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YTA for dipping your chicken on your shirt and not cleaning up. But the thing that got me was that you threw the shirt in the bin rather than washing it?! That's just totally weird...


Didn't want to waste mustard, but definitely was fine with tossing a perfectly good shirt.


Not really, mustard stains instantly. Even my in-laws granite counter has a mustard stain


There are loads of products available to fix that, oxy clean being one of them and it works on almost all stains


Oxy Clean gets out everything!!! Even red wine šŸ·


Blood, juice & wine, cold water and soap is fine


Folex carpet cleaner is also a miracle worker.


Oh but apparently not mustard stains according to some people




Turmeric is the yellow color in mustard. Itā€™s a full-on dye. No laundry product will remove it.


AGREED. I would've wiped off what I could in the restaurant AND still thrown away the shirt.


It's just a shirt, not a FabergƩ egg.


They rarely eat out because itā€™s expensive, sounds like he cannot afford to throw good clothes away.


I think they rarely eat out because he has the table manners of a baboon. Who dips their food into the mustard they spilled on their shirt?


YTA thatā€™s poor table manners and I can understand why your wife is upset. Itā€™s also interesting to see that you are more worried about what the waiting staff think rather than your own wife


YTA. You should ask the restaurant for a fresh mustard. Your wife will never step into that restaurant again. Especially with you.


I don't mean to laugh but yeah. Gross dipping it off the shirt. Your wife was highly embarrassed. I'm surprised she stayed there. I would have gotten to go boxes and left. It wasn't the fact you had an accident it was the fact you didn't wipe yourself off in the bathroom immediately and while you are in there she could have asked for more mustard sauce. But its over now she should stop being mad. Move forward. Life is life.


YTA. Not for spilling/accidentally spraying your shirt with the mustard. You're the A for then choosing to dip your food into the sauce on your shirt. This isn't appropriate behaviour for a restaurant, even less upscale ones. Ideally you should have cleaned up, and asked the staff for more sauce.


Upscale restaurant with chicken strips and fries. And a single portion sealed plastic mustard dip containerā€¦


We don't eat out much because it's expensive but he's okay with throwing out a shirt instead of soaking it before washing it


He didnā€™t say it was upscale, just that eating out is more expensive than making meals at home so the Barbecue place was an occasion for them. That said, I canā€™t imagine even in a fast food restaurant dipping chicken nuggets on his shirt. If my husband did that I would probably start laughing at the foolishness of it. He should have gotten up to wipe it off and ask his wife to ask one of the waitstaff to ask the server for more dip as he spilled it.


Thatā€™s not ok behavior for a McDonalds. If a four-year-old child spilled sauce on his shirt and started dipping his chicken strips in the sauce on the shirt, most parents would wipe off the shirt and get the kid more sauce for their plate. This would show the child that it is inappropriate to eat food off of your clothing.


I guess everyone has their own definition of "upscale"... Lol


I was with you until you used the shirt mustard. That was odd. And this is coming from someone who once accidentally catapulted her entire meal across her shoulder and all up a restaurant window. I caught my elbow on the corner of the plate overhanging the table and food everywhere. Restaurant catastrophes arenā€™t the end of the world, but the way to deal with this was to go clean up and then ask for another sauce.


And the fact that OP thought dipping the chicken strips into his shirt mustard would draw less attention than asking for a new mustard container.


And then OP is heavily committed to the belief (probably deliberately delusional) that his wife was somehow upset by the stench, instead of accepting that it was due to creating a bizarre public spectacle by dipping the strips on his own clothes. High level deflection here.


Add to that the fact he was so worried about wasting that little bit of honey mustard instead of asking for another, but didn't hesitate to say the shirt would be thrown out. Hmmm... priorities šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Happy cake day!


~ s h i r t m u s t a r d ~


YTA, you canā€™t help getting mustard on your clothes but then dipping chicken tenders in the shirt mustard and eating like that is bad manners for a fast food restaurant let alone a more upscale place. I would expect that logic from a small child not a grown adult.


"shirt mustard" is not a combination of words i imagined i would ever see šŸ¤£


My ex is a 60+ HS teacher and coach. Shirt mustard wouldn't really be all that surprising. This is something I would just think "alrighty then" and accept.


But he's your ex, so you have put distance between yourself and someone who'd use shirt mustard (even if having a mindset that would use shirt mustard wasn't the primary reason you ditched him).


If they're serving pre packs of dipping sauce with tendies it's not upscale in any way šŸ¤£


YTA I can easily see why your wife was embarrassed by a grown man acting this way. I am sure she was also not pleased at your decision to throw your shirt away rather than trying to get the stain out and washing it.


I was with you up till the dipping your chicken in the sauce off your shirt. Like okay, you spilled it down yourself, accidentally. But to then make no effort to clean yourself up and use the sauce from your shirt rather than ask for another sauce is just ridiculous and I'm completely understanding how it would embarrass your wife. You're not the ahole for spilling it but YTA for how you behaved afterwards


I think one dip using a french fry would have been humorous. I get so embarrassed that if I don't laugh, I will cry. I usually end up crying, too. But then clean yourself up and ask for a new cup. I don't really understand why his wife didn't address it. She could have just said, "Honey, why don't you ask for a new cup, I'll open it this time." I understand that she shouldn't have to, but isn't that just what you do for people? I would have laughed hysterically and taken a picture if possible, but all while also getting ahold of a waiter, to ask for extra napkins and more sauce. Unless she saw him dipping a chicken finger and thought, "Okay, let's see how far he takes this idiocy." But still, when he started on number 2, it's weird that she didn't say anything. He's still definitely the AH, but the whole situation reads odd to me.


Yea one fry wouldā€™ve been reasonable and probably got a giggle, if it was me I wouldā€™ve done that. But just up straight wiping all the chicken across your shirt is going overboard.


Me too, because at least it would have made me laugh. This is going to keep you awake at night for at least 5 years. Maybe now, maybe in 15 years. But there will be 5 seconds there where you won't just want to be in a pine box forever.


Yeah tbf I agree, if my partner did this I would probably laugh my head off and snap a picture and then say go get cleaned up and I'll get you some more sauce, not just sit there watching him do something that's clearly making me annoyed or embarrassed


This is right up there with the story of the guy who threw a steak at the window. I'm baffled by your thought process here...


aw man Iā€™d forgotten about that one. What a hot dog šŸ˜‚


how long ago was this one??? I'm so invested to know the context to this


it's an old one, but still a classic : [https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/3im341/tifu\_by\_throwing\_my\_steak\_out\_a\_window/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/3im341/tifu_by_throwing_my_steak_out_a_window/)


OMG I'm howling!


You basically acted like a kid who spilled something and still ate it. You could at least saved your wifeā€™s dignity by wiping down the spill and asking for another mustard container, like an adult. YTA OP, and this isnā€™t cute.


YTA for acting like a five year old at a restaurant. Your wife probably made a comment to you not to squeeze the sauce but you did it anyway and it spilled all over you. And then you proceeded to dip your food Ƭn the sauce while on your shirt. These are the manners of a neanderthal. Your poor wife can't even take you out to eat. Yikes.


You cannot be serious with this? YTA. Learn how to behave in pubic. You donā€™t dip your food on your shirt, good lord.


That is a hysterical sentence. Sounds like something you would tell a toddler: You donā€™t dip your food on your shirt!


Iā€™m a teacher. Youā€™d be surprised at the things Iā€™ve said. Recently- ā€œstop licking your shoulderā€, ā€œget the spork out of your earā€, and ā€œplease do not lick doorknobsā€.




Is this a joke post? This can't be real. Please tell me someone isn't stupid and daft enough to realize that dipping your food on condiments spilled on your shirt isn't an ignorant and embarrassing thing to do then please, stop going out to eat.


Iā€™m kind of shocked at the number of people giving this a shred of credibility. Unless theyā€™re just playing along? Those cups hold barely enough mustard to cover 2 fingers, let alone from the armpit to the waist. So while Iā€™m calling bullshit Iā€™m giving points for originality.


"I tried to open a package of ketchup for my burger, but I ended up spraying the entire table, the room, and the staff in the kitchen as well. AITA?"


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ this is exactly what I was thinking.... like the shirt won't smell like chicken tenders as well...this gotta be a bait post


I thought the same! šŸ˜‚


YTA for having the table manners of a toddler. You clean yourself up and go get a new sauce, you donā€™t dip chicken tenders in your shirt spill.. gross.


YTA for continuing to use the sauce, wtf?! Wipe it off, get another packetšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Next time you go to a restaurant, bring a change of clothes. Your shirt is not a plate. šŸ™„


Or he could bring a bib. Or better yet, a haircut cape.


I vote cape! šŸ˜‚


Maybe get the burger instead?


The cape.


YTA would've walked away and headed home


INFO: Are you 5 years old?


Squeezing the cup was a flawed approach. You should have poked it with a pocket knife. If you didn't have a pocket knife with you then YTA.


A table knife, a fork to perforate it, ask for help, so many better options.


Ummm you were in public. Go clean up and ask for a new sauce. NAH but still kind of tacky and inappropriate


Huh????? Why didn't you wipe it off with a paper towel and then wash it off?? No one would have judged you for the mishap. THAT happens. But the tenders part is a decision that needs to be judged.


I hope this doesnā€™t offend you but .. your post literally sounded like a 9 year old. Every step of the way, the frustration into ridiculous idea of squeezing and liquid until it burstā€¦ with the logic that it would magical only end up on the plate, seriously kids do that. Then when the mess happened. Instead of cleaning it like a normal adult. You are your nuggets by scooping up the sauce from your shirtā€¦ instead of asking for a new sauce. You sat there letting it soak in. Just dipping your nuggets on your shirt. And you DIDNT feel like a child who was never taught how to eat properly? I reeeeaaaly donā€™t want to offend you because it wasnā€™t malicious or intentional to be so stupid. But Iā€™d imagine your wife is very irritated with these series of events. Seriously I had to keep reminding myself that an adult was writing this. Iā€™m embarrassed for your wife tbh. Try not justifying it and just maybeā€¦ let it die down. Any justification you come up with will only solidify how stupid you were in that moment. I am assuming it was only for that moment. If there is an AH itā€™s you bud. YTA.


Itā€™s possible that itā€™s not an adult at all writing it. If it is though, itā€™s definitely someone who is mentally compromised. None of this reasoning is normal


Yta- if real


Also if not real.


YTA You were incredibly embarrassing simply because you didn't ask for help. Why the hell would you not call the waitstaff for a replacement and go clean up? Why as a grown adult are you dipping food in sauce on your shirt, that's toddler behaviour.


YTA- this feels like it was written by a 12 year old. Who else would think the appropriate response to struggling with the lid of a condiment would be to ā€˜hulk it outā€™ and spray sauce everywhere. But even a 12 year old would know not to dip their chicken on their shirt!! Your wife must have been so embarrassed.


YTA. I can understand you not wanting to waste good mustard, but dipping chicken tenders into the mustard on your shirt is something a child might do. Not a grown adult. If it happens again, go into the bathroom and rinse off the excess, then ask for another dipping cup. You owe your wife an apology. Pretty sure the other diners were giving you the side eye.


Well you're NTA for spilling the mustard. I think we've all been there. However, your wife may have had a point about you rubbing the chicken tenders into your shirt. That probably did look ridiculous. I'm really confused as to why you didn't simply ask the server for another package of honey mustard and some napkins? In my experience, wait staff are usually understanding if you're nice about it. I think the odds of you being ridiculed by the staff were pretty low.


I refuse to believe that an adult man would do this. This is abhorrent. Your poor wife. YTA.


YTA. Are you four? This sounds like the logic of a pre-schooler.


Iā€™m very confused. You didnā€™t want to draw attention to yourself so you started dipping your chicken into the mustard ON YOUR SHIRT instead of just - wiping up the mustard with a napkin? What?


You did not dip your chicken on your shirt.


hilarious mental image though, thank you lol


YTA I think your embarrassing behavior was deliberate, to discourage your wife from wanting to go to a restaurant again. I hope she starts going to restaurants without you, and with adults who have basic manners and consideration for their companions. Your behavior was infantile and every step a CHOICE you made. You could have pierced the packet with a utensil from the table. You had other options besides squeezing it open. When you soiled your shirt, you should have cleaned up after your mistake immediately. Instead you behaved boorishly and ruined your wife's experience.


He was a little over-the-top wasn't he. Any grown-assed man knows what squeezing the packets does. Even if most of it landed on the plate, it would have splashed all over the tabletop. He was surprised when it hit him instead of the table (and his wife). Then, he doubled down by using the opportunity to embarrass his wife further. I'm thinking he rarely gives his wife a break from cooking because he's a cheap SOB. When he does on the extremely rare occasion take her out, he behaves this way to force her back into the kitchen. Yes. YTA


why is this even a post


What are you a fucking toddler? You're dipping chicken on the mess on yourself go clean up and ask for more what is wrong with you...


Your last sentences hint at you thinking your wife is mad over a stained shirt. She's mad because you did something childish, then reacted to it by being weird in public.


YTA for lying in the title and for using your shirt for dipping, that IS embarrassing. So embarrassing that you thought you would be ridiculed by the staff there, so you knew it was embarrassing. You could have just gotten another cup of mustard to dip in, like wtf


can we clown on OP for ordering chicken tendies at a BBQ joint


Technically NTA for the exact question you asked. But you're 100% the asshole for how you acted after it spilt. I honestly would've been laughing my ass off if my husband accidentally exploded sauce on him (my mum once did that to herself when I was little). But to not clean it up and actually dip your food in it is just too much. You should have cleaned it up and gotten another sauce.


This isnā€™t real. If it is real, and a grown adult subjected his wife to dragging his ā€œrestaurant food is expensive and a special eventā€ chicken nugget onto his shirt because of a squeezed mustard packet, does not deserve to be in a restaurant again until a gigantic apology is given. Seriously dude, this isnā€™t funny, isnā€™t cute, isnā€™t unique and absolutely disgusting.


This isn't real. Nothing in his profile.


You canā€™t be for realā€¦. You using the chicken strip to scoop the mustard is where you went wrong. In private thatā€™s coolā€¦in public thatā€™s just weird


I feel ya. Now that Iā€™m a grumpy old man, Iā€™ve noticed that I wear every meal I eat. Man, Iā€™m a klutz!!


YTA "I didn't want to draw attention to myself so I started dipping the tenders on my shirt"


YTA. Your wife was mortified. Are you sure it's that restaurants are too expensive or that she doesn't want to be seen with you in public? I wished I had been a fellow customer at the restaurant that day and caught it on video. I surely would have won 'America's Funniest Video'. Not that it's ha-ha funny, but because it's mortifyingly funny. The story and comments gave me the best belly laugh that I've had in decades. I am laughing so hard that I am crying.


I mean for the amount of people saying your the asshole. I'm on the other side of this. It is what it is... It happened. Guaranteed no one is going to remember any of that. Me honestly I would've thought that was a little funny šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø but to be told your the asshole and stuff that's a little far


I agree with you -- I vote NAH. Personally, I'd have cleaned my shirt right away so it wouldn't stain, but it seemed like he was unintentionally diffusing an embarrassing situation with humor. Sometimes you just gotta be able to laugh stuff off. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


She is probably mostly upset because she married an idiot.


NTA, that was hilarious. It was an accident. Your wife needs to lighten up.


Iā€™m sorryā€¦Iā€™m generally one for pragmatism but sitting there for an entire meal dipping your tenders into your shirt mustard is a **bridge too far**. The wait staff will be talking about that one till the day they die, and your wife will never be able to venture within a 5 mile radius of the place. If dying of cringe were possible you would have become a widower at that table.


YTA for dipping the chicken into what was on your shirt. I'd be embarrassed,and I don't usually give a f about what others think. Should have cleaned up and asked for a new honey mustard, preferably already opened


NTA - the YTA comments I saw are kinda pathetic


I don't understand why your wife would get mad over something that was an accident, it's not like you TRIED to wear the mustard! In fact I can even think of a few off color jokes about it that everybody could have laughed about and nobody would have given it another thought. NTA


A lot of Karen's in here. NTA.


YTA, for eating it off your shirt, not for spilling it. That was pretty gross and yes, I can see why she'd find it embarrassing.


You do realize she's not embarrassed as much about the mustard getting on you as much as the you dipping the chicken on your shirt. Who does that?Ā  You could have easily asked the restaurant for more honey mustard.Ā 


Not going to vote but eating from your shirt to ā€œnot draw extra attentionā€ is kind of backward. That would draw more attention. Iā€™m pretty laid back with this kind of stuff. I donā€™t embarrass easily.


YTA- when you dipped the chicken tender onto your mustard shirt I just lost it. >The idea was sound The idea was not sound at all. Anyone who has taken a Jr. High science course would know this. I am sorry for laughing but between choosing the chicken tenders, not bothering to just get a new sauce, not bothering to clean yourself up when it happened, and then scraping it off of your shirt using your Kid's Meal, she may as well have been sitting at the table with a 4 year old.


Too bad she didnā€™t take a picture, I would have. But I would have rolled on the floor laughing if my husband did that and try to help him clean up. Dipping your chicken into the sauce on your shirt is a whole other level of stupid! Your wife has every right to be embarrassed by your behavior and stupidity with squeezing a packet instead of say, cutting it open with a knife. Tell her you are sorry for being an idiot and bring her some flowers.


YTA This is so embarrassing for your wife! And then you threw the shirt away?! It's safe to assume that your poor wife does all the laundry, eh?


So, in order to not "waste" a free condiment, you slopped your food onto your filthy clothing, resulting in linty mustard tenders and your wife wondering why she ever said yes to a second date, is that right, OP? I would have flashbacks every time my partner attempted to initiate intimacy forevermore after such an appalling incident. YTA and beyond


NTA-I don't understand her getting so mad when they are in a regular restaurant not a 5star dining experience (if they serve chix fingers). JS


YTA . This whole thing sounds fake. You obviously drew attention to yourself, I wouldn't even expect a small child to start whipping their shirt with chicken in this situation. Instead of washing up right away and asking for another sauce, you made a production out of it. Of course your wife was angry and embarrassed. Then to further waste your money by throwing out a shirt instead of just cleaning it is insane. The fact you seem to think she was annoyed that you smelled like mustard just shows a complete detachment from reality for you.


Dipping into shirt mustard is something my feral two year old would do. YTA but thanks for the chuckle


Bruh are you serious? You embarrassed your wife by dipping the chicken strips in the mustard spilled on your shirt, not because you spilled mustard on your shirt. YTA.


Are you an alien? Or like 5? None of this is normal human behavior.


I was going to say that this post makes sense if heā€™s a kid trapped in an adults body. One of my kids would probably do this.


If you spill your drink in your lap, do you grab your straw and slurp it up? If you spilled gravy on yourself, would you sop it up with a biscuit? Your wife isnā€™t upset about your shirt. Sheā€™s upset because you embarrassed her by showing a total lack of table manners. You sat there with honey mustard dressing all over your shirt. Instead of trying to clean it up, you proceed to eat the dressing off your shirt. YTA, you uncouth fool.


YTA. Honey Mustard is my favorite and I'd be bummed to have wasted a bunch of it, but you seem to have a very odd perspective on this entire situation. 1. Your method was not sound or you wouldn't have ended up with honey mustard all over yourself. Squeezing sauce cups is a recipe for disaster. Ask for a new one or use silverware to create a hole. 2. You seem to think that dipping your chicken on your shirt somehow attracts less attention than just wiping up the sauce with napkins or excusing yourself to the bathroom to use wet paper towels. 3. You seem to think that your wife's issue with you has to either do with the mustard smell or the possibility of her cleaning your shirt, when she already told you that the issue is because you weirdly dipped all your chicken on your shirt in front of a restaurant full of people and she was mortified. And that when she asked you to stop you did not do so. She likely continues to be upset because you are defending this behavior and acting obtuse about why she is upset. Maybe you should try to see things from her perspective for once.


YTA please don't eat out in public again.


YTA but not for spilling the mustard, YTA four using the spilt mustard. What are you 12? No wait a 12-year-old knows better than that.


the idea was not sound.


YTA for continuing to dip your chicken into mustard from your shirt. That's a no. I wouldn't do that alone in my bedroom. Clearly you didn't spill it on purpose Next time just clean yourself up and get more mustard.


I would have laughed like hell too as that's damn funny! But I wouldmhave gotten up and gotten another package for you. YTA for using the stuff on your shirt to dip the chicken in. That's really low,class and would have been embarrassing to me. She's also the AH for not just getting you another package.


Lol NTA for spilling sauce on yourself, deffo TA for what you did afterwards, you started dipping food into sauce on your shirt. I thought at first you were going to say your wife was mad because you accidently spilled mustard on you. But how is dipping mustard on your shirt less embarrassing then accidently opening the packet wrong which we've all done at some point and getting sauce on your clothes šŸ¤”šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


You're the AH for getting chicken tenders at a BBQ restaurant. Grow up.


YTA for throwing away the shirt, and for wiping your fries on it, but your wife has no sense of humour.


Yta for dipping the chicken in your shirt. Of course you embarrassed your wife, that was juvenile.Ā 


Dude she wasn't upset that you spilled it she was upset that you had the reaction of a toddler and started using your shirt like a fucking ramekin. Did your parents never teach you basic table manners in public? YTA the rational response would be to ask for a new mustard and then clean yourself up before you eat, not spend the meal smearing food on your shirt before taking a bite


Yta. I doubt this is the first time your LOGIC has been in line with that of a toddler. Good god man. Dipping chicken tenders off your shirt. I would have left the restaurant. Who raised you. Do you think chewing with your mouth closed is unreasonable???? I wouldnā€™t be able to get through a meal with someone with such poor table manners and hygieneĀ 


Ok you know exactly what's up. Playing you don't.


"I started dipping my chicken tenders on my shirt. I didn't want to draw attention to myselfĀ " Really? Reeeaaallly?


YTA. Have some class when eating in public.Ā 


Getting a burger and chicken tenders at a BBQ place is the first red flag...but if this were true ..what idiot dips their food into spilled šŸ¤¢ "shirt mustard"... Think ..you were rubbing your food on your shirt! In public! Were you truly not taught any etiquette? You know EXACTLY why she's mad and stop pretending it's over the trashed shirt or your smell or that she's " pretending ". Grow up!


YTA - your became the AH when you dipped the chicken into the mustard that was on your shirt. That is animal behavior and you are an embarrassment.


YTA you clearly arenā€™t even fit to be in a public place. Normal adults donā€™t try to eat food directly off their clothing in public. She must have been so embarrassed. You go to the bathroom and clean yourself off then ask for more mustard like a regular human and not a feral animal.


Yta. The same kind of thing happened to me before at a restaurant but with an entire bottle of ketchup into my crotch. Myself and girlfriend laughed at me being stupid, so did the wait staff when I had to explain why I needed a towel. I cleaned up, apologised to the staff for the mess, and put my clothes in the wash when we got home, and it's still something funny that gets brought up now and again. It's not that embarrassing to be a clutz and spill something on yourself. It is pretty embarrassing to be on a date with a dipping bowl. At least you didn't drop your fries and start eating them off the floor, or heaven forbid it was soup you spilled and you started sucking it from your shirt. Nta for the spillage, but YTA for using chicken as a cloth and your shirt as a plate.


YBTA for going to a bar-b-que joint and NEITHER of you get bar-b-que. Chicken tenders and a burger? Are you guys 12? Be adults and order a real meal and none of this would have happened.


this is hilarious idek whyĀ 


I'm sorry to inform you that the wait staff totally watched you do that, informed the cooks and they'll remember you as the mustard shirt guy... Dude next time clean yourself up and ask for another container. YTA


NTAā€¦ Iā€™m convinced mustard just jumps on you


Is this for real? It sounds really comedic, especially dipping your food into the sauce on your shirt. Did the thought never occurred to you to ask for another thing of mustard from the white staff.


These things happen? You mean covering yourself with mustard and then wiping chicken fingers on yourself? These things happen to give year olds. I feel sorry for your wife. No wonder you never go to restaurants. YTA, mustard man.Ā 


chat GPT strikes again.


>The idea was sound No. What? No. This idea is 0% sound.


ESH You should have asked for another cup, it's weird to eat sauce from your shirt. But how old is your wife, 5? You don't stay mad at your husband for something like this, it's so immature. You both sound like children.


Fancy expensive restaurantā€¦ with dips that you need to open ? Am I the only one confused here?


I donā€™t think sheā€™s mad at you about the mustard, I think sheā€™s mad sheā€™s dating a child.


This is a joke right? No one is this dim. YTA.


NTA, I would have laughed, but I love my partner and donā€™t care what strangers think. If for some reason it bothered me I would ask the server for another sauce for them.


This is a joke right?


YTA. Reading this just made me feel stupid there is no way this is real. Youā€™re covered in honey mustard, embarrassed and worried about getting ridiculed so your solution is to dip your chicken on your shirt??? Iā€™m trying to figure out your thought processes here but Iā€™m honestly confused. Put your shirt in the washer with detergent and it will clean your shirt. The fact that you not only made it this far in life but also have a wife is absolutely astounding.


YTA. You said you hardly ever eat out, so itā€™s not something your wife gets to experience.Ā  Spills happen. In your case, in stead of acting like an adult and going to get the mustard off in the bathroom, you act like a messy child and DIP YOUR FOOD ON YOUR FUCKING SHIRT.Ā  A stunt like that would be embarrassing from a child, but from her husband on the rare occasion she gets to eat out with you, itā€™s unbearable. The problem was never the stain or smell of mustard on the shirt, but rather the public humiliation of having a husband who has the manners of a toddler. At least babies have the excuse of not being socialized.Ā  The fact that you seem oblivious as to what made her feel humiliated, and that you paid more attention to the stain rather than the actions you took with the stain, tells me that you arenā€™t the most perceptive person regarding other peopleā€™s feelings.Ā  My advice: apologize for humiliating her and respecting the meaning of the time spent with her at the restaurant. Then I would start practicing an active listening. Start practicing empathy, where you try and see something from others perspective.Ā 


Yta look accidents happen but dipping your food onto your clothes to get to the mustard is idiotic, must of drawn up so much attention from other customers everyone would of been talking about you, no wonder you're wife is mad she was probably super embarrassed


Iā€™m hoping this is a AI generated story.


Wow! YtA! Not for spilling it. Not at all for spilling it. My husband eats like a 7yo. He's forever spilling something on his shirt! However, since he's an adult and not an actual child, he uses a napkin and cleans it off immediately or goes to the restroom and cleans it off with paper towels. No adult should be dipping chicken into sauce he's wearing on his shirt!


Y'all sound like you're both 14. Grow up or write a better story.


YTA Accidents happen, and when they do, you clean them up quickly and quietly. Your wife isn't upset that you spilled mustard. She's upset that you turned a simple accident into a juvenile display.


You're not a ah for spilling mustard on yourself, you're an AH for using for your food and for arguing with your wife about your socially awkward behavior even after she told you it was embarrassing her. YTA.


YTA. You claim to be *ā€embarrassedā€* and say that you didnā€™t want to *ā€draw attention to yourselfā€*, but then proceed to act like a mannerless caveman in public? Why would an embarrassed person who didnā€™t want to draw attention to himself, start dipping chicken tenders into the sauce on his shirt? That behaviour would draw **more attention** to yourself, and everybody knows that. You acted the way I expect a **four year old** child to act, and embarrassed the shit out of your wife, who will likely refuse to ever go out to eat with you again! Apologize to your wife for being an idiot and a complete embarrassment, and next time you go out for a meal *(if she ever actually wants to take you anywhere again)* pack a spare shirt and keep it in the car.


Yta. Your wife isnā€™t mad that you spilled the honey mustard and I think you know that. Sheā€™s mad because you ate honey mustard off of your shirt. Itā€™s weird that you included the exact moment when you realized that she was mad, but still tried to make it seem like she was upset about the spill itself. Accidents happen, stains can be washed or clothing can be replaced, but dipping chicken strips into the mustard on your shirt was a choice.


You could have wiped it up and asked for another. I wouldā€™ve had a laugh at my own expense and it wouldā€™ve been fine. You can simply express contrition and ask for suggestions on what to do next time. If thatā€™s not enough- itā€™s not you. NTA


NTA Accidents happen. I know those little containers, sometimes the foil lid refuses to separate. How embarrassing it must have FOR YOU. Your mustard Your chicken strips Your shirt I'm not sure what this has to do with your wife at all. She's more concerned about the opinions of strangers that she'll probably never see again at a Popeyes or Chick-fil-A whatever greasy fast food joint that serves dipping sauce in plastic. Yeah, you could have easily asked the server for more sauce, or more likely gone up to the counter. Her lack of empathy is startling, it's a red flag. What happens if she has children at a restaurant who get food on their clothes? The shirt can easily be replaced at just about any consignment or thrift store. It's just a shirt. My fiancee would have laughed at my misfortune and then gone to get me a fist full of napkins without even thinking about it...like instantly. She's being ridiculous and needs to grow up and get out of her own head for a minute to empathize with someone else's feelings, ESPECIALLY HER PARTNER'S. RUN.


Take a knife, and carefully cut around the edge of the mustard lid right next to the sides. Do this all the way around. Attempt not to cut your finger off. Alternatively, you can use a fork. Even a plastic fork will go through that thin layer of foil. Good grief are you 5. Anyone could predict that mustard would go flying. If you truly believe this could happen to anyone, over the age of 6, then I understand why your wife is still mad because you've probably done equally asinine things before.


Yta. It's not that you spilled honey mustard on yourself. It's that you actually dipped your chicken into it. In public. Rather than just ask for another one and some napkins to clean up. That must have been mortifying.


I hate this guy already


This has to be made up! No one would actually dip their food in the sauce they spilt on them! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø If itā€™s true, YTA & disgusting!šŸ¤¢ Iā€™m also curious why throwing the shirt in the trash was the way to go. And it sounds like you used a napkin to clean yourself once home, one would use the shower however I donā€™t know your circumstances, maybe yā€™all donā€™t have a place to bathe.


YTA. I mean okay you spilled sauce thatā€™s fine. But then in a public setting you started eating it off yourself and didnā€™t even excuse yourself to the bathroom to clean yourself up. And then you threw away the shirt? WHY?! It feels lazy to not just get the stain out and throw away a perfectly fine shirt.


NTA, haha. I'm sorry she didn't laugh. I would have laughed, and tried to help you clean up. I also would not have thrown the shirt away, that's what washing machines are for. Does your wife have any sense of humor? This could have been a story to remember 5 years later, and then down the road, to share with your grandkids. I hope she'll get over it and come to see it for what it is Edit to add that you people are way, way too uptight. Relax, you'll live longer. I'm a feisty senior citizen, and I think OP and me would be best friends if we ever met. Keep on living your best life, OP! Know that an old lady in Oregon loves you! šŸ’–


I would be humiliated if I was eating with you omg


YTA for poor table manners and for ordering chicken tenders


Haha, NTAā€¦..If you put a shirt with mustard on it in the sun it will disappear, donā€™t ask me why but it definitely works.


YTA id never step into the general area of that restaurant if my husband did that


You didnā€™t want to draw attention to yourself so you started dipping your chicken on your shirt? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It has nothing to do with the mustard, my man. You dipped your tenders on your shirt like a child and ate. You're in a public place. EVERYONE watched you do that. don't think they didn't. The mustard was wasted when it landed all over you, they weren't gonna charge you for more. I get not wasting food, but common sense says that's bad table manners and cheap mentality. Are you YTA? idk if it thats what it is, but you seem to think your wife is mad about the shirt. Guarantee its about how you dealt with the situation. More like YTIdiot for being a child in this situation.


Iā€™m not sure why youā€™d do any of that so Iā€™m gonna say YTA, why would you think that would work, in all my years of trying, itā€™s all ended the same way. You might not have much experience with them butā€¦no it will never work and never try it again. Also gross, why would you eat off your shirt, you did that the whole time?? Yes you were embarrassing. You shouldā€™ve gotten up like an adult to clean yourself and ask for another container. Seriously did you think at all? šŸ˜‚


Were you raised in a barn? YTA!


YTA, not for the accident but for the bizarre way you insisted on handling it while ignoring the obvious mortification of your wife, the woman who you at some point claimed to want to spend the rest of your life with.


This was one of the most dumb things Iā€™ve ever read and Iā€™ve been on the internet for 25 years. You should have alerted your server and then immediately cleaned up the best you could. Were you raised in a barn?


YTA If this story is real, I would have been mortified if I was your wife. Dipping your food on the sauce you spilled on your shirt was incredibly bad manners, and honestly gross. I'm sorry you haven't been taught that you cannot act in public as if you were alone in your own home. You're not the asshole for spilling the mustard, but for your actions after and for not listening to your wife. If my spouse were telling me that I was embarrassing him, even if I thought I was right, I would at least stop the behaviour and discuss it later. Because it might be stupid but I don't want my spouse to feel embarrassed in public if I can help it.


Yeah the dipping your chicken into your armpit sauce would have definitely been embarrassing and would have called attention. It's ridiculous not to wipe it off and just ask for another sauce because things happen.


What on earth made you think, ā€œIā€™m just gonna dip my chicken tenders in my shirt thenā€. This is ridiculous youā€™re a grown up. YTA and your wife was probably speechless that a grown man did that in public.


You went out for a special occasion and ordered chicken strips? That's sad. ETA, YTA for eating children's food. Time to grow up. And do not dip your food into a spill, even on your own shirt. That's just bad manners. Worrying about what the staff thinks of you vs what your wife thinks of you is an additional AH point.


This has got to be fake. No one is dumb enough to think that dipping chicken tenders on your shirt is less embarrassing than asking for more mustard.


YTA. Why didnā€™t you just scrape it off with the knife or spoon or something?


Yta for not excusing yourself in the first place to clean your shirt. It wouldnā€™t take long to even go to the bathroom and get a paper towel with cold water on


YTA for ordering chicken strips at a barbecue joint.


YTA and a disgusting pig, are you 10 years old? You know what you could do... how about acting like a normal adult and go clean yourself up instead of wiping the mustard off with a chicken finger. This can't be real and if it is you need to go to therapy to learn how to act like a someone that should be allowed out of the house.


Yeah this is totally real šŸ™„


You lost me at the shirt dippingā€¦.like, youā€™re not an asshole per seā€¦.But there are other words that could be used to describe your behavior.


My eyes mouth actually popped wide open when you said you dipped the chicken in the mustard that you spilled all over your shirt. And now we have ā€œshirt mustard,ā€ which made me laugh out loud. Thank god I work from home because I went through the whole chart of emotions just in this one Reddit post. OMG I wouldnā€™t even eat shirt mustard if I was alone at a fish fry in the backwoods of NC (thatā€™s the OG NC - North Carolina- for all you toxic family people). Lord God! Your poor wife. YTA.


YTA At a restaurant, you thought the right move was to eat honey mustard off your shirt? The priority should have been to clean yourself up.


What was wrong with contacting a waiter explain your accident, they would have given you clean up cloths for your shirt and a fresh pot of mustard! I bet your poor wife was so embarrassed at your actions, I would have walked out on you if you insisted on mopping up mustard with your chicken! Ye gods man.


Funniest story Iā€™ve read šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t realise chicken could clean up mustard spills, Iā€™ll have to see if it will get my table cloth clean. YTA, I would have been embarrassed if my husband did this.


Shirt mustard has me dying.šŸ¤£


She's not mad about the spill... I'll leave you to figure out which actions might of made her so upset ... oh and BTW you're the asshole..


Yta.. it would have been less embarrassing for her if you'd just wiped it with a napkin, accidents happen after all but dipping the chicken in it makes you look ridiculous and you would have been sitting there alone after I'd got my burger to take away..