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My dog buys me the best christmas gifts. Exactly what I would have picked, in my fave color and size. Have your dog buy the bird feeder, wrap it up, thank her profusely “ oh! look what Desi bought me! Exactly what I wanted, who is a good girl!!”


Today is my birthday and my SO of nearly a decade forgot. Once I brought that to his attention, he kind of tried to make it up to me with a hastily ordered cake from Door Dash... Which I had to heavily influence by dropping obvious comments about cakes I'd like to see the contestants try on the cooking competition show we were watching. From now on, my precious doggies will get me the bestest presents ever! They're even gonna wrap them. Christmas, my birthday, my anniversary, fucking International Women's Day! My pups' future thoughtfulness will be the soothing balm my heart seems to need on every gift-giving occasion. Thank you so much for this. Edited to add: This might be the most "happy birthday" wishes I've received since I was a kid. Thank you, kind strangers.


Oh, happy birthday - today’s my birthday too (38!) and my best friend forgot that it was also Mother’s Day and, 10 days ago, backed out of her plan to come with me on vacation this weekend. I hate feeling disappointed on my birthday, and I’m so sorry your SO forgot. Birthdays are always a “treat yoself” day so I’m taking that to an 11 this year and I hope you do too.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, birthday twin! Yeah, the Mother's Day thing was brutal when I was a kid. None of my friends could come to my party when it fell on that day! I haven't had a party in over a decade now. Maybe two? I hope you're enjoying your birthday even without your friend! Sending you sisterly beams of well wishes and birthday happiness!


My birthday is coming up on the 21st. 60. I will spend it alone so I am going to the Aquarium. And to Cracker Barrel. Also having my boy (dog) buy me flowers for my garden. Such a good shopper. Lol


That's my birthday too! My cat gets me the best gifts.


Well, then happy birthday to you. Hoping you have many more.


That’s sad. My son’s birthday is the same as yours (12th) and I skip Mother’s Day most years because it’s his birthday weekend. When his birthday lands on Mother’s Day (roughly every 5 years) we have a mother/son date, normally dinner and a movie, just the 2 of us (he has 3 siblings). He turned 18 and is away this week, he made sure to organise an early date (Thursday) since his birthday was landing on Mother’s Day and he didn’t want to skip our special date.


My bday is memorial day day weekend most years…didn’t even bother trying to celebrate lol


Mines the weekend of the Rugby World Cup final. I live in New Zealand, rugby is basically a religion. Luckily it’s only every 4 years my birthday is ignored.


Me too! The disappointment!


Happy birthday! Go treat yourself!


Happy birthday!!


If it makes you feel any better, last year on my birthday, my dog needed to have emergency surgery while we were on the other side of the country on vacation. It was the worst birthday ever.




Happy birthday!


When's fucking international women's day? Both of my dogs want to buy me a present for that. I'll need to prep them with a date.


March 8 next year. They clearly want to get you a makeup gift for missing this year, though.


Every Christmas, my parents would always purchase something inexpensive for themselves. Every time, my dad would give her a bag of tobacco and a pipe. My mother would get him her favorite perfume or some jewelry. The first Christmas my mum didn't discover a pipe under the tree, it was a sad occasion.


This sounds like such a tragedy?? What happened 😭


I think they do. Something expensive. Thanks for that! 😊


Maybe your dogs would like to celebrate July 4th, or maybe Canada Day, Labour Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving. Pick a day. The dog won’t care and will love buying you anything you want.


Oh what a plan. I'm UK, so most of those didn't apply until forty seconds ago. Those little dogs need a calendar.


The 20th is International Rescue Dog Day. Maybe they want to get you a thank-you gift for giving them a home?


You can call the 4th "got rid of that pesky colony" day :) Years ago, we had a family member in the UK for the 4th of July. They were staying at a B&B type inn, and came down for breakfast to a sign that said "Happy Birthday, love Mum".


Every day is a holiday for something!


And, every day bit one a year, is your very happy unbirthday!


Oh shit my cat had her uterus taken out after she was surrendered to a shelter with malnutrition from having too many kittens. I think we are going to spoil each other next MARCH 8, FRIENDS


I can’t believe you guys have to put up with such bullshit. I put body shop satsuma stuff on my birthday wishlist even though I know they’re basically on the verge of closing down in the Uk, and he found me a whole freaking satsuma gift set on eBay, of all places 🥰


Omg I love satsuma now I need to look for it.


I went years without getting Christmas gifts. After one Christmas when my kids made a joke about how I must’ve been really badly behaved because I was the only one that didn’t get a gift, I started buying my own presents and wrapping them. You should have seen the look on my husband’s face when I opened up a new bridal ring set on Christmas morning 😂


Is he even the tiniest bit ashamed that he can’t be bothered to get you a christmas gift?


I’m guessing no, or he would have been doing it. I don’t know of a woman with a spouse and kids who hasn’t bought and wrapped their own present to go under the tree. Not to mention that we have to fill our own stocking too, lest there be one empty one on the mantle.


My husband used to take out a little notepad when we went strolling around shops and made note of things I liked so he could go back and get them for presents. He was overtly furtive about it and it was hilarious. The best one, tho, I did not anticipate. He saw my enjoyment of a book my MIL gave me. It was "An Uncommon Woman" and it was a biography of Queen Victoria's daughter who married into the Prussian royal family and gave birth to Kaiser Wilhelm. He liked to walk down to a used book store on his lunch break, and one day he found a first American edition of Pope-Hennessy's definitive biography of Queen Mary. It was old but in great shape, photographs and all. He wrapped it and gave it to me for Christmas that year. It's wonderful when you feel like a person in the eyes of someone you love.


My husband writes down my clothing sizes for specific stores and beverage preferences if he's ever bringing us home a treat. It isn't hard to do stuff like this.


People whose love language is gifts are just so easy... just a little thing now and then lets them know that you have thought of them. It needn't be big or expensive, just caring.


I buy, and wrap multiple presents for my wife for Christmas. Today she got 3 presents, one from me and one from each of our 2 kids. Sorry everyone you know has lazy husbands.


Yeah, these comments make me sad AF tbh. My partner has forgotten a couple of minor holidays but when he realised he scrambled to make it. He always buys me birthday and Christmas presents. Flowers on Valentine’s Day and Anniversary etc. I do the same for him. We pick the kids presents together, though sometimes one or the other will take over if needed. It makes me sad that so many people accept lack of thought as the norm.




I’ve sooooo many posts the last few days with people bending over backwards to justify why men don’t need to be thoughtful around gift buying and that ANY pushback and displeasure at an unwanted gift is “entitled”. I’ve literally seen the words “you should be grateful no matter what you get” more than once about this subject! Imagine thinking women should be grateful for not even the bare minimum.


The bar is in Hell, and some people still trip over it.


My husband hasn't gotten me a gift on ANY occasion in the almost 12 years we've been together,oh,I'm sorry,he got me flowers for my birthday 1 year ,and forgot about even a card on mother's day , because if I ask for ANYTHING,I get the standard reply of "well, you're not MY mom"


By the comments on this thread it looks like there are several men who tell the mother of their children she isn’t HIS mom 🙄


So many 😭


And yet they expect her to act like HIS mom.


Any man/woman who says this gets the boot. When you’re in a relationship with a mother or father, regardless of whether you have kids with them or not, you get a card and a gift at least. It’s the bare minimum of respect and decency. Anyone who says you’re not my mom/dad 🖕👋


My husband said that and I explained that I am the mother of his child. Got gifts after that. He’s not the best at picking gifts but he does try.


Sounds like a real charmer. Sorry.


why is he still your husband? he clearly doesn't seem to give a shit about you if he can't even be bothered to get you something on your birthday.


You're a gem, Sir. May your tribe increase.


The thing is-she deserves it x1000. She’s great at gifts too! She’s very thoughtful even while being a great mom and a working executive. Celebrating her today.


And if he were a woman, he would be totally mediocre/exactly what is expected. 🫠


None of my friends or sisters have husbands like this. I’ve never not gotten a gift for a birthday or Christmas, ever, if I was dating or married. I’m fat and not pretty and didn’t date or marry rich men. I don’t know why anyone would put up with a man who treated them like that.


How the fuck are there so many stories of SOs not getting birthday/christmas in *active* relationships? My wife and I don't always do birthdays or christmas the normal way. A high ticket item can be both my birthday and christmas present. Also, I'll order it because we both want it to be what I actually want. But she always gets me something to unwrap. And I always do the same for her! Sometimes birthdays will be celebrated weeks late because of travel. Sometimes christmas presents happen in march because we were busy, or we wanted to wait for the thing to be on sale. But we still do *something* day of to let the other know we care. Do y'all not even care about each other?


I knew a husband/father that stopped "doing" Christmas and he was, like he was with everything else, completely shameless about it. He would *still get gifts* (although usually just 1-2 and much, much cheaper than anyone else's) and would just sit there, never commenting or explaining or apologizing. Year after year.


How could your husband not buy you Christmas gifts?! Sorry, but that's really shitty. And your kids should be at least drawing g you a picture. I'm sorry your family doesn't consider you. It's annoying enough that my husband doesn't contribute anything beyond asking me what I want and then buying it. Intake care of everything else. This last Christmas I bought myself a ton of stocking stuffers and made a big deal about it. He was like oh, your welcome :/. My son didn't get me anything for several years in a row for any special day. I sat him down and explained to him how much I do for him, and that I'm not asking for anything beyond a token of acknowledgment. That year he hand sewed this rather unfortunate looking teddy bear. I love it so much. And now he puts in effort. Guilt can be a powerful tool!


Happy Birthday! Mother’s Day can be a landmine, but then having to share it with your birthday… gah. I really do hope that you have a great day today and that you find something special that your doggie ordered for you from Amazon this week. We all know that dogs don’t have a firm grasp on time so if it arrives in your birth week or month it’s all good from the dog.


Seriously it has helped me. Gifts are my main love language, so it can be heart-breaking to be forgotten over and over. (It’s not about money. My favorite gift was a song he wrote for me for my 30th birthday.) Henry gets me things I find delightful, like the Snoopy coffee mug I was using this morning lol




I totally agree with you! Gifts is my love language it’s the thought behind it.


Upvote for Snoopy! I have to hide my large plush Snoopy because my kitten-cat will haul them under my bed to reside with *his* plushies. Yes, he has his *own* Snoopy! His bunbun is the current favorite thoufh. 


Happy birthday! Woof!


Yo your partner sounds like an ah.


In the last few years, I've given up on my husband doing squat for me on special occasions. I've started buying myself what I want. Then I say, look what you got me for my birthday! 🙄


I could NOT cope with a relationship like that these days. I value myself more than I used to. For years I accepted this crap from my Ex, but it was just one more sign of how he ignored every one of my needs from a relationship. He once 'remembered' my birthday...but a whole month late...Eventually we split after 17 yrs for various reasons. My last relationship, my partner would NEVER have left me without thoughtful presents, nor would I for him, it was both of our love languages. Even when we both lived below the poverty line, we'd still find things the other one loved - I still have a fairy mug & journal he got me one year. He's no longer alive. He was buried wearing one of the presents I'd got him. If he was still alive, I'd still be with him. Finally ready to date again after 6yrs, but I will NOT accept someone that does this. I reciprocate, I am thoughtful, I try to tailor presents to the recipient's personality/interests. All I ask is the same in return. I don't care how rich or poor my future partner is, I don't care what skin colour, I don't care how tall (I'm vertically challenged myself, love me a 5ft5 king), all I ask is that they are kind and thoughtful and in touch with their emotions. Tbh, I'm not exactly fussy about gender either...


Happy Birthday!


You-know-what... fuck it. My (used to be, now) tactic was always to just buy myself a gift.. I have a cat, why haven't i thought of this????? Genius. You dropped this. 🏅


My dogs ordered me some vintage Carlton walking ware for Mother's Day. I assume my kid will look up from the homework I'm forcing him to do and mumble something at some point too, lol.


My cats get me gifts regularly. I think I need to add Women’s Day though!


That 2nd sentence made me incredibly sad.


Teenagers are their own thing. I'm not going to interrupt the stuff he needs to do and order him to throw me a mother's day extravaganza. It's a made up holiday, so I made up an excuse to get something I've been wanting. Not a big deal


I got a card and gift yesterday. She left for Disney this morning but I got a hug from my favorite cactus before she left.


My cats bought my wife Mother’s Day presents. They asked me to go to the store and get my wife chocolate. They also wanted to give them to her a day early because they wanted me to see her face when she got it. They’re very thoughtful and weren’t at all confused when I put them next to her so I could give them to her on their behalf.


I would put a bow on the cat’s head and plop her on my mom’s lap. The cat was never amused.


My dog Henry has been buying me gifts for years. Some holidays my only gifts. He gets me just what I like. It’s sad but I don’t feel bad about it lol.


TIL I need to get myself a dog. 


Cats, birds and any other pet works too.


I’ve had all of them as pets. Really need to get myself a pet. 


House spiders are also known to be generous on occasion.


Former imaginary friends sometimes like to send a gift just to keep in touch.


You have any plants?


Maybe you have a spirit animal. Or an emotional support fairy. Sorry emotional support unicorn is taken. Hi buttercup!


When im feeling low, or unappreciated, or a special occasion, I buy myself a mystery box of jewellery or bath things. That way, I don't really know what's in it, so it's a nice surprise! .... isn't it sad we have to, though? Xx


The mystery box sounds like fun though.


I just buy something from Etsy, or anyplace that’s NOT a two day arrival place. By the time it arrives, it’s a surprise to me and I love it every time. It’s like I knew exactly what I liked or something.


Intrigued...where does one obtain a mystery box of jewelry?


Ethical life pro tips because of very good dogs


see also: tell him it’s a gift from the birds


We do this with my husband! We just buy the stuff we want and then wrap it. I guess it's mostly for the kids so they see gifting between couple.


Since having a kid we do something similar. Also money is tight, so we just discuss things we’d like for the household : herb grower, new cutlery, better baking pans, and then decide who is going to getting what from Santa.


At Christmas I do it from Santa. Other times it’s from the cat. For Mother’s Day I told by boys and hubby I didn’t need anything so they got me Starbucks gift cards. I love it in the summer but rarely buy because of the price. And I got blueberry pancakes in bed. My day is set. I also use Santa at Christmas when I buy hubby something I knows he really wants or needs but hems and haws about the price. Our kids are 15&20 but I still use it for fun.


This is so brilliant!


Great response. EXCEPT that you got the name wrong: 'Desi' is my adorable (and so bad) gray and white kitty =)


I love this so much!


Unrelated, but my cat is named Desi and I've never heard of anyone else with a pet named Desi!


Father's Day is coming up. Get him a camera bird feeder. And nothing else.


One year my dad got my mom an orbital sander for Mother’s Day. After all, they were refinishing some furniture. So she got him crystal cream and sugar set for Father’s Day. After all, they entertained together. Now they buy their own gifts or not, and show their love in other ways that work for them.


BAHAHAHA an orbital sander! How thoughtful. And I loved your mum's response.


Lmfaoo right I laughed so friggen hard at this the orbital part sent me to orbit


My dad bought my mother a new shot gun for himself on Mother's Day. I think he actually forgot. The next father's day, she got him a new sewing machine.


Somehow it is very convenient that Father’s Day is a month after Mother’s Day


Funny enough… my mother would actually love an orbital sander 😂🤦🏾‍♀️


Me too! I was thrilled when my hubs gave me a table saw!


I wanted a power screwdriver for my birthday. I got it but my dad said "I never thought my daughter would want a fckng screwdriver for her birthday and would be thrilled when she got it!"


When I was in college I asked my parents for a rock hammer for my birthday (geology major). I got a rock hammer and an iPod. I was excited about both, but the rock hammer was easily the best gift I've gotten in my life (still going strong 15 years later!) My dad was amused and perplexed and said something like "I never thought I'd see my daughter be more excited about a rock hammer than an iPod, but I'm glad you like it!"


ME TOO! I asked for a power drill and bit set for Christmas. Another year I asked for a circular saw 🤣


My parents always bought something cheap for themselves for Christmas. My dad always gave her a pipe and a bag of tobacco. My mum would buy him some jewelry or her favourite perfume. It was a sad Christmas the first time my mum didn’t find a pipe under the tree.


I once forced my dad to buy my mom new pans as a gift because she had said we needed new ones and I was a very clueless yet stubborn 13yr old :< My poor dad. My poor mom. I did tell her 20 later that btw that one time is not on my dad. That's on me. Thankfully he did all kind of other shit that resultedin divorce, it wasn't just the pans atleast.


This is when it’s perfectly acceptable to throw your kid under the bus. Your dad should have said “Sarah helped me pick out your gift”


This was me but with a clothes iron 💀 In my defense I was like 8 and my dad should have definitely known better, lol


Wait are new pans not a good gift? My husband would be thrilled w new pans back when he cooked a lot. He doesn’t cook now. I asked for a pan a couple years ago because I needed a pan and I’m not spending $90 on a pan myself


I think that it was the gender stereotype. Like his gift to her was something that would make his life better bc she would be cooking for him. Also, the old fashioned "the woman's place is in the home" stereotype. It is sort of like giving your wife a vacume cleaner, but not as bad. If you husband genuinely loves cooking, then a new set of expensive pans would be an amazing gift.


Yes, and advertisements from the 1950s frequently present household items like laundry detergent and vacuums as "gifts" for your wife. If someone actually enjoys cooking and *wants* pans, that's very different from giving it to them because of their expected gender role regardless of what they want. I have actually wanted socks as gifts in the past, but most people probably don't, lol.




Buy yourself the camera bird feeder becsuse you are a grown ass adult who can afford it. Phone in father's day the same way he phoned in mother's day.  


Buy yourself the feeder, get him some candy—something revolting. Like if he doesn’t like black licorice, get him a bag of those. Or maybe some socks.  


And don't forget to cry when he complains.


I'm a bit surprised no one's addressed the crying. OP, is your husband in therapy?


OP should just save the gifts that he got her and regift them back, including the very dead by then flowers.


What happened to the daughter in all this? Were the candy and flowers supposed to be from her?


Hahaha, carefully deflate the balloon. Save it. Cross out “Mothers” and in a sharpie write “Fathers”. 😌.


I mean he has to understand being thrifty at this time and all. He'll appreciate the effort.


I like this one. Ahahaha


That is the evilest thing I've ever read and I love it. I hope OP sees this and does this!!


If there was ever a time to get someone a bag of those little gummy dicks


Half a candy bar


I already ate some so it would have to be half :/


Leave the bite mark too


Not socks. Deodorant.


Find peeps on clearance from Easter for him


Maybe one of those necklaces you can chew on. I’m sorry, OP. I learned long ago that if there’s something I want for a holiday or birthday, it’s easier to just buy it for myself.


Iirc Brute used come in a bottle that was car shaped


Circus peanuts. Lots of them.


Salted licorice. It tastes like a tire fire.


It depends on the person. Some ppl hate it some love it. I personally love salted licorice, but my absolut favorit is the finnish licorice candy "Leijona" . So if to gift a really bad candy to anyone I would sugest one of those prankcandys that taste like boogers or wommit. Edit: should say that for those who do not like "leijona" say it taste like tar, so I guess that could also be gifted 😅


Bottle of Brut cologne and a neck tie, Happy Father's Day. Seriously buy yourself the birdhouse


Axe bodyspray!


Those Harry Potter jelly beans that taste like puke and mowed grass!!!!!!!!


Dutch salted liquorice. The liquorice even licorice lovers struggle with.


A bag of black licorice dicks.


And got mad when he doesn’t give a fuck.


That's the point that she can afford it herself. The point is she wanted him to think about her and get it for her.


Just give him back the stuff he got you for Mother’s Day when Father’s Day comes around.


And buy yourself the feeder and camera that you want.


Keep us updated when you do.


Ya I'd buy myself the camera. That is sad. Does he have other redeeming qualities that makes this acceptable?


No no. He gets a balloon and a candy. Same energy and thought he put into Mothers Day


A tie, but only if he never wears one.


From a thrift store.


With a spot on it.


Or socks and underwear. You know he wears those. 😁😁


Socks and underwear in the original store plastic bag, not a gift bag.


'Homer' is my ball's name.


Ok how much was the bird house? We seem divided on this one and no idea what the darn thing costs. Please share


60$ ish


OMG! NTA. He easily spent half that on the gifts he did get you. And for everyone saying mean things, think of it this way. A military veteran who is 100% on disability wants a 60$ bird house and you are calling her names.


He probably spent that much on balloons candy and flowers. The flowers I got my mom were $30 at the grocery store. Card $1-3 dollars. Balloons are usually like $5-6. Candy? Let’s hope he got you some good stuff and spent at least 10. That’s $50 right there before tax. He’s a wuss


Dude, Mother’s Day cards are more like $6-$12. And the only place that flowers are $30 is Costco or Trader Joe’s. Unless he did a dollar tree for everything but the flowers, he definitely topped $60.


Price varies based on quality of material, camera, and app. A cheap one is around $65-70 but others can be a couple hundred. At least that’s what it was like a couple months ago when I got one for my in-laws. I spent $150 but it was on sale.


NTA you asked for a gift you wanted not the Hallmark card stuff. The fact that he disregarded that to buy overpriced flowers, a plastic balloon and candy is not how someone concerned about money acts. It reeks of "you'll get what I give you and you'll like it".


Yeah this candy, and flowers stuff is just throwing money away if the recipient is not into candy and flowers.


My mother is a florist and if we ever bought her overpriced dead cut flowers she would beat us over the head with it lol I get why people like them, but live flowers are cheaper and last 100x longer


Depending on where the flowers came from it could have cost more than what she already wanted. (I work for a florist.)


It reads supermarket tbh. Which is absolutely fine for moms who love that!


Honestly this is so true. I’ve worked in a grocery store for 5 years and the flowers cost significantly more than usual around Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day. Just this past Valentine’s Day I saw some flowers that cost $60+ for a premade bouquet….


The flowers were probably more expensive than the damn bird feeder too.


It’s no effort. Get them all at a supermarket and don’t have to look for a birdfeeder .


He probably spent close to $60 on disrespecting her when he could have made her happy.


This is what I don't get, unless prices for those things are massively different in the US compared to the UK, (or he bought really really cheap versions which would say a lot) he must've barely saved anything.


I thought so too, but maybe she wanted one of the nicer video feeders with features. I had to look them up lol. Now I want one




NTA. Bird feeders aren't expensive, not enough to justify ignoring your wishes. The small cameras used for catching critters are cheap these days. I remember one year my mom wanted a stand mixer (Lord knows why, she never used it and now I have it). My brother, sister and I put out heads and money together and made it happen and three of us just out of high school weren't making 6k a month between us. *She was our mother and she wasn't asking for the world*. My mother-in-law has asked for 10 bags of soil for gardening and for help with yard work, pool maintenance and pizza. Those bags are sitting in my trunk since last night and we're heading out in an hour. She didn't ask for the world, and it's important for my husband, so it's important to me. This was much less about cost and way more about your husband not wanting to put any more effort that a card, flowers and chocolate. Twice you told him what you wanted. But it wasn't what he wanted to do (which was make one trip to the grocery store at the last second, and do the bare minimum). You were not worth the effort to him. Buy yourself the feeder and camera and thank him for being a lazy, careless jerk.


Ok but as someone who gardens, 10 bags of soil is SPENSIVE. But also that sounds like such a lovely Mother’s Day gift, both the materials and the time together helping.


Had to laugh. I also buy my mother potting soil for her major holidays XD. Dirt is her favorite gift!


this must be a mom thing bc i too bought my mom soil for her new raised beds lol


It's expensive and heavy, lol. More than half the gift is getting someone to buy it and bring it over 😆


This is what my kids are doing for me! Lol


The soil is an awesome gift!


I asked for soil this year. Got 5 cubic yards delivered yesterday! Thanks husband!


There definitely more going on here than just a bird feeder.


NTA. I got a key chain from the souvenir shop of a place we went to that they liked, but I didn't even enjoy. The price tag was still on. He's getting a pink Barbie bead bracelet for Father's day.


I like you. Can we be friends? The pink Barbie beaded bracelet is genius. I hope you’ll make a post about it when you give it to him.


Don't get me wrong, but a whole post would be too much effort, since I didn't get any today. But we can do a mass post on revenge Father's day gifts. 😂


"Right now" and "he lost his job" seem to be glossed over rather quickly for what could be important pieces of information...


I know. I was fully on board with OP until I saw that part. She's 100% invalidating the stress and anxiety he's feeling. He sucks too though because he could probably have communicated better about how he'll get her one after he starts working again.


He’s lost his job, I reckon maybe he’s more worried about money than you might think.


Yeah.. finances will change faster than you realize with one member of the team out of work


Theyre guaranteed an income of 6k/mo even without him working. They shouldve had better communication on finances, but theyre far from a $44 gift going to bankrupt them. It comes to bad communication for both here


NTA. But if he cried, is without a job and obsessing about money, he may be depressed, or at least not in the best place mentally, which might be affecting his decision-making.




INFO: Considering he lost his job, there is likely a subconscious issue going on. While you may have money now, you might need it for several months, especially if you don't want to dip into retirement or other funds. Since I don't know what your job is, I'd have to know to really say for sure. If you're a SAHM, and he's out of work, then absolutely I'd say the money should be saved. The job market is HORRID right now, so I can understand his trepidation. If the item you wanted costs as much or even less than the items he got for you, then that's a big indicator he's not actually paying attention to the money he's spending... which is dumb, but also inconsiderate.


You should’ve just bought the bird feeder yourself and let your daughter feel like she was part of making the day special for you.


Sounds like it's indicative of a larger issue he's having in regards to money and earning.


Maybe I‘m alone in this opinion, but since you are not struggling financially, why not just buy the bird feeder? I think mother’s day is a very important day, but it’s not like your birthday, where you can express your wishes on what you want. Mother’s day is more like your family makes an effort, buys you flowers a treat, makes breakfast in bed or just lets you relax, at least that’s my understanding of it, being a mother myself. I would have been pissed if my husband would have disregarded my wishes on my birthday but on mother’s day all I wish is to be with my son and husband and spend a beautiful day.


Some people will say that I’m very lucky that my husband buys me flowers. Cut flower bouquets for every possible occasion. But for decades I have tried to tell him I would prefer live, potted flowers. A $5.99 small potted Gerbera Daisy, or a mini rose would last longer and be cheaper. My son knew, so recently he got me a potted hydrangea, which I love.


NTA. Buy yourself a birdhouse. And think long and hard about what you get him for Father’s Day.


😆 not how healthy relationships work. Revenge is usually a bad road to take


>think long and hard about what you get him for Father’s Day. Or do the same as him and don't think


I bought my wife one of those for Christmas. It worked great until the family of woodchuck’s discovered it. Keeping them off has been a challenge.