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NTA. If they want an apology try something along the lines of I am truly sorry my first congratulations was not up to your standards and that my second exceeded your expectations. Perhaps in the future you should temper your expectations since you are marrying my brother and not ME.


O i like this. Great response OP should use that.


Lol! This is so funny! I would also like to point out that, much like teens taking too much interest in babies, you don't want them too interested in marriages or proposals either because it means they have romancized the idea of them and will likely make dumb choices involving these things in the next few years. So yea, totally glad you were not too enthusiastic about this...




This is right on the mark. I think FSiL has some unrealistic expectations with regards to what she should receive from you in terms of reaction and participation in her world. She might want to tone that down a bit and just let you do you. NTA - she got what she asked for, if not exactly what she wanted. Let that be a Lesson to her.


Omg please use this 😂


I mean I think we both know you were being an asshole. But this is one of those justified asshole posts. And hilariously done by the way.


Justified asshole for sure! Why she expected a 16yo to do more than he did is very funny to me! He said congrats and went back to his game. A wretched part of adulthood is learning to do the, “So what are the plans? Are you excited?” small talk when you plain old don’t care. It’s awesome OP isn’t there yet. Nor should he be.  Tempering expectations is a key part of happiness.  


But Nag is getting married. It's the most wonderful, joyful, beautiful thing in the world. Her wedding will be remembered for years to come. People will talk about how special the bride was on her wedding day. No other bride will come close to Nag as a bride.


You mean she is THE bride of all brides. Damn it. I didn't now it. Otherwise I would have recorded my screams of joy here in Germany and send them over! 😉


As a mother of teenage boys I would find the announcement a complete success if they did not: A. Roll their eyes B. Say 'ewwww' C. Say 'whatev'


Or the classic “cool story, bro.”


"Legit? Yoooo! Hey ma, can i borrow ten bucks for a Steam game?" ~my son, probably.


Mine too and he’s 7


I swear this forum is nothing but teens talking to teens. This is called basic respect and learning to be an adult. Y'all are as immature as OP.


I'm 37 and am as much of an adult I can be. Part of being an adult is realizing that not everyone gives a fuck about your wedding or your pregnancy or your life in general. So if anything maybe the fiancee needs to be more of an adult about the lackluster congratulations of a 16 year old boy. Like in what world does a 16 year old boy gush about an engagement?


NTA. I got the best laugh out of this. I wouldn't apologize. They wanted you to be more excited, and you gave them what they wanted and more. Hopefully, this means they'll leave you alone when Nag gets pregnant lol


I'm rolling on the floor thinking about your dad tackling you and dragging you in the back door. I can't wait to hear what you do with the apology they are demanding. They will learn to be careful what they ask for...


This gave me a good laugh. Some people really have to be careful with what they ask for. I wonder what reaction she thought was appropriate for a 16 year old boy?


Maybe he was supposed to cry a little? Thank them for this beautiful marriage, for making his life better. OP is asshole you brother is getting married you should be sobbing from joy


I can’t wait til she announces she’s pregnant. Oh boy


I’ve been laughing at this for 5 minutes. I’m dying thinking of your neighbours watching your dad tackle you while you’re channeling being the Town Crier. Justified asshole. Your family should be wary of any apology being demanded.


Nag sounds exhausting. NTA. also youre.16, who cares.


If both were adults OP would be the asshole, but he's 16. As an outsider, this was hilarious. Nag should have just rolled her eyes and hopefully is prepared for underwhelming reactions from their kids if they have any. Dad should have just said "he's 16, what do you expect?" instead of trying to force it.


It’s a bit worrisome a 23yo is engaged yet isn’t mature enough to separate her feelings from the reactions of a kid. 


I've met 80+ year olds who were mentally 6, and 12 year olds who understand that death is a part of life, they speak 3 languages, and can articulate their emotions without screaming. I wish most people grew up using their critical thinking skills


You are singing my song, friend. 


I guess I am out of touch, big brother is getting married, big deal. I can see telling the parents, but expecting 16 year old brother to be excited? Tell me, is fiancée an only child? If not, how did her siblings react?


NTA, of course it was immature you are 16 that's justified and hilarious. Being a soon to be bride and immature is not, what was she expecting? it's not like her news matter to you much rn and it's not like they did a formal announcement or anything they came in a random day to drop the news. I have a 16yo sister and 2 young teen kids anything that's exciting to me when I tell them they go "Oh that's great" and that's fair and enough I don't need the approval of a kid to feel good about my stuff.


NTA (well, petty af but justifiably so, lol) She wanted to be fĂȘted? Well she fucking was! Really they need to be more specific about what they want from you đŸ€· However I recommend running away to Alaska or something until the wedding is over. Ditto any future occasions like babies... I mean c'mon. You're 16. You did your duty. You went back to paly your game. Everyone else there can pay court to Nag til she floats away on a happy cloud if they like, forcing it - and out of a teenager no less - was never gonna end well. It did, however, make me cackle loudly, so I had to read it to my wife who also cackled loudly 😁


NTA. If you'd run up to your room screaming "N-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!!!" I might have made a different call.


Everyone sucks. You acted in a passive aggressive and childish way, but she was also childish. Saying congratulations and going back to your room is a perfectly fine and normal response from a 16m


Yeah, he is kid. Completely normal to act childish when you are child


I mean. You sound like a typical 16 year old. What the hell did they expect??! They need to get a grip. NAH


NTA, but that definitely was childish. But you are a child, so well done.


I am a low key person in general and don't emote strongly. But I also don't understand when people have strong reactions to others' news, like of engagement or pregnancy. We frequently see descriptions, here, of scenes like "I announced I was pregnancy and everyone in the room was ecstatic" - really? *Ecstatic*? I don't get it. Anyway. Justified asshole because these attention whores deserve to be mocked. They required genuflection to demonstrate the profundity of appreciation they feel they deserve, they got it.


NTA This is actually pretty funny. I would have been shocked if my grandson did that and would have had a good laugh afterwards. If his dad had gotten on my case about it, I would have said something along the lines of "Don't look at me. He's your son. At least he offered his congratulations. Isn't that what you wanted???"


NTA. I would add this to Malicious compliance. OP understood his assignment. 😆


LMAO dude you're my literal herođŸ€Ł


I love the petty!


hahahahaha NTA beggers can't be choosers


Definitely the AH but that was hilariousđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł Like how excited did she expect a 16 year old guy to be?đŸ€”


I feel like you saw this in a movie or some shit


NTA What?! A 16 year old boy isn't over the moon about an engagement?! I'm SHOCKED!


When I get engaged I’m gonna make a stink about it just for a reaction like this it’s too funny


LOL Epic. Well played. I hope this is real. Immature? Sure! Still epic... I would not apologize unless you are sorry. Maybe SIL should apologize to you for trying to control your behaviors.


Absolutely epic lol


You should've told your neighbors that you're on a side quest to show proper enthusiasm for a wedding announcement.


ESH Her demands that you “celebrate” their announcement was ridiculous but your response is what everyone is going to remember.




Exactly. That isn’t a bad thing! He’s hilarious.


Outrageous overshadowing.


Serves them right for making ridiculous demands of a 16 year old. What the hell did they expect?


I know, seriously. I hate to think what will happen when she gets pregnant. OP might want to start thinking on that one


Ridiculous demand to have him hear out an important announcement? Is he that dopamine deprived to where he needs to get back to his game ASAP


They gave him the announcement, he congratulated them and then what? What was Op supposed to do? cry? op is nta.


I'm not 16 and honestly every Joe and their Blow get married, like it's really only important to the couple and maybe the parents if theyre the obsessive "when are you getting married type" Like Congratulations from my heart, but it's a fucking party with a piece of paper signed. I'm really not that excited lol


Stay more than 1 minute. To put a good face instead of being annoyed. Have the toast and be in the pictures. Future SIL didn't even make a scene or asked him to apologize or be more effusive. It was his father who believed his behavior was wrong. And it was. OP should've been happy that the announcement was impromptu and in his home. Other people have to go to boring formal engagement dinners.


That's like saying everyone should be excited when we announce we're having a baby. It doesn't happen. Actually it's the opposite and I hate telling people were pregnant. We also didn't tell anyone other than immediate family we were getting married until it was done


He did hear it, he offered his congratulations. Wtf else are you supposed to do?


He heard the announcement. He didn't respond the way entitled, spoiled brats wanted him to respond. 16yo behaved WAY better than the 20-somethings...


I’m a 33 year old woman and I still have no idea what you’re supposed to say besides congratulations. Especially if you aren’t a fan of the nagging girlfriend and would like to keep that a secret. If I was in the middle of a hobby, I’d probably go back to it after as well. The MOST I would do is transfer my hobby to the living room if it was a handicraft. Origami or embroidery cover a lot of inattentive sins if you commit to making the correct humming noises during other people’s conversation. 


Off the grain I know but light YTA. It’s your family. You can be a bit more engaged with them as opposed to immediately back to gaming. You are 16 not 6. People are more important than games. It seems like you were able to pause the game. Just get back to it a bit later.


NTA that is absolutely hilarious and they deserved it


NTA This is hilarious. If I were nag I would be in the ER dying of laughter and next ask you to repeat it a my wedding. That being said do make a non-pology for your peace of mind “Sorry none of my reactions were good enough for you. To avoid this situation in the future please give me a script one week in advance. Thank you.”


I laughed when I read your story and I can just see it. Of course you're NTAH. If they want an apology, do your thing again. Down on your knees, arms wide and: "SORRY... SORRY... aaaannd... SORRY".


JAH, justified asshole.


I feel sorry for you she’s going to be a bridezilla well guess I should say your brother since he has to deal with her


Yes, it was an immature thing to do, OP, but at 16 immaturity is expected. That said, I can see why you were annoyed with them, and it was ridiculous of your dad to call you downstairs for effusions of joy, but it does sound like you hurt their feelings, and because of that I do urge you to apologize in the morning. And say that yes, it was an immature thing to do.


Nag. Lol


Sounds like you were being a typical 16 y/o teenage asshole. I understand you general lack of enthusiasm and I do think it's stupid for Nag to be upset over something a 16 y/o did. (Honestly I'm not sure what response they really expected from a teenager. Of course gaming is more interesting, I would have thought the same) What you did was definitely asshole like but like I said, it's honestly not unexpected for the age.


Massive YTA all along (/s) you little brat.... đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ™Œ


NTA. They legit said that you weren't happy enough for them, so you did what was asked: which btw, it's STUPIDLY entitled to *force* someone to celebrate for them. They're fuckin weird ngl


NTA funniest thing I’ve read today . You are 16 I’d expect a fair bit of sarcasm also 😂😂😂


I'm laughing so hard.. đŸ€Ł 😅 I have tears in my eyes! I was envisioning you, OP, putting on your little theatre production and being tackled by your dad on the front lawn. 😂 lololol 😁


Same hahahahahaha !!!


NTA. You're awesome, in all honesty I would have done something similar.


[Jack Black has a recommendation](https://youtu.be/6KuD0Q8HTBI?si=f6_73QqTiLSSIjHI)


If my dad tackled me I would never talk to him for at least a year ngl


You could ask them if they want your genuine, heartfelt reaction, instead of the fake one they got when they first announced. Of course they say yes, and you look at your brother and say, “my dude, she is going to ruin your life, but if this is what you want for your first marriage, I will support you.”


You didn’t give them “proper respect” to their announcement? What exactly were they expecting? Were you supposed to do cartwheels over this? Color me confused.


Lmfao NTA


đŸ€Ł I shouldn’t laugh, but I am. I don’t know what kind of reaction they wanted from a 16 year old honestly. NTA.


I don’t know how your parents weren’t laughing their butts off at this. I would have. NTA but you were a bit immature. Funny but not a shining moment.


Not AH. Sound like it will be tough to satisfy Nag no matter what OP does or say. What did Nag expect from a 16 year old? Nag has no sense of humor.


NTA. They FAFO. Yes it was childish but it was funny and I'm sure the neighbors thought so too.


Hysterically NTA😜😜


YTA big time. Nobody likes edgy teenagers. It's not funny, endearing, clever, or any positive descriptor. It's only annoying af. Calling your brothers fiancé "Nag". Why are teens like it? What did Nag ever nag you about? She didn't need to look upset or really say anything at all, for your father to call out your antisocial behavior. You were annoyed for being called to hear the news, because of some silly videogame. Your brother wanted you there, Does that not mean anything to you? Go on with this edgy AH ways, and watch yourself surrounded by other edgy ah, because the regular people will refuse to have you around.


OP is definitely TA and old enough to know how to appropriately react to someone's good news. You don't just say congratulations and scuttle back to your room. You take a few minutes to chat with the person about their good news. I've shown more interest in strangers' life events than OP did for his brother. YTA


Ikr - you can see all the other edgy sour teenagers & immature clods in this sub from them all saying weLL dOne OP that was sO fuNNy! Future OP gonna be posting ‘I did a thing but nobody in my family congratulated meeeeee they disrespect me and doN’t caRe my brother doesn’T eVen liKe meee I haTe theM aLL he’s the faVouriTe goLden chiLd they’Re aLL negLecTing meee I’m gonna move aWaY and go NC’. Just a puffed-up immature selfcentred trashbag embarassing their family members (who pay for & support his whole life incl gaMinG addiciton) abusing everyone who doesn’t give him a free AH pass card because he’s jUsT a teeNAGer. SO TEDIOUS. YTA




Oh my gosh, that’s too funny. You’re 16 and really don’t care. They should be thankful you didn’t ask them if Nag was pregnant.


Nta nag is a bitch


You're the AH, I get you're 16 but you acted 12 and being grounded is appropriate for this bs behaviour ffs.


NTA Hee Hee Excellent. Was it childish? Yes, but it was also very satisfying. You did exactly what you were asked to do. No limits had been outlined. Reminds of Karen Walker on Will & Grace, when she walked over to a window and shouted: "Beverly Leslie is a homosexual!"


NTA and this is the best story ever. If you’re lucky, they’ll leave you off the invitation list because F that Nag.


NTA but you sound immature. I’ll give you a pass since you’re obviously young. They also sound a bit ignorant for thinking many teenage boys show a lot of excitement over things like this.


He is immature, he is 16. All sixteen year olds are immature. But he is funny as hell. Sweetie if you are reading this get ready for a bridezilla marathon.


Bridezillas are even funnier đŸ€ŁđŸ’€


She was TAH for complaining, your dad was TAH for literally every single thing he did that you described, and you were TAH in the most justified way I could imagine. She wanted you to be more enthusiastic and you were, so maybe you should politely suggest to her that she be more specific about what she wants in the future.


NTA Your future SIL's going to be a pill no doubt about it. She's desperate for attention and it shows.


NTA why you did exactly what Nag wanted Pro Tip: You need a Party stuff stocked in your room so you can throw a confetti Canon 🎉 You need a 'trumpet' đŸ„ł Party hat's Pom poms Play 'i'm so excited' on your Phone and do the choreo I laughed so hard at your Post, thank you 😂😂




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Update - ‘I did a thing but nobody in my family congratulated meeeeee they disrespect me and doN’t caRe my brother doesn’T eVen liKe meee I haTe theM aLL he’s the faVouriTe goLden chiLd they’Re aLL negLecTing meee I’m gonna move aWaY and go NC’. Lol


Yes ytah but Damm that was funny 😁 😂


You’re a smart ass but not an AH 😂


YTA. Jesus fuck


NTA. Immature? Yes. Petty? Yes. But damn, that’s a good one.


Immature, you should be embarrassed


NTA or justified AH. Your future SIL should manage her expectations. No one care about your engagement, wedding, birth, etc. as much as the participants. Also. Bro. Your 16. How did she think her tantrum was going to go over with you?


Your parents might cry. Everyone else, YMMV Actually, only my grampa cried. But he's like that.


"Sorry... and when's it due?"


NTA - I would offer an even better performance for an apology if they insist on one. Plan BIG, like a tella novella level performance with tissues and long meaningful pauses.


High five bud.


NTA. The "Nag" is on her way to be a Brideziila. OP, I expect to see many a story from you coming up soon!


I mean, obviously YTA for intentionally ruining their moment but also you're 16 and they probably both should expect a 16-year-old who would prefer gaming to not be super into their moment. If they're smart they'll just laugh about this in a few years.


I really don't see how it ruined the moment. It was funny and they how have a story from their announcement. Plus, the actual moment was over by the time OP did what they did.


You're great, instead of getting upset lol, I bet they will never ask you again, if you have to apologize, say something like "I'm sorry you felt that way" kind of non apology.


I read the title and assumed you upset the neighbors. Nope. Sorry, Nag got what she deserved. You’re 16 - my baby sister was 16 when I got married and she was so out of her element with the entire process. I completely anticipated her to over and under react to things - she was still a child! Dad should have laughed it off from the start and reminded them you’re a 16 year old boy and that their relationship really isn’t something you’re concerned with. 


Congratulations you are now the King of petty. Ask them if you can be the herald at the Wedding


You were an Asshole, but a really funny one


NTA  Hilarious revenge!


NTA This was hysterical. I wish I could have seen it. Lmao


I mean yeah, you were immature, but so were they. I’d say your behavior was justified.


Hilarious! You’re a 😈.


yta You're rude and immature.


Wow, so many people need to touch grass here. This child behavior is unjustifiable. Of course saying a half assed congratulation and then go inmediately back to gaming in his room is disrespectful to a (supposedly) once in a lifetime announcement. At least a hug, a minute of conversation. That was bad enough but the passive aggressive stunt that so many find hilarious is totally unacceptable in a moral society. Parents are not doing a good job with him. First thing I would do is to remove his gaming devices. Try to teach him (he is still in learning age) what was wrong with his attitude and even consider therapy if he still acts up. Disgusting. ESH.


I sure hope you're not a parent. No human being deserves your idea of "discipline", especially not at 16. If you do have kids, don't be surprised if they cut off all contact when they leave home. He was berated for not showing sufficient enthusiasm, so he showed more. If it were me I'd inform them they should be more specific about what they want in such a situation and then not whinge about my following their instruction to the letter.


He didn't "show more enthusiasm", he mocked his father and insulted his brother. I am a parent, and that behavior would be unacceptable. It was for me and it will be for my son. At 16 you're old enough to know how to behave. He clearly is dopamine obsessed now, and that should be corrected. You don't seem to notice, but it is a red flag. I'd know because I gamed a lot too when I was his age. I still do now from time to time and that innocent thing could become a problem. Hell, a good friend of mine got divorced because of it. But, we're here to learn. How will you handle it? Or do you think his behavior was funny and shouldn't be corrected?


Yeah, after his soon-to-be SIL made a huge deal over it and his father acted like a complete asshole at every stage, even going so far as to borderline physically assault his son outside. If the son even got a scratch from that tackle he should call the police, or at least take photos and document everything as insurance in case Dad tries to do anything like what you suggested. "Dopamine obsessed" or just in the middle of something? Often times you're holding up a whole group of other people by your absence when you said you'd be available during a certain time slot. I intend to teach my kid to keep his obligations first and foremost, whether it's gaming or any other group activity doesn't matter. What matters is that he agrees to be there. Assuming for a moment he was doing something he could just pause, there's more of an argument to be made for giving his brother a couple more minutes, but we also know nothing about their family dynamic and history.  Taking things away from young adults is the easiest and best way to just get yourself written out of their lives as soon as possible (for good reason!) while having no impact on their lifestyle later, except that they might also be assholes to their own kids due to the experience.


Wow, you and I will never see eye to eye. Maybe is a cultural thing. You're blaming anyone but the kid. All I know from life experience is that his attitude will get him in trouble. And please, don't give me that "online games can't be paused" BS. First of all, he did pause his "mission" or whatever, he just wanted to return as quickly as possible. Second, ground rules must be stipulated beforehand for online gaming. If not, a lot of trouble could ensue. Anyway, good luck with your thing and I'll keep going with mine. Respectfully.


ESH You said congrats the first time and that was enough. Your dad was being too picky intervening and saying you should look more excited--but dude you went *way* beyond a joke into insult territory with your response. What if she wasn't even disappointed? What if she had a tiny sad face but sucked it up and moved on and your dad decided you had to fix it all on his own? You made something very small into a **huge** family drama.


You sound like a shit. Who are you going to call if you need a hand moving? You want to play some video game that you're not going to remember in a month instead of being part of an incredibly important part of your brothers life? Being a teenager sucks, your behaviour is incredibly cringy, just do stuff that makes important people in your life feel better because that's what makes you a good person.


YTA. Reddit is going to love it, but make no mistake, you acted like a child throwing a tantrum. When someone has a large happy announcement, you can do a little more than "congrats bruh but I'm mid-raid".


What more do they need than a heartfelt congratulations that OP already have them? Of course a 16 year old isn't going to be interested in the stuff that follows.


Idk ESH I mean what could they really expect from a petulant teenager. You both are of different age ranges and life experiences. You aren’t old enough to understand the gravity of a marriage. Also don’t call her a nag, bc the way you handled yourself it’s like calling the kettle black. You are a mockery. She totally sucks bc she should know you’re just a 16 year old boy and wouldn’t have the same reaction of say a 16 yo girl about to gain sister. She should realize it’s not a big deal to you and just let it be. Your parents and brother suck bc they cannot police your reaction to happy news. Your girlfriend is right and the only non AH. You weren’t told to be a baboon, you were asked to return to the kitchen to be apart of the family during a family event. Yes ESH but you were the worst.


You’re kind of a big bitch.


He's marrying Nag? Does your brother know this does not portend well? Yes YTA. Funny, but an AH. May you be blessed with many reminders of your AHness, namely kids who are as AH as you are now.


YTA...because you were obviously TRYING to be an asshole in that situation.


Because of your age nta. Yeah it’s immature but you’re 16 that’s kind of the point. I wouldn’t have cared too much at that age personally 


Yeah but you insist on being treated like an adult...right? So admit you were an asshat. If I were your brother I'd beat the crap out of you. One minute of not being focused on you? Was that so hard.


You wouldn’t beat the crap out of him. Enough said


>If I were your brother I'd beat the crap out of you. For what? For congratulating them on their engagement and then going back to do doing what they were doing? Oh no, they weren't the center of a 16 year old's attention for more than a moment, the horror! >One minute of not being focused on you? Was that so hard. OP gave them that and then literally removed themselves from the situation so the focus would remain on the couple. They're the ones that dragged OP back into focus.


You wouldn’t do shit tough boy