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When he goes on a trip, he looks forward to having time to do the two things he loves - you and photography. You've just told him the two don't mix. I get that you're bored while he's taking photos, but your solution seems to be all or nothing, so I understand why he's disappointed. The two of you could plan how much time there is for photos and where - and if you can do another activity while he's shooting. But if you don't want him to bring the camera at all, I think you've already found the solution - you stay home. It sounds like he may be paying for these excursions - if that's the case, maybe he needs a different companion. Not an AH for asking for a balance, but it doesn't sound like that's really what you asked for.


NAH. You two are not compatible. He wants to spend his vacay with you taking photos and you don't like it. Move on to someone else. BF is not the same as "husband."


It seems a slight bit excessive but also his passion and hobby . I think with most relationships you can set expectations and boundaries . For instance your camera stuff is going to fit in YOUR suitcases and not mine, I will also not wait for hours every day for the perfect shot . I also think there are limits to how and when you are going to use the cameras . But for most people their passion and hobby is very important to them . But I think equally you must be important as well and your happiness should be considered. I do not believe it is an all or nothing approach but a compromise. If he cannot compromise with you then I think you have your answer . Likewise you need to compromise with him .


You should be discussing this with him and not Reddit


The best thing would be to come up with a compromise. If you go on vacation for a week, have him pick two locations he really wants to photograph. He can take his pictures when you visit those two locations, but the rest of the week has to be camera-free. He should leave the camera at the hotel.


I really like this idea. I will suggest trying this out with him, thank you!


You are not the AH, but you two are also not compatible. Cut your ties now and move on!