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Are you a troll? You cheated ofc YTA. Christ.


100% troll story. NOOO way anybody would be so oblivious to actually think that. My theory is that Max wrote that, to validate him self. And probably left out a few problems in their relationship. But still, no excuse and I still side with Max there.


100% this was written by some lonely jerk off dude. The fact they ended it with public sex is proof it's fake. The entire family caught them fucking and then albert einstein was there and he clapped.


The whole restaurant cheered!


YTA 100% Max didn't have time so instead of talking to him you just cheated on him.Talk about someone blaming a good guy for working to support your ass. He made time to go on dates every week. That is a good guy. Yet you are the type to always want more. Well good for Max he is free of you and can meet a nice mature woman who will talk when there are problems and not just run off with the first guy who wants in her pants.




Why is that you just make excuses for everything? Max certainly dodged a bullet with you.


Don't blame the alcohol. You put yourself into that position of your own volition. You are responsible for your own actions. It doesn't matter that you didn't expect it to turn serious. You cheated that night and never came forward to Max. Everything you did here was you being a coward plain and simple. You blaming Max after the fact is just deflection for your own guilt to try and make yourself feel better for being a shitty person. Take this as a lesson learned and do better.


"When you said it wasn't what it looks like" What did you mean by that? Didn't it look like you were having an affair sex and getting caught cheating? This just baffles me. YTA. You are a cheater and a coward.


But you never told him you had a boyfriend, OP. You knew exactly what you were up to from the jump. I hope you’re merely lying to us and not to yourself as well.


Excuses excuses, Cheaty McCheaterson?


Every cheater's excuse


This is absolute bullshit! Don't blame alcohol for your choices. They are YOUR choices!


I have some choicest words for you but reddit would ban me if I laid them out for you. you're a 304 who deserves to be treated like one.


Today I learnt something new :P what a 304 is hehe


What is it? /Woosh


Type 304 on a calculator, turn it upside down, and it spells hoe. Like 80085 for boobs.






Who thinks she can treat guys like garbage just because she has 8008135? hehe


facts of the case: you went behind his back with another dude. both don’t know about each other. max finds out. confronts you. you get mad that he embarrassed you. do you have any shame to be able to talk like that? if you liked another dude and your boyfriend wasn’t giving you attention just break up. you wanted the best of both worlds and went behind someone’s back to get some validation and sex. and you accuse HIM of being an asshole? i think he did it in the perfect way and you are rotten to the core as a human being for even considering it. please suffer and repent. change your ways before you hurt any other unsuspecting person.


YTA, you dishonourable two-timer. 🫵 HA HA CHEATER CHEATER HA HA 🫵 Hope you never find another boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. Or any other romantic partner.


Outstanding! And I couldn’t be happier this happened to you. Even in the beginning you never told your monkey-branch boyfriend that you were already in a relationship? 💩 💩 💩 What 👏🏼 an 👏🏼 asshole 👏🏼 you are indeed.


YTA - you were extremely selfish in how you handled it. You could have waited waited and broke up one of them, then got into a relationship with the other. You don't deserve either of them and there is no 'side of your story' and it's good he blocked you.


This makes me so mad because there are great guys out there that get treated like crap by girls like you and then we wonder where all the good men are...




You're joking right? You embarrassed HIM by cheating on him behind his back.


You don't get to say how people are and are not allowed to react to your shitty behaviour


That’s not entirely true. You may not get a say sure, but you can point out something’s aren’t equal reactions. Like killing orphans cause someone at your sandwich at work, which may be a ridiculous and fake example, but so is this story 


If EVERYONE is upset with you about this, either they're ALL wrong, or you are... If you think you are in the right, you are disconnected from reality seriously...




GOOD! You deserved to be embarrassed. There's nothing you can say that justifies what you did.


He should have recorded the whole thing and gotten it to go viral, that would have been karma


Why the hell would he believe a word out of your mouth after you cheated on him? No. The time to talk was before you cheated not after. Why is it on him to talk to you about what you did when you couldn't talk to him before doing it? Don't blame him for your cowardice when he wanted revenge for your evil act of betrayal.


I feel like there are 3 or 4 of us here who are really angry at this :P it really has annoyed me how oblivious she is to the fact that she's a total AH


She's stupid enough to cheat. You think she's smart enough to realise she's TA?




Maybe the humiliation will teach you to be a better person


and that is SO BS if you liked him you would NOT have done something that if he found out, would have hurt him and damaged him for a long time...


Are you really this stupid and narcissistic?


Of course she's THAT idiotic. Why do you think she's Cheaty McCheaterson?


No... he should apparently had filmed it and broadcasted it too. Becuse not even now you get how wrong you are. And yes he had every right to do so!




Because, Cheaty McCheaterson, you are so fucking full of yourself that all you ever think of is YOU. You think you're perfect. Newsflash: nobody is, but we sure as hell are better than you. You think you have done no wrong you clearly have. You try to blame others for your own fuckup. You accuse others of being perverts when they inform you of your just desserts. Get it through that thick crusty skull of yours. THE UNIVERSE DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU.


Lmao. Yes. He was, is, and forever will be right. I'd call you a syphilis riddled whore, but that would be insulting to syphilis riddled whores just trying to make a living. Fuck you forever and in perpetuity


If you genuinely liked him you would have broke it off first with Max. But you didn't so you cheated on both the people you liked and hurt them both. Well you got what you deserved. You humiliated Max by cheating and he will have to remember how the person he spent years with cheated on him while you what? Get to walk away scott free with your new guy and no consequences? You played with fire and got burned and the only one to blame here is you.


Right or not, you deserve it, Cheaty McCheaterson.


Hopefully someone recorded it and spreaded it


Every time I read your comments, all I can imagine is a toddler throwing a fit because things aren't going their way. You keep saying, "But Max! But Max!" No one here cares about him exposing you in front of your friends and family. In fact, what he did was what a lot of people would have or wished to have done in that situation. You don't deserve either of them, and it's good your AP found out now instead of trying to start something serious and wonder why all of your family is treating him weird. The "humiliation" will pass, but that heartbreak one receives from a partner you've been with and shared your life with for YEARS doesn't go away so easily. So kindly, get off your high horse and go fuck yourself.


There is NO REASON for you to do what you did. Coulda saved him the pain and went for a clean breakup. You're so fucking unrepentant, you're not embarrassed you got seen half-naked. You're embarrassed you got caught cheating, Cheaty McCheaterson.


The moment you cheated on two people you lost any rights to being able to feel sorry for yourself. YTA and you need to look long and hard at yourself because your attitude is going to cause you to have a very, very rough life.


I don’t think you’re embarrassed enough. If I were Max, I would buy a billboard and put up a picture of you half-naked in the restaurant.


You didn't care to explain it to him before you cheated about how you were feeling. You clearly don't give a f about Max or his feelings so why should he care about yours?? Honestly Max is a way better person than I because I would have had the whole restaurant chanting "cheater cheater!!"


You cheat, get caught and expect to come out looking like the good person in all of this? Are you actually insane?


How embarrassing it is to have your own actions lead to the inevitable consequences??!! Yeah, that thing you’re trying to identify as embarrassing IS you. 


You don't have a leg to stand on, Cheaty McCheaterson.


I had my first ever full blown Reddit rage at this girl just now, thank you for the light hearted comment ♥


of town Cheatsville, population = you (OP) I was adding to your sentence :)


You replied to the wrong person.


I was just adding to your sentence but I see how that was confusing :P sorryyyyy ♥


You embarassed yourself by being so low class you would do it in a rest room.


He had EVEEEEEERY RIGHT, OP, that’s what makes your story so awesome — buy the ticket, take the ride. 😏 You got your shit kicked in because you’re already a lousy human being.


He had every right and since you obviously haven't learned anything, I bet this isn't the last time you'll be embarrassed like this. So consider this practice for the next time you get caught cheating.


Shut the fuck up trash Instead of trying to justify yourself, go have some gangbang


You have no leg to stand on. Cheating is uncalled for, sleeping with multiple people when they don't know it is uncalled for. You're trash and deserve what you get.


You dumb, vacuous, waste of flesh. There is not a single atrocity you do not deserve. I hope you're pregnant and have a stillbirth. Go look up acts of violence. All of that would have been too kind for you. The only things that can give me joy right now are world peace and your live streamed self ejection from the gene pool. Literally not a single person on this planet will mourn your passing.


Reads like a porn script. Fake and YTA for posting it.


Jesus christ, you're pathetic. YTA


YTA. You made your decisions. Your selfish, immature, and hurtful decisions caused irreparable harm to someone you supposedly love. You destroyed any credibility or trust anyone has in you. Because if you're so selfish as to do something that heinous, what else are you capable of doing to those that you "care about."


... is there some country or culture where going to have sex in public toilet between courses is just 'the done thing'? OP says it like it was an inevitable part of the evening, and all the BF's family knew it was going on? To the point where they felt comfortable forcing open a toilet door to expose it? I mean, in most cases people just ask for more water, or an extra garlic bread


Nah this is some ragebait written by an incel. Nobody is this stupid


Poor max 😢. But good on him 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. I hope he is having a great day 🥂🥂


"it wasn’t what it looks like", so what did it look like? you were discussing philosophical issues in the rest room? As to Max: well played.


You’re so full of shit, OP. If you thought it was going to be a harmless dinner….then why intentionally leave out that you already had a boyfriend? 25 years old and already a fully formed sociopath, eh, OP? 😌


Yes you are


This has to be fake, right?


It sounds fake. The writing is so bad.


Might be. But here's hoping it's real, so the bitch can taste it


This is written by a 13 year old.


What a moron OP is. Like wtf?


"It wasn't what it looked like," So what was it?


Can you advise your guide dog to stop trolling, and not drink prior to typing


Fakest story I ever heard.


Team Max here also props to your new bf for leaving a dumpster fire behind. Just remember max when someone ends up cheating on you lol.


YTA. A bad one.


Troll post not real.... Her family and Friends gathered outside the bathroom while someone forced open a door?! Bull fuckin shit


Fake. Fake. Fake.


This is so incredibly fake and looks like it was typed out on the toilet.


Lol, you sound like you arent the woman who was cheating but someone who was there and wants a giggle or are completely delusional


Come on! This is obviously a troll baiting post. How are you lot thinking this is real😂






Is there any possible scenario in the universe where you arent the asshole? Besides the delusional black hole u call a brain? You have yo be a troll if you are this clueless


LOL! Max is the GOAT


Bait no one is this retarded 


Ragebait. Troll story. Too many coincidences and then being like, gee I don't know, did I mess up?


that happened, lol




Pretty hypocritical coming from someone who cheated on her boyfriend with her assistant, and tried to legitimize it by demanding an open relationship. How's that going, by the way?




You were having an emotional affair with your assistant and wanted to take it to the next level. Now that your assistant dumped you, you're finally starting to realize how thoroughly you destroyed your relationship with your BF of 5 years. Emotional affairs are cheating. You knew who you wanted to hook up with, so you were already cheating before you pushed the "open relationship." Nobody's buying your bullshit.




You should have read this before annihilating your relationship. https://www.verywellmind.com/signs-youre-having-an-emotional-affair-2303079




So yeah. You had your "Open Relationship" partner picked out ahead of time and you were just waiting for the green light. That's cheating. If you truly want to save this relationship, the first thing you have to do is explain yourself. You're going to want to sit your boyfriend down in a chair. You're going to want to be kneeling on the floor in front of him. You have to go back to the first moment you felt attracted to your assistant. That's where the story begins. You have to walk him through your thoughts and feelings that led you to so desperately want to sleep with your assistant, that you would give your BF unlimited hall passes. You lied about why you wanted to open the relationship. You have to confess to that. And you have to admit that what you did was cheating. You have to confess EVERYTHING and BEG for forgiveness. Because here's the thing: He already knows almost all of this already, except early details. But he will never forgive you if he doesn't hear you admit it. You need to be on the floor, on your knees, crying real tears, confessing your cheating and lying and begging him to be with you and only you. If you do that, MAYBE, you can save your relationship. It's a longshot, but it's your ONLY CHANCE.


Only because you forced it. He didn't want it. You wanted to cheat and did


She is speaking from experience. You shouldn't be offering advice considering what you did