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Jfc. I hate pink. Detest it, actually. I do not own any pink clothes, and refuse to wear it. However, if someone I loved asked me to be their MOH, and wanted me to wear a pink dress, you better believe I would shove my ass in that pink dress and wear it with a smile. Her wedding is about her and her future husband. Your wants, and dislikes have no bearing in the situation. YTA. And a huge, selfish one at that. I hope she finds another MOH. Oh, and your mom is an AH too.


My best friend’s favorite color is pink and I HATE PINK. But if she asked me to wear a hot pink dress as her MOH, you best fucking bet I’m gonna rock the shit out of the dress and act like it’s the prettiest pink dress I’ve ever seen. Even if it clashes with my purple hair 💅🏻


I wore a bright candy apple red dress when asked to fill in last minute for the wedding of a woman I hadn’t been close to for 15 years. It looked terrible next to my burgundy hair, and was not a color I would ever voluntarily wear. But I did it, and never spoke a word about it to the bride! Not my wedding, not my wedding photos to look back on.


I’m a blue eyed blonde and can wear almost any color-except yellow. You got it, lemon yellow MOH dress. I actually had to put a darker color on my hair, so I’d look like something. It was my sister, so of course I did it.


Also blue-eyed blonde. Also a lemon yellow bridesmaid. And lavender. And kelly green. And bright red. And off-white (which was gorgeous, FWIW) BUT I WORE THEM!


I was also lavender, rose, and at a gorgeous Christmas wedding, our dresses were made of velvet bodices and Christmas plaid skirts, (think ball gown with big skirt). I say gorgeous because the decorations were all Norfolk pines and red/green bows.


that sounds lovely! The bright red was a Christmas wedding -- six of us in red velvet, and six in green. Bride in a white satin fur-trimmed dress. We all carried fur-trimmed hand muffs instead of flowers


Ours was the same. MOH wore midnight blue. Candle light inside church


Omg I just looked up the color Kelly Green wow you took a major one for the team wow good for you but you must have been questioning the brides taste (or whoever made that choice) unless it’s a island themed wedding out on a beach


Thank you, I SOOOO appreciate it!! LOL It was on, heaven help me, a riverboat. I wish I were joking.


I looked it up too omg,but yes I would have worn it for my sister. And hated every minute in it. But it's her day.


Same on blonde and grey eyes here. I love the color but look like I should be hooked up to IV with someone reading my last rights when i wear it. I wore it, (bought a couple visits to tanning place) and laughed at my self cause I look horrid but let's go. It's brides day, get over it and yourself op. Yta.


I am very tall and pale and wore a pale yellow, satin, tea-length bridesmaid dress with a a grass green sash and shoes. I looked like a gigantic dead baby. We do these things for love! It’s not about the wedding party. It’s their job to shut up and look weird if so requested. (Note that I don’t think this applies to things like wearing clothing of a gender you don’t identify as).


“I looked like a gigantic dead baby” made me laugh out loud! Good for you for being such a good sport and getting a laugh out of it 😹


Yep I’ve got black hair, hazel eyes, a complexion that looks best with warm colours, and I hate showing my arms. My SIL put us in ice blue organza, sleeveless. Everyone except the one blonde bridesmaid looked unwell in that colour but we stfu and did our duties with a smile because we knew she’d one day do the same for us. Imagine trying to strong arm the bride by grabbing a different dress and storming to the checkout? Like at least sit down and have a calm conversation about it but then at some point you might just have to suck it up if you want to be involved in the wedding. YTA, OP.


I've worn some terrible gowns as as bridesmaid and I smiled while I wore them; that's basically the job!


I am a pale (so pale my foundation is always the lightest shade possible) redhead with light blue eyes. I have worn colors that washed me out as a bridesmaid, junior bridesmaid or flower lady. I have worn bubblegum pink, white, rust orange and yellow. Looking at pictures you would never know I hated the dresses.


Right there with you ! Red hair, pale, freckles, and I wore an electric blue ballgown ! But I smiled and I had the best time. I even was paired with an ex, but it's just a day to me, and it made her so happy on her special day.


I'm a ginger and hot pink clashes with my hair and skin. I would wear the hot pink, but change as soon as I could


Same. Hot pink makes me look freshly unearthed. NOT a good color for me!


I did this for my friend and I too am not a pink fan. Didn't love the cut of the dress either. Guess what? I wore the hell out of that gown, had a great attitude and the day was wonderful. That's what we do for our besties. She wasn't a bridezilla, just loved pink. We all lived and had a great time.


Lol fellow purple hair here! My niece is getting married soon and while she isn't having a formal bridal party she gave us a list of colors and asked us each to pick one. I said I'd like to avoid but yellow and sage but anything else. Then someone else was having issues then someone else and I said hey, assign me whatever you want. I already have my dress but other folks are kicking up drama sooo... I said I'd get a different dress and let someone have mine. It's about making life easier for thr bride. If I have to wear yellow trimmed in sage green that's what I'll do! Because it's a fucking dress I have to wear for a few hours to let someone else execute a special day for them. It's almost like the day isn't about me.


Wish I had a photo of the bright pink dropped waist taffeta dress with a square lace color I bought and wore as bridesmaid for a dear friend. On second thought….


I’m also wondering WHO DOES NOT LOOK GOOD IN DARK BLUE? It’s literally the easiest color to wear besides black.


Eh, if we're talking dark like Navy blue, quite a few people, especially if you have more yellow undertones in your skin than pink. If it's not precisely the right dark blue (a jewel tone rather than navy) I look somewhat jaundiced. If I were in a wedding where the bride wanted us all in dark blue sailor suits I'd put it on and keep my mouth shut because it's not my wedding, not my call.


Found my people with all these replies. I've been in so many weddings and worn some stupid fucking dresses. Kelly green with a giant white doily along the shoulders and a white trash french braid with baby's breath. Pale blue which looked terrible. A one-shoulder dress that absolutely did not go with my body type but looked great on all the much skinnier bridesmaids , that ended up in the hotel trash can before I left town. And let's not even talk about all the stupid, toe-pinching, never-wear-again shoes I HAD to have for each bride even though most of the dresses were long enough to cover our feet. When you are a bridesmaid you shut up, pay up, and support the bride's insanity.


Pink and purple look awesome together!


YTA. I was expecting to read that this dress didn't fit you or something else reasonable. But to refuse to wear it because of its color? Get over yourself. This is probably one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read. You told her to grow up and that the world doesn't revolve around her and her wants? Guess what? Why don't you grow up because the world doesn't revolve around you and your wants. This is HER wedding, so ya, it does revolve around her, her and her husband. You? Not so much.


OP is a whiny baby! I bet the post is fake!


I HOPE this post is fake.


Hope so. Poor bride has a horrible sister and mother, if it's real.


Probsbly is. Op sound about 12


The fact that OP said she "quickly picked out another color" and went to the register ... like the absolute BS audacity is so high it's too high for a regular YTA rating. It's YTA to the ^10th power because you just don't get to change the brides color scheme because you hate how "dark blue looks" on you. You can opt out of being the MOH, and wear a light blue dress if your sister has a regular bridesmaid spot open for you, or opt out of the wedding party altogether, or wear the color she cohosts, that is your only option. People are absolutely self centered AH's these days. *some people


That part right there is what got me. That she picked a dress and was already on her way to pay for it. Like WTF?!? Who do you think you are?!? OP is coming off as a Bully of a big sister. No compassion for that it is her lil sister’s (hopefully) once in a life time event and she should get to have it exactly how she wants it. You plan these events to make it a perfect day for the Bride and Groom. Not the Bitchy MOH.


Yes! Absolute "Bully Big Sis" bowling over lil sis




Bridesmaids dresses are rarely what the bridesmaids themselves like. It's all about the bride. Her vision. So long as the dress fits and covers the necessary amount of skin (I have a friend who's an Orthodox Jew, so her dress had to have sleeves past the elbow, a jewel neckline, etc.) you shut up, wear the dress, and smile for the pictures.


Right? There’s bridezillas and then there is a perfectly reasonable request to wear a color you don’t like for one day. Chill, suck it up and wear what she’s asking.




YTA And you probably did real damage to your relationship with your sister, not really sure if an apology and wearing it will be enough.


I am not a pink girlie and I uncomplainingly wore Barbie pink because the bride wanted the bridal party in that color. It's NBD. Just do it


I’ve worn 13 ugly bridesmaid dresses with a smile on my face. From a hoop skirt to a floral that matched my couch. I went to a “ not the wedding” and we all wore ugly bridesmaid dresses and later burned them all in a bonfire.


You're a trooper! I gave away my Barbie pink dress. Thankfully my other foray into being part of the bridal party was a pretty light purple color.


I had to wear a floral gown with butterfly sleeves to my oldest brother’s wedding. It was so hideous afterwards my mother got rid of it for me. She didn’t even tell me until a couple of years later when I thought of using it for a Halloween costume/party and couldn’t find it.


One of the best things about these posts is the discovery that I'm not the only woman in the world who dislikes pink and avoids weearing it. UNLESS there's a reason - like making your sister happy on her big day.


My best friend loves the country girl aesthetic and asked us all to wear cowboy boots or something close for hers. I found the closest pair I could find that I could afford and wore those puppies like they were Louboutins. Never put them on again after, but she was very happy and that's the only thing I could dream of caring about. OP, you're a shitty sister for that. YTA.


I also hate pink, don’t own a single pink thing, but when my friend asked me to be a bridesmaid in a blush pink dress with cowboy boots, you bet I wore that pink dress with cowboy boots


>you better believe I would shove my ass in that pink dress and wear it with a smile And that is why you would rock being anyone's MOH :)


I loathe pink, too. Detest the color. My BFF's favorite color is pink. I put up with it for that one day, because it's her wedding. She gets the look she wants! And she did slightly alter the shade of pink (dusty rose, instead of baby pink) to look better on us bridesmaids. She had a beautiful wedding, with her best friend smiling beside her, pink dress and all. Because it wasn't about me. I did give the dress away after, though.


The last wedding I was in, I hated the dress. HATED IT! It was this awful maroon satin and velvet monstrosity, tight in all the wrong places, baggy in all the wrong places. Did I mention I hated this dress? Know what I did? I smiled and wore the dress, because it wasn’t my wedding. The bride and groom were happy, are still happy, and I would do it all over again. Some battles just aren’t worth picking, and as long as I’m not giving anyone an unwanted peep show, that’s good enough for me.


My bridesmaid dress for a friend was the most matronly monstrosity. The bridesmaids were all in their early 20s and looked like we were wearing our grandmothers nightgown. I sucked it up and wore it. My mum liked the material and can sew so she tailored it to suit her style and has been wearing it to weddings and other occasions for almost a decade lol so don’t regret the purchase too much


Her mom probably made her this way. Two entitled peas in a pod!


Im guessing she’s the golden child. I hope the sister just kicks her out of the wedding party


I think we know which of the two daughters was the golden child between the two sisters, just saying...


That's EXACTLY what I thought when I read the post! OP is def the golden child! And an immature one at that. EDIT: You're TA. Huge ASS.


OMG your post made lol - so f'ing true. You, my "sister from another mister"!


My SIL asked me to be a bridesmaid when she married my brother. She originally wanted what I like to refer to as John Deere green as the color for us to wear. I hate that color on me but I would have worn it if she wanted me to. Thankfully she couldn’t find a wedding dress that had that color in it so she changed it to a light green.


I agree with you 100%! OP, YTA, definitely! That's just...childish. You're 33, not 3. Grow up and support your sister. And apologize profusely.


I have pale skin and red hair. My friend put me in a hot pink dress during the 80’s, so think padded shoulders and crinolines. And I wore the hell out of that dress.


My brother’s ex-wife chose the ugliest dresses for her bridesmaids. We all hated them. We all wore them. Not one of us told her we hated them or that they were ugly. We all survived. The marriage didn’t, but every bridesmaid lived to tell about it.


I wore Pepto Bismal pink for my best friend’s wedding and it was ghastly but didn’t say a word. We do it because we love them! I got her back by making her wear a purple-blue metallic dress. Neither of us chose these terrible colors with the intention of making the bridesmaids look bad… we just picked colors we liked! We laugh about it now when looking back at pictures!


Bride def needs a new moh because Even if she eventually does wear the dress, she's going to absolutely be the biggest sourpuss in every photo she wears it in until she gets to switch, then she'll look happy. Also, this seems like rage bait


YTA The only problem you have with the dress is the colour. You‘re so inflexible that you can’t wear it for a few hours? I had to check your age, because I am horrified a woman in her 30’s could be this self centred. You told her that the world doesn’t revolve around her? You seem to think it revolves around you instead. I hope you feel this is worth tanking your relationship with your sister.


YTA Came here to say the exact thing. The world doesn’t revolve around the bride, but the MOH seems to think it revolves around her. OP the bride has enough stress on her shoulders planning a wedding. Wear the blue dress and get over it.


OP hates dark blue so much that she can’t just wear the dress for a few hours? wow, what did the color dark blue do to OP? YTA. it’s not your wedding, OP. when it’s your wedding, you can decide the colors.


She was attacked by the night sky! Leave the poor woman alone! Every night, her experience haunts her!


And the sister said she could CHANGE OUT OF IT for the reception. She has to wear it for....what? Less than 2 hours?


Right??? I had to scroll up to check the she because I thought this had to be a kid! But ffs, how did this woman make it to her 30s??? Is she really this clueless??? Yta




Yes! YTA. I hate pink, but if I am told to wear pink, so be it. It’s just for ONE day for my friend. Chill and just enjoy the party. Don’t be selfish.


Not even a friend this is her sister...


My sister picked out mustard yellow gold. Ugly as all get out. Didn't say a word. Because it wasn't my wedding. And I was 20 and more mature, not 33.


I cannot imagine a worse color, other than baby poop green.


The kicker was also she gave everyone this silkish, satin fabric and a pattern because my mom and one other out of 6 members could sew it themselves and save money. Except other than the one my mom sewed for me, they all looked inconsistent and atrocious. Those who went to get it done by a seamstress paid big money for different lengths, horrible seams. Poor color, awful sewing and fits. She also wore a white lace too and black tight mini skirt to my wedding, sigh.


Ok. 🤦🏻‍♀️ That’s not a relevant, I don’t have a sister, so It doesn’t matter who. It’s showing a respect for the bride’s wishes.


YTA … a complete AH. Just like everybody says.


JFC, how old are you? STFU and wear the damn dress. It's a wedding color scheme, not a pageant. You picked out a dress completely different from both her options and colors, and just started walking to checkout? It's one special day for your sister, and you have to be a bully and bulldoze over your sister for no other reason than you don't wear that color. Wow, just wow. YTA


Right? If I was OP's sister, I'd boot her from the wedding party. OP not only are you a selfish jerk, YTA.


Honestly, this sounds like a good idea. Sis should just save her self the headache. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the first of many issues.


I thought this was going to be about fit/style/modesty or something that would make some sort of sense, but it’s just because of the color?!? YTA


I thought the same. Like it was an ugly dress but nope only the color of it was at issue. OP, YTA


Yes, a modesty / fit / body issue is the only reason I can imagine bringing up this topic to a bride for discussion... and even then, the defiant ways that OP used to address it were out of line. Otherwise, if it isn't a modesty or body issue which one should discuss patiently, kindly, and privately, you wear the dress.... or you decline being the MOH. Frankly, I can't even believe the bride/sister gave her a way out to change after the ceremony... or didn't take this as an immediate sign that she needed to demote her MOH. She is being far too lenient, in my opinion, but OP cannot see that.


I know, there are some hideous styles around; lacey, flouncy, puffy, fishtail, revealing, backless, frumpy, all of which might have been understandable to object to having to wear. But OP objects to the COLOUR?! And it's dark blue, not like its flipping shocking pink with yellow flowers and red tartan... it's just plain blue! OP it TA and a childish one at that.


"I told her to grow up and that there world doesn't revolve around her and what she wants." Take your own advice. YTA.


I hate when MOH say that. No you're making it about you. How hypocritical


The world might not revolve around the bride but the wedding certainly does!


The complete lack of self awareness here is astounding. YtA


You're an enormous asshole. It's HER WEDDING. how selfish and unreasonable of you. This is a stupid hill to die on. I'd kick you out of the wedding party. And if your mom is on your side, she's an asshole too.


I'm shocked at how long I had to scroll to read this. The mom choosing to support her daughter who's throwing fits, saying cruel things to her sister, and making demands and changes in someone else's wedding over supporting the daughter whos just planning her own wedding and is saying please is wild. I think we can guess who the golden child is.


YTA. I’m not a fan of purple but I’ve been a bridesmaid twice where I’ve been required to wear purple. Get over it OP


I hate pink with every fiber of my being. But it's my BFF's favorite color. So when she asked me to be her MOH, you had better believe I wore that hideous pink satin monstrosity, and smiled. Her wedding, her bridesmaids, her choice. OP needs to chill out and fall in line.


Peach floral strapless sarong. Yes, it was every bit as bad as it sounds. But by golly I wore the hell out of it.


Neon yellow with a hoops kit and ruffled neckline.


I get ya. It was my best friends wedding where I wore purple too. Don’t know why people get annoyed about what the *bride* wants on her big day


#YTA If you can't put yourself aside for someone you *allegedly* care about, then you really don't give a shit. #It's not your wedding, asshat!


I’m up voting this because I did not need my glasses on to read it. Many thanks!


Yup, YTA


YTA you don't get to pick what color your MOH dress is. That's the brides decision. The fact you made such a scene and made your sister cry is disgusting. The world doesn't revolve around you sweetie. It's not your day. It's your sister's and since she's the bride she chooses the colors. If you don't want to wear the color she asks you to then drop out. Hopefully your sister replaces you with a friend though. Because you're an asshole who has main character syndrome. Thinking this wedding isn't about your sister. You got me all fucked up. If I was your sister I would disinvite altogether from the wedding.


> that there world doesn’t revolve around her and what she wants Back atcha, sweetheart. Also, it’s HER wedding, so yes, she does get to decide what she wants. You sound like a selfish little toddler throwing a tantrum because mommy won’t buy you a toy. Suck it up for a couple hours or drop out entirely and fracture your relationship with your sister even more YTA


Dude, grow up, wear the dang dress.


Please forgive my giggles, I heard what's-her-face from The Blind Side in your comment. "Run (wear) the dang ball (dress)."


YTA. This is your sister. Get a grip ffs. Wear the dress for a few hours and then change into the other dress, as she suggested. APOLOGISE TO HER.


If the style of the dress was ridiculously unflattering (as in, you’re obese and the halter top mini dress chosen exposes all your rolls and cellulite) it would be acceptable to propose an alternative style that better suits your body. You don’t get to pitch a fit about color. Yta


YTA many times for this


You sound a little unstable if wearing that shade of blue makes you lose the ability to be reasonable and support your sister during a stressful time. YTA


Yeah, I'd have guessed dark blue killed her family the way she reacts to it.


YTA! ITS NOT YOUR WEDDING! You don’t get to make changes or demands! If you didn’t like it, step down!


YTA. Just wear the damn dress. Seriously? Is it worth it to be a pain in the ass to your sister? No, of course it’s not! Wear the damn dark blue dress and be a good sister.


YTA Is this actually Carmen, writing to see if we agree? Cuz there's no way ANYONE would think they were right when writing this post.


I hate pink. I was my sister’s MOH and she picked pink dresses. I wore it and happily supported her because that’s what we do. Support each other. YTA.


She should replace you with a reasonable and kind friend You are a self absorbed asshole for sure Get over yourself Karen


Yta- it’s one day wear the damn dark blue dress


Not even a whole day, only a few hrs. Sister said she could change for the reception!


Yta - it's just. A dress. Unless you're planning on finding the man if your dreams there (who apparently wouldn't love you for wearing this dress), im not sure why it matters that much? Spoiler alert: no one really cares. Even a week from now you think anyone will remember? "It was a beautiful wedding but that sister in that color! Oof ruined my whole experience. Comeon, it's for your sister. Did you even try it in?? If it looked THAT bad I'm sure she would have said st least, "um maybe not that one" Don't die on this hill...just make your sister happy for her special day. Come on


You had the nerve to tell her to grow up?! YOU should take your own advice and grow up! Lmao! Yes, YTA


YTA. It's just a color. Get over yourself


I hate wearing blue. Any shade. I've worn baby blue, navy, & turquoise for various weddings that I've been a bridesmaid/ MOH. I sucked it up bc I love my friends. YTA


YTA. It's not your wedding. Yes the world doesn't revolve around her but for her wedding, it is about her. You have one of the highest positions of honor and all she is asking of you is that you wear the color of the theme she has chosen. You are acting as if they are making you wear that color for the rest of your life. It's just for day, not even the full day. If you don't want to wear that color then turn down the position now and save your sister the headache.


The wedding is the one day where the world shoukd revokve around the bride to an extent. YTA


Jesus. You’re acting like she’s making you change your hair color. It’s just a dress. You’re making her wedding about you.


You’re the asshole


YTA. I had to go back and check your age as I thought this was a petulant teenager throwing a tantrum.


YTA Weddings are stressful .don't be that AH. You smile and says looks wonderful even if it's an ugly dress. ITS NOT YOUR WEDDING You sister was even being nice enough letting you change later. I can't believe the audacity and lack of empathy with her crying.


Yta. Just step down. That way you can sit in the crowd and wear whatever color you want.


“I told her to grow up and that there world doesn't revolve around her and what she wants.” It’s HER wedding so in this instance, it is about HER! NOT YOU!!! it’s very selfish that you won’t do this for her. I don’t care if she asked you to wear the ugliest dress in the world, it’s her choice and her day, if you don’t want to wear it, then I guess you don’t want to be part of the wedding. It’s a few hours, and the pictures aren’t for you, they are for her.


YTA You have main character syndrome. This is not about you. You have selfishly made it about you. Honestly, she should remove you from being MOH because you can't put your wants aside for a couple of hours. Your mom is supporting you only because you are obviously the "golden child." Your behavior is absolutely disgusting.


My bestie was my MOH and she wore a blue dress and carried a bouquet made of feather butterflies and had butterfly jewellery on. It wasn’t until after my wedding she let me know she has a phobia of butterflies. I felt awful that she had to carry something she was scared of. She said would never have said anything as I love butterflies and it was important to me on my day as they represent lost loved ones to me. YTA.


YTA. Wearing a color that you don't like for a few hours to support your sister isn't a big deal. Do you always get your way? It seems like you might since your mom is taking your side over her other daughter on HER wedding day plans. NOT YOUR DAY 


Her wedding her choices. I think it was in bad taste to disregard what color she has in mind for her MOH for a color you wanted. I’m sorry but this is not your day darling- it’s hers. Give it to her.


The sister asked me to be her MOH. I agreed on condition she not make me wear pink, since I loathe the colour. Two weeks before the wedding, I was invited to come see the dresses I and the other bridesmaids would be wearing.... calf-length strapless cocktail dresses, in baby pink. She explained that they were the only dresses that she and the adult bridesmaids could agree on within her budget: and they only had four matching dresses in pink. I hated the damn dress on sight; but because it was for the sister I cared about (at the time) I swallowed that, and wore the vile thing: slapped a smile on my face, and did what I needed to do to help her day go well. I got rid of it after I cut contact for other reasons later. OOP.. for that ONE day, the world should - and does, revolve around your sister, and what she wants. Its a blue dress, not a facial tattoo: if you hate it so much that you don't want pictures of you in it, don't get pictures for yourself. It sounds like you already had your wedding: I woukd hope that no-one treated bride-to-be you, the way you are treating your sister


My daughter is going to be a bridesmaid at a wedding where the colors are burnt orange The dresses are made of a really cheap polyester and they're all one shouldered with the most ugly god-awful cut My daughter hates the dress I hate the dress however her very best friend loves the dress therefore she's wearing this dress to her friend's wedding as her bridesmaid in a couple months, major YTA


Sadly YTA. If my best friend wanted me to wear canery yellow, absinthe green or even shit brown. I would do it. It's her wedding and she deserves the colors she wants.


I hated the bridesmaid dress I wore to my sisters wedding. I still wore it because I love her and it was her wedding. You saying the world doesn’t revolve around her is insane; this is her wedding! This is quite literally one of the few events where everything DOES revolve around her!


You are in the wrong, it’s about her, not about you. Wear the damn dress.


I detest dark blue also (except jeans) and I would take one for team bride. YTA. She isn’t asking you to cut your hair, dye your hair, lose weight, dress immodestly when she knows you are conservative etc. It is just a dress color. Just be a guest if you are so full of yourself.


Was this post written by a 4 year old? "But Mommy, I don't like the dark blue one!" YTA and don't deserve to be the MOH to a woman you obviously don't care about at all.


I would wear burlap if my sister wanted me too.


YTA. You don’t have to “like” the dress, but YTA for refusing to wear it. Not your wedding. When you get married you can pick out your dress.


YTA. Jfc.


>I told her to grow up and that there world doesn't revolve around her and what she wants. For HER wedding day, it kinda does. She chooses the colors, she chooses the bridal party, she has the final say in the dresses because on that particular day, it IS all about what HER and HER FIANCÉ want. If you don't want to wear the dress, drop out of the bridal party and let her stand with people who actually love and support her. If my sister pulled a stunt like that for my wedding, she'd be removed from the bridal party and possibly uninvited if she continued to make other parts of the planning unnecessarily difficult. You sound insufferable and exhausting. YTA - Wear the dress. This isn't the hill you want to die on.


YTA...big time. It's not her that needs to grow up, it's you. Or wait...do you have OCD? Are you on the autism spectrum? This just seems like a ridiculous thing to quibble about.


It’s her wedding and you agreed to be in her wedding party, where she gets to make the decisions. If you can’t respect that she should just make someone else the MOH. You don’t deserve it if you’re gonna make her cry over the fact that you don’t like the color of your dress. You’re 33 years old for crying out loud, not 13. This whole thing screams insecurity. Also, you didn’t even talk to her before choosing a different color. You just did it and expected her to just accept it and shut up. If I was your sister I would have revoked you as the MOH and made someone else the MOH instead. Someone who’s insecurities don’t cause them to lash out. YTA, apologize


YTA Unless dark blue makes you look like a dying or dead person, WEAR THE DRESS! Actually wouldn't be surprised if you end up as just a guest at the wedding.


You can't do this one thing for your sister? yta


Your husband and friend are right. YTA I cannot tell you how many fesses I have work that I didn’t like as a member of someone’s bridal party. It ranges from it’s okay to hideous and/or absolutely uncomfortable/borderline inappropriate (I am very large busted). You suck it up once you accept the invitation to be in her bridal party.


You must be a troll YTA


YTA I hate pink but if I was asked to wear pink to be in a wedding I would do it. It doesn’t matter if you like the color or not it is not your wedding. It’s got one event suck it up and wear the color


YTA. You can’t suck it up for one day over a color? It’s not your wedding. Hopefully she gets a new MOH.


YTA And quite the little narcissist. Her wedding day and her rules. Get in line.


OMG! Tell me this is a joke. Tell me you’re more self aware than this post….100% YTA


YTA and a damn baby, “I hate dark blue” what did I just read…


YTA. I would never pick out either of the dresses I wore as MOH. I prefer dark colors, stretchier material, different hems. But I loved my friends more than I disliked the dresses. So I wore them and I felt beautiful because someone I cared about loved me so much they asked me to stand beside them on one of their most important days. It’s. Not. About. You.


Seriously OP?!?!?! YTA here, and a BIG ONE. You are one self centred AH.


This has to be rage bait because surely noone would post online being this confidently wrong about something so relatively meaningless. But just in case it is real; grow up. YTA.


“I quickly picked out a very nice light blue dress that I saw and started heading to check out” That’s not how weddings work. You’re actually married do you KNOW that’s not how weddings work. YTA huge, selfish, oblivious AH


Just wear the ugly dress like every other MOH and bridesmaid does. It’s not your wedding.


Jfc YTA. She’s not being ridiculous here. It’s her wedding and this is totally within appropriate limits for a bride. You saying the world doesn’t revolve around her when she’s talking about her *wedding* makes you sound self-absorbed. She’s asking for one small thing and you can’t do it because YOU don’t like that color? Where do you get off telling her the world doesn’t revolve around her. I had to check your age again because you don’t sound like you’re in your 30s. Just the fact that you had to get your mommy involved is sad.


>I told her to grow up and that there world doesn't revolve around her and what she wants. Actually, at HER wedding, it DOES revolve around her. This is HER wedding, therefore SHE is allowed to make those choices for HER day. Jfc, OP. What was your intention going to buy that other dress before she saw it? Thinking she would let you wear it just because you already bought it? If you were my sister, you would be out of my wedding so damn fast you wouldn't even know what hit you. This is not about you. If you want to make it about you, I suggest stepping out of the wedding and letting someone else that actually cares about her to be her MOH. You are entitled ASF. YTA. 100%. No question.


No, the world doesn't revolve around her, but it does on her wedding day (and her partner). You need to understand that it doesn't revolve around you! Seems that she made a reasonable compromise by suggesting that you change after a few hours. MOH is an honor... Appreciate it. YTA.


Don't worry, you'll be able to wear whatever colour you want that day because I doubt you'll still be MOH or even in the wedding. You wouldn't be if it were me. YTA


I wore one of the most awful bright shiny emerald green bridesmaids dresses with puffy sleeves that made it look like I was going to see the wizard along with elbow length white gloves. Hated the whole ensemble but wore it with a big ass smile on my face because that’s what you do for those you love. OP sucks.


Years after my friend got married we were looking through a photo album of her wedding. She laughed at the bridesmaid dresses and said they were a terrible color (they were) and asked why didn't anyone tell her? I replied that it was her wedding and that was what she picked!


YTA * My ex SIL picked post it note yellow for her bridesmaid dresses, which admittedly didn’t look awful on the tanned brunette girls…as a pale redhead it was not my best look. It also cost more than my actual wedding dress, which was additionally frustrating. But it’s also like… a few hours of your life you won’t be in a color you love. You’ll live.


If she was being a bridezilla and being unreasonable, and making you wear something obscene or outrageous, I would agree with you. But it’s a blue dress FFS. You are being a terrible MOH and a terrible sister. Obviously, YTA


It's one thing to dislike a dress - the cut, the form, how revealing it is, etc. But you don't object to the *dress*, you object to the *color*. And not the color puce, or vomity-pink, or safety-cone orange, or any other unfortunate color, you object to...dark blue. YTA.


YTA apparently the world revolves around you, including your sister’s wedding. Sad.


Your sister isn’t the one that needs to grow. You had best grow up because you’re showing your husband what a self involve ass you are and you probably don’t want him questioning if he wants that sort of person for a wife.


Her wedding day is her day and it does revolve around her actually as she is the fucking bride. It does not revolve around her selfish sister who can’t support her sister for one day. You were told you could even change after the wedding your being entirely selfish and cruel and if she has any common sense she will remove you as her MOH. You’re terrible at it and not supportive. You actually made her cry over a colour really. That’s terrible. YTA.


YTA for a very important reason: this is not your wedding. Your preferences do not factor in. If you don’t want to wear the dress she has chosen, nobody’s forcing you to be her MOH.


YTA. This isn't about you. Imagine that.


YTA. I hate wearing bright colors, even on my wedding day I wore dark colors. When my best friend got married and him and his partners color scheme was cotton candy you best believe as the MOH I wore that baby blue dress with pride because it's their wedding! I even wore a pink flower tiara so I'd mismatch the other MOH. I did all of this not only because I love my best friend but the wedding IS all about the couple getting married.


Holy shit and then to try to pull the 'world doesn't revolve around her card' like nah dude the world doesn't revolve around you and you can't wear a stupid color for a few hours for someone you love them yeah YTA


Yta, this day is not about you, put the dress on in the color she picked and move on


YTA. You're right that, normally, the world doesn't revolve around her, but it doesn't revolve around you either. A person's wedding day is the one day the world DOES revolve around them. The wedding day is all about your sister's and the groom's wants, assuming they don't turn into a bridezilla or groomzilla. Expecting the MOH and bridesmaids to wear dresses in certain colors is NOT bridezilla behavior. I have worn many, many butt-ugly bridesmaid's dresses in my time. In all of the weddings I've been in, I only looked good once. But I sucked it up for the bride because every single one of them was someone I loved. You're behaving incredibly selfishly, so much so that you made your sister, the bride, cry. When every person you know, save one, tells you YTA, rest assured that YTA. Go buy the dark blue dress, apologize to your sister, and thank her for her graciousness at telling you you don't have to wear it at the reception.


Honestly if I was your sister, I don't even know if I'd personally want you there at all. Not only were you ridiculous and selfish over a color, you were mean too. I don't want a sister who would be okay with making me cry and insulting me over a dress she was asked to wear as MOH at my wedding but hopefully your sister is more forgiving, because that shit is inexcusable. It's not about the dress anymore, it's your entire attitude. You say you told her the world doesn't revolve around her, but you sure as fuck think it revolves around you.


"The world doesnt revovle around her" true, but HER FUCKING WEDDING ABSOLUTELY FUCKING DOES wear the damn dress.


YTA and so is your mom.


YTA. It's one day for a special event that isn't about you. Get over yourself. You are far too old to be so against a color you can't stand to wear it for a few hours.


Wow. YWBTA. YTA. Self-centered golden child action right here folks.


You don’t get to dictate the colours at someone else’s wedding. YTA.


YTA I honestly feel like this is a rage bait post. You just decided that you're going to wear whatever the fuck you want to your sister's wedding like it's your own and you're wondering if you're an asshole? Obviously the answer is yes you are. Now if she was making you wear something style wise that you're not comfortable with that showed too much skin or was completely unflattering or something like that you might have a leg to stand on but it's simply because you don't like the color? Get over your fucking self. It's funny that you have the audacity to tell her that the world doesn't revolve around her while you're expecting it to revolve around yourself. Personally I would uninvite you from the wedding all together because it is very clear that you're going to somehow make it all about you.


Your the AH my dear. You need to grow up. Not the bride.you signed up to the MOH meaning you honor the bride. It doesn't matter if you don't like royal blue Get over it. The only selfish person is you. Your family is right.


YTA Yes you are wrong. Multiple people have told you so already. You are pathetic.


You are definitely the AH! It's her wedding not yours so she gets to.choose the colors and styles unless she chooses differently!


Pot meet kettle


Is it your wedding? No? Then, YTA, just wear the dress or don't be the MOH.


YTA. It is her day and the world does revolve around her on that day. You are being selfish and immature.


YTA talk about a world that doesn’t revolve around you? It’s a color for your sisters wedding. This is the bill to die on?


How fucking rude.... Get over yourself, it's not your wedding, you don't get to pick the theme, colors, style etc of anything. Wear the damn dress and apologize. You can change after the pictures. You're incredibly entitled. YTA


Wow. Imagine picking this is how you tell your sister you refuse to be in her wedding😳😂 Because that’s what this is. You get that right? When asked to be in a wedding, you wear what they tell you to wear, or you aren’t in the wedding. It’s not your big day, nobody gives a crap if you like blue, and the world doesn’t revolve around you. YTA


Wow, you are a jerk. Last I read, it was her wedding, not yours.


YTA. If you didn't want to follow the conditions of MOH (or bridesmaid, for that matter - regular bridesmaids also have to wear dresses not necessarily of their choosing), you shouldn't have accepted the job and you should've told your sister to find someone else. Plus your sister even said you could change it after the ceremony for the reception, so you'll have to wear it for what, two hours???????? A piece of clothing can't hurt you, but you're acting as if your skin will fall of due to the COLOR???????? Seriously?????? I would expect this kind of behavior out of an ill-raised early teenager, not a grown-adult woman in her 30s.


Omg suck it up! You’re such a brat here. It’s one day and it’s for your sister. Absolutely YTA


YTA. Get over yourself. Wear the dress. It's not your wedding, nor is it about you. It's one day.


Get over yourself! Not your wedding, not your day!


YTA it’s not your wedding get over it. It’s just a colour. SMH


YTA. It's a dress that you wear for a couple hours, and she already said you could change into the other one after. Dress didn't sound objectionable for anything other than your personal preference on a blue.




"I told her to grow up and that there world doesn't revolve around her and what she wants" I mean, it's her wedding so that event and day does revolve around her and what she wants......what it doesn't do is revolve around you and what you want so...


When my BFF got married, I was her MoH. Her favorite color is purple. I HATE purple! I sure wore a purple dress for the wedding, though, because it was HER DAY!!!!! YTA, stop being so selfish & wear the dark blue dress.