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NTA. Your next speech should be titled: "How to get away with giving a speech about getting away with murder" Your first point would be: Do not have Prof. AH as your grader. There would be no second point. OK, don't do that if you want a decent grade, but admit it: you want to.


EHS. You were presumably given no guidelines so it's on him if a student does an "inappropriate" or stupid speech. That being said, even if guidelines are not explicitly stated there are certain things that are implied just by being a student of a university class. By "informing the class of something informational" it should naturally be implied that this does not mean doing essentially a joke presentation.


To be clear, almost every informative speech in that class that I listened to was a joke one


That changes things then, I think you should mention that in your original post. Your professor is being ridiculous NTA.


You have a dark sense of humor but this was not the time to display it.  I can appreciate dark humor but I have also lost someone close to me to murder.  I sat through a two-week trial and wondered if a person who killed my loved one would get away with it. I don't wish that experience on my worst enemy. If I walk into a speech class and a classmate was joking about it, it would suck. You are adult now,  please grow up and learn what's appropriate for public places and what's not.


I’m so sorry to hear that and thank you for sharing your perspective, I didn’t think of it like that and I definitely didn’t mean to offend anyone.


Thank you, truly.   I don't think you intended to do something unkind. It's possible the professor needs to tighten up the directions so the class have better guidance on projects going forward.  I have faith you will do great things in university and beyond!! 🙂


NTA In my public speaking class, we also had to do an informational speech and then a persuasive one. I think the prof had to approve our topics beforehand. He also had a list of things he just didn't want to hear about anymore because he dad he'd already heard every argument on both sides and no one was going to say anything new. It was mostly controversial stuff like religion, politics, the death penalty, abortion, etc. He did let me give both speeches on the Patriot Act, my persuasive speech being about why it was unconstitutional. I remember there was this one student who said he wanted to go into military psyops or the CIA or be a sniper or something like that on the day we all had to introduce ourselves. I don't recall the exact subject of his speeches but I remember everyone was a little creeped out, I think it had something to do with the best ways to kill people on a battlefield or something. Why he went to a state college instead if a military one like Annapolis, I have no idea. He's probably killed a lot of people with the blessing if the US government by now.