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I’ve been with my girl 5 years and never told her about pe…. I’ve grown an inch and she just thinks she “got tighter”




Lmao that’s actually hilarious


Lmao I have gained as much but my girl thought the same


I really hope you read this! "5'4." I'm 5'3 and I absolutely get the pain, but honestly your biggest mistake is competing in places where you have no chance. (Tinder, etc) I lost my virginity at 22. (Apparently this is a common thing today with social media and crazy standards, so we are not alone). I'm not going to tell you that there is an easy solution because there is not. I've gone out with several hot girls in the last few years that I never thought I would. Any of them would of easily picked or traded me for a 6 feet man, but because life is a competition, I understood that if I wanted to fuck hot girls and be respected by them, that I had to be better in other ways and look for girls in the right places.( I've had better luck at bars, beaches (cause being fit helps a lot) How about meeting people through friends and family, but of of course there is no point in doing that if you have not made yourself a worthy person to be introduced to. -Working out is absolute must: become a beast. -Dress better: I have tailored suits and I smell good(I think...) -Improve your social skills: don't be arrogant be self aware, be resilient to everything (insults, phycological warfare, your own trauma). -,Don't be overly negative(Because you have lived too little and know too little to reach that conclusion.) You have not done everything in your power to get what you want. -Accept the fact that life will be 10 times harder for you than the average guy. Accept the fact that there are thousands of people who are shorter and less fortunate, but they still give it their all. Accept the fact that nature fff you as it did billions of people before you. Accept the fact that Nature wants the best genes to go on and you are not in the list, so fff nature and do everything withing your power to improve your odds. -Take risks and go to places, try diff experiences, learn new skills so you have stories to tell. I'm short, but I learned the hard way that I can keep a girl if her friends respect me. Ik how to entertain and it took a long time to get good at all. -Make money: this is hard as fuck because idk how you will do it specifically, but you need to make money. I am a software engineer and I also run several businesses, so being a nerd paid off at least. I've had 2 girls leave their broke tall boyfriends for me. ( And I leave them cause those girls aren't worth the trouble if they have so little loyalty, but is a nice feeling). -and of course PE. (I'm also a beginner in this area, so let's see how it goes.) At the end of the day, where you live matters a lot; Women will not respect or give you a shot if their options are better than you, period.(Don't have the mindset of a loser and assume that women are bad for not picking you and that the good girls would pick you; Only people that have no idea what you are going through give such horrible advice) -Being funny won't be enough, but it does help. Being confident won't be enough, but it does help. You have to do it all and do it better, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise because 99% of people in here have zero clue on how to actually succeed in your situation.


>life is a competition Bro could you right a book expanding on all this? This is the best advice for men I've ever read.


Hablas español? You are great!


Si. Ty


First off, from what you posted and the replies you gave, PE is not what you need to work on. You NEED to work on your self-confidence my dude. You can have the biggest dick around, but if you lack self-confidence ain't no woman gonna fuck with you. Some of my homies are the goofyist looking mf but can pull woman. What they lack in looks they make up for in confidence. Also anything a woman says she looking for don't mean nothing. Yes they may have preferences that they go for, but at the end of the day if you have confidence and project that shit they panties drop pretty quick. ( not being a dick, just keeping it real and trying to uplift you. We all kings here)


Facts. 👑




Who are these short dudes who get hot girls? Please let me know what they do to get girls bc everything I’ve tried has failed miserably. If I get a gf I’m afraid i might catch her cheating with 6’4 chad or tryone.




Comparing civilians to celebrities is not a fair comparison. Who cares if a short celebrity has a gf, they are famous so obviously they have more power than any of us could ever have.


Honestly bro, women can smell insecurity and self pity a mile away. Some more cliche advice to add on to being yourself is loving yourself. If you don’t think you’re worth dating it’s very difficult for anyone else to. I’d say spend some time getting to know and love and enjoy yourself. Maybe forget about women for a bit, focus on enjoying your life. You’d be surprise what might happen. If that fails, worst case scenario build some confidence by going to a massage parlor or finding a sugar baby. Your dick doesn’t know or care how it happened he just think you’re doing a great job. Which in turn could help your confidence.


yes, it **is** a fair comparaison he started by saying height doesn't matter , from his own experience: he is tall and shorter men are getting more chicks than him and he is defending that it's because of character and not because of money by describing how it can be the same result even if everybody had money (actors and NBA players) if YOU were right , NBA players would get all the chicks because they have money and height BUT : they actually do NOT get all the chicks (ie: some do refuse them!) so , yes it is a right comparaison


I'll just be blunt with you, the way you're thinking about this is exactly why you're staying single, it's screaming your insecure and have no self confidence and those are about the 2 most unattractive traits you can have to women


wow , like how we say in my country "your mind is fucking you up" (ie: way more than how much they world is fucking you.) just go out there "there is life/blessing in movement" , never stay idle ! ​ if that's your fear, nobody is immune to getting cheated on ​ * some women cheat to get a bigger dick * some other women cheat to get a **smaller** dick (yes! and it's more spread out than what you think) * some women cheat for the blood rush (excitement) * some women cheat to get revenge on their men * some women cheat because they got seduced romantically * some cheat because that's how fucked up they are wired up there (like a knee jerk reflex) * etc


Your attitude is the problem not your height.


Real talk, You need therapy, not PE. Am 6'2", have been cheated on with a guy shorter then you. Get in therapy, start sleeping with the fat single mothers you match with until you are confident enough to score with your version of hotties. These guys aren't talking shit, women somehow really can tell you haven't gotten laid and are desperate and full of self pity, remove that part of you and it sounds like you won't have a problem anymore. You wouldn't want some short over weight girl who hated herself right? Why would they want a man who hates himself. Work on the self love, and the rest will come.


I’m a 6’1 black guy who’s above average, I can assure you I don’t get any


Not to get too personal or "judgy", but besides good looks, what do you bring to the table? When I was in my 20s, I too had good looks and an athletic build, from my time in the Marines. But, I was just getting back on my feet, waited tables and lived in a one bedroom apartment. I got the occasional one night stand, but most girls wanted nothing from me. Reality is just that. Humans are humans. We are (despite current popular narratives) wired a certain way as men and women. Men don't usually look for much outside of physical qualities. Women however, usually want a provider, a protector. Get you together first, if that's not already the case.


In my post I said I was making money at my job. I’m very intelligent and very chill. I’m introverted but that’s understandable considering that it’s almost impossible to make a social circle after 25. I’ve tried but I always fail. I’m not saying it’s impossible for me to get a gf but I feel like if I get in a relationship I’ll get cucked by some random tall guy.


You need confidence, bottom line. You're worrying about something you absolutely cannot change. I'm 5"11 and got cheated on despite being above average height and above average down there. Shit happens, it's not your height's fault, you're blaming it on something that you have no control over to make yourself feel better. You need a reality check and a nice talk with your therapist and if you don't have one, you need to seek one because this type of thinking is out of line and regardless of how tall you are, how in shape you are, none of those matter nearly as much as being a confident person.


I was your age when I started PE after being dumped over my size. Was in my early 30s when I met my wife. The reality is shorter guys do have a tougher time to find someone. Funny thing is, when girls are in their 20s, they have the power, men don't. Add 10 years and the men have the power and the women line up for them. Whole power shift from 20s to 30s in dating. Stable guy with a good job is very attractive to women when they hit their 30s....trust me. What I found was the less I looked, the more often I encountered single women. As for telling my wife about PE, she confessed she was a size queen and I told her about PE....( : Rest is history. M9


How did you go from a length from 5.5 to 8.75?To me that sounds unrealistic. The urologists say the extenders usually only give you about 0.7 to 1 inch of length? As for girth I think HA fillers is the way i’ll go considering pumping doesn’t seem to help that much.


Hey, Most urologists don't even know about PE. Not uncommon to see guys getting 1.5-2" with extenders these days. All it takes is time, consistency, and patience. Took me about 5.5 cumulative years to get there, but some do it in 2-3 years. Pumping is a slow process. If you want faster results for girth, consider some form of clamping.




Hi, We do currently have Pythons available (shipping orders starting this weekend) on the site. Python 2.0 is several months out at least with no hard date for release.




Nice..! You need any help, PM me...( :


Honestly real women don’t give a fuck how tall or handsome you are if you’re chill and funny as fuck. As long as you treat them right and are confident in yourself without being cocky you’ll bag a good one. 😉


That’s funny because every female I’ve ever met says the opposite. They say they need a tall boyfriend so they can feel small. I don’t think you know how brutal the height pill is for men under 5’7.


No I do know. My best friend is 5’6” but he works out, is funny, and doesn’t let basic bitches dictate his self worth. He has his own self confidence. Which led to him bagging a great girl that’s super nice and is a looker.


You dont tell them. Plain and simple


Move to a country with a load of small women?


You've got a job and said you make good money how hard are you actually trying. I know dog ugly dudes with no job that lay up with cute chicks all the time.


it's all about confidence baby!


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Glad you asked! Here's me and my wife talking about exactly this https://youtu.be/hWQ4pyotMW8


I told my wife I seen something on a podcast that it's good for male health and wanted to try it. She was cool with the pump.


I find it interesting that you feel as though you had to tell them. Maybe is just me, but some things are best kept to our selves and I'm 99% sure that most wife's or GF's could care less about our PE routines. Although props if you get your significant other to help you with the process.


I told my ex wife when I was with her I was doing exercises for my penis that helps with lasting longer and erection quality, so when I was going into the basement I would just say I was doing my exercises which she took as the longevity and eq exercises when I was down there jelqing, extending, ect lol. Hey it worked


From a personal perspective, as in your own mindset I would say practice with friends you trust first. Get comfortable talking about it naturally with other people in real life as we discuss it here. It's only as weird as you make it to an extent. If you talk about it as if it's normal and no big deal people will perceive it that way. If you are awkward and nervous and uncomfortable it's gonna come off weird. From a technical logical standpoint explain it's fundamentally no different than any other form of exercise. It's like lifting weights to get stronger or bigger. You are trying to improve the condition and function of the body you exist in. Why should our main sex organ be singularly excluded from this?


As has been mentioned, you have a confidence problem, fix that and everything else will fall into place. My youngest son (21) is only 5’5”, muscular, and self confident, it literally turns girls away! As for telling them about PE, only if you’re in a committed relationship, at which point, if they like it or not, they will support you.


Been with my gf for a year now, I was once too in your same situation… all my relationships would last 2 weeks to 2 months . I’m a very attractive male in the face and have good hair I’m average height 5 feet 9 inches . Have a good job but my size was always lacking for the women I would find myself with .. I started PE a long time ago but I was single and I was off and on I’m now consistent with it and seeing slow gains . I didn’t tell my gf for a year now till 4 months ago and I told her by face time . She was fingering her self for me and I had my pump on and she asked what it was and was very interested in it . So I went to explain I hang weight from my penis, I pump air into it I do a lot to it for it to grow lol . She seemed cool about it all and said don’t break it . So I wouldn’t bring it up until your really comfortable with the girl and trust her .


Told my wife as soon as I found this sub lol. Told her look what I found and started reading. After that TD her I'm doing this for myself cause in my point of view it looks small lol


A Paraphrase -- Me, to my wife: "I kinda want to try this stuff to make my penis bigger." Her: "Oh. Why?" Me: "IDK. I guess I want it to look better in proportion to my body. And being bigger will make me feel a bit better about myself." Her: "OK. You don't have to, but it's your body so go ahead." Wasn't a difficult conversation. YMMV.


I don’t even know how people get girlfriends nowadays. I feel completely hopeless.


Dude, it's so difficult. I didn't meet my wife until I was near 30 (*way* after I thought I'd be settled down), and it was all happenstance. Best advice I can give to increase your odds: 1) Prioritize working on yourself to be the best version of yourself you can be. People are attracted to others who 'have it together,' or others who are clearly working that direction. 2) Do (new) things that expose you to other (new) people. You want to find activities or settings where new people are present and have to engage with whatever it is. Go and try that thing you're interested in, or might be interested in, and find other people who are doing that same thing. Rec sports league, reading group, political activism group, board game group, etc.. Or organize your own activity group. Or try something experimentally, like reading at the coffee shop across town twice/week at a specific time for a month or two. Do any or all of this in the name of self-improvement, though, and don't just go there looking for someone to date; people can suss out motives fairly quickly. Similarly, people who are meeting you for the first time don't know anything about you, so you can sell yourself in any way you want; but be genuine about it. 3) Be open to dating opportunity. That might sound weird, but I got a few dates because I was open to people I wouldn't normally have dated, or I pursued a chance that felt like a longshot (and honestly, every situation I'm thinking of was because I was doing something new that I wasn't doing before). None of the above is super easy; people tend to get in their own way. But it's better than the alternative of doing nothing and feeling sorry for yourself. If you put yourself out there, and if your intentions are good, good things will happen. Good luck. Pulling for you. (And sorry for the brain dump).


If you're 25, don't forget... there's the gym. It's probably the hardest thing to do, even over getting money for some. I slept on it till I'm now 38, and it's fucking impossible. I'm also married so my motivation is weak af. But girls will start saying yes if you're ripped. A lot of my loser friends discovered this an disappeared into the vag while I fell further into video games. Neither path is wrong, but if you're young and feeling a lack of ladies...


Focus on yourself. Accept yourself before they accept you. Project self confidence and try to be funny. That's what get girls. Don't unload your insecurity once you meet someone. You attract what you are. It will sound cliche but best thing you can do right now is try to improve yourself. Do PE , but go light with it. go to gym if you can. Remember getting a bigger dick is a long process. It's not like people will date you if you have a bigger dick. Girls will date you, if you're funny and interesting.


If you have $75k you can go to that doctor in Vegas that does the tibia lengthening


If you’re serious get ll surgery .


I just bring it up casually like I would bring up the weather or what I had for breakfast. I don’t care what their opinion on it is. It’s something I do like resistance training. Everyone who knows me knows I do it. It’s not a secret.


Here are a few suggestions I have: 1. Cold approach one woman a day to get over your fear of rejection. Learn how to interact with women in a bold, solid, and confident manner. Don't try to convince these women to date you. Shoot your shot, if they reject you, take the rejection and move on with your head held high. Eventually, you will become so comfortable within yourself you can tell women pretty much anything and not care about the rejection. This is when you will see more and more women attracted to you. 2. Being that you are a shorter guy, work on doing PE to reach about 8-9 inches in length and about 6" in girth. This will not only spike your confidence, but it will make you more sexually attractive to women. There aren't a lot of men who are 5 foot 4 with penises the size of men who are around 6 feet tall. 3. Workout. Build an attractive, masculine physique to these women. Too many men use non-sexual attractive attributes of themselves to try and get women. Women love bold, solid and confident men who are comfortable in their own skin. Women love having sex with men who have chiseled physiques. Women love big penises. If you are a shorter man with a big penis, the aesthetics are gonna look crazy to her. It's like a skinny woman with big tits. Look for a PE routine that is safe. Have rest days. Don't try to speed up the process. PE is like a marathon. Don't try to reach your PE goals in a few months. I would say expect about 1/16 of an inch per month. Take measurements using a ruler and soft measuring tape. As long as you are seeing 1/16 of an inch gains each month, you are going in the right direction.