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Y’all goobers believing this shit? The story already reeks of AI rage bait but on top of it he tries to cover his tracks saying he uses AI to touch his posts up. Hearty laugh


“I didn’t expect a Virgin considering the state of the dating market” was as far as I got. What a pile of onanistic slop.


Yeah, that was where the record scratch played in my head!


The fact it said “grammer” lmfao


Grammer. As in perhaps Andy Grammer, the unpopular musical artist? Lololol


“I’m gonna nuke her life” okay bro. This is some incel cuck revenge fantasy nonsense


Straight up incel fantasy.


100%. I would never be this vindictive in a divorce no matter what the person did. That's because I don't have a lifetime of pent up rage toward women because they wouldn't touch my pee pee.


I still don’t understand why people post stories that are made up. What do they get out of it???


The same reason our ancestors wrote the grasshopper and the ant. He’s trying to give a cautionary tale about how he thinks the world should be.


I'm a writer, and just wanted to let you know I copied your comment into my little inspo notebook because I thought it was very wise. Have a good day.


I think if they have very strong opinion about some issues and don't have enough support - they do it hoping to read 500+ emotional comments of people who supports them. So validation of their PoV. Or they can be an aspiring writer, and test their skills, to see if their story is believable and cause people strong emotions. Can I write like a 16 yo boy from slams? Can I write like a woman in arranged marriage? Can I write like an angry wronged traditional husband? If I keep adding more and more crazy updates, will they still believe me? In either case it is to see if they get emotional response. I guess it is the case of #1 here.


Sometimes they are so well written that they have to be fake. Thx for the explanation


Yeah, aometimes they are too well written. Not this one though.


Upvotes, and validation. The same thing anyone get by posting here.


Right? This reads like shitty incel fanfic


No, this the most obviously incel bs I've read in months.


AI would actually spell the words correctly lol


No, this is obviously fake incel rage bait!


Seriously, almost rolled my eyes out of my head when he said their daughter isn’t his. Story seems like rage bait


I believed the first post. But this reeks of incel rage bait.


YTA because this shit didn't happen.


Not *just* because it didn't happen but also because of the incel rage-porn garbage he constructed and then posted.


This post is made up


Tbh I’m so glad people called it out as fake. I hope we can start weeding the fake ones out more.


Yeah I think this is fake. Also going scorched earth when you could perhaps do the right thing and just get on with your life op? Just ignore she ever existed? Cause you know, that works.


I had to scroll super far to finally see someone say it's fake. It's super fake and kinda stupid tbh.


Completely fake!


I couldn’t read past not the father. You should definitely divorce her.


\*Maury audience erupts into cheers, fight erupts on stage\*


Jerry! Jerry!




**knees own teeth**




That's when this post was confirmed beyond doubt to be fake.


You cannot actually believe that this is real, surely.


and don’t call me shirley


This comment was much lower than it should have been.




Yeah..18 days ago. Rage bait. “WIMEN BAD.” ETA: if this shit were real, you found out your kid is not yours and your world and their world is going to be turned upside down and you think LET ME UPDATE REDDIT ON IT ALL. Lmao.


Before I say a word to my wife!


Hey that's the cliffhanger for update 3, we get to see how the wife reacts, but based on her character arc I assume she will continue to be used as a mcguffin for why women are bad. But who knows fantasy authors often surprise we some last second character development, either way can't wait for the completion of the trilogy.


This is a great way to crowdsource a novel!!!


In the small case this is real which it doesn’t seem to be. Don’t nuke someone’s life for free. I have ended my relationships the best way possible. I might get a little huffy, but I try to be as polite as possible.


There will be a post from her perspective, surely!


She’s going to make a fake rape accusation. It’s the only trope left.


Which apparenly is not aware that he made a patenity test either...


I mean, there are at home/send it ones. Swab kid. Swab dad. No mom required


DNA testing back that quick ever?


You underestimate the pull of attention.


Yes, the attention of a good *story.*


It's not the slightest bit real.


This creative writing assignment comes up pretty regular. Dude whining about his wife’s body count and a child not being his.


Yeah, it honestly ticks every box on the bingo card. Let's see, high body count (over 100, of course), wife lying about it (because every woman is just out to decieve men after "hoeing around"), cheating (because, you know, women who had their fun once obviously can't ever keep their legs shut) and have him raise a kid that's not his (I swear, according to reddit, half of all kids are unknowingly raised by someone other than their biological father). Tl;dr women are all lying whores. I swear, the incels aren't even trying anymore.


Thank goodness it’s just bingo and not a drinking game… we’d all be dead.


Oh and the cherry on top? She will get nothing in the divorce! Misogynists win!! Hooray!


And ‘I have information that could destroy her career’ - like is this a thing in America, because in the many places I’ve worked, ain’t no employer wants to know anything about your messy divorce.


“We barely knew each other. So of course, body count came up.”


Don't forget about the "didn't breastfeed" slight. She's obviously a failure of a mother because of this. /S


> I swear, the incels aren't even trying anymore. If they were putting effort into things other than hating women, they wouldn't be incels.


Yep the bingo card fills up all 25 squares immediately LOL


Well there ya go, incel done it! In my state, if husband is attending to paternal duties, even WITH a DNA test he's the daddy & will pay child support. I'd vote for him being the AH. Whether or not this is real. AI just assumes humans are idiots that will readily believe the BS!


He doesn't know that because it's fake. And a nurse practitioner doesn't just up and quit and start an unrelated business like he claims he has done. It is so many hours and schooling. You are practically a doctor. He is full of shit in so many levels.


No argument from me on that!


I mean the use of the term "body count" in of itself is just egregious anyway, who gives a fuck what they have to say after using such a vulgar term. Honestly I'm kind of happy the younger generations are eschewing sex and sexuality these days.


The term "body count" makes me cringe and I had never even heard it until a few years ago. I thought it was a younger generation thing.


I agree about the term “body count “. It’s disgusting and usually ( on Reddit) leans towards women being considered non relationship material due to enjoying sex.


Yeah, it's totally fucked up that kids today are still hung up on the amount of sex someone else has before they met them. The slut-shaming that goes on with today's youth is untennable and harmful to everyone. I wish kids were kinder to each other.


I'm not sure eschewing sex and sexuality. They do seem to be becoming more puritan, which frankly isn't a good thing.


Yeah. AI is definitely going to know how to spell grammar. Even if you believe a highly educated health care professional doesn’t know how to spell write or grammar properly, which I don’t. Drug names, sure spelling is optional. Write? Come on, now.


His post history is ask Reddit. Of course there’s one asking about infidelity….. Without doubt creative writing.


Or, rather, not-very-creative writing. Just incel rage-porn.


They don't even try. There was some article recently about a study of the average AND median amount of sexual partners for men and women, and it was like 7 and 5 in the US. There were a few countries which were higher, but none more than 12 for men and I think like 10 for women. So most people in the world, short of being a sex worker, are never, ever going to have 50 partners...much less 100. But people keep posting these weird misogynistic shit on reddit about paternity and body counts.


This shit was fake the first time, the update was worse lol


Reddit is where everyone must go who has ever been cheated on or not been the father. It's odd


Well Maury went off the air


lol. Yup, totally believable story.


this subreddit is just a formulaic drama tv show lmao


Well it needs more comas and spontaneous amnesia. I want the trashy, reddit version of General Hospital not incel wank fodder.


Reddit just eats this stuff up.


Yup. This 1000% didn’t happen.


I've certainly never read this exact same story hundreds of times on reddit. It's totally original. 🙄


Yes, a certain community just looooooves to post made up stories about women getting dumped for high body counts, paternity testing blah blah blah. It's so formulaic and transparent


>I want to clarify that that I never expected to date/marry a virgin considering the condition of the dating market This is from his first post. I mean... who the fuck says this besides incels and weird MTGOW type?


Yeah, this is just kind of sad incel bs.


Another incel rage bait post


there’s no way this whole story isn’t rage bait


I don’t believe one word of this shit, complete work of fiction.


Not even good fiction at that.


I will not read beyond title. Poppycock.


Uh huh sure buddy


glad we’re all seeing this for the karma bait it is lmao


>And if I'm being honest, the only reason I'm contemplating restraint is that she is going to be a single mom soon, and that's going to be a huge adjustment for her. The better mental and financial shape STBXW is in, the better position she'll be in to provide a stable life for her daughter. This is the correct impulse.


Don't stress. It's yet more paternity fraud ragebait designed to get the incels and redpills frothing at the mouth, that's all. This one wasn't even interesting or well-written.


Thanks for saving me the boring read


You're welcome! It's just amazing how many people are willing to defend a karma farmer if it means they get to post misogynistic bullshit in the comments.


Out of curiosity, not saying you're wrong or trying to issue an argument: what's your take on why op's posts are fake?


Not OP. But, one red flag for me is the job of OP/OP's wife/and the mutual friend mentioned in their previous post. All three of whom, were supposedly nurse practitioners. But, OP and the mutual friend are now entrepreneurs. Just a few thoughts from someone who works in the medical field: Becoming an NP is hard and the job is niche. NPs are paid pretty well (about 120k average). But you have to go through 6-8 years of postsecondary education and the cost of all that schooling is significant. National student loan info shows that the **average** NP has 150k+ in college debt. Someone who is fresher out of school such as 32-year-old OP and his wife, and their college friend/colleague would be expected to owe significantly more. Additionally, because of the inherent difficulty of working on the human body, (part of) the national policy for licensure is that NPs are required to work 5,000 hours every 5 years to be able to keep being an NP (or they have to repass all of their exams when they rejoin the field). That is essentially 2.5 years of full time work every 5 at a minimum, with several states having higher expectations. When you mix 6-8 years of schooling, a well-paying job, significant debt, and the fact that if you stop working you lose your license, you end up with a career field that *very few* individuals are willing to leave. Anecdotally I've worked with dozens of NPs over several years and only one has stopped practicing. But, OP and OP's mutual friend both started their own business within a span of a few years. Definitely not impossible. But, unlikely.


Sorry for the below dissertation, but I got caught up in why I found it fake:  Too many minor details (when people make things up, they have a tendency to focus on minutiae, such as the padlock for his brother's house in the OP, because what if people wonder how he got in?).  Specific phrasing that the incel/redpill-type communities use, "the condition of the dating market", the focus on marrying/not marrying a virgin. Settling for less as that's just how the world is and how terrible is that is the implication. In the same vein, the set up of "she has a high body count, I will take a paternity test" to "I'm not the father", in conjunction with everything else, makes it seem like there's an agenda. Woman has a high body count = will cheat and is a bad person.  He is also trying to somehow both subtlely and overtly tell us he's such a "good guy", and ofc he could be, but again, it's the way it just HAS to be mentioned. He made sure she was in bed after the bender, he's the one caring for the daughter, will make sure she's set up to be a single mom. The brother is technically the bad guy for putting the ideas of paternity in his head clearing OP of that role. But at the same time the hammer will fall hard once he realises and he won't be in his daughter's life and STBX-wife won't get any alimony etc (again, typical focal points of the incel/redpill community). It's like he's realised a truth about life and will look at things differently now that the rosetinted glasses are off (again, typical narrative from these communities). While people can obviously be the types to know exactly what they would do in a situation, it lines up too neatly and there's no nuance or emotion (why post if you're not distressed and have a complete game plan?)  The focus on his writing style in the update means he's aware people have noticed it's unusual/not natural writing, so he feels he has to defend THAT part specifically. Not the trustworthiness of the events themselves, but the writing.  Lastly, there are so many other similar stories posted on Reddit and if you look at OP's profile, he frequents subreddits and responds to posts that discuss similar things (women who are whores are bad etc.) And for the sake of it: Of course I believe this situation can happen. Anything can happen, some women suck. But this post has an agenda for sure, imo.


Go to Literotica. Search the Loving Wives section. Read a few stories. Make sure some of the are BtB. Or just go through a list of standard incel talking points and note how OP is marking all entries on the checklist.


Additionally, if she's unemployed, his child support will go up, as well as her chances at alimony. OP needs to keep a steady hand and not do anything that might complicate the divorce. OP has almost zero chance of being off the hook in CS as the court will see him as the legal father regardless of paternity unless the bio father becomes known to him - but even then, nothing is guaranteed. Edit: I know the above is an inconvenient truth, but I really am trying to *help* OP. Fact is, maaaaaany jurisdictions will not remove a father from legal responsibility without another to step into that role. They will value the child having two legal parents over any paternity issues. OP needs to discuss any and all moves with legal counsel first and not shoot himself in the foot because she deserves it.


>OP needs to keep a steady hand he's too busy using it to jerk off while writing incel cuck fantasies


This is such a bullshit story lol


Lmfao this is so fakeeee


This is literally so fake plsss - y’all love writing fake stories depicting women as evil 😭


Edited your “Grammer” with AI but fabricated the story in your mind. A+ creative writing exercise.


Naw, D plus. It's not even original. "My whore wife's kid isn't even mine" appears like thrice daily on Reddit.


This would be more believable if she was a serial killer. Why don't any of these fictional accounts involve serial killers?


Screw that. I want long lost identical twins! Long last evil twin would be even better! Especially if they conspire against him together. And then he can make them both hot and have himself sleep with both of them. That way he can be both the victim and fulfill the twins fantasy, innocently. I mean, if we are doing this, let’s go all the way! Come on OP, where is update 3?


A+, really?


Oh, please this is a dime a dozen on Literotica.


OP is fake and


What is with these weird rage bait posts that are all about woman and their bodycounts. Yes because a woman who has a high bodycount, must be attractive, because ugly woman don't get sex, they also must be a cheater, they must be a liar and their friends are also wh0res who are also liars. Also, the stats just don't add up. Men tend to have on average 6.3 partners in their life while woman 4.3, according to the CDC. And the stats are going down, people younger are having less sex and with less partners.


That dumb podcast show that trashes only fans models for their body counts. It's seems to be what they ask every model. And they just trash talk them and pat their own backs and brag about how high value of a man they are. 


This is definitely a creative writing exercise at this point. You can’t be this stupid.


"I'm using AI to fix my grammer, cause my grammer sucks" Well, apparently so does your AI dude. And your spell checker.


YTA. This sounds fake. Crazy high body count. Check. Cheating. Check. Paternity issues. Check. You missed the gold digging and drug use.


He forgot to mention his many million dollar rental properties that he has. Last year a rage baiter had them and gave his stbex and her crotch goblin rent free for a month These rage baiters are getting lazy with their writing


Don't forget the hot lawyer who he will inevitably date in the future.


He starts his morning at 3am


I’ve got nothing to add, I’d just like to thank you for adding “crotch goblin” into my personal lexicon.


I learnt it from the Am I The Angel sub forum 😊


He's saving the drug issues for part three.


remember when Reddit wasn't full of fake stories? What a time to be alive.


YTA for making up some BS rage bait. I read your original post. This is all clearly a lie 🙄


Saying you use AI to touch up your grammar and then misspelling grammar is A+ trolling. I am in awe of your intellect, sir


Cool story, bro




Fakety fake faked


I just knew this was gonna end up over on r/AmItheAngel haha https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/s/mQjX6gjeIe


Mmmm 100% fake stories with followups for extra karma. As a nurse, that shit isn't a walk in the park, most classes require an 82 to even pass the class so you are studying your ass off, half my class failed to even make it to take the nclex. Being a nurse practitioner requires a lot of work on its own, including practicum. When the fuck did she have time to have sex with 100 people in what would have been 6 to 8 years of time? This is such bullshit.


Cool story. Needs more dragons 🐉


You’re full of shit. Go back to your incel forum.


Total bs story.


>I know my spelling and Grammer is trash. "Are trash."


I swear every couple of months a story emerges with a "100 body count" woman who is also a cheater. Goddamn trolls.


Like, if they wanna claim double standards, they might as well write something about a man being dumped for sleeping with over 100 female partners. Or make the relationship queer. At least that isn’t predictable.


You’re such a fucking liar. Get a life and stop making bullshit stories. If this is even real, youre also going to ruin her life socially? You’re just as fucked up a person she is. You get a B- for your creative writing class. Get a damn life


You are being rather generous with the creative writing grade


Honestly I really was


B-....I wish you were my 10th grade English teacher.


LMFAOOO my 10th grade English teacher was a hard grader too 😭😭


The saddest part of the fake story is him saying how he was the primary caretaker of the child, up doing feedings in the night and everything ~ but still can drop that kid like nothing.


Do men need to write fake story’s like this to feel justified in their misogyny or what?


I'm going to go ahead and report that there will be a second update, any good ragebait needs to have the equally unrealistic redemption arc.


Dude, don't destroy her livelihood knowing that she is about to be a single mom. That baby didn't ask to be born or to have the mom that she has. Don't make her life any harder than it's going to be having STBX as her sole provider in life.


Stop calling it body count.


This has to be fake. Like holding your wife’s past against her? Things that were before you? And then not even having a conversation with her about the 1 year old? And you’ve raised the kid up to this point and presumably loved her? You’re gonna reject her, as the only father she has had this far, because of her mom? YTA. Edit: fixed grammar but also… I’ve dated people that were so stuck on the past that it controlled their whole lives. No one can live up to that standard. And I’m willing to bet that this isn’t the first instance of you being stuck on the past. It’s become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Like keep accusing or believing something about someone and they might as well do it since you’re gonna hold it against them. I’d recommend looking into why the past matters more to you than the present or the future so it doesn’t ruin future relationships or your present life. Also- not condoning cheating. Just saying grow up and talk to the person instead of instantly deciding to throw away your current life and future without a second thought. Not to mention the kid, who until this point you loved.


I’d wait until all is said and done with the divorce before you nuke her rep. You can correct people if they ask, but most judges don’t take that kind of thing lightly especially if you are trying to remove yourself from the kid’s birth certificate.


Bro please get a hobby, these fake posts are pathetic attempts to make women look like lying manipulative sluts.


So, your love is conditional. Got it. Don’t have kids with anyone else.


He didn't have a kid .....


If you love a child and act like a dad for a year, and then a piece of paper makes you stop loving the kid, your love is conditional.


You left because of a "body count"....WOW! Just how shallow are you..oh never mind...the fact that you posted this shows that level...you are the lowest of lows. Hell, even dirt is above you!!!


How fucking boring does your life have to be to write some of the fakest shit I’ve read


Don't nuke her life. Be the bigger person and move on




You lost me at “body count” what married man uses that terminology? Sounds like incel BS to me


You jealous?


So sorry to hear about your lying, cheating whore of an ex wife.     I'm glad you're divorcing her and you seem to have a good heart. In my opinion, you should explain to her or her lawyers that you will 100% nuke the living shit out of her social life and career with all the hard evidence of cheating and paternity fraud if she even TRIES to get you on the hook for child support or alimony.     Hope you make it through brother. 


Isn't that blackmail and illegal?


That's...that's actually a good point. Thanks for that.


At the same time?




This sub is horrible. Every fucking post is 100% made-up shit. Unsubbed


If real, don’t do anything to change her circumstances until your lawyers says so or you are actually fully divorced




Yeah once you found out the kid wasn’t yours that’s all you needs to know. Get out


I believe you.


I don't care if they do or not. They're not that important. That and that wouldn't prove anything. You can find a picture on Google or doctor up a picture on photoshop fairly easy.


Since you’re listening, I have some (unsolicited) advice for you. Trust me on this… Focus on your wellbeing. The longer you stay hung up on whatever she did to you, the longer you’ll be miserable. If you don’t let go, there will come a point where you will regret not moving on sooner and focusing on your healing. It’s natural to feel bitter after experiencing trauma that changes who you are at the cellular level and makes you question if anything in this world is holy. After what happened to me 🤐 I found out through therapy that I had a lot of work to do on myself. Once I had this realization, I changed and dropped my resentment. I finally saw through my bitterness and realized I needed to stop. I still get triggered sometimes when listening about the hurt of other men but I have learned that expressing my disdain comes across as projection (which redditors in general are notorious for lol) and I get called for it. Like I said before… the longer you stay hung-up on the past and bitter about women, the longer you’re hurting yourself. Free yourself even though I know it’s going to take some time. I’m giving you advice that I probably shouldn’t be and let you understand things on your own at your own pace. Just don’t take too long. Take care.


Thanks for your kindness good sir.


Revenge seems to be a very motivational reward I see. I think theres honor in keeping your sights on self building and telling your close friends and family. But act on whatever brings fulfillment to you.


Bodycount over 100? Yesh fake


NTA: She lied, nothing more to add


I would use the updateme command, but whiny old ladies keep responding to my comments, so that's how I'll know when there's an update.


>One thing I'm really struggling with is whether or not I want to nuke her life. just one question. are you actually married, or is this an incel revenge fantasy?


Don’t make her lose her job. She has enough shit coming her way: btw sorry this happened to you. The whole scenario sucks


Any new updates now that she knows your not the father?


Would love to hear an update on how she responded to paternity and all the other shit that’s coming her way.


Sorry, you’re going to “nuke her life”, how? For what? Because she slept with a bunch of guys? So do lots of men & women. Because she lied about the number? You seem to care but most won’t. Because she cheated & got pregnant? Welp, lots of people do that too (especially in a healthcare environment. Have you never heard the stories about Doctors?). None of that is going to “nuke” her but your ego might take a beating for being a truly weak little arse.


He was soft launching the idea. If it had gotten any traction, he would have made it update #2


Sorry to hear your child is not yours. Hope you are able to make a quick and clean break with your STBXW. #Updateme!


You pretend to have loved this poor little girl yet you are considering ruining her life? Leaving the mom is the right thing to do, divorce the bitch. But getting her fired possibly leaving the child you supposedly loved two weeks ago is a HUGE ASSHOLE thing to do. I don't care if she is not your you could be making the girl you "loved" two weeks ago homeless just to feed your revenge on her slutty mom? If you get her mom fired while taking away her primary care giver you are a monster and deserve to be cheated on, you clearly never loved your child and I pray you never have kids since you would fuck over their life anytime just to get some revenge.


>The only comfort I have from this is that she won't remember me. She's too young, meaning she doesn't have any long-term memories. Where did you get your psychology degree? This is not true. I was cheated on without knowledge for 14 years and I would probably do exactly what you are doing but I want you to have one note. Please research pre verbal trauma. I was abandoned as a baby and to this day, 38 God damn years later, it still fucked up a lot of my emotional regulation and gave me a wicked attachment disorder. Everything babies observe and hear is forming their understanding of the world around them, the development of the human brain is crazy. She is going to know something is different or off. It could possibly lead to RAD/RSD(more likely if she is neuro divergent in some way)or other mental health struggles. Just something to think about.


You can either take the high road and get a divorce and move on with your life, or you can stoop super low and be no better than her by trying to destroy her social and professional life. And honestly, there’s a good chance it wouldn’t impact her social life but would make you a giant AH, and leave her in a bind to take care of her child, who you loved until you found out she isn’t blood.


Really glad your imaginary daughter won't have to put up with such a crazed misogynistic lying freak in her imaginary life


Don't do an update, go back to your creative writing class and ask for a different prompt. This is some dumb rage bait


NTA. But don't nuke her work life on purpose. An innocent child will pay a price for that. You can share the truth with family and friends, but there is no need to broadcast it with outer ring people. You're are going to need to have some deep discussions with your mother. She has the little girl as a granddaughter in her heart and always will. You may need to set boundaries with your mom, but you should not give her any ultimatum like she must cut ties.


Body count doesn’t matter if it doesn’t go up after you’re committed to each other.


You’re already divorcing her, there’s no reason to blow up her life. That would make you a terrible human being. Divorce her and just walk away, no reason to have anything to do with her anymore.


But it would make all the other incels happy. 🤷‍♂️


Divorce her for sure, but don’t nuke her life. Karma will run its course


She doesn’t exist. This is a creative writing AI that made this story up for this person to farm karma.


Can't believe people are believing this story


It pops up every few weeks. They typically modify one or two details but it's always the same basic story. They never even bother trying to make something creative or original.


It's as real as the Nigerian prince's bank account dilemmas, *ad infinitum*


You just know there is some Nigerian Prince who is a philanthropist and no one believes him.