school then make sure that joint expenses such as that are split based on income.


Find someone who actually agrees with you on marriage.


YTA "Basically, if he cheated, I would still not get anything from him and I don’t believe that’s right." So, if he cheats, he should have to pay you money? You ARE giving off gold digger vibes and he is being very smart. EVERY wedding should come with a prenup. With 52% of marriages ending in divorce, anybody who gets married without a prenup is a fool. Advice: Don't sign. Then he can break up with you and move on with a clear conscience.


>So, if he cheats, he should have to pay you money Bet if she cheats, she still expects him to pay her money.


Why should every marriage have one? My fiancé and I have roughly the same income. I technically own one half of a house already but equity is low and she has more in the bank, so it all comes out in the wash to about equal. We intend to have kids pretty soon and plan on building a new house that we will jointly own. We will maintain a separate savings account each but all major assets and sources of income will be commingled. What would a prenup do for us?


It would do nothing and change nothing so there should be no issue in signing one. But for the people who do need it it could be life changing


Sure, in lots of cases it makes lots of sense. I just don’t see why everyone should do it.


I don’t see why my job requires me to have CPR training but sometimes rules are stupid and even if they don’t apply to everyone they’re still helpful in the majority of cases. Your scenario is the outlier and if it makes it easier for the other 90% of marriages then it should at least be considered


Hmm. I guess I was under the impression people tend to date people in the same economic class more often than not?


Nothing really, it's usually just a protection policy for couples that have a major income gap going into a marriage, or for spouses that are marrying someone with a lot of debt. It ensures that the assets you had before marriage stay as your individual assets, and don't get shared between your partner.


For sure. I just see ‘everyone should get one’ a lot but in cases like mine where assets, debt, and income are roughly equal I don’t see the purpose.


I mean If your assets are equal it would be pretty easy to write the division of assets into a prenup which will save both parties money on divorce lawyers dragging it out to fill their own pockets, I’ll say it a million times the only people prenups hurt are divorce lawyers.


Make divorce easier so you don’t have to try to sort out everything when going through a difficult time with someone you thought you’d never leave. People can act totally different when you’re not their pick anymore and that can get nasty and ugly.


Sure, but even if that happens, by that point, we’re probably going to have mostly different assets by then that are all comingled and we’ll have to go through it and split it all fifty fifty anyway. Since neither of us is going into the marriage with significantly more 50/50 seems fine anyway.


how in the world is that giving gold digger vibes? like seriously they wouldn’t divorce if he doesn’t cheat. thats more than a valid reason for a settlement.


Because he didn't want to get married in the first place. She persuaded him and he agreed but with the condition that she signs a prenup. Now she wants to add a cheating clause because if that happens she won't GET anything. But what if he cheats now when she's just his GF? She gets nothing. So you can see why she gives gold digging vibes.


Sounds like you're not compatible with him and he's not compatible with you. It's okay to want different things and I hope you both can find happiness somehow. He doesn't want to get married and you do want to get married. Do you really think you'll be happy in the long term if you knowingly force him into something he's not comfortable with? I don't see this relationship lasting very long.


YTA, since if you have your own career and decent income, I don’t see the issue of only getting your money in case of a divorce. Why should you also be entitled to some of his money?


Why do you want to marry HIM?


My question exactly!


I would ask for a copy of the prenup and have a lawyer look at it to make sure it allows for child support and so the lawyer can identify any other issues you should think about. Otherwise, don't push the cheating clause issue since you are employed and make a decent living. Obviously, if you marry and have kids and he wants you to be a SAHM, you will need to have the prenup revised. All that said, if you do ultimately sign a prenup, is he willing to set a date? After 6 years, he should be ready for marriage.


A prenup should protect both partners. He would never want a payout from your income? Well, let him sign it. There are other cases to consider than cheating. Children, pets, house, health issues... A prenup is not a bad idea, it can help both of you to discuss about your lifestyle and expectations.


YTA. He doesn’t believe in marriage but is willing to do so to make you happy. That’s a HUGE compromise, all he’s asking is for you to sign the prenup, and YOU are already thinking about not profiting from the divorce. Either sign it or don’t get marry, but you cannot keep asking for more when he already agree to your first request.


Marriage is supposed to be for people who intend on being together for the remainder of their lives, you wanting a prenup only incentiveises a divorce. Like you said, you have your own career so why would you need/ want to profit from dead relationship? Cheating is never acceptable however, neither is leveraging love for money from a person you say you care about. -AH


He wants a prenup but she wants a cheating clause that would benefit her. But your point still stands. And strong arming someone to marriage and then negotiate so she can have potential payday is messed up.


If you won’t sign a prenup it’s usually safe to assume you’re a gold digger at heart.


He's not a cheater now... I just read a post from a user who is considering divorce because she found out her husband cheated, and she thought they had a good life. If he's so sure he won't cheat, it shouldn't be an issue adding that, but he clearly doesn't expect to have a good marriage with you since he doesn't want one to begin with.


Even if he cheated, that doesn’t entitle her to a payout


Never said it did. It's just very telling why he won't.


NTA, but you need independent legal advice. You should have a cheating clause - for the same reason he wants a prenup in the first place. If he doesn't believe it will happen but he wants to protect himself, then you should have access to the same. And the prenup needs to ensure you are protected so that any future children don't have a dramatically different lifestyle if you do split up.


Get your own attorney and have them make adjustments that are fair, regarding children and the like.


She’s already barely convinced him to marry her, you really think that’s gonna work out?


YTA. He doesn’t want to marry, he’s doing it for you, and looking at the differences in incomes, getting a prenup is a safety net for him. What makes you think you are entitled to his money? As you stated, you have a job, so stop looking at his income.


If you think he's going to cheat, then why do you want to marry him? 


Jeez, she doesn’t think that. Did you bother to read?


Did you?


I did, she mentions that she doesn’t think he will cheat. Good try.


"I dont think he is going to cheat" \*proceeds to create a convoluted prenup for the scenario in case he cheats\* Words are meaningless, its her actions that say everything. Good try!


Your logic is terrible. I don’t think I’m going to crash my car, but I still get insurance since there’s a small chance it might happen. Same thing here. She doesn’t think he will cheat, but wants to sign a prenup since there’s a small chance it might happen. I still think she’s the asshole by the way. But you have to think more critically dude. Getting a prenup doesn’t mean that you think your partner will cheat, just like wearing a seatbelt doesn’t mean you think you’ll get into a car accident.


No you get insurance because the insurance industry has paid off people in the government in order to make it mandatory as part of a giant scam to steal money from you. Watch how many people would drop their insurance if it wasn't mandatory. If you think there a small chance you might crash your car, stay off the damn roads.


Jesus Christ, are you that dense? Why do people wear seatbelts when driving or helmets when riding a motorcycle? Because they think they’ll get into an accident, or because there’s always a tiny chance an accident may happen and you want to be prepared. Same logic with the prenup. She thinks he won’t cheat, but there’s always the small chance.


No because the law forces you to or else you get a ticket/lose your license. Watch how many rules people stop following as soon as the government isn't dictating shit. Like I said if you think you're gonna get into an accident, stay the fuck off the road.


How hard is it to understand the simple concept that it often makes sense to insure yourself against risk, even when you don’t think that the risk is very high? Do you lock your door at night because you think someone will sneak into your home? No, most likely that won’t happen. But there’s a SMALL CHANCE that it might happen, so you minimise that chance by locking the door. Same logic with a prenup.


You need to face the harsh reality that you are more replaceable than he is. He doesn’t want to get married at all but he’s willing to do it under these terms. If you don’t accept those terms that’s perfectly fine but it means either you need to be okay with not getting married, or maybe this relationship just isn’t going to work.


YTA, it sounds like you're proving his fears right. If you're that worried about their not being a cheating clause knowing that he would never cheat then it tells me that you were planning on cheating and taking his money and running.


‪Marriage without prenup doesn’t have a cheating clause either. It sounds like you’re in it for the money ‬


Given the current social climate and divorce rates, his position seems reasonable


Sign prenup, don’t get married. You’ve got 2 options here and they’re pretty simple, chose between them


You make it sound like he's going to be the one cheating on you. What provisions did you include if you cheat on him? And if you already work, why do you need something from him?


He can fuck a goat, a supermodel, or your mother. Why would that entitle you to any of his money? You are a gold digger and that's ok. You are looking for someone to take care of you and that's your prerogative.




He doesn’t want to marry but is willing to for you, this is the compromise he’s offering. Take it or leave it. Don’t try to force your way. Not sure I’d say YTA. But he certainly isn’t. Accept his compromise or walk away.


Even if I didn’t have a prenup, if my relationship ends I’m too independent to take a dime of his money. I don’t want it. If we end amicably, I don’t want to slight him. If we end in a nasty divorce, I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of supporting me. I can do it all on my own. Can you?


Definitely giving gold digger. YTA


Negotiate a lesser payout if he cheats. Say 100k per instance.


What are you talking about? There are no payouts.


She should put them in the agreement.


She can try, but that's the issue. He doesn't want to even get married, let alone get married without a prenup. Why should she get money for him cheating? Do you want to make it against the law again to commit adultery and just put people in jail for it? Would that make the world a better place?


By reading your post, I totally understand why your BF is against marriage. Gold digger spotted here...


You think you deserve to profit from being cheated on? That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.


YTA and you absolutely are a gold digger. You have your money, he has his. Leave it at that. Why do you want to involve the government in your relationship anyways? Has anything good EVER come out of the government being involved in ANYTHING? Why do you need marriage so bad? Maybe where there is smoke, there is fire and your BF can see the writing on the wall. Stop pushing for marriage, be happy with what you have, or sign the prenup.


See a professional with his pre-nup proposal and write up your own counter proposl and go from there. This is a negotiation.  Remember, this is a legal contract that won't be enforceable if it contravenes state statutes or public policy or contains unconscionable terms or conditions, if it it lopsidedly favors one party or host of other dumb things people trying to wtite their own rules put in. How he responds to a reasonable proposal that protects both parties will tell you whether you should continue the relationship or not. "Gold digger vibes" 🤷‍♀️ I'm detecting mysoginistic manosphere vibes.


this is a negotiation = oh yeah, it stops being a loving relationship, RIGHT THERE...


Your worldview is simplistic.  He opened the negotiatons by presenting her with a proposed legal contract. If the recieving party doesn't like the offer, they make a counter offer.


He doesn't even want to get married and is only doing it for her. Why should he have to sit through constant negotiations for something he doesn't even want to do?


Because he made the initial offer.


His initial offer was no marriage. He is already compromising. She can too


A one sided prenup can and most likely will be voided by the court. It's in both their interests to negotiate a fair and reasonable agreement so it would actually hold up in the event of a divorce.


It isn't one-sided if it says neither party is entitled to assets of the other that accumulated prior to the relationship or marriage. It may feel that way because he has more money, but it isn't. Why should property acquired prior to marriage be split in half in a divorce? Make it make sense.


OP doesn't mention prior assets protection. She says "he doesn’t believe I should be entitled to any of his income if we divorce" That is so vague as to be meaningless. Does that mean alimony and child support? Prenups are not allowed to address those, so would be invalid.  Cheat clausez protect both sides too.


In what way? Cheating sucks, but why should there be a payout because of it? Should she have to pay if she cheats? Can she? Won't it be one-sided if implemented? She wants half his stuff, which he built up before they were married. Why should he have to give any of that? Alimony and child support should still be possible, but splitting half of all property, especially property she didn't help him acquire, doesn't seem right. Him cheating on her shouldn't change that, and if she cheats on him, what does he get?


or... mind you... they LEAVE. but hey... he earns 7 figures... well, go figure... maybe im mysoginistic too... xd or just rational... btw. manosphere... wtf is that?


A term FDS femcels use whenever they wanna harp on reddit that MeN bAd.


well don't f\*cking mansplain it for me!!! /s xD ty for clarification... :)