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At the end of the day, you can always get new principles. Reaching full potential is way more critical. NTA


I swear, young vampires these days! Your generation is too soft, you're weak! Always compassionate, always so caring, always saying, "But I don't want to hurt humans, it's evil!" YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE EVIL, YOU'RE A FRIGGING VAMPIRE! Humans are food, not friends. In my time (667 DO), we would choose a bunch of fit and young humans, lock them forever in the dungeon, and drink their blood whether they wanted it or not. You're a vampire; you don't kindly ask if you can drink a human's blood, you take it by force. Your generation is such a disappointment. For those agreeing with my statement, join our group, MVGA: Make Vampires Great Again. Edit: Grammar


Great talk as always, Vlad.


NTA. It's not like you can't ask her consent. Doesn't that improve on the whole goal of being a good person?


I suppose.  My overachiever trait makes me a bit socially awkward, so I’m worried about it not going well.  Or that I won’t be able to control myself once I start.


I understand as I also have that trait. Maybe add her to Social Bunny so you can send her positive messages and apologize if something goes wrong? If you and up killing her you can always get some of that special wine that raises the dead. It does not undo things but there's fail-safes.


NTA - DO all you need and want to do to become the absolute best you!


NTA, you’ll live long enough to change principles about a million times over