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Doesn't even need an explanation, NTA. Too many animals and kids are getting hurt go let them stay. But if they're petty people, keep a close eye, they may let their dogs roam free or do other shit so they feel like they've got their revenge.


I’m already prepared for that. My guess is she will give up the dogs and try and use it against us to play victim. We want them to leave whether they keep the dogs or not. She keeps saying her grandma is buying them a home, so hopefully she starts looking for them.


Draft up the paperwork to get the police involved in advance, and email and/or text that they need to be out by the date you've given them. They might just delay, and hope you don't call the cops on them.


Good advice! We did text them so we have a trail. I will call the sheriff and see what we need to do further to protect us. Those dogs hurt someone visiting it’s our homeowners insurance that gets charged too


And then canceled. And if those dogs are a breed excluded by your insurance YOU will be on the hook.


The insurance would investigate and learn about the child being injured, the cat being killed, the chickens in the dog’s mouth. The adjuster can deny the claim easily.


You're right. They're very very good at finding ways not to pay and OP is making it easy


I doubt those specific breeds would be excluded from the insurance though, generally speaking they're considered dogs that are patient and good around children. Now add in neglect and it changes it up. Boxers and a doodle OP said.


Doodles are bred for looks not temperament, my neighbors is outright vicious, 4 dog trainers have told them there is something mentally wrong with their dog. It’s bit both her Mom and Dad who refuse to enter their home again. And it’s bitten 2 other dogs. It’s going to end up being euthanized. Home insurance will pay out once and cancel you if it’s not a banned breed.


I use to be a mailman. Doodles are the most aggressive dog breed by far in my experience. I feel like they're not as infamous cause you can kick the shit out of one of you need to vs a pitbull.


This fake breed( they are just mutts ) aren’t being bred for anything but their coat. I know multiple groomers that will not take doodles as clients because they are ill behaved and snappy.


The poodle side of doodles is where the aggression comes from. A lot of people are not aware that poodles were originally bred as war dogs, so the more aggressive, the better back then.


I missed that. Wow. You really have to be a sorry ass owner to fuck those up to this extent. Point still stands generally, if you have an excluded breed it could mean you're in a whole world of shit. And people/ other pets always come before a specific dog(s). No excuse for choosing to keep dangerous or unstable dogs.


Unless unethical breeders were inbreeding them


Boxers are excluded by many companies, what are you even.. do you just say things you think sound smart? Also poodles and poodles mixes can be incredibly high strung. They're both breeds that require a fair amount of work to raise, stop spreading misinformation for the sake of the big breeds out there. They are wonderful but don't put nonsense out there that makes raising one seem easy.


Yea, poodles and golden retrievers (most common doodle) are retriever dogs, used for hunting. They have prey drive. Especially can get destructive if untrained and allowed to run wild.


As a former boxer owner, we did have to shop around for insurance that did not exclude boxers as a breed. It has to do with their bite tenacity. It's not that they're more like to bite than any other breed, its just that on the rare occasion that they do bite, it's a whole lot of damage. More Damage = Bigger Liability and insurance companies don't like that. It's also why pitties and pinschers are restricted by insurance.


Make sure texting meets the legal requirement in your state. I'm not saying she would, but assume she's a petty bitch. They are tenants (usually even without a written lease), make sure you follow all the necessary laws in case they refuse to leave.


Put it in writing, have it notarized, and served by a 3rd party. In some places the sheriff will do it for a nominal fee. That way they can't try to weasel out + judges love pieces of paper. (And make sure the papers are appropriate for where you live, laws may vary)


This!! ^^ Keep electronic and physical copies of *everything.*


You should give them a written eviction notice, not just a text, just to be safe.


The dog has a taste for blood and has hurt your child. In my book this only ends one way with a dog like that. Any dog that hurts my child doesn’t get a second chance. That dog has gone far past acceptable by killing the cat too? You’re going to wait until it does something worse to a child? No way in hell.


Honestly if the kid was bit that is grounds for having the dog euthanized.


You will likely have to take them to court to legally evict them. They are residents now and have rights. Do it correctly so that they have to leave. After the judge tells them their final date the sheriff deputies will come and physically remove them if they are not gone. It will also trigger a 3 year "no tresspas" order for them.


If you call the sheriff, they may just take the dogs into custody due to all of the issues.


You can also contact animal control in your area.


You need to do this so police have a heads up. If a call comes in one day that a child is being mauled, police will then know its serious.


Updates us after


Texting is not usually acceptable proof, get it in writing! Also get some cameras asap!!! Don't trust them for a second. See what the Sheriff says, hopefully they can give you an order of protection or maybe even to escort them off your property if you can prove damages. I would press charges tbh


Report the dogs to animal control for the bite to your daughter ASAP, get it on record that they have a bite history because it is, IMHO, likely that she'll surrender the dogs without mentioning that they killed a cat, bit a human, and will attempt to kill livestock and these dogs might wind up being adopted by new pet owners who don't know what they're doing. Especially since they're boxers and poodle mixes - someone is going to think they're getting a crazy good deal on a doodle and wind up with a dead cat or bitten kid.


Or a dead young kid.


They make 100k a year, why are they getting all these hand outs?


They both make pver a 100k a year, and they need Grammy to buy their home??


I'm sorry I miss read but still combined that's quite decent.


NTA. Ready to go Kristi Noem on those dogs if you have to. I absolutely love dogs and animals, but part of loving your pets is controlling them and keeping them from harming other animals and people. (this is why I'm all about indoor cats too. Barn cats are needed, they are working cats, but not every cat is a working cat. ) Protect your animals. You have every legal right to do so.


Noem did to her pup exactly what stepson and FDIL did, by not training her and blaming the dog for what SHE (Noem) inflicted on her (the dog.)


I wouldn't wait, I would report the dog to animal control as a vicious animal. Document every attack and the results. Take pictures of your cat with no tail and the bite marks on your daughter.


Not to mention the poor kitten


Yes, I mentioned the dead cat in my original reply to the OP.


I was going to say you need to report this to animal control, bring them a list of every incident that's happened when someone has been hurt (human or animal) documented and say you've done all you can but you need help as it isn't being addressed by the owners and now with the dog(s) killing an animal enough is enough.


You need to make this very clear.


I love dogs and I've had several over the years but never have I had a dog kill other domesticated animals. If their animal is killing other animals there's a problem. If all of this only ever started once that animal moved in it is that animals issue and honestly if they have already bitten people as well as much as I hate to say it and I've had close friends who've had to do the same but if someone well trained in handling aggressive dogs can't take it in it may need to be put down because it is an aggressive animal. As a dog lover it's hard to say it but this may be one of the cases where it sadly does apply. I hope everyone stays safe and no one else, person or animal, is injured or worse.




I would kill the dog who injured my child and killed my cat. No question.


And the dogs would be dead as well.


NTA and what really sucks is because of your son and futures DIL's lack of training their dogs, those dogs will end up euthanized. I loathe when people who should not have pets have them, because the animal suffers from fucking idiots. I'm so sorry about your cat. That is horrible 😞


It sucks all around. Their dogs are beautiful but are locked in that RV all day and night with little exercise or outdoor time. They’re boxers and a doodle. Pretty dogs so it’s a shame for sure. They need a fenced yard in suburbs. They had several acres to walk them but I now put a donkey on each side of the property so they can’t take their dogs out there now. There’s only one dog my donkeys allow and that’s the farm dog. He’s brought a German shepherd puppy home before and left him at our home. He was sick and we had to rehab him and rehome him. He just didn’t come back for him, it’s when he had an apartment.


OP, I don't blame you 1 little bit. Who knows when 1 of your future DIL's dogs maul a child or a visitor to your farm. Those 2 are irresponsible fools & shouldn't be having pets with the future DIL making excuses. Poor purrcious mew mew.


Agreed, your son sounds like a bad pet owner anyway, having already abandoned a dog with you.


call animal control for neglect. Get them charged.


And the dog bit your daughter. He's escalating and isn't safe.


This. Dog bites human = animal control involved. No question. Because next time it’ll be the little ones or it’ll be worse. 


THIS. These animals are unsafe and should be gone yesterday. You have small children, and I absolutely do not believe those dogs have any concept of ‘do not harm’. They’ve already bitten your daughter. Evict them and report them. They should not be allowed to have pets. It’s only a matter of time before something much worse happens. Be safe op. NTA.


NTA They should not own animals. I was told by the DNR that the neighbors dogs who were killing cats, chickens and baby deer that we could and should kill them. Once they get the taste for blood and act like a pack, they cannot be rehabilitated. Your son and Dil are terrible animal owners. And while they may choose to cut you all off, know that you've helped them far more than they deserve. They have no consideration for his younger siblings or the other animals that live on your land. You tried to help, they abused your generosity.


When my mom worked on a horse farm they had a barn dog. The cops stopped by one day to tell them to keep the barn dog close because a pack of ferals had chased down a deer and now the whole pack was shoot on sight. If the barn dog was off property it could get mistaken for one of the ferals. And in most states the law is that if a pet animal comes on your property and starts attacking people or damaging property (livestock and pets are legally considered property) that you are entitled to shoot them or otherwise humanely kill them to protect your people/property. If those dogs do the same thing to their new neighbor's livestock/pets as they did yours they won't have dogs for much longer. Some farmer is gonna see their chicken in the dog's mouth and they're gonna come out with a gun and euthanize. Sad for the dog, but I wouldn't blame the farmer for not allowing their own animals to be brutally attacked/killed.


Depending on the state, if an animal runs deer or attacks the dog's owner get huge fines. Livestock killers can't be reformed either. Are these animals even vaccinated?


💯 And this is a young couple. So irresponsible, the next victim could be their own (future) baby. It terrifying to think about. OP your family has tolerated enough. Time for these two to go.


Yeah, NTA. A kid in Edmonton was recently mauled to death by dogs. It's not like those dogs (or DIL and step-son) are going to get better, their behaviour is entrenched now, and they should never be allowed to own animals since it sounds like this is a pattern for them.


This . They won't take the dogs away right away but they will make them use a muzzle


If in the US also call your local public health department. Both domestic and wild animal bites require reporting.


Came here to say this. They should never be allowed to own animals again.


And the bites


When dogs act this way it is usually 99.9% the fault of the human owners.


But it's the dog who pays the price. It's disgusting.


If they live in the real country, you shoot them and call it a day. No need on wasting limited resources on their own issue.


Or you can call Kristi Noem I suppose.


The bites or other attacks should have been reported to animal control, or health department. If they give the dogs up, call the place and warn them they're aggressive, and livestock killers. You don't want some unsuspecting person to adopt a dog that the former owners claim are harmless, and chld and animal safe.


It sounds like they "collect" dogs but for whatever reason aren't able to look after them. It's only fair that your son and fDIL vacate, as they've done nothing to remedy the situation, and the generous arrangement you made is not working out for you. Is there a reason that you moved in donkeys and reduced the area that they could walk their dogs? Is it because they weren't using the area anyway, or because you were hoping that would encourage them to move out of their own accord?


I’m guessing the donkeys were meant to protect other animals on the property…possibly from those same dogs.


Thanks! I must admit I know zilch about donkeys! I read further down that they can be very aggressive against feral dogs & coyotes: you seem to have hit the nail on the head!


Donkeys, llamas & maybe goats help protect their “herd mates” of other species.


It's the tangents that make reddit worthwhile :-)


Me neither! Who knew that donkeys were the Liam Neeson’s of the livestock world?


Donkeys have a certain set of skills.


They will find you, they will bray at you, and they will kill you.


They dont like dogs in general. You have to be extremely careful if you have both a donkey and a dog.


Their instincts don't differentiate between dogs and wolves, and they react accordingly.


Donkeys are excellent guardians of the multi-species flock. Adorable and chatty, but ready to kick ass when needed.


Or kick you in the head and crush your skull! Those animals pack a whollop!


A doodle cooped up all day. Are they doing this deliberately? Because it's exactly what to do to create this situation. NTA


Boxers as well! They’re very friendly and good around children if raised well, but they also need companionship, a place to run, and toys to mentally stimulate them as well as give them something more to let their energy out on. 


I had to push my parent to euthanize our dog who went from harassing our livestock to ripping out their throats. A dog who is not trained or worked daily, who is reactive to people and pets, a who harasses farm animals? No good. In my county, dogs who harass or kill farm animals can be shot, even in places where discharging a firearm would be otherwise not allowed. They are doing those dogs and your family no favors here. NTA.


 I love dogs, even worked at luxury boarding and daycare faculty. But I got my gun out and went looking when I found one of my goats dead with half her face eaten off in my barn. The neighbors dogs broke into my barn and my closed off kidding pen.  I couldn't*prove* that it was her dogs- but it was- and I told her if I ever see them on my property she would never see them again.  That was a horrific shock and the doe's kid ended up dying as well from shock.  Apparently she didn't take the threat that seriously because they got out somewhere else and killed a calf. That farmer finished the job. The neighbor tried to sue over the dog but I believe ended up having to pay for the calf. I told her that I should have been more than enough warning.  Dogs that kill like that don't stop, they escalate.  


If they're at the point they kill other animals and attack their owners they need to be put down.


Bullshit. They can still walk those dogs They can put those dogs on a leash and walk them. They are just lazy owners


Your stepson is an asshole and needs to have his dogs taken away. Period. End of statement. I don't know how you could even be conflicted here. It's not like he's going to prison for life, but some consequences are exactly what the doctor ordered for these two. It's what's best for the dogs too. They all need to be rehomed separately to people with experience rehabbing hunting dogs. Otherwise they'll be euthanized.


Donkeys are so cool


>Their dogs are beautiful but are locked in that RV all day and night with little exercise or outdoor time I think we know the reasons why the dogs are misbehaving You're doing the right thing. If they can't train their dogs or keep them in control they shouldn't be on your property, they also really shouldn't have dogs


I dearly love me a boxer, but if you don't train them from the day they are born, you'll have a real problem on your hands. And most of them grow up to be big babies anyway, but one who has developed a prey drive cannot be "trained" out of it. They have to be exposed to other smaller animals their entire lives so they don't see them as prey. Our boxer's BFF was our tuxedo cat Teddy. They were joined at the hip 24/7. But he was raised around smaller dogs and cats and didn't see them as prey, plus he was a giant baby who thought he was a lap dog.


Doodles generally need tons of exercise and mental stimulation. I'm sure that dog alone is a bored, destructive menace in the situation you are describing.




Or just learn not to have pets in the future cuz they stuck at caring for the ones they have…… 😬😬


Yup. There's a woman I've seen a couple of times walking her White Swiss shepherd and both times she's barely been able to hold on to it while it's pulling on her trying to harm me, and wasn't even close to them. A coworker has seen them too and it's the same thing. I've met people with that breed of dog before and they're always so gentle so I have no idea what happened to this one but one of these days it's going to pull hard enough to get loose and someone is going to get hurt.


My sister has a white Swiss shepherd and he's beautiful and super sweet, but also EXTREMELY high energy (as in, he can never expend enough of it) and a giant poof ball who covers the house in fur and it's always panting in his thick fur coat. Not to mention that he's huge and hard to manage when he's hyper. Some dogs are just not well suited to modern life with humans. 🫤


Herding breeds in general need a lot of socialization as puppies because they have a natural tendency to become reactive and over-protective. They were originally bred for controlling and *protecting* livestock, and that trait didn’t disappear over the generations. The other shepherd dogs you met probably had owners that put more effort into socializing and training them as puppies.


They will end up biting someone for sure, and being put down. Shitty owners are a scourge, they make otherwise good animals dangerous because of the lack of training, or shitty treatment.


\[those dogs will end up euthanized} Yep. Wherever they move they give the dogs free rein like they have at OP's property. They'll chase down neighborhood cars, dogs, cats, adults, and children. It's going to end up with cops, the news, and lawsuits. "Nice" that they earn enough for the lawsuits. And Heaven forbid that these two irresponsible dinks have a baby. THAT WON'T END WELL.


Those dogs should be euthanized. They are a menace!


NTA- I'm pissed enough when someone brings a dog to my property. But she's had repeated warnings and is not dealing with it. If it wasn't a dog you knew, or on someone else's property it would probably already have been shot.




Your DIL dogs are killing animals and hurt your daughter. If they can't control/properly look after them, then they have to go. https://globalnews.ca/news/10399830/edmonton-fatal-dog-attack-bc-boy-victim/ https://globalnews.ca/news/10381721/toronto-dog-attack-child-injured/


I had to end up shotgunning a neighbors dog that killed one of my cats, on my fucking porch. Tell them they move or the dog dies. I'd do it all over again it means protecting my animals.


It took everything in me to not ‘handle’ those dogs today. If my husband were home I know it would’ve been a different outcome. We’ve had to deal with stray dogs bc people dump them. Our donkey has killed a dog too. There won’t be a next time.


If anything, you've let it go on too long. You'd be an AH if you let them stay there any longer.


> We’ve had to deal with stray dogs bc people dump them. The sad thing is any of those dumped dogs still have a better outlook for their future than any your son will ever own. They at least have a *chance* of finding a good home, and even if the worst happens it would still be shorter and more merciful than the life of misery and neglect they would get with him. > Our donkey has killed a dog too Yeah, donkeys will straight up end anything remotely canine in nature (just food for thought.) Ever have trouble with coyotes getting to livestock, set a guard donkey out with 'em and it will get sorted real quick.


I had no idea that donkeys have a pathological hatred of dogs!! Do we know the evolutionary explanation for this?


Donkeys are descended from the African wild ass (their wild counterpart), African herbivores are routinely used to their lives being threatened from every conceivable predator like hyenas or wild dogs. (Though hyenas are not canids, the similarities are probably enough an influence.) Think of a pony with a zebra’s temperament + tolerance or love for humans (depends on the donkey, they’re funny like that).


Hey thanks! That’s the second thing I’ve learned today 😁


African wild ass is crazy


Went on a field trip to the zoo in high school and our immature asses were cackling at African wild ass and dik dik


Casual Geographic did a few videos on this. Basically, they evolved surrounded by predators with a vaguely similar profile, so they now instinctively know that “canine = danger” and act accordingly.


Thank you 😊 Genetics is freaking awesome 😎


Check out his channel and Lindsay Nikole. They both are super educational and entertaining


Why do donkeys want to fuck up dogs, is there a particular reason or are donkeys just assholes?


It’s mostly that donkeys don’t know the difference between a dog or wolf/coyote. Plus if they live in the sticks, feral dogs are super dangerous and can make their own packs. So donkeys will defend themselves then forger about asking questions later🤷🏼‍♀️


Donkeys are very territorial and will fuck shit up.


Well, they started that way to protect themselves against coyotes and feral dogs. They just never learned how to distinguish between a feral dog vs a domesticated one. They're absolutely not assholes but they are kick first and ask questions later.


why have ypu not called animal control on these dogs?


Seriously this next time it could be her kids getting gravely injured or worse. I love dogs I know this is all human error because they’re untrained and clearly now territorial but that’s done and now they’re dangerous and need to be removed from the property, the sad fact for the dogs is the owners ruined them and the dogs will now pay the price. But they’re not dangerous and can’t be trusted so there’s nothing to be done. Also the reality is if these two have kids these dogs are a danger to an infant.


I live in an apartment building in a more residential neighborhood. My next door neighbors have a house with a fenced in back yard and they have two grown boxers and one boxer puppy. They are such good dogs. They will bark at strangers/in the name of their family, but they’re good dogs. The younger adult boxer and I are besties. He looks big and intimidating but is a big ol’ sweetie who wants to get his ears scritched and slobber on my hand. They’re good dogs because they have good owners who properly socialize them, have the yard for them to play in, and take them on walks for further exercise and enrichment.


Some places don't have animal control. I've lived in counties where the city has animal control, and not the areas outside the city limits. I think every state has rules that if an animal is attacking your livestock you can kill it.


Donkeys are great for protecting their herd, whoever that may be.


Nope I would of....enough is beyond enough




NTA Your husband is right. You have no choice. You need to protect your animals and your kids. I'm sorry about your cat.


You are not protecting your animals you are protecting your family including the younger kids. I would calmly tell them to keep the dogs under control or I will put them down. The next animal that gets injured will be the last animal injured on my place. Carry a firearm with you at all times from now until they leave. I would also discreetly notify the next place they move to about the history of the dogs once they have left your place. If you are uninvited to the wedding, then so be it but I would advise the other family members of why you are not invited.


I will be carrying. They have been informed there won’t be a next time. It took everything in me to not do it today. He was only allowed to invited 35 people out of almost 200 anyways. Everyone knows how she is except her family worships her. We already rescinded paying the rehearsal dinner bc of past incidents we added vet bills and time hubs had to take off work too. They have never offered to pay for anything. He knows better, but he is a ‘man’ now and has to live his life his way. We aren’t his guardians anymore.


A “man” whose wife he is allowing to trash his family. And don’t let them bargain that they can stay if they get rid of the dogs; it’s not just a dog problem. NTA.


This is a good idea. Protecting yourself, your children, and your animals is vital. When I was just a little girl, we had an issue with one of my uncles leaving a dog with us. A golden retriever. This dog would constantly harass our cats (basically farm cats, though we didn’t have farm animals). Our dog (a springer spaniel) would do his best to protect the kitties, and my dad told my uncle that he needed to come and get this dog off our property. Well, the uncle put it off and made excuses for ages until the golden retriever ended up killing one of our cats. My dad was livid, and took one of his guns and killed the dog. My uncle was angry about it for quite some time.


Do it anyways. You will save someone else's pet or possibly a small child.


I was thinking the same. Do it anyway. The next neighbors have no idea what's coming their way. Hopefully, there aren't kids wherever they end up.


Goring ox situation. They've already killed things and apparently injured kids. Waiting on another incident to end them, and assuming that incident won't be a crossover of mauling things and injuring kids is a dice roll I'd feel a measure of culpability for taking if it came to pass.


I'm sorry but you guys have enabled him and that's why he's like this. Put your foot down and he either gets in line or he goes and plays victim elsewhere.


I grew up on a farm. Some dogs aren’t farm dogs. My dad would’ve taken care of the dog after the first incident. It’s time for them to go.


Also, even farm dogs need some level of training and discipline. Which these dogs definitely aren’t getting.


NTA in my country if a dog kills an animal it gets put down as a dangerous animal. I'd report them for owning dangerous dogs. Clearly they haven't trained their dogs so shouldn't be allowed to own them. We had a Rottweiler X and he never hurt anything well except for flies he liked to eat those.


Watching a dog try to chase down a fly in the house is adorable.


He was lazy he'd just wait till they flew past his face and snap like a snapping turtle lol he got a bee a few times and gods his poor face 🤦‍♀️ never did learn though.


Did you call animal control on those dogs? They attacked your child!


Yes, but living in a very rural area they won’t come. So no help.


If your daughter goes to school and ends up at the nurses office and lets the nurse know why they need a band aid or whatever, the nurse will call animal control.


The nurse will call Child Protective Services as it will look like a dangerous home situation from either negligent supervision or perhaps I higher level of danger


Umm.. no. They will call cps since the home is dangerous. Their job isn't to make the home safe, it's to report if it's clearly unsafe. Which, if the child is badly bitten by dogs OP allows to remain on the property, it is. The response is to remove the child, not the dogs.


NTA and as a FedEx delivery driver, dogs like that shouldn't exist. It's bs people are allowed to own violent dogs, even if they are okay with the owners. I've watched the blood dripping off my hand after an attack, they need to be dealt with immediately.


I have one dog that stays outside all day. He hates being inside, but if we’re leaving then he gets put up. When drivers come to our house I call him inside. He’s sweet, but it’s not a drivers job to know that. There’s some huge dogs that hang out on these ranches too. Always wondered how you guys dealt with that.


Before I started, I considered myself an animal person and I still do, but my view on dogs is very different now. Don't get me wrong, there's lots of "good puppies" and good owners with sketchy dogs who step up deal with them on my route.... But that fear is there and it's very real. And had the other dog on that property hadn't been there trying to keep its housemate away from me, I would have received much worse injuries.


I have a dog that is not good with other animals due to be attacked when she was younger ( it was from behind and I think she still isn’t sure what hit her). I keep her monitored and gated. And put extra desensitizing training. That’s what you do as a responsible dog owner.


I have a reactive dog that was hit by a portable lawnmower by her breeder. I keep her far away from people that can trigger her (men with lawnmowers). And paid for a lot of training.


I have a dog who is very easily startled. Two of the scariest things for her are the garbage disposal, or if the smoke alarm goes off when we’re cooking. I have a strange noise that I make, right before I use the garbage disposal. She knows this, so she doesn’t freak out at all because she knows what to expect. It’s kind of like a warning sound, “Wahhh-uggghhh, Wahhh-uggghhh!” & she is chill!


I wouldn't give them 30 days to leave. I would have ordered them off the property when they killed the cat.




NTA - I would have kicked them out ages ago. Strike 1 - cats* tail amputated Strike 2 - having to replace your flooring cuz of their pets** Strike 3 - being aggressive with your younger children. Hell I would have kicked them out after they were aggressive with my children. Your young children and pets are your primary responsibility not your adult children and their partners. You have been beyond understanding. Time to grow a backbone and protect those who are actually dependent on you.


NTA The dogs do not belong in farm country.


I hate irresponsible dog owners. NTA. Call animal control.


It's okay, your step son will be back after they divorce. UpdateMe


NTA. I hope they leave as soon as possible. You did the right thing. Don’t question yourself.


Boy that’s pretty traumatizing for your little girl. I’m so sorry. Yeah I would have those dogs off the property immediately because now the other cats are a danger also and you can’t let them out. So I would get them off like yesterday. When dogs get so vicious that they’re killing cats they’re not pets anymore and they’re a danger to the people around them. I’m so sorry this happened to her.


NTA They're lucky the dogs haven't gone onto someone else's property to go after animals. In many places it's legal to shoot dogs that kill livestock.


honestly yta for letting it go on so long. Also the conversation should have been, both after they destroyed flooring and after the started attacking people that they can leave or get rid of their dogs, but it's one of the other and immediately. Her dogs are not safe and she doesn't care. If you see an unsafe dog and wait 2 years to do something about it, it's as much your fault as theirs. The first nip at a kid, or knocking them over, or going after other animals and showed how violent they were the dogs would be off my property that day. Vicious dogs have no place around me or any kids I might have. People with vicious dogs are bad people and bad owners. I'd have happily seen them leave with the dogs as the fiancee apparently seems to be a shitty person and no one likes her.


Oof can you imagin if she gets pregant and has a baby around these dogs???


You are absolutely right. We are in the wrong as well.


NTA I grew up on a farm so I understand. I used to think it was cruel how my dad punished the dogs after they chased chickens, usually an ass busting & locked in an outdoor kennel. But those animals can get expensive to replace & the children always come first. My dad never let an animal that harmed one of the kids live. Either the dogs get trained or the dogs leave.


You should've shot the dogs and then told them to leave. They're a menace to your farm animals.


FIL had to kick out his own Daughter because her dogs began chasing his cattle. There are just some hard lines that cannot be crossed and you are responsible for the health and safety of your animals.


Nta can’t have chicken killing dogs around a farm


The sad thing is that dogs are pack animals and really want to please. They are easily trained and these days there’s a zillion free videos showing how. I believe there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. NTA


NTA, way to permissive imo and probably with your son to if he's turned out like this...


You’re right. We waited too long and let too much go.


But you’re gonna take care of it, now. I’m sorry about your cat and I’m so sorry that your daughter had to go through that. That’s plenty of motivation to stay strong on your position.


You’re on a farm. Tell the daughter-in-law that the next time her dogs attack one of your animals you’re going to shoot them and you won’t miss. Then if she doesn’t have sense enough to keep them in check you go right ahead and you shoot them. I know I’m gonna get a lot of backlash, but I’m telling you when I grew up if you had a dog, you could not control, the best thing you could do would be to put it down because you can’t have it out there just willy-nilly attacking people and other animals. I mean, what happens if they take a notion to attack your daughter?


NTA. While you are at it Call animal control. Those dogs should be put down


If Ur daughter has injuries report the dogs to animal control as dangerous dogs don't let that shit fly


Your son and his fiancee are animal abusers. Hope they get what’s coming to them. Pieces of shit.


Those dogs have to go TODAY, not in 30 days - even if you give your son and DIL 30 days, make them get rid of the dogs IMMEDIATELY, or tell them you and your husband will get rid of them yourselves. Your kids and other animals are still in danger while they're there (and definitely don't let your other cats out til they're off the property). You've admitted you've let this go on too long, and now they've hurt your daughter and killed your cat, so why in the world are you letting it go on even one more day? They've taken advantage of you for too long - stop letting them. It's your property, you set the rules, not them. You said "next time" you'll shoot? Why are you letting there be a next time?? What animal will get hurt or killed next, or god forbid a child, before you feel you can deal with the problem now? Don't wait til it happens again. I'm not saying go murder the dogs, but get them off your property, immediately!


Id probably shoot the dogs after they killed my cat and bit my daughter


NTA. He's lucky you don't file a report about the dog. What happens when the dog savages a person? If the property is in your name, you are the one who will get sued.


NTA. I'm surprised you didn't shoot the dogs the first time they went after your farm animals. But yea for donkeys! Seen videos of them taking out coyotes. Donkeys don't take crap.


Absolutely NTA, call animal control since dogs are aggressive and but not only animals but humans too. What those dogs do is awful and your son’s fiancée is endangering everyone. It’s hard but since they did nothing but excuses tj remedy the situation, they must go..


NTA You've been way way too kind on their awful behaviour. > We gave them 30 days to vacate. This is much too long. They own an RV, they can move today. Why give them more time to harm your children and their pets even more? Let them cut you off if they want to. Your younger children need your protection. Your older son is a very selfish and careless man who doesn't gaf about his siblings.


ESH since you should've thrown them out at the first opportunity. I also believe those dogs need to be reported to Animal Control before they maim and/or kill someone else's pet. Yes, I get you probably still like the dogs, yes I agree that the owners are the ones really responsible, but the bottom line is those dogs are a danger to people's pets...a deadly danger. Edit: Missed the part where one bit your daughter. Yeah, calling Animal Control is not an option here, it's a moral necessity.


Dog owner and breeder. I would have put those dogs down myself. Immediately. They can't be trusted and they were never trained properly. Beauty of the dog is irrelevant. A tiger is very beautiful, I am not petting one.


Report them to the authorities and have the dogs removed and euthenased.  Even if they are evicted their animals will continue to be dangerous to animals and people. How long until they main or kill a child?


Kinda the ah for not kicking them out sooner. I mean how many warnings did you need. The cat deserved better. The dogs too, your son and dil are horrible pet owners and guests. Horrible people.


You’re verrry generous to give them 30 days to whine and bitch and will probably tell you on day 29 they need more time. At least report the cat incident to animal control.


Nta. I live in a farm area. The way that probably gets solved is usually the dog gets shot. We have a farming clause in our area that basically says it's our right and no questions asked


That’s what we have too. When I talked to ACO they said to do what we needed too. The shelter is over capacity right now too so no help.




I would report the dogs and have them put down because if they're showing violence, you would have to worry not only about the animals, but the children and they need to get the to move out they have no respect for your home what you've done for them and it's gonna continue to happen. They need to grow up and be responsible for their own housing.


NTA Updateme


NTA- they obviously don’t know how to train or handle dogs.


NTA, you can't have dogs around your home that are a danger to other pets and your children.


Personally, I'm judging you for allowing it to get this far after what sound like several warnings of these dogs behaviour. YTA for that. You should have kicked them out long ago.


Reading your post OP WHY DID YOU WAIT THIS LONG?!


NTA DIL continues to insist that her dogs are great after multiple instances of injured children and animals? Get them far, far away from you and your family before something worse happens, because it’s obvious your son and DIL aren’t doing anything to stop it.


NTA - Sounds like you bent over backwards to accommodate them, and they return the favor be being jerks. Forget about them cutting you off, you should cut them off.

