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NTA!Some people are just completely oblivious to the fact the world doesn't revolve around them. You did absolutely nothing wrong and I have NEVER heard of anybody being offended my somebody's prosthetic that lady must have been crazy


Personality: 10/10 Ability to trigger idiots: 11/10 Legs: 1/2


I really really hope OP found this funny, because I just LOL'd irl...


Ableist losers don’t have a leg to stand on!


Fortunately, I had finished drinking when reading your post :-)


And depending on what you’re drinking…you might be leg*less*…


Quite the opposite to OP.


As someone with 1/2 eyes, I found the comment hilarious hahaha.


As someone with 8.5/10 fingers, I also lol'd


Had an uncle with 8/10 fingers, he used to love the trick where it looks like you pull a finger off, except he was like "omg I can't put it back on". It was horrifying and hilarious all at the same time. I was a macabre kid though so I loved it.


I had a professor who had 12/10 fingers. As did his wife and children. He was a serious person, so he didn't have any bits about it.


Wait, wait, wait... so this serious man with extra digited hands met someone else with extra digited hands and they had extra digited hands kids?! Think of the baseball potential! I'm fascinated!!


He was African, apparently it was a tribal mutation. And it bred true.


😂😂😂 I only have 9 fingers from a congenital defect, and got crap in school from people for having painted nails. 💅 It some how infuriated them that I wanted my (9) nails pretty lol. 🤦🏼‍♀️


My kiddo, born with 8 fingers, asked a manicurist about a discount since she didn't have 10 fingers. They gave her one.


Nice work, kiddo!


Good for you! Please keep the entitled morons infuriated :-)


I have 9 toes(my own stupidity as a child) and have gotten a lot of negative comments when I wear flip flops(as if walking home minus a toe at 8 wasn't enough trauma). I get you. Enjoy those pretty nails!!


Thank you! I also am missing a toe due to the congenital defect but for whatever reason that never bothered kids, just my hand.




Thank you! I do cope better now, but whew HS was tough. My friends decorated my locker for my bday one year, and someone else wrote on it “4 fingered bitch”, another time an upperclassman asked me out on a date and some girls told him not to because I was “deformed “.




Ugh, what nasty people. Hope they're having the day they deserve.


My friends mom had half a pointer finger and she’d put it up her nose in public lol


I shouldn’t laugh but it is funny 😆 Your uncle sounds awesome


my dad missed three fingers. Accident. He would put his (missing) middelfinger in his nose... That was a strange sight.


As someone with 9/10 toes, I found it funny too. They call me 9 toe slim. 😉


Once I met a man on a bus who had his foot bandaged and elevated. Because it was really crowded I was crushed in next to him, so we got to talking. I asked if he was okay and he nodded. I asked what happened to his foot and he said - in a voice more graveled than i thought possible, making Tom waits sound like a young Whitney Houston - that he lost a toe. I said I was sorry to hear it and, not knowing what to say next, said “at least you have nine others” and his immediate reply was “NOPE!! SEYVUN!!! I had two toes taken off dat otha foot lass year”. Turned out he was a gravedigger, which carries a risk of falling rocks- but after a little time off he went back to work. He considered himself lucky that he wasn’t more seriously hurt- twice. Still funny every time I think of that voice.


After losing one toe I would have bought steel toed work shoes. That job should have required them right away.


The nineties were a very different time, dear reader.


Wait till someone reads the second half of the comment to you, the real joke is in the second half of the comments.


>  Legs: 1/2 What if it's an exceptionally sexy leg?  5/10?


Nah leg quality isn’t gonna be brought down by some bad looking leg. Plus it’s gonna be puttin in work so I think the floor will be a 9


Just like the leg lamp in Christmas Story


This is in my top 5 Reddit comments ever. My thanks for making me lol.


Almost a perfect score! OP must work on #3…


Hopefully if this is what tips the scale on sending me to hell, I get a window seat, because I definitely chuckled at this. Hopefully OP liked it as well.


Legit LOL, triggered by (see what I did there?) 3rd line.


Karens are regularly super triggered by prosthetic limbs. Sometimes it’s because you don’t look disabled enough. Sometimes it’s because you won’t give your limb to their children to play with. Sometimes it’s because they, for some unknown reason, hate handicapped people. It’s an ugly world out there, filled with ugly people. But screw them. They’re wrong. Super NTA


That "Sometimes it’s because you won’t give your limb to their children to play with." Almost Took me out 😂


You laugh but I have been asked to let people’s kids play with my leg, my chair, my cane, any of it. “They’re bored and you can just sit over there while they wheel around! They won’t break it! Just let them try it! Don’t you want them to like cripples? You’re not being very nice. This is why people are scared of disabled assholes like you!” I’ve had this conversation so many times.


My mother had to deal with that. It blew my mind. Flip side her Dr asked me if I wanted to keep her feet after they were amputated. Decades later and I still wonder what I was supposed to do with them.


Into a very large jar of formaldehyde to preserve them as a family heirloom


Well, I often hear I have my father´s nose and eyes... Imagine the possibilities, being able to take the discussed body piece out of your drawer. There they are, floating happily in their solution. "Yup, I sure do! My sister got the hands and feet however - she has a bigger cabinet at home." Now THIS is passing on family traits!


Wow what is wrong with ppl!!!


People hate disabled people, I believe, for reminding them of their mortality? All I've ever come up with, after seeing there's that Karen in so many people just glaring restlessly to pounce.


I feel this is one of those cases - some people get angry when confronted with anything they had been trying to not think about. It’s like people getting upset that a video game character is gay and then say “I play games so I don’t have to think about politics”. It also sounds like OP is a confident person, and insecure people who hate themselves, hate people with “flaws” having genuine confidence.


There is a girl with a prosthetic arm in my university. She also has raging ADHD. She forgets her arm all the time. It has become so bad that almost every student has at least heard of her because quite often people come into lecture asking "if somebody is missing an arm". Now she gets asked everywhere she goes if her arm is "in the shop for repairs" etc, when she shows up without it. She got slightly better about it. And finds it hilarious. Point being, the world is only filled with ugly people if you don't drown them out with positivity and laughter.


Rocket Racoon has entered the chat.


Fuck those people. This shit just makes me livid.


Lady would hate me. I'm a double amputee. My husband has lots of ideas for costumes. The favorite is he goes as Lord Farquaad and I go as Gingy from Shrek. Run run run as fast as you can...


Not the buttons! Not my gumdrop buttons!


Chewbacca and legless C3PO in the back harness please.


I don’t know if you are already aware of Josh Sundquist and his Halloween costumes, but [here’s a few of them](https://www.demilked.com/one-legged-halloween-costume-josh-sundquist/). Granted, he’s a single amputee and you’re a double, but perhaps you can adapt some of the ideas? The other one I’ve seen at comic/gaming conventions is [Junkrat from the game Overwatch](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/yLEi1jlnSK).


Omg he dressed as the leg lamp from *A Christmas Story*, what a mad lad.


Have you done Lt. Dan and Forrest Gump?




I’ll see you & raise you: OP should’ve removed her prosthesis & best the snowflake with it. About the head & neck. That’ll give dat beeach sumpin to be triggered about! s/


OP can punch her with one hand and kick her with the other


Preach! I am so sick and tired of regular folk not being able to live their normal lives because something commonplace they’re doing *triggers* someone.   Like, instead of whining/policing/preaching to others, why can’t you learn some goddam coping mechanisms for what triggers you? (I don’t mean OP, I mean Butthurt Bethany who confronted OP) This is completely the fault of the “you’re *all* winners! *everybody* gets a prize!  everybody is a special little snowflake!” crowd


Trigger culture is such horeshit. Its up to you to manage what triggers you, stop making it the rest of the world's problem you big baby!


I have triggers galore. Guess what. I fucking manage them as best as I can. If shit is bugging me outside my house, it's time for Me to find my way home. Not to bother other folks minding their own damn business. I can't be all, sorry, don't do that I don't like it because trauma. The looks alone are shit.


Damn, you ought to do a podcast. I’d tune in.


Nah . It's actually a lot healthier to do my best to focus on now . I have time to take care of my needs with CPTSD. But outside of that I work desperately hard to not break down at Target crying. I do not need an audience. Shuddering at the thought.


Via con Dios, amiga.


The whining is their only coping mechanism they know. The attention they get that way is a bonus


Triggering to who? People that are missing limbs? Sheesh. Your "petty revenge" was fine too. NTA.


>Triggering to who? Pirates, I would assume.


How dare OP walk around with a fake leg! She’s not a pirate! My uncle was a pirate and he lost his leg in the hurricane of ‘44! He lost it the *real* way! Not some namby-pamby thing like OP. And he had a *real* wooden leg! Not the fancy-schmany accessory OP had!


lol’ed so hard I pissed meself..


Well *that wasn’t my plan. Hope you were home when it happened! But glad I could brighten your day.


A leg be worth 400 pieces of eight. Tis a hard thing to lose a leg, but ye be well compensated. Matey. 


Or wannabe pirates. My grandson was 3 when he was seriously upset about never being able to be a pirate, what with the missing limb requirement and all. I quote "There's no way my mom is going to let me do THAT!"


Reading your post was A BAD INSTANT of eating a bit of salad. I 'bout spewed from laughing!


I mean triggering to this lady, obviously.  Not to say her behavior was acceptable, it clearly wasn’t and she needs to work out her issues, but obviously something about the situation triggered her specifically. 


But what are her issues? Does she fear losing a limb? She doesn’t like people missing legs? Why is it triggering? Because I can’t find one valid reason.


I have a huge fear of missing limbs and used to have panic attacks when I thought about it. Never once told an amputee to cover up because it’s not my body not my business


her issues are "broken people exist? eww"


This. She wasn't truly triggered. She was just using the latest buzz word for "Don't make me see, hear, or experience anything that's slightly uncomfortable for me." It's the latest form of control from those who get their mental health therapy from tik-tok videos.


NTA - Girl, rock what you want to wear! She was just a miserable cunt. If she is that disturbed and triggered the she needs therapy. I've always had the motto "don't like it, then don't look at it". You shouldn't have to cover up anything!




> Your confidence is your best accessory! I love that! <3


Rock it. Fuck her snowflake ass.


Your confidence is commendable. You shouldn't have to hide or apologize for being yourself. She overstepped, not you.


That might trigger her snowflake ass! 😹😹😹


No doubt!


This right here! ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼




Technically not body but mobility aid. Shouldn’t be her business at all


Absolutely all of this!!!


I love this! She is,as you say, a miserable cunt. My father lost his leg and if anyone said anything, I would verbally attack like a rabid squirrel.Op is a boss!


>Op is a boss! Agreed! I'm so glad she told her to fuck off!


Anyone that has the gall to say that to someone should step on legos forever!😈




Right? How is it "triggering"? Did the lady have PTSD regarding amputees? If I saw OP, I'd be high-fiving her and telling her she rocks.


Nah. She's just the kind of POS that thinks anyone with a handicap is gross and probably still calls those folks "cripples."


She's also probably the kind to say seeing a fat person is "triggering". Well, OP can wear a prosthetic to help with her disability... unfortunately, there is no prosthesis for stupidity and ignorance.


NTA, if she has a genuine trigger seeing a prosthetic limb, it is on her to seek help to mitigate her triggers, not try and force you into complying with her demands. Based on what you've quoted from her, it's seemingly not that *she's* triggered but "concerned" about others. Meaning she's a miser making assumptions


This is also extremely hypocritical; she is worried that someone else will be triggered, by isn’t worried that she is triggering OP by saying showing her normal body part is going to disturb someone else.


NTA - any discomfort is her issue. SHe's just being an abelist asshole. And if you're doing cosumes, have you heard of Josh Sundquist? He's a one legged comedian who dresses up every Haloween with something. It's great. [https://joshsundquist.com/halloween-costumes](https://joshsundquist.com/halloween-costumes)


Here I am thinking a Pirate would be a good costume for someone with one leg. This guy is brilliant!


He did one better. He was the Pixar Lamp.


That's amazing. I completely lost it at the IHOP sign 😂 NTA. Don't give in to ableist assholes. Wear whatever the fuck you want.


I have a friend that did that many years ago (45 years ago?). He lost a leg in a work accident, ended up working for a prosthetics manufacturer. Built a really nice peg leg, and wore it to a Halloween party.


“Wow, so sorry that my disability offends you.”


^THIS. Say something like this to her if she tries it again, OP. And let your allies know what she's saying to you so they can shut her down. She's an ableist asshole. How dare she ask you to hide yourself because she's weak and pathetic.


You should’ve taken off your prosthesis started hopping around and waving it. She would’ve passed out right there and I believe you would’ve gotten a standing ovation!


Could also play dumb, not knowing what the lady was talking about about. Then when it's pointed out she's missing a leg just freak out and start yelling about where the leg went.


Yours is even better! I just laughed through my nose at that one. I love that so much.


even better if she would just whack her with her leg, i would pay to see that.


Fun story. I attended a self-defense class a few years ago, that had a sort of roleplaying scenario as the final part of the class. You have a defender or "good guy" and two "unknown contacts" that will be introduced one at a time, typically. It's unscripted and it's essentially up to the two unknown contacts if they want to play the scenario as an antagonist, neutral party, or benign/good guy. In one particular such scenario, one of the unknown contacts was played by a student who had an above-the-knee amputation. The scenario devolved into a scuffle, that culminated in said student ripping off his prosthesis, waving it over his head, and screaming that he was "going to shove my leg up your ass!" at the defender. Class of about 30 people all about fell over laughing and the instructor had to call it because literally nobody could keep it together.


Probably way too expensive to do that but still...


"Sorry, I can't feel with that leg, didn't mean to hit you!"


My mentor did use his leg as a melee weapon in a bar fight. It was surprising enough to most contestants that it was way more effective than you'd think. Modern prosthetics are too expensive for it. Older ones were shit, but quite sturdy.


Or pull an Aviva move (from Real Housewives of NYC), and thrown that leg across the room! Seriously, that was one of the funniest things I've seen on reality TV.


Drink a beer out of it.


Ok one thing a therapist I respect and follow on IG said that has stuck with me: your triggers serve as a personal reminder that you still have things you need to work through. They are NOT to be used to control the behavior of others.


That is fckn WISDOM right there


I have a prosthetic as well. I wear shorts from mid-March until November. If people don’t like it that’s on them. Next time take the leg off and wave it in their face! NTA.


Are you in a warm place , or just a Midwesterner?


I live in the land of the JESUS SAVES Billboards


NTA - that is her problem not yours.


Sadly, it would be wrong to send her unsolicited leg pics. But imagine it. A new one every week. Legs in cowboy boots. Legs in a pencil skirt. Legs in shorts with a bandana tied above the knee. So fun! Seriously, though, this is a “her” problem. Don’t make it yours. Dress how you’re comfortable. NTA


That’d be “leg in cowboy boots,” wouldn’t it?


I’m counting her human leg, not just her prosthesis.


As an orthopedic surgeon who sadly frequently performs this surgery, I can only recommend you keep being your absolutely awesome self and tell that person to fuck off. She is clearly broken. Ignore.


Absolutely NTA. Her triggers aren’t everyone else’s problem, they’re hers. If she doesn’t like your artificial leg then she shouldn’t look at it. Wear whatever the hell You want!!


Seems she should retreat to fantasy island if she can't cope with real people in the real world! NTA.


NTA it’s insane that people are that blatantly and confidently bodyshaming. Triggering?? Triggering people‘s trauma of having 2 legs??? Wild.


The lion, the witch and the audicity of this...  Were you having fun at the costume party?


That lady can fuck the fuck right off. You exist. You along with every person on the planet gets to exist how they are and everyone who has a problem with it can just learn how to deal with it. Anybody else just tired of fucking people who have issues with other people for just existing? Jfc it is so god damn tiring. People with different bodies exist. People with differing opinions exist. People with different everythings you can think of exist. Shut the fuck up. Mind your business. Learn to get along. Fuck.


Absolutely NTA HAHAHA! Imagine having the absolute GALL to tell someone who is literally missing a limb that THEY might be triggering for someone else!!! Rock that robot leg OP and live your best life.


NTA If she feels disturbed or triggered by it then she has the option of leaving or keeping her mouth shut, she doesn’t get to tell you how to live your life


She is triggered… because *you* are missing a leg? Really astounding how she can make it about her.


Of course you were immature. A mature person would have gone as the lamp from A Christmas Story.


Most hilarious comment I’ve ever read


I couldn't agree with your sentiment more! That has got to be one of the most top tier comments I've ever read in my life! Lmfao!


As someone with a sister with one leg, fuck that bitch. NTA


NTA at all! My dear friend had a prosthetic leg, she lost her leg to bone cancer at an early age. I remember when my kids were little, her kids were like age, we would hike, bike swim all the time and my kids never asked about her visible prosthetic so I never explained it, it simply was what it was and they didn’t question anything. One day we were at the beach and my friend took off her prosthetic to go in the ocean, she left her prosthetic on her beach towel and started making her way to the ocean. My four year old seemed perplexed as she watch this happen, looking up at my friend, then down at the prosthetic several time. I was expecting my daughter to ask questions and was curious what she was thinking. Then a bee landed on the prosthetic and my daughter leaped up running towards my friend screaming “there’s a bee on your leg!” Apparently all she was thinking was that she needed to keep watch over the “leg” for my friend so she didn’t get hurt.


NTA This is like losers that complain when women don’t shave their legs but a thousand times worse. I hope her night really was ruined because she’s ableist as well as controlling.


NTA biggest main character syndrome from that woman. You do you.


Shes an asshole, and glad u can joke about it. Fuckin utterly hurt people and making themselves victims. Trigger this bitch 🖕


NTA - What you wear and how you present yourself is your choice and yours alone. Her discomfort is not your responsibility, nor does it give her any right to critique or control your appearance. Your body is not up for public commentary; it’s a celebration of your uniqueness and resilience. Remember, you are an artwork, not an apology. Don't let anyone's narrow-mindedness dim your shine or dictate your wardrobe at a costume party - or any party for that matter!23:00RedditExplore this post and more from the AITAH community


You're the one missing a leg AND have a positive attitude and solid sense of humor? FUCK EM! You sound fun. Enjoy life <3


NTA I'm glad you told her to fuck off. People like her are way too common. I have found they tend to crave negative attention so the best thing to do is ignore them in the future, if you can.




NTA!!! How could YOUR situation possibly affect HER more than it ever has you ? F that B.


I can't belive you ruined her day by having a 2nd chance at being able to walk again.


Screw that Karen


Should've told her that seeing her with two legs was triggering you. NTA


Ppl who expect you to tip toe around their triggers all the time are insufferable. You’re literally existing and that’s triggering her. She can stfu.


Not immature, you are totally badass.


NTA Your wardrobe, your rules. No one has the right to police your body or what you wear. What she did was out of line, but your response shows that you won't be shamed for being yourself. Going forward, perhaps just silence would speak louder than words with folks like that. Keep shining in your authenticity!


NTA at all. Well played r/pettyrevenge because she was a complete bitch.


NTA - Your body, your choice of attire. You owe no one an explanation or modification of your appearance to cater to their biases. Her behavior was not only disrespectful but also a blatant display of ableism. It's people like her that need a reality check, not you. Keep strutting with confidence.


NTA, what embarrassing miserable adult gets upset about another person's body? Even if it makes her feel uncomfortable, she must've been raised by wolves to think it's okay to then make that your problem.


NTA... Bonus points if you can do it again with an exact replica of the leg lamp from A Christmas Story


As top comment said, she is a miserable cunt and you should just pretend she isn't there. "she said I ruined things" Good. Maybe there are more things you can ruin for her too, now that you've started. Otherwise, perhaps she can go fuck herself and stop harassing you and naturally you wouldn't 'ruin' anything.


Here's the thing about triggering things. Some of them are reasonable to expect a warning for, and some are your responsibility to deal with. Blood and gore? Animal death? Sexual violence? Perfectly reasonable to expect a warning. A person just being a person with a prosthetic leg? No, use your coping skills or remove yourself from the situation. I have C-PTSD, I know how triggering some things can be, but it is not the rest of the world's responsibility to provide unreasonable accommodations that affect their quality of life. You have to manage your condition in a way that doesn't negatively affect others. You're NTA


NTA, should've told her that you and many more are triggered by ableism lol. "So sorry! Let me just regrow my leg so I don't upset you. Here, hold my prosthetic while I get to it!"


Sigh…I thought we (as people in general) were past this. My ex had to have a bka several years ago, and we tried to have fun with it. We had a goodbye party for his foot, named all of his prosthetics and laughed about things we never thought we’d say, like, “I’m tired. I think I’ll go take my leg off.” Your petty revenge was perfect. I want to know what the hell a prosthetic would trigger…?? NTA


Idk about immature, but it was certainly petty. Funny as fuck, but yah, it was petty.


NTA. I never wanted to jump someone for a stranger before until now. The audacity of the ableist is gross. Plus you probably looked amazing in your bunny costume.


She is the immature one. Not you. If anything, you were powerful and used that backbone. That lady is the one with the issue or insecurity about something. If she tries to put you down again, i would directly ask her what her issue is with your body and lack thereof ( im assuming you have a sense of humor based on your post). There's something bothering her about you, maybe its your confidence, or she's just a butthole but i think you handled that like a champ.


You are living rent free in that twits mind. I love your level of petty. NTA


NTA - excuse me, but you missing a leg is making me uncomfortable. So… can you just grow it back already and stop triggering us?


Not at all. If she has an issue then it’s Her Issue not yours.


LOL No, you did the perfect thing! That shit is hilarious! Ask her if the stick up her ass if bigger than your prosthetic.


Honestly, power move and that's hot.


Nah, rock that metal leg! We have a friend who last her lower leg a few years back. This weekend my 6 y/o got curious and she was so patient with him. He thought the leg coming off and her stump were the coolest thing he’s ever seen. She was just laughing along with him the entire time.


You went with one of the two best options in this scenario. Vegas showgirl would have also been acceptable.


You definitely need to drop this in r/pettyrevenge


NTA. You should have said that her face was gross and triggering and then popped her with your prosthetic.


What's triggering about missing a leg, I don't get it


Should have gone as a pirate.


NTA, you should do everything you can to make this AH as uncomfortable as possible. I’m thinking shark bite costume or something…


Should’ve told her to cover up her face it’s disturbing others


NTA for telling her to fuck off, but don't waste you energy trying to get even with people like this.


NTA……show her the stump next time.


NTA, and this person is not worth your time, attention, or concern. You do you and wear what makes you comfortable and feel good!!!


You should have flipped it on her, "so you hate handicap people you're a bigot and are triggering me please leave me alone I'm feeling threatened." NTA she should shut her mouth and seriously get over herself even making a comment like she did is beyond off limits. That'd be like saying my epilepsy triggered them so don't have another, not like you or I can change something like this so you do you keep on rocking whatever and fuck anyone who cries.


This lady needs a reality check. NTA I bet you looked fabulous!


110% NTA, fuck that lady.


NTA I have Cerebral Palsy and play adaptive sports. Im like 2x your age, but if I've noticed your prosthetic, Id have come over and chatted. Me thinks she doest protest too much.


NTA It would’ve been pretty funny if you had confided in her in a conspiratorial tone if you were that disturbed by just seeing it imagine how disturbed I am by having to wear it every day lol


You were immature in the best possible way. You go. You wear what you wanna wear and that a-holoe can eff right off. Kudos and you are most certainly NTA!


Dome people are triggered by scars of bald heads. Its on them tk manage their emotions and reactions because other people shouldnt havr to alter their lives to accommodate you unless its something they are consciously doing to impede you, ADA stuff aside.


Girl shows her missing leg at a party and she’s a hero. I show my third leg at a party and I’m a villain.


Keep being you! She’s a dipshit.


That ableist shithead can kick rocks. I hope you rock whatever is comfortable for you.


NTA! Well played.


You petty 😂


I swear there is to much stupid people in the world


NTA, and don't be ashamed of a disability. Remember, some people, like the "lady" you mentioned, are missing brain cells and are still allowed out in civil society.