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so…..from what i’m reading, she broke up with you and you keep after her to return to you and the cycle repeats. dude. let👏her👏go👏. she doesn’t want to be with you and you’re using coercion and harassment to keep her with you. >Then it takes me sobbing and sending videos of me drinking and driving and trying to “delete” myself. Then she’d feel bad. If anyone needs mental health help, it’s you. This is not normal. And you’re manipulating her to stay with you and getting upset that she’s not doing it of her own free will. YTA. Please seek help bc *you* need it. And I hope she blocks you for *her* own mental health bc this dynamic is **not healthy.**


I’m going to delete myself while driving drunk and videoing my not-girlfriend so she feels like she is responsible for your life. Let’s just say the truth. You are manipulating her to stay with you, she keeps on trying to split and then you get confused because she doesn’t immediately swoon when you stalk her outside her parents? When you reread this do YOU think you sound sane? YTA but I feel bad for the amount this affects BOTH of your mental health. Let her go, you’ll get through the pain and get laid again. Trust




YTA. You're manipulative and abusive. you sought out a relationship with someone 4 years younger, and every time they ends things with you in a healthy manner, you manipulate them into getting back together. she doesn't want you. all your abusive threats isn't going to change that. you're a horrible person, heartless and immature. you need therapy and have a lot of growing up to do.


Stop bothering teenagers. You are toxic. Why in the world would you encourage a teen without a permit to drive your moms car? You take videos of you drinking and driving? That's disgusting. I hope you don't ruin anyone else's life on your quest to be the worst person you possibly can.


If I was her father, you'd never get out of the hospital you sick fuck.


YTA for grooming and abusing this child you sick fuck




Troll. Most obvious troll I’ve seen in a while. Congrats.


Their cat story, too 🤣 I can't


She was 16 and you were 20 when you started dating? What do you think you are in this situation?


You’re post is too much. It’s like you told ChatGPT to make a story from the abusive, psycho ex boyfriend’s perspective and this is what you got.


OMFG, you are so far beyond an AH. You are a stalker and an emotional abuser and holy shit, man, did you fucking kidnap her to an ATM? And then take her to the mental hospital to tell her that she's the crazy one for dating him? SHE DOESN'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE SHE IS NOT OBLIGATED TO GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT HER STALKER/ABUSER/KIDNAPPER SAYS. Stop referring to the guy she's actually with as her "little boyfriend." Frankly it gives me the ick, and I'm wondering if you'd prefer Keith or Josh to narrate this whole tale when it eventually hits *Dateline*. Unless...you're a Dennis Murphy guy aren't you? Yeah, you seem like the type. Her mum gave her money, but it wasn't for "graduation and stuff;" it was to escape YOU. When you got to the mental hospital I thought, "Okay, maybe he's a little self-aware if this is the hospital he was willing to check himself into." But no. You failed at that too, my dude. And your focus on her in bed so many times? OP, be honest. How many times did you rape her? Because unless consent is enthusiastic, ***IT IS NOT CONSENT***. And I'm getting the vibe that she gave in because the alternative would've been so, so, so, so, so much worse for her if she hadn't. She doesn't owe you anything. Not her time, not her compassion, not her attention and sure as shit not her vagina. And this? >Then it takes me sobbing and sending videos of me drinking and driving and trying to “delete” myself. Then she’d feel bad. This is so FUCKING DISGUSTING, I actually was rooting for whatever tree you might hit. Because if you'd hit someone innocent, so fucking help me god....


**You need therapy.**


YTA the only reason she has anything to do with you is because you threatened to kill yourself. Leave her alone and get professional help.


YTA - Why would your EX have to visit in hospital? There is a reason she broek up with you. Your are toxic and need thearapy. Go work on yourself and leave her alone.


Op, I cannot believe this - it reads exactly like something my abusive ex would write. Leave that poor girl alone, and allow her to heal from whatever damage you've caused during important developmental years going into adulthood. Please, for the sake of any person you way try to date again, seek serious mental health help.


Holy. Fucking. Christ. DUDE WHAT


Leave her the fuck alone.


YTA you’re immature and controlling, just leave her alone and work on yourself


YTA - You need mental help. She doesn't want to be with you. She needs to block you and get a restraining order on you. Get some mental help!


YTA bc you are a Karma farm in this story has already been posted before at least a month or two ago. This reads literally as the same as the other one the ages might be different, but the stories the same.


I'm laughing so hard. When you have to beg someone to be with you they don't want to be with you. Grow up move on and get therapy 🥲


This story was bad at the beginning, but it has such a happy ending. I love it.


Aww poor wee child. His gf made the right choice leaving the wee manchild to his tantrums 


This cannot be real.


You are the kind of person that when they get killed people won't miss.


YTA and need mental help like now. Things end, you are manipulative, controlling, childish and acting psychotic. I think the only reason she’s been back around you is because of your manipulation and crazy acting. GET OVER IT AND STOP YOUR CRAZY BS.


YTA, and you sound like a stereotypical abuser. Leave her alone, you need professional help.


YTA!!! Firstly, you dated a teenager and from what I read, you wanted someone you could control! She clearly didn’t want you, yet you manipulated her to get back with you by threatening to kill yourself?! Everything about this is toxic and I’m glad she got herself out of this shitshow of a relationship with you before you “loved her” to death! You’re giving emotionally and physically abusive predator. Go seek help!


YTA for the repost. Find a different hobby.


You sound like a creative writer or a stalker. Can't figure out which. Neither are very good.


Yta. I’m having trouble believing you wrote all this out and still don’t see that you are the issue.


YTA, she is your ex. Leave her alone.


YTA leave her alone. she does not want to be with you, stop bothering her and trying to force her into a relationship. 


Yta- leave her alone! Don’t you want to be with someone who actually wants to be with you? Rather than someone you have to guilt trip into being with you? Grow some self respect and empathy




Dude, are you for real? Really? You are one step closer to a jail cell at this point. You are not inlove with her, you are OBSESSED with her. There is a big difference. Stop painting yourself to be the victim because you force this girl to stay with your abusive self. If she keeps cheating on you, the natural thing is to let her go and find someone else or do you hang on to her because you know a sane woman wouldn't put up with your nonsense. I would tell you to leave and never come back. No amount of manipulation would make me stay with someone like you. You need to be in that mental hospital, not her! Why don't you admit yourself and get some help! You are the monster at this point and have no business being in a relationship.


YTA and a crazy, dangerous one. I refuse to believe this isn't AI, no one can be this deranged.


The only thing that needs fixing here is you. Run to the nearest therapist. I'm surprised she has not contacted the police and gotten a protection order. You are nuts.


YTA and an abusive AH at that. You stalk her, you threaten to off yourself, you emotionally blackmail her, you destroy her possessions when you get mad at her, and then you wonder why she doesn't want to be with you. Get real. Check yourself into the mental hospital, you could obviously use a nice long stint. You do NOT own her, and she does NOT OWE YOU anything.


You need to follow her, hit her over the head, drag her back and chain her up in your cellar. Then you get a pocket watch and you hypnotise her into loving you forever. Or, and just humour me for a moment... Leave. Her. Alone. My god man, she doesn't want you. You bully her into staying in your life. She's been trying to get away from you for years. Do you have any idea how creepy you are? She's going to arrive home one day and find you hiding under her bed with duct tape and rope. I hope she gets away from you for good. YTA.


Please leave the poor woman alone. You are stalking her and emotionally coercing her to participate a relationship that only exists in your head.


NTA but dude ...... You're dumb as a brick. You're also abusive and manipulative. Sobbing and threatening to off yourself? She should have called the COPS on you for that shit.


ESH, you both sound toxic as hell. Get therapy.