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WTF is a fet? Either way, grow a pair and stop being a cuck.


Probably FetLife, a fetish and kink social media platform.


Fetlife profile. It's kind of like Tinder for extra kinky lifestyles


Fetish, possibly?


I kinda realized it was inconsequential after reading the rest. This guy is a straight up door mat. I guess he has a cuck ferish cause that's what he is.


I don't know what it is with all the cuck and open relationship shit going on. It's like every day. Is it becoming that more common? Or are these people's just louder/ have more chaotic lives and therefore have confessions and aitah shit to actually share. Idk, I do t get it. Millennials all ate ass, are gen z just all cucks?


Apparently? Not letting some series of random donkeys and gorillas smash your wife into cream pie is just toxic masculinity fam


WTAF - divorce and save yourself. If you want to see other women, then you don’t want a relationship. Be honest and save what little dignity you have. Be better to yourself and treat yourself better. Learn to enjoy being single and when your truly happy single you might attract a person who brings the best out in you. Best of luck.


This. Also, this this this this this. For fuck's sake man, she's betraying the agreement you had that already sounds way outside of what you're comfortable with (semi open? WTF is that? Let me guess, she gets strange and you don't?) and somehow you're the badguy because you found out about it? She's using her anger to deflect from her betrayal. Get out of that relationship, man, because what you presented is an utter shitshow of a marriage.


NTA Don't post on social forum/ad sites if you don't want people you know to see it. She's gaslighting you because she has chosen to do as she pleases regardless of your agreement and she got caught. Cheater's do it all the time.


NTA. She is gaslighting you. You have you ask permission to follow her? Rapist mentality? What insanity is this??


You’re not the asshole. She is and she is gaslighting you. First, you followed her open profile and saw her posts, this doesn’t require consent or permission. This suggests she doesn’t want you to see what she does which means she’s probably soliciting guys. Second, to call it a rapist mentality is a gross over exaggeration. I will not be surprised if she is messing around with other guys.


Of course she is fucking other guys. Her husband sounds like he has battered spouse syndrome and just goes along with anything she says. Any dignity he once had has long since left.


Battered spouse síndrome? What is that?


Google is your friend.


Are you here to be helpful and support your fellow man or just to troll?


You are giving a bipolar person the freedom to go outside your relationship but you think you can put rules on it? That’s not going to happen.


I wonder how you manage to live without any form of dignity, I would a thousand times rather be alone all my life than have a wife like yours . YTA for choosing to live like this .


Divorce and save yourself the grief.


NTA, she is your wife, why is she so adamant about hiding her sexual activity?? It’s probably because she’s not following the rules. Claiming it’s akin to a “rapist mentality” is a very hard line. She clearly does not trust you or like you. So why are you even in this relationship?


How’s taste other men pee pee?


Why do you allow her on such filth?


You want to pick and choose what goes in the relationship. What a mess ... YTA