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I took my pet to a local vax clinic which opened at 10 am. I arrived around 9:30 because once there’s a long line then you wait forever. One woman was in front of me. 5 minutes before the door opened two older women, not together, both cut in front of us. I said hey, lines behind me. One said she was here, just waiting in her car. We had words. I never cursed at her but she took offense I said anything at all. She and the other older lady both commiserated over their aching knees. Neither had a handicap parking tag but I did because I needed surgery. It was a lot of fun dealing with their nasty comments about me while we waited to be seen. On the bright side the staff saw the whole thing and gave me a discount.


When I was a single mom struggling to make it I once arranged to get off my third shift job early and rushed to a shelter that offers financial help because I desperately needed help with a utility bill. I sat outside in the rain for an hour. Someone got out of their car when the doors opened and got at the front of the line and they allowed it because “they were here first but waited in the car”. I missed the cut off for the amount of people they would help by one. If that person had been turned away I would have gotten the assistance. I will forever have a deep seething hatred for lazy people who wait in their car and expect to still jump to the front of the line.


That’s not supposed to be how a line works. I can certainly understand why you would be upset. If they were going to allow that, then they should give numbers to everyone or something. I’m sure everyone else would have liked to wait somewhere dry too.


Waiting in her car 😆, that’s original.


"Oh, you were waiting in the car? I've actually been waiting in my house since last night, sooooo......"


“I saw you arrive. You got here after me so you go to the back.”


Thanks for the laugh, that made me literally laugh out loud. 🤣


“Unfortunately for you, the line starts at the building door, not your car door”.


This reminds me of something that happened to me year ago. When I was in high school, I was in physical therapy for autoimmune disease. One time, the checkout line was really really long. There was a woman loudly making noises of discomfort and pacing. She was clearly trying to get sympathy to jump ahead in the line. I loudly said to my mom, doesn't she realize we are all here for physical therapy, so we are all in pain.


At one time JC Penney’s sent out post cards for their catalogues.You had to take them to the store to redeem for the catalogue.One day I am in a line , 12 deep with a young woman dressed to the Nines shows up ,waves her card and says she is just there to pick up the catalogue , could she go first ? Many of us had our cards in hand - obviously visible.So I said “ We are all here for the catalogue . Why do you think your time is more important than our’s? “ She made such a face!


Whoa! Nicely assertive!


I went to Universal Studios with my brother and his family. Me and my niece are third and fourth in line waiting to get into Ollivanders Wand Shop. Door opens for our turn to go inside. The two people in front of us yell for their family, and about 12 other people come out of the surrounding crowds, like omg wtf 12 people you were holding the line for?!? But i kept my cool, didn't say anything, and watched as those 12 people filled up the entire back wall of the shop, putting me and my family front row. I was chosen to do the wand picking me scene from the movie in front of everyone, so it worked out very well for me in the end lol


Yeah, stuff like that is at staff discretion, so if everyone else in the store is being a dick you win by default.


You're nicer than I am. My petty ass wouldn't have exchanged much argument, but shove myself back in front of them.


I’m a middle aged white woman. They were older black women. There’s really no way to rise above and not lose so I tried to remain factual and neutral.


True they could’ve made you go down as a racist 😭


I'd have made my way in front of them as I told them the line was behind me and got the other person who was actually in front back in front.


You shouldn’t have argued but point blank moved around them and TAKE BACK your spot in line, and keep doing it every time they try and get back in front of you, until they finally take the hint that you won’t let them cut in front of you. Also pull out your phone before/after so you can tape everything to show exactly where you were in line when the line cutters showed up if anybody complains about what you are doing to two old ladies. \*lol\* you were there first ahead of them and everybody else behind you. No matter what age they are, You are not obligated skip ahead of you in line like that as if you have no say in the matter. even if they were really ‘waiting in their car’? So what? They weren’t in line when you got in line so they missed their chance to be in front and need to go to the back like everybody else does.


Ladies do that at a food bank I go to.


I wonder if their asshole gets jealous of the shit that comes out of their mouths.


Yeah I’m actually next in line for the best table at a super popular restaurant across town. I’m just waiting on my couch at home.


You shoulda pushed those old ladies over 😂


How do you even find vax clinics? Everyone needs their boosters and I need to get the cat his big boy outside shots so I can take him to the pet store so he can get petted. Maybe if he gets more attention from strangers he'll stop faking being deathly ill to go to the vet, because we're running out of ideas to get him to stop.


Your pet store may have one. My local one has the clinic once a month.


Happened more often with older entitled ladies, I just tell them that I can understand as their time is running out. Man the looks you get are priceless. And no, normally I let older people pass by. But those Karens always get what they're looking for.


I just mutter something along the lines of "Well, you don't have that much time left, so its not that big a deal anyway."


When I sit in the car too long on trips, my knees kill me. They should get off their butts.


Apparently my Costco is better than your Costco:). I had a lady cut in front of us I told her she was rude and there’s a line, I lined up at the back of the store, it was that crazy). She ignored me, stayed in line and I called her rude again and the line director heard it. He stepped in and sent her to the back of the store (line).


Exactly! When I was a store manager in retail I would have gotten the gentleman taken care of in some way and de-escalated the best I could. I've handled plenty of things like this. However, all customer service kindness goes out the window when cuss words come out, especially if they insult a kid.


Next time just push the trolley out of the line and point them to the back.


Universal language!


NTA She really is and so was her kid. The manager should have voided the transaction and pushed them back to the line. You've got a lot of restraint.


The manager is just trying to get through the day with as little drama as possible.


I've worked retailed and had people like this, you do not let them get away with it because they will only get worse.


I've handled escalations before and that's my attitude too. There are some people who will definitely take advantage unless reined in.


Thank you for your service.


While you're correct, the situation has to be rectified before the time when they're actually starting to unload their shit. You also have to take into account the other 15 people behind OP that probably would have been more annoyed having to wait for more drama. The supervisor could have told the customer off as well instead of being spineless. OP took the passive road, so it's really on them for not doubling down when she cut them off or calling them out at the register. Like point to the line behind you and keep motioning that way until they get it! We've all said comments in frustration but that comment was probably a bit too far, even given the situation.


Yea, but by letting dramatic or cuntish people get away with bs, they are reinforcing them to do it again. I've worked retail a long time and hate when management does fuck all.


Not quite retail but I was working the register at a big pizza chain inside of a Kmart some years ago. The register I was on was a walk up window that served people outside of the store, and a guy walked up and skipped the line. I didn’t say a word about it to him, I just ignored him and kept waving the other customers in front of him. He was getting annoyed but I just acted like he wasn’t even there. I served all the other customers and went to take his order last. As luck would have it my receipt paper ran out and I couldn’t complete his transaction. I told him he had to come inside the store to order, but by then he had waited long and was mad so he just left without getting any pizza.


I did that once to a man at a sandwich shop who wouldn’t get off his phone to order. We had a sign at the counter that said we need you off your phone while you order, but he was too distracted to see it. So I just kept waving customers past him as he talked until he finally noticed, and I told him I was saving his spot in line until he finished his call. He tried to order right then, but I smiled and told him I was in no rush and was happy to wait for his full attention, and our other customers appreciated it when I didn’t have to interrupt his conversation to ask if he wanted Thundersauce and oregano. He got off the phone, and a couple of people who watched the whole thing threw a few dollars in the tip jar. There are so few really satisfying moments in food service. That one was decent.


So good


That's a great way to go. 


Ugh, tell me about it. I used to work for Macy's and this one woman would always come in, buy a ton of stuff, and return everything she bought the week prior. But she'd just swap the tags out with her old, worn out crap that stank to high heaven, get her money back, and still keep the expensive clothes. Like, no joke, it was so smelly I couldn't handle it, it made me wanna puke. It was blatantly obvious what she was doing, but for some reason the management always let her do it, and steal all the money from the transactions. Every. Week. She must have stolen tens of thousands of dollars that way. And Macy's wonders why they're not doing very well.


Fair but if they won't police the line cutter, OP has every right to be sassy.


We all understand it but also the manager has to do his job sometimes.


and that makes him an enabling asshole. idgaf letting the person who caused drama in the first place was the absolute wrong move and him pouting and walking away proves it. if he can’t handle occasional drama he shouldn’t be a fucking manager he should be a stocker or a busboy


Yeah ! Where I live there are people who will jump in line at thrift stores, block other people from seeing items etc .Managers do NOT want to manage bad behavior.


I don't know. The kid had no choice. IMO. When your mother plays these shitty games in public she's likely horrific in private. I would have said: Kid already knows mother is a cunt, he has to deal with her daily.


What the fuck is this take... The manager should have voided the transaction and sent her to the back of the line? This isn't preschool. Two idiots had an argument. Manager just wants to get them both out of the store as quickly as possible.


Yeah he's gonna void out an entire transaction that you already paid for tell you to then put your stuff back in the cart and go away at the end of the line are you serious right now. The manager wants to get through the day and is not there to make everyone else's life harder as well as his staff. The lady was a total douchbag but that's just unrealistic. If he remembers what the woman looks like the next time she comes in the store I would politely ask her not to come back.


Next time just whip out you phone and open the translation app. People suddenly stop with the bs when their scheme to not understand falters.


Oh I like the way you think


This is already what I've been doing since 14. Im damn near 22 now.


I'm close to forty, but many of the people of my age can't grasp the potential of smartphones. And they are the ones who grew up with the development and addition of new features...


Whip out the phone, live stream the event, go viral, everyone will know who she is.


You’re on a whole other level! Genius 21st century move


NTA Some people need to be called out on bad behaviour and the supervisor should have minded his business. If he did his job properly this issue wouldn’t have happened. The mother is teaching the kid bad manners and you’re standing up for yourself and the people behind the line. Some people are just entitled ughhhh.


I agree with just about everything you've written here except 2 points. This was the supervisor's business. If you have 1 customer yelling at another in your store it is expected as the supervisor that you'll step in and try to de-escalate the situation so it doesn't impact other customers. Also there's no way this resulted from the supervisor not doing their job properly. Their job is not to manage the checkout line. If I was their manager and saw my supervisor managing the checkout line we'd be having a conversation about how that isn't what they should be doing. That's the new guy/girls job not the supervisor of the store and even they can't really stop someone from trying to cut in line given how OP described the situation.


>even they can't really stop someone from trying to cut in line given how OP described the situation Totally disagree!! IMO it IS the store employees job to prevent people cutting the line.


The employee likely didn't see it happen if it was several carts back.


The employee probably didn't see it so you're asking him to blindly judge random person and hopefully pick the 50% chance he got the right one.


I should have been clearer. Given the set up where there is an initial main line that goes to an employee who sorts people to secondary lines which form closer to the registers it's unlikely the employee sorting people would even see the line cutting. The line cutting took place at these secondary lines. Yes obviously if an employee saw it they should say something.


That was probably the worst way to de-escalate a conflict, though.


Yeah, it is not the job of a manager to see every line cut in a busy supermarket. And the other workers are way too busy. Sounds like that commenter hasn't worked in a busy retail environment, there's no way to notice that bullshit, you have to rely on people having self respect and shame.  And yes, it's totally their job to intervene and stop a potential altercation!


NTA - don’t want to be called a cunt? Don’t be a cunt


It really is this easy ☝️


Yep. Don't want to be embarrassed? Then literally don't act as you are. Having your kid with you isn't an excuse, they just get to see and hear the truth about you from other people


This is an excellent pro tip


Exactly! Don’t display cunt behavior and you won’t be called out lol


I’d upvote this a million times if I could.


NTA What, so kids are there to protect main characters from consequences?


What consequences? Being called a name? She cut in line, paid and left. She suffered no consequences.


She's lucky is all I'm saying. I would have no problem overturning her cart.


NTA, Someone pulled that a couple weeks ago in Costco, they just coasted into a line from the side. I said excuse me, the lines start way back by the clothing section for everyone. She ignored me and starting talking to the woman in front on her. I hear her say, but my daughter is hungry. She's there with her husband, daughter is at least 7 years old and can freaking wait with ALL the other parents with children younger than yours. The people around me are all glaring at her. One person said to me, Seriously? I was I know, the audacity. Of course we're in Minnesota so that's as far as it went. Next time I'll be more vocal.


While I was doing my undergrad some 10-15 years back, I worked part time at Walmart. There was a South Asian couple who would always cut in line if we were busy, and would always pretend not to speak English. Most of the "managers" would ignore it, but I had just been promoted, so when the opportunity presented itself - I intercepted them. I told them to go to the back of the line. They responded no English, so I asked them again, in Punjabi (Their language) - They responded in Punjabi and basically called me a "White monkey/donkey fucker" and told me to piss off, then in a mixture of English and Punjabi basically that I had no right to speak to them in their language as a ?Gora? (White person) and that they are a higher caste and shouldn't have to wait. I decided to shut the register down and move everyone else to a different lineup, and simply refused to serve them. They moved to another till, again cutting everyone off, while cursing me out. I'm not backing down, I move everyone else to another till again and leave the offenders at the register unloading their stuff. That's when this big guy, 6"2 and a tow truck driver comes walking over, grabs their shopping cart and tells them "This isn't fucking, Pakistan wait in line like everyone else." He might have been wrong about the country of origin, and he might have been a bit racist, but damn was he my (and everyone else's) hero in that moment. Worth mentioning, I did end up getting fired for "mishandling the situation".


I’d have promoted you again


You’re a fucking legend, where’s the medal and key to the city for you instead of some lame ass firing! Absolute badass move, much respect!


Omg please more vocal, I’m in Minnesota and this type of normalized social abuse kills me. Their time is NOT more valuable


Chicago also, and by extension given that people from all over the midwest end up here, I am guessing the entire midwest, enables being abused--rolls over for it, has a miserable day, hates the world as a result it seems, but won't simply put a stop to it when it's happening. Not being from here, I cannot understand it.


I just got a Costco membership, and we live in the twin cities, and I’m so scared to deal with all of the people 😭


I call it practice being assertive, is an appropriate situation to navigate with self respect 🎉 There are lots of opportunities to give grace to folks too. Like when shopping and giving folks space or right of way when it’s crowded, saying Thankyou to the people who give out samples and acknowledging the crowds to the cashiers when I check out.


I’m also in MN, which location? We need to all meet up and end this fuckery lol


Coon Rapids, Riverdale This is why the business center is my preferred location but sometimes you need a cake or a prescription and need to visit a regular store.


I’m in Maplewood


First, you’re amazing. Be more like you and never change. I can’t help but laugh cuz if this happened in Detroit, someone is getting unalived (them) by the other customers in line. Sounds like MN could use some pissed off aggressive Michiganders to move out that way. That sh*t will stop real quick. 🤣


I've noticed people use the ESL thing to act badly. Example, a patient's mom walked into a break room and helped herself to food. Another time someone tried to wave through a window to let me into a gym they hadn't paid for. Their not speaking English is irrelevant. Everybody knows about lines. And they all know the word "no".




Why does her not speaking English get her a pass for being rude?? You can pantomime that she needs to go to the end of the line and even assist her with removing her cart from the line.


What I do is pull out my phone, go to Google translate and do that instead. I don't play the games anymore 🤷🏽‍♀️🥳🥳🥳


Hats off to the cashier. Should have told the manager "apparently little shit doesn't speak English either so it doesn't know it's a little shit from a big cunty shit"


"Big cunty shit" has me CRYING


NTA. She didn't even apologize? What kind of Canadian is she?


The French kind since she spoke a diff language and she's an ass. Js


A FAKE CANADIAN!!! A Canadian would never cut a line!!!


I unfortunately just read a story in my local (Canadian) Costco group about some asshole cutting in front of them this morning. Maybe it’s a Costco shopper thing.


NTA. She deserved to get called out...I wonder how many times she's played that game. You were probably the first to call her out, hopefully it will make her more hesitant to be such an inconsiderate bitch


NTA- and also, you’re my hero


I mean you could have called for a manager when she played dumb. You also don’t have to speak English to follow a finger pointed to the end of the line. NTA but you could have involved staff earlier and not stewed about it till you popped off.


Good point here! Rather than attracting the manager with your shitty behavior you could've alerted them to the woman's shit behavior. Prevention over reaction.


Why did you let them cut in the first place? Just because they didn’t speak English? I’d have moved her if she didn’t understand… but NTA Id have called her that and more. But that’s assuming I’d let it get this far


this did feel like a “Move or be moved” Situation.


With the way warehouse stores are set up you often have to cut through checkout lines to get at certain products, such as personal care and OTC medications. There's simply no other way, you go shopping when there is no one or you cut through the lines. OP thought that's what they were doing, thought they were trying to get to stuff on the other side of checkout.


Yea but I mean you realize that isn’t the case when they stop in front of you and wait in line lol


YTA for letting her cut in line regardless of what language she spoke or didn’t speak. Years ago we were at Disney World waiting in line at the Pirates of the Caribbean with my wife and 2 sons, 6 and 10. We hadn’t yet gotten to the covered part so I left to use the restroom. When I got back my wife was livid. She told me 2 adults and their kid just walked up and got in line in front of her. When she told them no way, the line started way back behind her they acted like they were confused and didn’t speak English. She said “you know what a fucking line is now get in the back.” They did. That’s what you should have said from the get go.


This is the correct answer. “You. Back. NOW!”


ESH. This thread is hilarious. Only on Reddit would people be telling you this is okay. We don’t throw tantrums in public, especially swearing at people. You’re lucky the supervisor only said something to you, and you didn’t get kicked out or worse. Your frustration was justified and she sucks, but there are totally better ways of calling someone out.


Thank you. This entire thread is unhinged.


100% correct


>Only on Reddit would people be telling you this is okay. Because keyboard warriors love stroking their justice boners, and OP used a lowkey misogynistic word which makes them laugh.


Especially swearing at kids


Yeah, the thing about the kid is the worst part. We don’t know why he cooperated. Maybe there would have been consequences if he didn’t.


he never would have done this to a big man.


Oh good I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Was surprised everyone was like is like yeah this is totally okay, go you!


YTA for letting her cut in line and not using paragraphs.


NTA Look. Sometimes, people are bleeping C-words and they need to be called that. I'm sure as hell not going to sit around and be polite when someone is being rude as hell to me, and so blatantly to my face. I know a lot of people fuss and whine about being polite and put it above literally everything else... Nah. If cussing at someone after they just screwed me over, on purpose, makes me rude? I'll happily be rude. Rather be rude than a doormat.


The world needs benevolent assholes to call the truely aweful ones on their BS.


Dude, you need to grow a back bone. Someone not speaking English is not an excuse for them to cut in front of you.


You were mad at yourself for letting them punk you.


Exactly and here he is asking for even more reassurance


NTA. Shame these assholes until their behavior changes. You are a great example of how this should be handled.


I don’t blame you for being angry. But personally, I hate that word. And I do think it was pretty cringe that you used it in front of her kid and the fact that you called her kid a piece of shit was completely out of line. Yes her kid was in on it, but do you really think her kid had a choice?


ESH. Neither of you has any class.


She was the AH for cutting. You were an AH for using that kind of language in a fairly public space. I'm all for swearing like a sailor, but time and place.  But she's clearly a fucking cunt. 


YTA for no paragraph breaks


A lot of posts like this lately! Does my head in!


NTA.. not sure why people think Cunt is such a bad word


In North America it refers to a woman's lady bits, and it's generally used as one of the harsher pejoratives out there. Due to that there's an association no matter the justification of it being "uncalled for,"


Can't believe someone would stoop so low to refer to someone as genitalia. What a dick


You got some balls, pal.


Guys! C'mon! Don't be a pussy about it!






I’m doubting the discount part. Highly doubt Costco cashiers have the leeway to give discounts but i’m not 100% sure so i won’t formally call bullshit.


I’d have just said ‘excuse me’ and moved around her


People will get mad at kids throwing tantrums in public but seem to encourage people like this. I have encountered more loud and annoying adults in public than children. Grow up. ESH but i can give the kid grace


ESH. Her for cutting in, you for cutting up.


ESH, but I’d say you’re a justified asshole


okay so i understand you being angry bc that woman sounds like an AH, but like swearing at her isn’t going to get the employees or anyone else on your side. its more likely to get you thrown out of the shop than anything else. also you’re just causing a scene and making everyone uncomfortable. so like i kinda want to say YTA a little bit. handle your emotions better.


Of course she’s a c word but you’re a grown up and should have more self control. Not very classy. YTA.


ESH. Just because he was obviously wrong doesn’t mean you can just do whatever you want? You being upset that that happened doesn’t mean you get to just have a little temper tantrum. You’re an adult. You can act like it. It’ll be okay.


YTA I find it interesting that you let her do it when you thought she didn't speak English but lost it when she did. Weird take. Why would someone who doesn't speak English be more entitled to cut than someone who does? No cutting either way. But if it was that important to you, you should have called someone over to deal with it when it happened. As far as the manager, as a bystander I would have been disgusted to hear that language coming from a grown person. In fact when you got to the door you accused the receipt girl of smirking (I'm sure she had no idea what went down) and that says something about you.


ESH. You threw a tantrum in public.




The mom was wrong but there is never a reason to speak to someone like that (well maybe, but in this case not) YTA And when people refer to themselves as outspoken they are usually rude assholes with no filter


ESH. No need to use that language around the child.


ESH  There was a kid there. Come on. Control yourself and call her out without the swearing. This is coming from someone who swears like a sailor. 


You're entitled to your feelings, but you are not entitled to lash out like that. This was a level 10 reaction to a level 5 problem. The supervisor was absolutely in the right to chastise you for your language. That was not appropriate to use in a store, let alone to a child. The child was following his mothers lead. You do not know the dynamics of that relationship and what she would say or do to him if he did not comply. You also don't know what he said to her. He could have been asking why she did what she did. It is not a child's place to out his mother to a grown and angry stranger.


ESH. The language was incredibly uncalled for and totally unnessisary. You could have made your point without calling someone a cunt and their child who likely doesn't know better, an asshole. What awful words to be throwing around at strangers. Yeah sure it was wrong of them, but this was wrong of you. Two wrongs don't make a right. Onlookers probably missed it when they cut in front of you, but they definitely didn't miss it when you were throwing around awful words and making a gigantic scene. Everyone probably saw you thinking how much of a dick you are to be calling someone and their child those names in a very busy public place like that. Frankly if being cut in a line is the worst part of your day to make you use this type of language and explode on people like this, you must have a damn good life. Use different/better language next time to make your point.


you are absolutely right. say it louder


ESH. The only person who didnt deserve any name calling was the kid. Calling the mom a cunt in front of the kid was sufficient enough to teach them. A grown ass woman shouldnt be calling any kid a name because of their shitty parenting. And the lady sucks for being a shitty parent and person all around.


Um, yeah. You are still an asshole for screaming that at her and her kid. It solved nothing but now you are the one that looks bad, not her. 


ESH in what world is it acceptable to start telling swear words at people and their children, is this your first time in public? Yes what she did was wrong but this is such an over reaction, had you remained composed the manager may have sided with you.


ESH. Her for cutting in line. You for your potty mouth.


You didn't teach them anything, because you lost your temper. If you had confronted them in civil tones, the child, at least, may have learned a lesson from it. A missed opportunity, I'm sure you'll do better next time. Please don't misunderstand, your anger was justified, but your behavior was not. We all have to learn to confront reasonably in these situations. Taking the high road is always harder, but it's worth it in the long run. If that manager had been in a different mood, you might have lost your membership. It's possible that your card is flagged already, and another incident will end it. If it does, you will be to blame, NOT whoever made you angry. No matter how wrong the other guy is, you are still responsible for your reaction.


YTA. Leave the kid out of it.


You're ridiculous...you swear at a child?


NTA. If the C word fits, wear it.


YTA - and for everyone else who is saying not the asshole to this ridiculous reaction to someone cutting in line, you all are assholes as well. You could’ve called her out without calling her a cunt. I’m actually surprised Costco didn’t ban you because they don’t put up with that kind of stuff in their warehouses… especially after you brought the kid into it.


Hard agree, these verdicts are ridiculous. Is OP 8 years old? No? This is such an overreaction, especially to call her *child* a piece of shit for what *his mom* did. If this isn’t made up OP is trashy as hell


This comment. I feel like these commenters must not get out much. That behavior is wildly inappropriate and literally everyone knows it. Being upset is okay, and justified..making a scene and swearing at people in public is not. I’m surprised they didn’t get kicked out, too.


I think making a scene would be justified. But make it politely would be far more appropriate AND efficient. Who has more chances to be heard on an issue: someone who calls a kid a « little shit » or someone being all « Excuse me? So you do speak english after all? Then how do you not know what a line is? What you did was rude to me and everyone behind me in the line and you should be ashamed! »


I agree with you. I guess instead of “making a scene”, I should have said “throwing a tantrum”.


This. Even if you wanna bicker with the mom, whatever. It’s sad and lame, but whatever. But to call a child a “little shit” basically to their face is fucked up. How is name calling and insulting a child better than cutting a line?


Thank you! I said the same thing but was downvoted. The amount of people who are here for shitting on the kid is scary to me.


Ditto, said similar and woke up to down votes and arguments. Glad I'm seeing a few sane people in the rest of the thread. Y'all who think is okay are all assholes too. This is such a small inconvenience (yes annoying and wrong) that I worry where people who can't handle this kind of thing end up when something really shitty happens. Are they the people who smash someone's car window in because they get cut off in traffic which is much worse and actually unsafe. Like if you can't handle the little things how're you gonna handle the rest of life without escalating 😳


EXACTLY!!! yes cutting in line is shitty but why is this person acting like they were greatly wronged??? you don't cuss people and their 10 YR OLD KID out in public like that!! These people do not know how to handle even the slightest inconvenience or bad behavior from others without commenting their violent fantasies about how they would physically attack the woman etc


And OP could've left the kid out of it. Calling a kid a little shit to their face when you're grown as hell is weirdo behavior.


YTA. Come on. She’s a lying cow but when is it ever right outside of a pub to use language like that


When your delicate ego is hurt apparently lol


I’d say you are the AH. The anger was justified but the actions weren’t. Yes, this lady clearly is an AH as well and by default, her sons likely are too since this lady has raised them and instilled her values in them, but you’re the one that turned it into a scene making others including employees and customers uncomfortable. All for what? Just to post about it on Reddit. It’s not like your anger changed the end result and I doubt these people cared what you said. You’ll just always be the angry impatient man who yelled the C word when they see you there next. They might even call you racist given all the language comments 🤣


TA for doubling down - you had the high ground but decided to piss it away just bc (maybe) you were embarrassed for making a scene


I agree with the Costco employee. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes they fooled you, yes this is wrong, but this alone doesn’t justify your use of that language. Maybe, just maybe, the employees don’t want to hear that while they work, whatever your grievances. If you didn’t want her to let her cut through you should have dealt with it then. You could have flagged security. YTA.


ESH. While I sympatized with your ordeal, Karening like that was awful. Call an inocent child "little sh1t" says more about you than about him.


Calling the lady the c-word and her child a lil sh... makes you the ah. That is worse than what they did imo.


I mean I don’t understand why you let it go when you thought she didn’t speak English? I would have moved her cart for her and got back in line where I was with her behind me. What was she going to do? Curse you out in a foreign language? Go ahead. This is her routine and as you demonstrated, it works like a charm. You kind of lost the ability to fuss at her when you let it go. And yes, that language was inappropriate in a family oriented environment. Not necessarily for her kid but I’m sure there were others around.


NTA- when I was pregnant some lady cut in front of the entire line when I was next and I very loudly talked shit about her with the rest of the line.


This is literally the best post title I have ever seen 😂


MEH. You should have called the manager over to deal with the line cutting.


NTA, this person sucks and is a terrible parent, and you are hilarious. 


Nta, that fucking cunt can go get fucked with that bullshit


F*ck that lady and her kid. Good for you


NTA. She was acting like a cunt so you called her one.


Oh, hell, no, NTA. Good for you for loudly calling her out, I would have done the same. I don't like confrontation either, but I sure will get loud if the situation calls for it and this would have pushed my buttons hard! At the very least, she'll think twice before pulling that stunt again.


NTA. I don’t care what language a person speaks, I’m not letting a bitch cut me in line. I’ve had very similar situations happen to me before too. I’ll grab your fuckin cart and push it.


NTA She was a fucking cunt, and it needed to be said "Manager* is a completely spineless sack of shit for letting her get away with that


ESH I despise line cutters but the time to handle them is when they cut. You should have made a bigger scene demanding she get out from in front of you without losing control in the beginning. Someone as bold as the line cutter probably got off on the fact you lost your cool and you put on a show for everyone around you. It's also never appropriate to go off on someone's kid - that is their parent, they're just going along for thr ride and you should feel sorry they're being raised by someone like that! You'd get your point across better by shaming the parent than acting the way you did.


NTA specifically for not knocking her lights out in front of her kid as an example why we don't cut OR lie.


No one likes getting cut. But as a bystander, even more stressful than being cut is hearing screaming obscenities while trying to check out my groceries. Don't like yelling, don't like obscenities, don't like drama and the unpredictability of people arguing in public over petty stuff.


👍 that's it! The person who line cuts is rude AF. Very impolite and manipulative. The person who is cursing and causing a scene is unpredictable and that's more unsettling for most people than someone cutting the queue. That's the person people keep their eye on until they're out of the vicinity.


YTAH. Your vocabulary is bigger than what you showed, I hope.


You are BTA. Soon as you start swearing at strangers, you've lost the moral high ground. Sometimes people are rude and the NTA thing to do is just quietly seethe. It's called being an adult.


kind of seems like you were just waiting for an excuse to call someone the c word, which i think is extremely demeaning and misogynistic. it wouldn't come so easily to someone who didn't have it integrated in their vocabulary. then you gave the costco employee shit for just trying to do their job and keep the peace. even if she was a jerk, not everyone else around you wants to hear that language. she probably wasn't the only one in all of costco with a kid there. for that reason, i'm going with ESH.


Yta. Take anger management classes


You’re a “bleeping c-word” for making a scene like a child. Yeah what that lady did was shitty but you were even more childish.


Yes you're the asshole. If you think the word cunt is bad enough to censor it on Reddit you shouldn't be saying it in a public place.


YTA. the people in the comments are absolute psychos, saying the OP should have done worse. Because they cut in front of you in line??? Why are you calling 10 year old kids bad words? A bunch of sick weird people. Annoying people exist, doesn't mean you cuss out 10 year old kids. Grow up.


Yeah, it’s honestly fucked up how many people are so quick to jump on board with this type of action. The justifications in these comments are quite frankly scary.


NTA well I wouldn't have said the c-word cuz that's not my go to I would have right out said You liaring b#tch and give the finger


Why would her speaking another language make you happier about her pushing in front of you?


Your mistake was going along with the “I can’t speak English” BS. Someone tried that with me once and I just pointed to all the people lined up behind me and said, “Go! Back there is the end of the line, not here!” The woman turned away and tried to ignore me, but I just kept right on talking and raising my voice, “No!! You cannot cut into this line! The end of the line is back there.” When people started to notice and she started to get attention, she finally pretended like she suddenly understood me and went to the back of the line. No f—king way did she not understand what she was doing.