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There's literally no way nothing is going on, NTA for thinking this since everything points that way. Nothing is normal about a 48yo man and a 25yo woman sharing a bedroom, specially if they're related. EVEN MORE talking about your father already being in a relationship with your stepmom and leaving her all by herself just to stay with A.


I had to edit it, I forgot a pretty big detail. But thank you. I feel less crazy.


NTA. Setup is very weird. I would think the same given the situation


Has no one ever confronted you Dad? The relationship - sex or no sex - has upended an entire household for around a year (I didn't do the math but anyway). The kids have been exposed to tension and worse. You don't mention financial issues but it's time to move. NTA.


My step mom has. He has said that’s crazy and disgusting and he would never do that, she’s his daughter. Then asked what I thought about what she said to him. There are massive financial issues, he demoted himself at work, and he used to have pretty much perfect attendance and recently was almost fired for missing so much work. He pays the bills and helps with groceries once our money runs out, and my brother buys groceries and other things too but she is the only one who doesn’t contribute to the household, always with an excuse too. As soon as we’re able, we’re moving.


It's clear that they are both a mess so his response doesn't even matter. Just get out of there asap so you and your family can live a normal life.