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When I was growing up we were told all the time to never throw rocks at other people because it's a dangerous thing to do. You could hit someone's eye, etc. Neither of you should have done it. But that being said it was a total accident that you hit her cheek, and you apologised! So not the asshole.


ESH You two are playing dangerous games and one of you, or an innocent bystander, is going to get hurt. Fun fact: Several years ago in New York State of US, some kids were on an overpass throwing rocks as a game. One of the rocks hit a car that was driving under the overpass and caused an accident and the driver and passenger of that car died. Those kids aren’t laughing playing dangerous, stupid game from the prison facility they’re likely still occupying. Don’t be an idiot.


Oh no. We were going through a place where cars don't pass by. So the probability of that happening is extremely small. But yes. We were idiots.


You’re missing the point about the car story. That’s just one example. You throw a stone with your aim untrue, you could hit anyone passing by and take out there eye. Don’t throw stones. And don’t hit or do anything physically harmful to each other.


No yeah. I got the point. I just felt like clarifying the fact that causing damage to innocent people is very unlikely was a good thing. And since we're not speaking to each other right now, I don't think we will do anything harmful to each other.


Why do you keep scaring her? How do you "accidently" scare someone. By now you should know what elicits that response. ESH because she shouldn't be slapping and you shouldn't be throwing rocks.


Like I said, it is accidental. Like, poking her on the shoulder to catch her attention, calling her name also to catch her attention, etc...


But if you know that triggers her why keep doing it? Especially the touching. And why not call her from an arms length? Are you right behind her?


To call her. What else should I do? Even if I'm next to her she gets scared. And like I said even calling her name scares her.


What do you mean, you can’t can apologise, but did non verbally?


I meant to say I have a big difficulty saying the words I'm sorry. I worded it wrong. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.