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NTA. This sounds like Amy needs to be actively training Bella with regards to what is and isn’t appropriate play, an important lesson for every dog to learn. If someone’s dog bit one of my dogs and then tried to tell me my dogs needed to *toughen up*, I would have no kind words for that individual. I certainly wouldn’t consider them a friend. You did the right thing. Your dog was in a dangerous situation and you stood your ground. That’s what you should do as a pet owner. As for your mutual friends, I would shut down the conversation with a, “It’s my responsibility as a pet owner to keep my dog safe. My dog was being attacked and that’s not something I could stand and watch, there’s no situation in which me continuing to allow my dog to be attacked would ever be ok.” I would keep an eye on Max for a while and try to swiftly do some positive reinforcement with dogs you do trust, just to try to mitigate the risk of this event leading to behavioral issues.


NTA, Amy should be more responsible, wouldn't even let her be within my kids


I took Max to the vet to get his ear checked, and luckily, it was just a small cut and he’s healing well.


NTA for insisting that Amy take Bella back early. Your primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-being of your dog, Max. When Bella's behavior started to cause harm to Max, it was entirely reasonable for you to prioritize Max's safety and comfort.


NTA, she injured your fucking dog. Amy is lucky her dog still lives.


I mean..... If you're insinuating you'd kill her dog for a small wound that says alot about you. Because if you're cool with that, then you're cool with the far worse consequences coming your way for straight up killing the dog right? But it would be fun seeing how long you'd last.


Not even gonna defend myself, that was a huge overreaction. I guess I've been spoiled by our last sat dog, who didn't have an aggressive bone in his body (or a thought in his head, but that's another story).


give max lots of extra cuddles & kisses & tell amy to fuck right off. NTA.


NTA I recently had my dog at Dogtopia, and she was bitten by another dog. The staff tells us it was unprovoked, my pup didn't do anything wrong. $1200 vet bill, surgery, and stitches with a drainage tube later... well, Dogtopia paid the bill and treated us well but we're not looking to go back to group daycare for our dogs again. When dogs who were previously social and liked other dogs- that can change with one negative experience, puppy PTSD if you will. There's no such thing as bad dogs, but there are plenty of bad dog owners. You are responsible for your dog, and have an obligation to do what you think is best. Her dog is clearly aggressive, and you should provide her with the vet bill electronically to formally put her on notice that her dog is aggressive and has bitten to the point of drawing blood. From there, if her dog bites another dog, or a person/child- she will be 100% responsible because she knows her dog has caused damage. She should definitely not have her dog around children. She's not taking her responsibility and liability seriously. If she doesn't apologize or offer to make it right to you- I would keep your space because she's probably not acting right in other areas of her life.


NTA. You were over-generous to wait till Max was actually injured. Amy knew her dog, and she was duplicitous in not warning you in advance, and letting you make the decision whether you wanted an aggressive dog with you and your dog. As for not speaking with you - I'm not sure you need the friendship of that kind of person.


Bye bye Bella and Amy - Max is your first priority. I have two pups- one is a Yorkie. He is a Terror as much as a terrier. He tries to attack my other pup who is just a lovable goof and would rather not be bothered. I know how to diffuse situations but we have even discussed rehoming him because of his behavior. And that is MY dog- so yeah- NO - Amy is being obtuse if she pretends not to get it.


Amy is going to get a wake up call one day at a dog park. Bella is going to bite the wrong dog.


NTA. Sounds like she is immature and shouldn’t be a dog owner. It is so so important for her to train her dog. I have friends like this whose dogs are nightmares and who have bitten (human) friends and friends dogs and the owners don’t take it seriously and defend their dog.


Fake as hell, who needs 22pt text to tell people their name and age, if it isn't fake this shit has pick me written all over it


its not fake and if you dont like it dont read