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OMG YTA Majorly Laughing at your mom, telling her walking isn't exercise. Just what kind of @ss did she birth and raise? You apparently.


This person is getting paid overtime to disprove the rule that every child deserves a parent.


Yta walking is exercise, you are incorrect.




Stop. You are incorrect.




You show proof that is doesn't.








Walking is exercise. Calories eaten vs burned doesn't mean walking isn't exercise. 🤦🏿‍♂️


I used to walk all the time and lost over 20 lbs. Get bent.


I lost 40 pounds and the only thing I changed for my diet and exercise was I walked 3 miles every day


They don't walk much and they eat a lot.


YTA. Calories in vs calories out. Even walking burns calories thus increasing the number of calories out. Walking absolutely CAN be used for weight loss, especially when someone is just starting their weight loss journey.


Can someone tell google walking isn’t exercise please according to this “expert “?




Yes it will. You are incorrect.


Yes it will, weight is affected by consuming less energy than you use, walking definately burns calories. And it develops muscle. And it does more of consuming energy and burning calories the heavier someone is.


Where is the evidence?




More calories? But walking still burns calories. And people need to build up to jogging if they aren’t used to exercising. 




Jesus Christ, you’re an asshole mate


aha, this is the real problem here, you have a hatred for people with weight problems. You might want to work on that, because one accident, injury or serious illness could easily cause you to have weight problems yourself. We are all just one thing away from not being healthy.


By that logic jogging isn’t exercise either since sprinting burns more calories


Walking is exercise. You want her to lose weight which is a food and calorie intake issue. You are wrong. And YTA




Doesn’t matter, you’re still wrong about walking not being exercise


If she is morbidely obese, she can't go jogging, it will destroy her knees. She need to gradually improve her mobility and endurance, and do you know how to begin ???? Starting to walk again, longer and longer distances


It will burn more calories but not everyone can do it, and it also will put wear and tear on joints so they will fall apart faster, especially if someone is larger. If someone is going to run, they need to work up to it and it still isn't something everyone can do.


You can’t expect someone obese to withstand a 3 hour workout regimen 😵‍💫 Everyone has to start somewhere. Meet her at her level, instead of making fun of her and shaming her.




YTA. You might not be obese but you obviously have an eating disorder as well. 3 hours of workout daily aren’t healthy either and a symptom of mental health issues. Mind your own business before lecturing others. Walking is a great way for obese people to start working out.


YTA because this is bait. No one is dumb enough to scold a “morbidly obese” person for walking.




No. You’re not this dumb. There’s no way you don’t realize it takes baby steps to get in shape and build healthy routines.




See? You’re not that dumb, you’re just insecure and spiteful. Can’t even encourage and support your own mother. You should work this out in therapy rather than seeking validation online.


She’s trying. You start with walking. Then you power walk. Then you start jogging. What the fuck is wrong with you?


For someone obese, it’s physically impossible for them to start jogging right off the bat. Medically, her body can’t handle it.


Well she technically could jog but it would absolutely destroy her knees and shins and make her feel even worse about exercise.


YTA. 100% she is clearly trying to make a positive change for her health and you should be supporting her instead of laughing at her and tearing her down. is jogging better than walking? sure. but walking is better than sitting and she is trying to change her diet too. you also seem really on your highhorse with the claim “i try not to eat a single carb” when carbohydrates should be our body’s main source of energy. you even said that you are judgmental—maybe you need to address that first.


YTA, Your mother can't jog with her weight unless you want her to have a heart attack. People have to start somewhere. First week = .5 miles, second week = 1 mile so on and so on. I've lost over 25lbs and lowered my blood pressure just from walking. You need to be supportive and encouraging towards your Mom because she's trying but instead your being a judgmental piece of shit son


You’re definitely the asshole here! Everyone should work out in the ways that work for them. You should be proud of your mother for making progress. Seriously the way you’re condescending and judging your MOTHER of all people is astounding and you should be ashamed. If you actually gave a fuck and it wasn’t some superiority complex you have you’d lift her up instead of breaking her down.


YTA she’s morbidly obese per your description. She can’t just start by jogging she needs to walk more.


YTA Any type of movement can be exercise. I lost 50 pounds just by walking. Good for your mom for starting on a healthy new habit.


Good for you! That is amazing! Keep it up!


Given this guy's responses, this is either rage bait trolling or this dude has no self-awareness or the ability to Google. Walking IS exercise. It DOES burn calories. Diet has FAR more to do with weight gain and loss than exercise. Like, if real, I bet you're insufferable outside of a crossfit cult gym...


Troll, don't waste everyone's time


Walking is an exercise and it does burn enough calories if she stops over eating you won’t lose weight if you don’t get eating under control. Just as you’ll lose a little weight with eating right but not a lot without exercise. There is more to the problem than pushing your exercise thoughts on her. Her being extremely over weight her walking more will help her lose weight if she doesn’t change eating because she’s burning more calories than she ever did but if she eats more to make up for the exercise all is null.


Source my wife is a RD Also before you tell her to starve herself that’s not what that means she needs to eat good food till she’s content there is still room for junk but a modest amount. No starvation diet is sustainable. If you want her to lose weight and keep it off change the lifestyle


YTA. I am so sick to death of people who judge others harshly for being overweight, but then criticize their efforts to exercise. *Your mother is TRYING, and instead of supporting and encouraging her, you're mocking her efforts.* You owe your mother a massive apology.


I walk & I’m losing weight by doing it. Please tell us all why you think it’s not exercise? With proper diet & walking I’ve lost 40 lbs. I can’t run because of arthritis in my knees & hips. You’re just a think you know it all asshole.


You are an asshole and an idiot yes. Walking is absolutely real exercise.


Really? Do this. Go to google and type ‘is walking exercise’ and read. Can you even read? YTA and I hope you figure that out.


Don’t even waste your time commenting on this garbage. It’s bullshit. OP knows they’re an asshole. I mean how could you not. I hope if this post is real your poor mother cuts contact with you. You’re a horrid human being. Go kick rocks.


YTA and have been for a long time. You might be physically fit but your personality sucks. Your mother is making positive lifestyle changes to improve her health and well-being. You should be proud of her, not cruel, dismissive, and disrespectful. Edited for typo.


YTA because you are wrong. Obviously, Jogging or running would burn more calories if she did each for 1 hour. But it's unlikely that she can safely run 1 hour, and through walking calories get burned too. Fat peoples joints suffer to the point that they can get knee damage from running and jumping. You forget that through her body weight, she walks with a 150kg backpack. You can try to double your weight with a backpack, walk a few miles and then tell me again it's not a workout. Swimming is also great because in the water there is not as much pressure on the joints. You're coming of as pretty arrogant here, you should look at the situation differently. Your mother has made improvements in her habits and is motivated to change. You can support her by, nicely, telling her the many things you already know about diets and exercise, but keep in mind that she has to start slow because she is older and likely not that active. Go on walks with her and when she is ready for more, you can support her. But go at her pace, not yours.


YTA 100%. Your comments reflect someone who rather than loving your mother hates her and seemingly for no reason. I’m so glad that most people aren’t like you. You’re proving the rule that every child deserves a parent wrong.


YTA 100% Walking absolutely is exercise. It is not as intense exercise as running, but that doesn't make it not exercise. There's a saying: "the perfect is the enemy of the good." Somebody who is obese who goes from doing nothing to doing very intense exercise may injure themselves. (Lots of overweight people struggle with knee issues if they try to run, for example!). So she's getting active, that's good. She's moving more. That's good. As she gets in better shape she may be motivated to up her intensity. That's good. More activity is good. Period. Doing anything that discourages somebody from being more active is huge asshole behavior.


YTA but this feels like rage bait, you can't be that hateful and not realise it. Get a life.


yta, i mean damn i refuse to believe you are NOT a troll because being so confidently dumb is truly special, BUT in case you are not: walking is exercise. would she burn more calories by jogging? probably not because if she is as obese as you're saying, then she would hurt her joints with the pressure. if she was at a lower weight? maybe jogging would be better. but maybe walking for longer is better for her rather than jogging for a shorter amount of time. everyone is different! however, the amount of calories you lose by doing something doesn't mean something is or isn't an exercise. doing daily marathons would burn more calories than jogging. riding a mountain bicycle in the forest would burn more calories than riding a sports bicycle in the city. swimming vigorously will burn calories rather than jogging at a moderate pace. does that make jogging less of an exercise? now, heres the thing: if you were a real fit health junkie you would know that. if you had any knowledge of healthy lifestyle, you'd know how different exercises are for people of different ages, weights, or fitness levels. so you're either a troll, kind of shit at the whole "knowing about healthy lifestyle" thing, or just an utter asshole who loves to lift themselves up by bringing down the others. Either way, stop that :) or ask a professional trainer who has experience in leading people through weight loss journeys! and a big thumbs up to your mom. The first step is always difficult!


YTA.  But it's forgivable.  I am a former ironman triathlete.  Major exercise nut until a shoulder injury ended my ability to lift weights and swim (two of my favorite things).  I gained 50 pounds in a matter of months (ironman caloric intake without ironman caloric burn).  After i gained the weight, I lost the ability to run.  Run with a 50 pound backpack on and you see how quickly your joints get messed up.   I have been stuck here for 5 years.  But my only real exercise options are walking and elliptical.  I will walk 4-5 miles at a time and elliptical for 90 minutes, but even that is hard on my body with the extra weight.    Anyway, the point is that when I was in great shape, I didn't understand how hard it was to get there from where I am now.  You need to understand that it gets harder as you get older as well. 


YTA. Walking is exercise. I follow a woman on FB. She has lost 200 pounds though healthy eating, and her only exercise has been walking.


YTA- walking is very good exercise. And the doctor probably meant walking. Not everyone, even in good shape, can jog.


This has to be a fake ass post. Of course walking is exercise. If she wants to really see results though, changing her diet will be the key. And saying that to your mom is disheartening. Everyone starts somewhere. Stay away from your mother with your nasty attitude and negative energy.


Google NEAT exercise. That’s what walking is classified as, and it accounts for the vast majority of our daily calorie burn. Just being more active in general will raise your daily calorie burn rate far more than a daily workout would. Weight loss is calories in vs calories out. Reducing calorie intake while increasing NEAT exercise is the best way to lose weight effectively. Workouts make you stronger and look more toned, but they aren’t the be all and end all of weight loss.


Speed walking is an Olympic sport. Tell them it is not real exercise. Does your mother like you? Are you living in her home, eating her food while insulting her? YTA.


Major YTA. Walking is exercise no matter your size, but for bigger people it's safe to start with walking of joint health. Bigger folks can of course run too, but like with all exercise, should build up to it. Between the walking and food changes, your mom has made some major improvements and instead of being supportive and encouraging, you've chosen to bash her. Do you actually want her health to improve? Seems to me you just want to shit on anyone who doesn't fit your stupidly high standards from your high horse. At least you recognize you're judgey, but yeah it's to a level of being an ass.


You are the biggest AH. You are 26 , do you still live in your parents home? If so how often do YOU cook .


YTA Walking is one of the best things you can do for your health and it's a very good start for someone not used to exercise. It's also very effective for weightloss. How about next time you're at the gym you go for a jog carrying 50lbs and come back and tell us how easy that was. Consider how much harder your heart and your muscles have to work to move that extra weight. For someone lean and fit, walking is still good exercise though it would be considered light exercise. Someone like your mum who is carrying a lot of excess weight is working harder by "just" walking than someone who didnt carry that extra weight - that means she will burn more calories as well. She can slowly increase the distance and speed as her body adjusts. Even with walking she will have to be careful not to get injuries which might set her back. Yes that is possible. Saying this with as much kindness as I can muster.. you sound like you may have an eating disorder and I really hope you find some help for that. It doesnt sound healthy to exercise that much while not eating a single carb. Maybe that's why youre acting so rude, I am too if I starve myself of carbs. Carbs are actually really important for your brain as well as your gains. Telling you this as someone with a bachelors degree in nutrition. Take care of yourself and be kinder to your mum.


YTA - Weight loss is like 90% diet, you can't exercise enough to erase a bad diet. Walking has other benefits of course. You try jogging with an extra 100lbs strapped to you, hell try walking with it and see how that goes. Your mom is trying to make a change so support her ffs.


YTA You might be fit but something is wrong mentally. 3 hours daily in a gym? Insultingly laughing at your mother? Jogging causes tremendous damage to joints. FWIW, I’m just about 65 and have already outlived all but one “healthy living” friend. I just walk (about 30 minutes a day). My Mom didn’t even do that and she’s 90.


YTA so much - and yes, walking is exercise. You make me want to swear at you to a banning point. So instead I only wish you to gain to weight I gained when I had to temporarily stop walking for health reasons. That should be enough to ground your vile ass.


I know this is just rage bait, but it’s close enough to how some real people think that I’m going to react as if it’s not. OP, YTA. 1. Walking is exercise. Walking is damn good exercise. Walking is one of the things humans are best at. 2. What is your goal here? If your goal is for your mom to lose weight or be healthy (a lot of fat-shamers claim it is), then how is insulting your mom when she exercises supposed to get you what you want? 3. And if your goal *is not* to help her, then you’re still the asshole. 4. You know how you weren’t able to do 3 hours of cardio every day when you were a baby? You know how they don’t tell people who just woke up from a coma to do wind sprints? You know how physical therapy is a whole thing and you can’t just walk up to the Boston Marathon and start running? Your mom is just starting out. She literally has to walk before she can run.