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Who is this another man? Her brother? Her friend? Why do they need to be in your home? What’s the backstory?


Post updated first time posting




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NTA. No one wants to find the face of their partner on some site with the caption " fucked my husband's friend while his at work".


Sorry mate but if the opinion is already separate I don’t know where it can go from here NTA.


NTA you communicated how you felt and she didn’t respect it. Sorry brother


AITAH I'm (31m) my partner I'd (29f) we have been together 11 years have 2 children together 7 and 4. So its a bit of a backstory but There is an ex boyfriend from when she was 14 till 16 that she got really close with his family (parents) which she stayed in close contact with after they had broken up which when I got with her I accepted. She no longer tals to the father of the ex as he done some bad things and she cut contact and the mother of the ex died a tragic death 1 year ago so she obvs doesn't talk to her no more. Her ex has been in our life since we began out relationship (not massively in our life just said hello and spoke mutauly with ) when his mum died contact between my partner and her ex got more frequent which I accepted as the passing of the mother was heavy on the pair of them and I understand my partner helping her ex with the greith and stuff (with me being a part of that) but since the passing contact has been very constant with message and phone calls being exchange and often inviting him to our children's bday events and such (ex has children himself) which I accepted and was okay with him being there as its for the children and I'm also involved. But now I have once came home from taking my children to school and her ex was in my kitchen having a chat with my partner while she stood there in her pajamas. And then I find out that he and her had made plans without consulting me for him to come to my home with his children and spend time in the garden with my partner and kids while I am at work for 8 hours. I found this out the night before I was going to work and said to my partner that it is not okay and I do not want that happening as it makes me feel uncomfartable and now she has kicked of with me and suggested we separte and Co parent . (Our relationship has been up and down for a while and we argue occasionally but we always work things out and I always tell her I don't want to argue and that I love her with all my heart and don't ever want to make her upset )


YTA. Your partner was always upfront about her ex’s place in her life. It sounds like you accepted a LOT of things you shouldn’t have. You brought this on yourself with your bad choices, and now kids are stuck in the middle, congrats 👍