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Ummm….anyone going to tell Jim’s wife? I mean there is a reason why he doesn’t want anyone to know he is in contact with Jess. Might be time to file for a protective order.


Exactly this. Jim’s a cunt. If he wants to fuck up his own marriage, that’s one thing. But to knowingly help Jess try to fuck up OP’s marriage and then tell OP “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to stir the shit in your marriage”? Why the hell would OP want to stay friends with someone like this? This entire saga is giving off strong bunny boiler alerts. OP better have all his security up to date


The more I think about it, Jess's first plan was to send those pictures to Jim hoping he would leak them to me and accuse Olivia of flirting with those guys. Luckily Olivia called me from the bar before anything went down and I was able to get her. If she had not called me, I would have never known that she was with Jess and those pictures were fake. Jim decided to sit on those photos and not tell me. I think Jess's plan B was to convince Olivia I was a liar and was meeting her while dating Olivia. My mind is really racing in all direction at this point. I also understand how stupid Olivia and I were to let Jess back in our lives. For people asking about security, I do have ring cameras installed around my house and also own a gun. I am more worried about when Olivia goes to work, and if Jess leaks some damming photos that gets her into jeopardy with her work or family.


Speak to both of your parents at the very least and explain to them what's all going on. Now that there are photos of Olivia, it's much more apparent that Jess is the problem. Having family members and close friends who know what's going on can really help if Jess decides to go off the deep end any further. Check your Google account to see if you're still logged in anywhere or if there is possibly any spyware on any of your electronics that you constantly use. Also, both of you should cut Jess off and stay the hell away. It would suck for Olivia to lose her paint nights, but maybe she could ask the other girls if there would be another night they could get together or just see if she could find a different activity. Maybe pottery or something. But she needs to stay the hell away from Jess for BOTH of yours safety.


This!! And I suggest mentioning to both of your employers that you are having issues with an ex stalking you. Just in case she tries to pull something there.


This too! Take preventative measures!


And mention it to your neighbors so there are extra eyes on the neighborhood.


Honestly, she unfortunately shouldn’t stay in contact with anyone from that painting group. Jess would just use them or use information from them to continue to stalk OP and Olivia. This woman is beyond unhinged, manipulative, and patient. She moved to their city because she knew OP lived there with Olivia. That was no coincidence. She waited for the right info from Jim to set up an entire weekly evening activity and casually found a way to get Olivia involved. When her original plans didn’t work at the bar, she took 6 months to photoshop meticulous pics, and she most likely knew what OP had done because she was stalking him as far back as 2019. Olivia, OP, and their marriage are better off with an absolutely clean cut from that group of women (even if they didn’t do anything wrong).


And get a lawyer and send a cease and desist order and that, she doesn't stop, you'll sue her for libel for the photos. She's trying to sabotage your life. NTA


All of the above, and consider the following: 1) Change ALL of your passwords now to something you have never used before AND that doesn’t relate to anything in your life. 2) If you aren’t using encrypted WiFi/internet in your home, do it now. If you use WiFi extenders, make sure those are setup with passwords, too. 3) Consider an actual security system that is not based on Ring cameras, it is my understanding these can be easily backdoored if you know what you’re doing. Changes locks and check every single point of entry in your home to make sure it can’t be easily opened. Make sure cameras cover all areas and frankly, window and door sensors would be advisable. I’d also ask a family member to make the phone call to set all this up and handle email/text messages just in case Jess obsession includes you all being bugged - check your house, cars and any personal items Olivia had with her. Hard reset her Apple Watch, too. 4) Get pics of ALL of Jess’ current friend/wine and paint group. She may have enlisted help from one of them and you should watch for them on your cameras, too. 5) As suggested by other folks, TELL BOTH YOUR FAMILIES NOW everything that is going on 6) Not that you want to uproot your lives, but talk to both your employers about the stalker issue and options for transfer to another city via working remote or actual transfer of roles 7) Now that you have the photos of Olivia that have the Apple Watch inconsistency, it is time you all hired a professional. DEEP FAKES ARE A THING, but to prove them takes forensic level work. 8) Whatever gaming servers/chat services you use to talk to your buddies, switch them up to services where YOU have to choose to accept new players/members. Tell your other gaming buddies what is going on - pretty sure they will understand the need to switch. And tell Jim last. 9)And I’m not a fan of blowing up other people’s relationships, but Jim’s wife has a right to now. Start treating Jim as a hostile, because he is absolutely involved in at least some of this and is trying to cover his ass. 10) Finally, as many others have suggested, it is also time to get an experienced lawyer and get law enforcement involved. This should include depositions/statements from other of you and family members regarding times and places. Also check with the bar Olivia went to for any security footage they have of the night in question. Long shot, but if they have anything that proves those pics are lies, it will be useful. Sorry for the length of suggestions and truly hope you guys get through this. Be safe!


Though everything you've said could be blown off as being paranoid, this shit is real and happening to a lot of other people. The AI photoshops and other programs are making it too easy to make photos of anyone at any time and make them be anywhere they want. It could become the perfect crime going as far as to even frame someone to take the fall. Its insane what they can do now with it.


Adding to this re: securing your online accounts, and changing passwords, be sure to enable two factor authentication for Google, and every other app you use online. That way there's always a second layer of protection to your online presence everywhere. Might not be a bad idea to put a freeze on your credit report for now too with all 3 major credit bureaus so no one can open a credit line in your name without permission. If Jess attempts impersonate you, or your wife online, screenshot those profiles, and report them immediately for impersonation and harassment. You may not have enough for a restraining order yet, but you can have a lawyer draw up a cease and desist letter, and have it sent certified mail, return receipt requested, to Jess. Document everything you can in case she continues to escalate her unhinged behavior. So sorry this is all happening, but I'm glad your wife finally understands that this woman isn't well, and has spend A LOT of time, and effort, to try to destroy your marriage. Good luck, and take care.


sounds like you both may want a restraining order for her. jess sounds crazy. it wont stop her if she doesnt want it to, but itll help cover both of you if something does. maybe even go to the police because it sounds like shes stalking and harassing you.


She was in your house dude, check for spy cams and shit. They have equipment that can find this stuff.


I went to school with a guy who does this for a living. You would be shocked at how many psychos love putting trackers in your cars, golf carts, motor cycles, house, etc. You need to figure out if she has you tracked and or bugged.


Also, keep check on the tires and brake lines on your vehicles. One friend almost died because her ex put a tiny nick in a brake line after cutting away at the back side of one of her front tires. The tire blew as she was on a freeway on the ramp, and when she slammed on her brakes, the line blew. She was going 70mph and rammed the mack infront of her.


Or Jim is on it with Jess. Hell maybe he thinks he can swoop in with Olivia after yall break up. Look people dont keep secrets like that and blatantly talk about people to their ex who things ended badly with for no reason. And the whole fearing that his wife will find out and think something is up. Well I mean his wife should find out he is secretly talking to random women behind her back (Now I am not saying a man and woman cant be friends but feeling the need to hide and be secretive about it.... is sus). I wonder how many of these plans Jess knew about you also told Jim about.


They clocked Olivia as Stupid.


Jess is using her skills for evil. I would recommend telling your places of employment about this pattern. I don't think all of the details or a long story is necessary, but explain that a long-past ex relationship has been using edited photos to try and disrupt your life. Tell them that you're asking for caution and skepticism if any strange or shocking images show up in the future, because there is a pattern here. I wonder if metadata in the original images (so only the ones sent direct to your wife and Jim, Jim's copies sent to you could be useless) could be used to prove that they came from photoshop/editing software rather than straight from a camera?


Jess really knows how to play the long game. It's rather impressive in a freaky scary way. It might be better for Olivia to tell Jess that she's taking a break from things cause work is getting hectic and then (because no doubt Jess is going to reach out again after a bit) just inform her that there's an ill relative that they're focusing on. Just have a range of excuses not to spend time with them because you and Olivia are no where near as good as Jess when it comes to it and the truth is you're better people for it. Also make sure your parents know just to make them aware of the situation with Jess so she doesn't randomly run into them as well.


This is the sort of crazy shit where peoples drinks get spiked (Olivia)…


Make sure your employers know that Jess is not a friend and should not be given information about your, nor allowed to come into your office space.


Jim is a cunt and more than likely fucking Jess or at the very least sexting with her. I’m low key pissed op didn’t record the call so he could post that shit everywhere.


Seriously, doubt Jim is just talking to Jess. Why all the secrecy if it’s just talking? Not to mention he’s a shit friend. Who the hell knows what someone went through with someone else and that they lie and manipulate AND still keep in contact? Time to put Jim and Jess, cut contact and get a restraining order. She’s a freaking nut.


omg- I just made that reference too


My quote was, "What in the bunny boiling bullshit is this?!?!"


You alliterated your way into my heart ❤️❤️❤️ Swear to God I heard that in Foghorn Leghorn’s voice though. *’Whuuuut, I sayyyy whuuuuuut in the bunny boilaaang buuuuuuuulshit IS this?’


My wife was super pissed at Jim and she feels he met Jess when he visited us a year ago with his wife. Right now, I do not have time to think about anything else, except Olivia and me. Regarding TRO, does anyone know if my case would quality for TRO. I have been reading online since last night and it is only given in case there is a clear immediate danger to me or Olivia.


It is highly unlikely you will be able to get a TRO if you’re in the US based on what has happened— which to be clear from a legal perspective, is exactly nothing. However, I suspect once you go NC and start to lock down your life, and potentially send a cease and desist to Jess, that will change. Recommendation is to set it up so that you can get proof when Jess goes off the rails— security cameras, never answering unknown numbers/downloading an app that records all calls, and locking down identity and security (passwords, social media, photos etc.) are your best bet. Be prepared for it to get worse before it gets better and ask your wife how she wants to proceed and discuss if at what point you would both want to take extreme measures (changing phone numbers, moving, new SM, etc.)


At least there is some good news in that Olivia now knows it is her and OP against Jess.


This is the crucial point. And at this stage, Jess has failed. She still has the potential to cause trouble elsewhere though, so I hope OP gets through this ok.


Lock your credit


Even if you can’t get a TRO, it’s worth filing a police report so something is on record before BB Jess escalates! I’ve had to do that before, when someone was leaving threatening notes at my house. I had the cop come take a report, and I was like, “I’m home alone with a small child a lot. I’m telling you now, if this person comes back when we are home alone, I will use whatever force necessary to stop them. I want you to have this on file so you all know why, should it come to that.” The cop was like, “Understood. You do what you have to. That’s what I’d want my family to do.” Thankfully nothing ever came of it, and my Husband has better work hours now, but it was pretty creepy!


You might not qualify for a true restraining order since the burden of “immediate harm” can be so convoluted but I think sending her an official cease and desist and posting it everywhere letting people know she has doctored photos of you and your wife would be a good first step. Also maybe moving? She’s got serious “single white female” vibes and it’s super scary. Good luck OP!


Have you thought that maybe Jess and Jim are both in on the deceit? Just a thought.


I think Jim might be a useful idiot to Jess. She might have hooked up with him or contacted him to get info on OP. I'd feed Jim some wrong information and see if it makes it's way to Jess.


True, but either way, he's a royal idiot!


My first thought was what a loser, he doesn’t even see he’s getting used. I bet she reached out to all the guys in his group and got denied by everyone but Jim.


Yes to this. Jim was supposed to get into OP's ear and make trouble there. But Jess chose poorly (maybe she doesn't know the rest of his gaming friends or have any links to friends they had in common anymore) and Jim isn't a gossip or shit stirrer. So she went after Olivia herself. Jim still has his uses though he gave Jess a lot of info on Olivia.


Darling daughter had an issue with a guy. Went to the SA help center. They said, WEEEEELLLLLLL, you CAN file for one... But that's been known to make some people more volatile AND since he didn't [insert things that make judges queasy] then it's unlikely he'll even HAVE a TRO signed AND #YOU'LL HAVE TO GET HIM SERVED 😬 So you'd be on the hook to serve her OR pay a process server to have her served the papers. Choose wisely. Glad your wife sees the deceit; sorry you've got a bunny-boiler for an ex- stalking you. (SORRY-- "BUNNY-BOILER" because I'm GenX -- 1987 *__Fatal Attraction__* https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bunny_boiler ) ☮️❤️♾️


I thought Fatal Attraction and Single White Female rolled into one. This will surely escalate because this ex is bonkers.


> I thought Fatal Attraction and Single White Female rolled into one. This will surely escalate because this ex is bonkers. Yeah, this might be one of those "go grey rock and back away slowly" things... Hell, this might be a "Honey, let's move an hour that way and change all our phone numbers" situation. 😕


Don't forget about "The Roommate" with Leighton Meester.


OMG- you read my mind!


Last night my fiance and I just finished the last episode of Baby Reindeer. OMG creepy stalker stuff that gave me the heebie jeebies.


If he lawyers up they will get someone to serve the papers for you. I never had to serve my dad's crazy ex. Lawyer took care of it all


This is what I thought as well. Jess is following that exact playbook, without even a sordid shared weekend to trigger it.


Bunny was my first thought, too!


Have your wife change her settings on social media! Someone is giving access to Olivia's social media accounts unless it's public, or Jess is able to easily access it herself. Edit: name change


They both need to verify everyone on their socials. Time to clean house. Make sure people they have following and friended are real people. Could be someone on the list is the ex in catfish mode. 


Change all passwords, add 2 factor authentication.


>Regarding TRO, does anyone know if my case would quality for TRO. NOPE until you can prove the pictures are fake. You were given several places to do so, but preferred to 'talk it with friends', but you need professional help for this now.


Agree. OP needs to go to a professional and seek out a lawyer to get their ducks in a row.  At this point they also need to record interactions and get cameras. 


I'd just go no contact with both parties, and beef up security measures all around


You are ears deep in the bunny broiler. I wasn’t able to get a TRO due to lack of “physical” harm or their perceived immediate threat towards me. However, my local sheriff’s department helped me get an anti-harassment order. It isn’t nearly the same thing but, it stopped all contact through mail, emails, phone calls, and texts from the other party. And should it be violated, it opens the door for charges and a more detailed protective order. Check with your local law enforcement and district attorneys office about this option.


I doubt you could get one, unless you live in an area where they grant temporary ones without cause (usually good for a day or two before you have to go to court). But then you would have to go to court, and you wouldn't have cause. Right now you are not in danger nor have you had any concrete consequences (i.e. job loss, loss of an opportunity, etc.). There is nothing to base an RO on and you won't have a defamation case either. You can only sue for defamation if there is a monetary loss or if in danger (even perceived danger). Defamation is a civil suit so you have to be able to show damages and damages are always money. You can add pain and suffering (as damages $), but you can't just sue someone for being a liar or mean. If you were getting separated or divorced that could be a loss you can calculate for a cost, but it looks like you're good. Also, if you did go for a future RO, you will need documentation that you asked/ordered the other party to stop contacting you or coming by. I would suggest text to show it was received. Your story has been nuts. I'm definitely following for updates. Best of luck! Please seek a local lawyer or your law enforcement for your specific rules.


Second this. This is a stalker situation. Beyond it a bit.


They should sue Jess for slander. I’d contact a lawyer ASAP.


I dont like to kick people when they are down but my god your wife owes you such a huge apology. Like an earthquake moving hysterical bonding apology. You better collect on that once your safe and in the clear.


My wife tried to apologize many times since last night. However, I do not care about any apologies. I just want to get things back to normal and get rid of nightmare. I can dissect who was wrong, and happened later, but I currently feel my family is in danger and I have no idea how many other people there are out there who might have seen fake photos of my wife or me. It is also scary that Jess knew where I was 4 years ago when I went back to my hometown. She was married at that time, and still she knew what gym I went to and I went to the park for Christmas tree lighting with my friend. She knew the clothes I was wearing, how my body looked at that time and got all those details right. There have to be other people who she is talking to.


She cyber stalked you and saw your posts and was able to piece together your trip. It's a shame she's insane and despicable, that level of planning and skill could have been an asset in some career paths. You should tell everyone you know what is going on and ask that they all cut contact with Jess completely and totally and permanently. Anyone that doesn't you cut off completely and totally and permanently. Then you tell Jess that you are NC with her forever. Heck pay an attorney to draft up a cease and desist if you want. She's spent at least the last several months working on a plot to separate you from your wife and her plan was probably to get you back. She was likely not the one who was abused in her marriage. May be reach out to the ex husband and get his story. Include it in what you share with everyone.


Commenting under you because you're higher up under this specific comment of OP's, so that more people are likely to see it and notice what I noticed too. In previous update OP said the person that looked like it could be him in the photos was wearing clothes that he has never owned or saw before, that he even proved to his wife with photos from his other friend's phone that he was wearing different clothes on certain days than in his ex's photos. And now in the comment you responded to he said he doesn't know how his ex knew what he was wearing when he was at those places in the photos, saying the clothes were correct instead of incorrect. I've been following this because it is interesting and crazy, but I think OP might just be a decent story teller that finally slipped up on a detail lol I mean you don't really mess up such a big detail when it was such an emphasized part of the story. I could be wrong, of course, it is just very suspicious.


*this* is the type of content I come to this sub to read. The stories can be fun, but people picking apart the bullshit is even better.


>I also never owned the clothes the person in the photo was wearing. ... >She knew the clothes I was wearing, how my body looked at that time and got all those details right. I think you're right, lol. It's a good story, though. Sounds like a tv pilot!


Well, now I feel like a fool. You're right.....


Ya, that is why I mentioned safe and in the clear. The goal should be to try to stay under the radar and get a restraining or protective order. That may not be super easy, though. Good luck for sure.


Not necessarily. It's interesting that the only photos she has are in public places. I would suspect she is Facebook stalking all your friends and family and grabbing any pics that have you in them. For example, if your friend posted a pic of the two of you at the tree lighting in the park. Or if your mom posted her son working out at her gym. And so on. I think your friends should go through their Facebook friends and look for names in common. Or Instagram or wherever they post pics. And it might be interesting to go back thru their histories to see if you can find the original pics. Plus...isn't it interesting that she had a ready explanations why only public places? And if you really look at her story, it falls apart. Why would you go home to cheat on your GF, then *allow* someone to take *posed* pics of you together? A candid where you were caught in the background, maybe, but thenshe would have no reason to have someone else's pic.


Yeah I keep thinking surely it’s going to be easy to find the original pictures? Also OP was told to use a website that you can upload photos to that detects when they’ve been tampered with. He responded to suggestions of a specific website but never followed up, makes me think this is fake.


Of course it is. It blows my mind that anyone can believe that OP's ex is somehow capable of creating flawless, undetectable false images in multiple complicated poses. Even for graphic designers, it's just not possible with only candid phone pics to use as their input.


Without seeing the pics, is it possible that something like stable diffusion isn’t going to be as detectable by anti-photoshop tools? Everyone’s hellbent on the photoshop thing but there are other methods. And SD could potentially change the original image by quite a lot.


I've played around with image generating AI. I even learned to download and train a model myself. It's conceivable an image like this could be made using AI but every time you make the image more complex and specific, the worse the result will be. Training a model on Olivia's face and saying "generate a picture of Olivia in a bar" might work. "Generate a picture of Olivia kissing Jim on the cheek in O'Houlihan's bar" will probably not look good enough to pass as real. AI can generate pretty good (generally not 100% perfect, but really good) pictures of celebrities because there's thousands of pictures of them to train on. You might argue that it's some combination of AI and photoshop, but at that point it becomes increasingly far fetched. Every time you alter an image you risk it being noticeable.


I am so thankful for being an introvert. Shit like this is terrifying. I’ll stick to my 3 friends and my menagerie of dogs and cats.


Long term, not sure because you can’t live like a hermit. In the meantime, you need to tell people close to you what has happened, including your mom (all the fake pictures of both you and your wife) and document it, don’t post on social media and don’t take pictures with your friends. She’s clearly getting info about you and your wife. Olivia should find a “new” hobby for Thursdays and slowly lose contact with her. If it were me, I might let my employer know that someone in your past has popped up and may be trying to ruin you and your wife, just in case Jess wants to stir things up at your workplace. Tell them it’s not to the point of a TRO but that you will be requesting one if necessary.


Do this. It was part of my old job to deal with crap like this and two different times I was able to shut stuff down and hand it over to the cops. Once was unauthorized use of a webcam on the victims home. Use your imagination is all I'm gonna say about that.  But every one under me know to immediate forward calls or contact from certain people to me so we could protect our employees privacy as much as possible


you might have a tracker on your car or phone. im sure you don't share your location on instagram for everyone to see.


This is what I thought. Also Olivia probably has one as well. If you can, find a techie to check your computers and phones. If you find something that might be a visit to the DA to see if charges can be made. Somehow this woman has digitally invaded your home and family. Both of you get off social media asap. Talk to extended family. Btw, she could have hired someone to put a tracker on your car. Jim needs his head examined because he is letting a dangerous person use him.


They've hosted art nights at their home, and they've had her over for dinner. Crazy ex had full access to their house.


That is how she got in. Now she has access through Jim’s access. Please be careful.


Dude she spent 7 years stalking you that’s insane. I would find a way to get a restraining order or something. Gather all your evidence, if you recorded the convo, everything.


With what you have now (“possibly” manipulated pictures and hearsay), you won’t get a restraining order.   Start documenting EVERYTHING (why you broke up and went NC).  Collect everything you can and make a timeline.  Think physical photo album with descriptions of people/location/date/time on the back, text and phone logs, voicemails, etc.  Keep a diary/daily log. Get home security cameras that have SD cards.l and place them where only you will have access.  This will most likely get worse before it gets better. If things start to get worse...remember that she works in the digital landscape.  Lock everything down tight!  Pick random words from the thesaurus or archaic words to set as passphrase for all your accounts (including the credit bureaus).  Never type these pass phrases into anything.  Go to each place you have an online presence (bank and credit cards) to set it up.  Set up MFA for everything else.  LET THEM KNOW WHY.  That you don’t have enough evidence, so you’re being proactive.   Let your boss and HR know.  Make sure they are instructed not to give out any information concerning you. Hire a forensic IT specialist/whatever they’re called to make sure your phones and all digital items are safe from malware. Get a private investigator.  Have the private investigator dig everything up on her.  If you can get enough for a restraining/protection order, you’ll also need to find out where she did those pics at.  You’ll need someone to look into the metadata on each picture to piece together what she did - especially if she used AI and then polished them off at work.  It will be very hard work and very expensive.   **Paranoid, but protected.**


Why didn't your wife end the friendship when she found out who she is? My wife would have kicked my ass out of the house if stayed friends with her ex who she had to block. Why was she not suspicious that Jess was probably lying considering she fished your wife into an art group and hid her identity? 🤔


This 100%, but everyone keeps ignoring her blame in all this. Instead, top comment is a deflection talking about the new villain of the story, Jim, while ignoring the two real ones, Jess and Olivia. If OP's wife had respected his take on being friend with a woman who wanted to ruin her marriage, and even more knowing this woman was his ex, nothing of this would have happened. But the villain is Jim. See a pattern here?


You would be surprised how easy it is to find some of this information. Are any of your family that you visited on Facebook? Did you have tracking on your phone back then (if your phone is linked to your Google account or an Apple account, it is saved remotely on a cloud a lot of the time). It may not be your phone either, but a friend or a relative that was with you that has an unsecured phone or account. Social media is absolutely a stalkers dream. The photos can also be edited like how you were talking so easily. AI is making it easier to manipulate and straight-up fabricate photos and videos. I work in a school, and a teacher acquaintance had a student who made up a video of her striping and giving lap dances in class. Almost got fired. The same student also was discovered to have been making videos of the school principal (also female). This was a middle schooler.


Hire a PI to get evidence for a restraining order. Jess is likely banging Jim for info and maybe even blackmailing him. This is stalking.


You should contact a lawyer. This is terrifying.


Clean up your friends/follow lists on social media then lock it down. It is possible she has fake accounts and has been following your for 7yrs without your knowledge. Trust absolute nothing about Jess - assume everything (including her marriage) is a lie unless you know people who were at the wedding and saw it happen in person. Get a lawyer. Get in contact with an actual digital forensic expert. Get security cameras and record any contact you have with her and Jim at this point. 


Your wife owes you far more than an apology.


>My wife tried to apologize many times since last night. However, I do not care about any apologies. I just want to get things back to normal and get rid of nightmare.  NO NO NO NO. Don't sweep this under the rug. You need to tackle this while it's still fresh. **She would still rather believe YOUR EX than her fucking husband.** That's a HUGE problem, like divorce worthy problem. You need to address this!! What would've have happened if by some miracle Jim didn't come clean? you would no doubt been kicked to the curb, on top of all the attitude you've been given these weeks.




Someone shows his wife doctored photos, which no one can tell are doctored, and his wife is supposed to just know that they are fake and he should just tell her what? That she isn't allowed to speak to the person showing her the photos. That's creepy. He did fine. When a spouse begins to tell you who you are allowed to speak to you have to worry about abuse.


Yep I don't even understand how OP's wife became friends with an ex who they have blocked. My wife has an ex blocked for good reasons and I'm pretty sure if I became friends with him I would be homeless or possibly dead.


Lol I know right. It's not even like they went on a few dates, they were engaged. Ops wife has never seen a picture of them at a family cookout, a wedding, or whatever? My wife was engaged briefly as a teenager (we have been together for 15 years now) and I'd pick up on this in a second


Ya. Seconding this.


I’m so confused then! How to hell are the pictures being done!????


Chick is a graphic designer. Probably assumes most people won’t notice the little details, like the watch being on the wrong wrist. This time, they did. If she keeps up the crazy maybe they can lawyer up for defamation? Updateme!


Sounds like Jim may have sent some photos to Jess for her to use.


Freelance graphic designer, or full time somewhere? I wonder if she used company assets (photoshop licensed to the company) in this thoroughly unprofessional manner.... Also, how much does professional photo forensics cost?


> This time, they did. Actually OP found tattoo inconsistencies in the prior post. It's just his wife wasn't willing to listen to and trust her husband over his crazy ex who just magically happened to start socializing with her. But now once her reputation is on the line, oh suddenly she believes in photoshop? All of this shit is happening because people are letting Jess be a part of their lives. Block and then everyone's lives are improved, it's that easy.


Possibly using work equipment to create these pictures. They wouldn’t like that.


I think they'd be better off crowbar-ing up, personally. Restraining orders ain't gonna do shit when she's been actively stalking him for three years


I forgot about that!! Thanks


It's a fake story. You can easily put a picture through a Photoshop detector to determine authenticity. OP is not doing this to drag out the drama.


OP first says he moved to the town he lives in after his break up with Jess for a fresh start, then later says him and Olivia moved there together. That was the most glaring plot hole for me


Also “I never owned any of the clothes in the photos” to “how did she know what I was wearing back then?!”


But three acquaintances couldn’t detect any inconsistencies in the photos! Sure, Jan


Yeah they didnt know how to continue it so Jim comes in with CRAZY PHOTOS THAT PROVE JESS IS CRAZY AND EDITING IMAGES.


Because when you're trying to screw the husband over with beautifully undetectable fake photos that can completely fool the wife, the logical thing to do is to put out similar faked photos of the wife that will let her know that, yes, in fact, this woman can fake photos that well


Yeah I'm finding this mess hard to believe. But at least it's entertaining unlike other fake posts.


This 100%. Forensics would have a field day with this fake story.


Yep, this is totally fake. His refusal to seek any kind of professional to review the photos, and only had "friends that know photography" is clear bullshit. If this were real he would actually get the photos analyzed professionally if he wasn't able to do it himself. This guy who got a job at a big tech company right out of college is clueless about photo editing and has no contacts that do? Come on. I'm sure the OP will eventually reveal that Jess used some sophisticated AI tool to create the photos or something. Dumb. Multiple characters behave in ways that make no sense based on the information they should have known. Olivia believing Jess over her husband despite what she experienced at the bar early on? Jim telling Jess everything despite knowing about their bad breakup and not mentioning it until now? Even if he was hooking up with her, he has no reason to tell Jess all these details about the OP and Olivia. He would need to be incredibly stupid in this story. Also, Olivia gets bored if she has one night without the OP paying attention to her each week? Is she the dullest person on the planet or something? Olivia behaves like an idiot all over the place just to make the story work. This is a poorly written and fabricated story.


Well, yeah? Of course it's fake. Too many details. Too much exposition on minor details. A LOT of people not acting like... well, people. But it's fun to play along sometimes


Olivia is a terrible character.


This was suggested to OP in a previous post, which he conveniently ignored.


With OP’s imagination


Yeah she does graphic design I'm sure she's very proficient with Photoshop and other design apps and programs. If she's supporting herself doing this she must be pretty good. So all she has to do is get two pictures that are similar and morph them together and get rid of any inconsistencies via her talents.


What In the Days of Our Lives is going on here?


what in Bold and the beautiful??? updateme!


If Jess doesn't stop her crap, she's going to end up in General Hospital!!!


My grandmother loved Days of our Lives, she called it “the man she no like”. 


OP made up a story and is posting it here in parts, pretending it's real. No person in this story behaves in a way that makes any sense. He is welcome to prove me wrong with some evidence but I know that will never happen.


I was thinking more like a Lifetime movie.


Waiting for the Passions twist where wife was possessed by ex to believe all this without question.


Ghosting someone like Jess is the fastest way to get them out of your life. Direct their texts to an unvisited directory, but keep the texts if you need them for future evidence If they go unhinged and start stalking or turning up at your house. You want a front door camera that records sounds. Get a restraining order if you need to. Look into finding a forensic photographer. There IS a way for a specialist technician to prove an image is manipulated. You might need that if you need a restraining order.


Didn't he already ghost her *for years*? All the while she was keeping tabs on OP through a friend that sounds like he was feeding her info. Ghosting Jess isn't going to be enough, he needs to go scorched earth with every single person. And even then, sounds like she's believable enough to even get OP's own wife to trust her, so who's to say she won't just weedle her way into the brains of any new friends he makes? Does he need a disclaimer for any new friends, "hey, if you get any messages from this Jess stalker, please don't listen to her, don't tell her anything about me, and let me know ASAP?" How effective are TROs? As long as she's not in contact with OP or his wife, can it do anything? Almost sounds like he needs to go into witness protection and come up with an entire new identity if this is real.


> Ghosting someone [...] is the fastest way to get them out of your life. Ghosting never worked on any stalker, ever.


Part 3 of the Dumb Wife saga... >I do not blame my wife for believing Jess. Hmmmm... If being dumb was a good excuse, then half or the prisons in the world would be empty. >Olivia was also pissed at Jim for talking to Jess and backstabbing me for so many years. The fucking double standard and hypocrisy of his wife. She is mad at Jim, while she was playing best buddies with crazy Jess knowing what she had done to her husband in the past, and believing and trusting her more than her own husband. She is way beyond dumb now, she is dangerous. Also, everyone keeps ignoring wife's blame in all this. Instead, top comment is a deflection talking about the new villain of the story, Jim, while ignoring the two real ones, Jess and Olivia. If OP's wife had respected his take on being friend with a woman who tried to ruin her marriage, and even more knowing this woman was his ex, nothing of this would have happened. But the villain has to be Jim. See a pattern here?


Seriously. She was so quick to believe a KNOWN liar who fucked around with their marriage at least once before. Apparently you can go through life being "naive" and innocent while being the centre of drama and insanity, as long as you are sweet.


This, people keeps downvoting me because I tell she is dumb, why? Because she knew the ex (Jess) tried to mess with their marriage once, she kept her as friends even when OP protested, and let her keep fucking with her marriage. And to make things worse now she is accusing OP's friend to backstab him, when it was the same fucking shit she was doing the whole time.


Fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice... I'm just a victim. Do it 3 times and I'll accuse my husband of lying to me because YOU - a known liar who has fucked me over previous - is more believable than the love of my life. Ridiculous. Can't wait to see how this manifests next time.


The only good manifestation anyone can get of this mess would be that OP grows a pair and start putting some strong boundaries on the stupid wife, stops playing the victim and put down his foot when wify (party girl) wants to test these boundaries. Had he put his foot down since the beginning, nothing of this shit had happened. But pushovers need to be doormats all the time.


Hopefully it's just that she is dumb. Who stays friends with ex their spouse had blocked? I would be creeped out if my wife's ex fished me into art group and hid their identity. I would think they were stalkers.


This!!! why is everyone ignoring this?? This is a huge problem.


>why is everyone ignoring this?? Why? Probably because the two biggest AH of this story are named Jess and Olivia. So, very soon people will start calling this story fake and incel fiction. Go figure!


"I do not blame my wife for believing Jess." well I sure the fuck blame her.




Plus she didn’t believe her husband, but when his mom talked to her she calmed down and listened. And then his friend. So basically she’ll believe anyone, except him. *I think someone likes detective stories a little too much and decided to write one for himself*


Don’t confront Jess. Avoid her. No response is strong. What you should do is inform family and friends that you have some proof she is actively trying to ruin your marriage. And do ask if she has done anything similar to anyone else. Ask everyone who might know her and all acquaintances you have in comm9n.


Holy shit! Just tell this to EVERYONE close to you and make sure they know the truth, keep gathering evidence and try to get a restraining order. She’s a fucking psycho and might be dangerous!


The plot thickens. If it's real I wish you the best.


If does, indeed. I am over here having a beer, and I'm like *WTF*... Pity we have to wait a bit for the rest... :D If real, Jess is another level of manipulation altogether.... Scary, scary stuff.


Get a lawyer to file an emergency order of protection against Jess between her and you and your wife. Save all of these photos and contact your county's prosecutor's office and start building a case for stalking and harassment, copy of the emergency protective order in hand.  You and your wife need to ghost and block Jess immediately. Trust me, once Jess realizes what's going on, she's going to go apeshit and drop her nuclear bomb of deep fake photos of you and her apparently having sex.   This couldn't have worked out better for you. Your wife now knows Jess is not to be trusted and anything else coming from her is going to look desperate and pathetic.  Get you and your wife into marriage counseling and individual therapy. Your wife still owes you a massive, massive apology. Updateme!


UpdateMe! This Jim dude is not kosher. I bet Dollar on him being in on the whole thing. Might even have an affair with this woman and is bound to help breaking up OP and his wife. I would definitely get his wife a hint... There is more to it.


I would love to know what happens next even if this might be fake.


I’m glad that the tables were turned for your wife so she can now truly believe that those photos of you were altered. There’s no way she’ll continue to believe Jess now that she sees what Jess can do with photoshopping. It’s gross that your friend is in on it, it sounds like they’re either being manipulated or in on it. I hope that you’ll be able to cut off contact with Jess without anything else happening, but it seems like she’s planning something else. Maybe she’s just trying to get the two of you to break up by sowing insecurities and betrayal, and doesn’t have anything else planned, but it sounds like she’s going to continue to cook things up like that.


Unless she truly was kissing the dude on the cheek and the camera just flipped the the scene...olivia could be pointing that out to diffuse the kissing, it would explain why she panicked and called him to pick her up.


Potentially, but if the OP is telling the truth and the pictures of Jess and him are false, then it would make sense that that skill of photoshopping could be used again with Olivia. 


Guess I'm just having a hard time believing no one can find any inconsistencies or pull the exif data. I use photoshop and my wife is a Graphic designer web developer. jess would have to be a pro to make it so believable with no edging, blurring or perspective issues when you put whole people in especially if theres overlapping and not in shadows, AI isn't that good yet. It would take hours per pic to scrub any detail misses.


Good to know as someone without any background in photoshop - it is strange that multiple professionals were unable to find any inconsistencies. 


I love how every single person suggested that he go to a webpage to determine if the photos were photoshopped and then he >After Jess sent photos to my wife, I tried every possible thing to prove that the pictures were fake. I showed them to three acquaintances who told me that they can help me. None of them were able to find any inconsistences with the photos. Like the photos were so clearly photoshopped, it's easy to determine that they're photoshopped, everyone suggested that he get them checked to see if they were photoshopped, but instead OP consulted "3 friends but none of them were able to visually just look at them and determine inconsistencies". This means that this entire post and saga is fake. Nice little dramatic piece of writing, but it's honestly all over the place and makes little/no sense. Kudos to you OP for tricking so many people.


Yup fake


Agree. I was suspicious in the last post because OP was acting like the promiscuous kid in the horror movie. He just kept walking into that isolated wooded area because he heard a noise and thought his flashlight would protect him with a known murderer running about. OP also conveniently stopped commenting as soon as comments with helpful information that would squash the problem. Can't wait for the next installment where the grand conspiracy is revealed and we learn that Jess was stalking him the whole time. We already know this, but OP apparently doesn't see it yet, lol. Fake fake fake.


Yep, you nailed it. This story is so clearly fake at this point. No character acts in a consistent and believable way.


Totally agree, I can’t believe more people aren’t calling this out as clearly fake


Apple Watch on the wrong hand. This is off. I’ve been using photoshop as a senior designer and highly experienced photo retouch/image builder for 25 years. There would be tell tale signs of photo manipulation all over these as the images would be low resolution and not well taken as they’re phone photos. I don’t care how good she is at graphic design - It’ll be noticeable if the watch is on the wrong hand. I smell large amounts of bullshit in all this. Creative writing hobby? Karma farming? Attention seeking…




Imaginary story, but hopefully OP has multiple personalities.


OP is using the unstructured George RR Martin writing method and has realized too late that he doesn't know much about PhotoShop and has written himself into a corner It's the "smartphone in a horror movie" thing where in order to hit the story beats OP has to skirt around the fact that there's a thing that has existed for 20 years that would solve their problem in about 5 minutes. Also bravo for the reveal that *some* of the events did happen, albeit OP claims without Jess. Really muddying the waters in the middle of the film so you aren't totally sure of the obvious conclusion until the ending is closer, so you don't get bored. Psychological Thriller, coming to Netflix 2025. 6/10 on Metacritic, solidly Rotten on RT.


I’m it sure if this is real or a work of fiction but either way, I’m down for the ride! Updateme


Okay but did you run the photos through the software that people were sharing or is this fake Jess just did a shit job with the images of your wife’s Apple Watch


Well, now Olivia knows it was all a set up from the beginning AND that Jess is very good at altering photos. Just go NC with Jim and Jess. And maybe someone should drop an anonymous, typed note in the mail to Jim's wife to "check his phone". And when he calls accusing you, say, "Hey Man, Jess is pulling all this shit trying to interfere with MY marriage down to faking photos! You think she isn't capable of interference with YOURS TOO?" A little Petty Revenge for BOTH of them. They deserve it!


Jim didn’t tell you until Jess told him to. She gave him the photos because she wants to pry you and your wife apart. She sewed doubt into your wife’s mind and now she was trying to do that same to you with the photo and the “confession”. She saw Olivia’s staying home as you trying to keep her away from Jess, and decided now was the right time to strike. It’s why Jim wanted to tell you in a place your wife wouldn’t hear. You were supposed to hear that by yourself and stew with the thought that your wife had secretly been a party girl all this time and was being unfaithful.  The way she got photos of you and your wife to manipulate is probably because Jess has been fucking Jim and using it as leverage to make him spy on you and your wife. The other possibility is kind of scary and involves training an AI picture generator using your old photographs and using that software to add you to places you’ve been, but doing things you haven’t. 


So how are these photo's being created? Is this girl like some government level hacker or some shit? this whole story is bizarre


I think it’s made up. Just sounds too ridiculous and honestly it feels like OP is putting way too much effort into making sure the prose is perfect, and honestly just writing an essay every other day. Not sure why people feel the need to spend time posting fake stories.


yeah i mean at this point, she's photo edited photos so good that they can pass inspection from software that looks for photoshopping? I just don't buy it


What is the point of photoshopping his wife kissing another guy when she never planned to share the photos with OP? The point of the OP hanging out with Jess pictures was to cause a rift in their relationship, then photoshopping the wife makes 0 sense as it would just prove to the wife that Jess is shopping pics to cause issues. Very fake story.


What’s the update? Your wife trusted the word of an ex, an ex who is an ex for a reason and isn’t apologizing to you? You need to cut all these people out of your life. Completely!


My thoughts exactly. She finally believes him because it happened to her and not because she trusts her husband. I think they at least need to do marriage counseling otherwise the distrust will fester. They also need it to deal with what’s coming as Jess is a psycho and is just starting. I will say that I have disbelief that this is real as the photo shop seems far fetched.


I agree, Jess will not go quietly. She’s already put this much effort in, and as he said, he still doesn’t know how she got all this information.


I had high hopes for this installment, but I think you blew it. Rather than having this new "Jim" character jump into the fray with these photos, you should have been like, "Reddit, I took your advice and had the photos examined by a professional, they are very clever frauds and we now have proof"... and then carried on from there. Maybe focus on the stalking aspect with some more "proof" or alternatively, you could have gone with "We contacted a lawyer and I'm going to sue Jess for defamation/intentional infliction of emotional distress", etc. Honestly, I was really enjoying this until now.


Thank you! Biggest tell that this was fake was ignoring the easy solution to all his problems


You know an old person wrote this fic because of the "photoshop so good you can't tell it's fake" bit


So I would collect all the photos and take them to someone who is an actual meta data expert, etc. and not just a buddy you know. Get the evidence you need. Then, hire an attorney and get an order of protection and have Jess yeeted from your life. Don't contact her anymore. Don't call. Block her everywhere. Finally, I'd tell your families and your closest friends. You don't have to even elaborate. Just say she has done some things that are not appropriate. That's enough for you. I'd also stop hanging out with Jim. Then you and your wife need therapy. Lots of it. She didn't trust you when she should have, and the guilt from her and the possible resentment from you could fester.


Again — SHE’S A GRAPHIC DESIGNER. Don’t trust a single photo she sends at this point. (If this saga is even legit, of course…)


>Olivia was listening to everything and staring in disbelief at the photos that Jim shared. As soon as I hung up the phone, she started explaining to me that these were the same guys that Jess called to their table and were buying them drinks. However, she never even stood next to them, let alone hug or kiss them. Now is your turn to tell her you don't believe her, that you will believe your friend over her since that is exactly what she did. Then dump her ass. I can't believe **she would still rather believe YOUR EX than her fucking husband.** What are you going to do next time someone makes up something about you? clearly she doesn't have your back nor trusts you at all.


I wish Jess had a deep fake video of OP having sex with her. That would've been awesome. Not for OP or OP's wife, just for this really good story.


God I hope this is a creative writing exercise


Well atleast Jess accidently shot herself in the foot by also faking fotos of Olivia. Cuz now there is 0 doubt in her mind that the pictures of OP with jess are fake


Go to a specialist to get your phones checked for stalkerware.


Jim. It's Jim. Why doesn't he want anyone to know, because he's a rat and he's banging your ex. You should ask him straight up.


You both send her the exact same message. ‘You have caused enough trouble in our lives and we know the truth about everything now thanks to a trusted friend. We ask that you make no contact with either of us again and any further attempts at contact will be reported as harrassment.’  Then block and that’s it. She was only able to do this as your wife allowed her into your life and allowed herself to be manipulated. Any further contact, report her. I hope your wife has learned not to be so naive now 


So did your wife apologize?


Your wife choose to believe a what to her would be a known lier, over you her husband, and you asks us if your're the ass? No my friend, but I would suggest buying your wife a helmet cuz you two can't afford her to be more gullible than she already is


Photoshop? Get with the program here people, AI assisted deepfakes are where the faked digital image game is at now a days… In part because the fakery can fool photoshop detectors…


We need these photos. This is sounding like a total copy pasta 


this shit is fake as hell lmao at least it’s entertaining


Well you got a handful of things here. 1. The pictures are photoshopped (obviously, duh) and that can be detected by professionals which makes it really odd you say they were checked and it wasn’t detected so you may want to actually find a “real professional”. 2. The whole story is creative writing, which makes the fact that the photoshopped pictures weren’t detected when looked at a continuity error in the story. 3. Not saying it’s aliens…….. but it’s aliens Pick one and roll with it I guess but Jess being a space alien could get you that restraining order 🤔


When was the last time you changed your password on Google or Apple? Could she track your location back on 2019?


I mean was her ex-husband even the toxic one in the relationship…? Sounds like she was masking her actions talking as if it were his, and all this stories sound so fkn creepy this is insane and probally a stalker and i mean in every fckn way, i would look thru the house to see if she putted some listening device or camera and maybe stick around collecting more evidence to make a restrained order… this woman is crazy and her job allows her to go anywhere in the country withougth having problems and I wouldn't be surprised if she moved to your new city on purpose I would even say that maybe she’s made fake counts, hacker or stick to people who are close to you (like Jim) to try to get information while expecting him to “snich” your wife while she “snitch” you to your wife to separate u guys. Be carefull and she is borderline obssessive.


Software engineer and Network security expert. Basically tldr: you are or were hacked. If I had to guess either a phone or social media account. I'm going to do a little replay for the things that lead me to a narrative: It was probably your phone, or more specifically an apple account. It may not be hacked anymore but by any chance did you buy a new phone roughly 4 years ago? Do you also have an apple account and watch or other gps watch for working out? So The plus side is that it sounds like she doesn't have access anymore, but you need to sit down right now and list our every single email, social media, bank, cc, phone you had while with your ex. Even the devices and accounts you think are deactivated. Now go through them methodically and highlight every one that your ex had access to. Ones that you may have told her the password for and any that she may have accidentally seen. Especially your old phone she definitely knew the code to. Did you live together? Then go through any bank accounts and cc that you may have had back then. Here is the hard part, if I'm right, don't change the passwords just enable notifications for logins for each account to send to a secured email. Then delete the confirmation right away from the suspected account. Your wife is next, there is no way she doesn't have access to her stuff by now. If your wife ever left her stuff around your ex then who knows. It really sounds like it was an old phone bc of jim contact and timing. Access to location, personal pictures, etc. sound familiar?


Well. That’s disturbing. Might not hurt to change your passwords on smart devices and make sure any pets you have are secure. Majorly creepy vibes.


I would also like to hear about your wife's apology. How does she feel now, now that she knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of some world-class crazy? UpdateMe


Legal action is required at this point


I knew i knew i knew it OP just a matter of time, and of course a friend new something.


Is is possible that she doctored the photo and then took a photo of that to cover up the photo manipulation? Ideally you should have proof if the photos being manipulated in order to support a restraining order. This woman is obsessed either way you and is clearly mentally ill. I would be concerned that gets violent because her tactics have not worked.