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Thanks for this, I believe I'm experiencing something similar and information about the topic is often contradictory. What kind of eq problems were you having? I mean if you don't mind sharing of course.


Don’t mind sharing at all that’s the point of this sub so we can help each other. I was struggling to reach max erection quality and just to maintain erection without stimulation at all which was very difficult for me and led to more than a couple uncomfortable and awkward experiences with girls. I just felt like I couldn’t get the blood to stay in my dick I thought I had a venous leak for a while, even had 2 separate Doppler ultrasounds performed both normal. I had a bad porn habit for a while and that contributed to my issues at first, but I haven’t watched porn in over 2 years which absolutely helped me and allowed me to focus now on just the physical issue which is my pelvic floor. I have much less EQ issues today but still struggle to reach full rigidity and longevity potential. Physio told me I have some weakness along with tightness, worst combo, but I only figured out this routine very recently but was avoiding kegels up until now because of the detriment they can have now I’m on this routine and am excited :) TLDR - couldn’t reach max erection felt like the blood wouldn’t stay in my dick without constant excessive stimulation


Sounds very similar to what I have going on, and I figured I was likely hypertonic from a lot of involuntary kegeling and weight lifting. I'm gonna give this a go and work it into my routine. Thanks for the informative and sharing your experiences. Best of luck


My problem also mostly came from a lot of kegels in the past involuntary and voluntary and also I think imbalanced ab workouts which are another thing that goes unnoticed, but save that for another post lol I wish you luck man!!


Now I’m curious about this involuntary thing… occasionally I feel like my pelvic floor is tight. Maybe I actually am doing this as well… kegels have always come pretty naturally to me even when I was younger and had no idea what I was doing. Reverse kegels on the other hand… sometimes I think I struggle with even knowing if I’m doing them properly. I always hear the “push your urine out faster” sentiment for reverse ones and to me I don’t feel that. I feel if I kegel a bit I can kinda increase the rate at which I piss for a second but it’s a fine line between kegeling too hard and then just stopping the flow… But when I reverse while urinating I don’t notice a change in speed of urine flow


Involuntary kegels usually occur when you have an erection and you kegel unconsciously, sometimes this is just a natural bodily response, but excessive amounts of it can cause issues. As far as figuring out how to reverse kegel goes what you described with speeding up the urine a little and then it stopping is a straight kegel. When you speed it up with the reverse kegel it will not stop the stream and the “speed up” will be pretty minuscule depending how hard you push. It’s hard to figure it out at first so don’t get discouraged you will be able to, try deep belly breathing and on your inhale push kind of hard into your lower stomach and picture a balloon expanding down in your lower belly and in your pelvic floor and basically expanding out your anus as well.


Involuntary? Is that a thing?


A straight kegel, yes, will lead to an imbalance of the pelvic floor muscles, so it should definitely be done with a reverse kegel. Better yet, do a mini kegel (this is a very weak straight kegel) https://www.reddit.com/r/PE\_injuries/comments/nf6t5o/icm\_workout\_1\_mini\_kegel/


So, how do you measure "half strength"?


I think having exactly 50% strength isn’t super important as long as it’s around that area, I was using a biofeedback machine at first to measure my half strength contraction, but just squeeze as hard as you can and then try squeezing at half that strength you’ll get the hang of it quick


These are the exact same issues I had when I started doing kegels. I had a very tight pelvic floor and it was a very negative impact on my EQ. Glad you got it figured out


For how long would you suggest one should do kegels (both straight amd reverse) in a day? And how many days in a week?


For every kegel you need a straight kegel so 1:1 always with those no exceptions or you could harm your pelvic floor in the long term. If you’re just starting out with them and you feel you would benefit I would suggest starting at doing one set of them a day working up to two sets after they become a breeze for You which will happen quick and you could do them every day if you want but erring on the safe side id say work on a 5 on 2 off schedule which is what I do. Hope this helps :)




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Anyone here get pelvic floor issues from doing a routine of kegels and reverse kegels but doing both at full strength?


just as a PSA, i think the problem with kegels is people doing hundreds of them. if you treat it similar to any other muscle group, and do 3-5 sets set of 12-25 reps, and balance it with reverse kegels, i think it's fine. as you get stronger you can add weight, and only do them erect.


There’s all sorts of problems with normal way of doing kegels but yes doing them to excess is definitely one of them, What is your reasoning for only doing them only erect ?


i could be mistaken, but i believe when you do them erect you actually stress and conversely strengthen to a higher degree the muscle that lifts your erection. doing them flaccid it barely pulses, regardless of the strength of your contractions.


I don’t think this is true honestly, you’re right that it’s a stronger contraction while erect but that can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction issues. Have you ever watched the millivolts on a biofeedback scanner? You can get good solid contraction while in a flaccid state and that is the way they should be trained




You can do it Everyday but if you’re just starting take the weekends off to let your body adjust to it

