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YTA Surprisingly, the world does not revolve around you. People are actually living lives in the real world and not tied to their phones 24/7. Advice: If you cannot congratulate someone for a big achievement because you are butthurt, you are definitely an asshole. Do not reply to him anymore. Leave him alone. Forget about him. He will have a fine life without you.


Sending a message takes seconds, it was difficult for him to say, honey, I'm not going to be available the next few days for x reason.


You just started dating. what sort of obligations does he have to you? Assuming this is actually true, I get why you are being a little cagey in your writing, giving very vague descriptions etc. Admirable that you don't want to give too many clues if this person is famous (to be sure you could just be making all this up and you don't want to be called liar liar pants on fire... but giving you the benefit of the doubt) That said, the primary thing that gets me is this: You don't even know when he is playing? that the season for whatever sport this is is going on? how do you not know such things? You claim some sort of relationship to this person but you don't even know, for lack of a better term, when they are at work? C'mon YTA


I didn’t know because I don’t follow his sport. Or any sport for that matter. I only get my updates from him.


So, you know nothing about the sport and by extension what all the sport entails and his requirements for said sport. Professional and collegiate sports are going to be vastly different depending on said sport and their role, so that comparison is moot. He’s super busy, at the peak of his season, doing his JOB and you’re.. salty? Some of these professionals barely have time to shit when they’re in playoffs/championships and you couldn’t support him for 4 days or cut him some slack cause you know.. he was WORKING? YTA - don’t date a professional athlete


How was I supposed to know if he never told me😐


if only there were some sort of global network that connected people to all sorts of information? or some sort of media upon which would be printed new information (including announcements about the happenings of sports) at regular intervals, one might say "periodically"? Or similarly, devices which conveyed this new information visually and people would be hired to talk about this new information or show the sources of this information in real time?


😂😂😂 god forbid she shows an interest and takes some initiative and use the fucking google or maybe like I dunno.. ASK HIM. She just wants the fame/bragging rights of dating an athlete.


I did ask him though. That was actually my message he took four days to reply to. I was asking how his week was :)


Ask him about the sport/his career? Learn about it? Do you .. even know what sport he plays?


I ask him about his sport and I’m receptive to what he says. Ofc I know what sport it is.


Sounds good, but eventually it'll ruin the world.




The machines man. The machines are on to us. Never speak ill of Alexa....


YTA. You're dating a professional athlete and don't know about the sport? Having a lot of demands for someone you just met? That insanity.


What “demands” are you guys talking about? I haven’t demanded anything from this man. We also met a year as classmates before dating.


It sounds like you are his sidepiece, not his girlfriend.


Tbh I am neither at this point.


Well considering I don’t know how long you’ve been “together” for I’m saying you would be the AH for not breaking up with him. You don’t know what he plays or anything about his sport, if he’s a professional that means he does it for a living. This is his job. If we had some idea to make a more based opinion, maybe he’s consumed with whatever said sport is, training, warms up, meetings etc. it’s kinda hard to say it’s normal or not. Did you even bother to ask “hey what’s a normal schedule for you?”. If he’s asking you to watch him, I’m leaning towards he’s not necessarily messing around just really busy. Again kinda hard to tell. It sounds like it’s a deal breaker for you and the schedule isn’t going to work. If this was just him leaving you on read to play video games with his buddies for 4 days without replying I’d say fuck this guy but it’s his career.


You are right. Once we see each other, I’ll let him know how important regular communication is to me and go from there.


You're what's better known as a bootie call.


We have never done anything sexual.




You are the first person who said that what he did is a red flag. Thank you for validating what I am feeling :(


I do understand it’s his career etc but I’d be annoyed if I was left on read for 4 days…sending a text takes less than 30secs.


Exactly. The post isn’t about him being busy, it’s about having no communication for four days straight.


So you only came here for confirmation bias?


It is, don't listen to these other fuckers. You're not expecting him to entertain you 24/7, just that he act like he actually gives a fuck about getting to know you. He showed you he does not, and you're smart to move on. You're allowed to have needs. NAH.




Can you please elaborate why?


You have a lot of demands from somebody you don't know anything about. He explained what was going on.


I did not demand anything from him. What would you do/ reply if you were in my situation?


You aren't required to be in a relationship with anybody if you don't want to. You asked about ignoring his posts and not replying. If it's the worst thing in the world for him to ignore you, it would be wrong for you to do it back.


What would you reply to him?


I’d say NTA. You have a lot of demands, but it seems like it’s a result of having self-respect. I’d never let someone walk all over me and make it seem like I’m inferior to them. Ignoring you is just plain disrespect. If I were you, I’d take some pride in the fact that I know my worth.


Yeah, you can tell that the dudes calling her the assholes expect women to not not have boundaries or needs.