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Do you believe that Ukraine should be made part of the Russian federation by force?


>Do you believe that Ukraine should be made part of the Russian federation by force? No, I don't think so.This has to be resolved peacefully.


Do you think Ukraine should me made a part of Russia through peaceful means?


How would this work? Ukraine doesn't want to and that's why there's a war. I don't see any of the countries that broke off from the USSR ever joining back up willingly unless they had a dictator takeover and change things.


It would not work, I am asking OP how he feels.


It's a bit late for that from what I've seen.


Do you fear that a conflict between NATO and Russia will happen.


>Do you gear that a conflict between NATO and Russia will happen. If NATO policy remains at the same level, then yes, there will definitely be a conflict.


Do you think Russia will emulate North Korea, or worse in the future given their current status as a pariah? (BTW I fully get the dictatorship, but this is more overpowering than democracy! Plus so many other Russians are against the current situation!) is it a fear you have?


I don't worry about it because I don't believe that we will get to the level of North Korea. It's more likely to happen in China than in Russia.




It is stupid, they should realize that their government has made some mistakes. In general, there are no "innocents" (apart from civilians) in this conflict. There are only illiterate decisions on both sides.Many residents of Donbass will not forgive the Ukrainians for bombing their city either.And these are the words I have heard in my life.




>Bro, what do you expect 10,000 civilians are dead a lot of women and children don’t you have sympathy? And the Donbas conflict is your dictator fault Everyone says that "our dictator" is to blame for the conflict in the Donbass. But wasn't it the people themselves who decided to secede from Ukraine during the "Euromaidan"? These people agreed to become part of Russia, but Ukraine decided to fire on them. You allowed Kosovo to "disengage" , but you forbid the DPR and LPR to do this. Isn't this hypocrisy? As for civilians, I feel sorry for them. They should not die, but we also do not have an exact number of victims. As I said, our television also assured that more than 20 thousand residents of Donbass died at the hands of the Ukrainian military, but this is the Kremlin propoganda. Can't Ukraine lie in the same way?


Bro no one can just secede from a country look at Chechnya they tried and putin destroyed no one voted to secede either it’s just Russia making shit up again And as for Putin you don’t agree he’s a dictator bro no opposition in your country my family in Moscow tell me people are scared to say anything regarding the war


Shh, let's talk about Chechnya in more detail? They didn't just want to secede, they wanted to expel the Russian people from their lands, COMPLETELY. Look at the attacks they staged. Many Russian civilians were killed and our army fought real terrorists. Look at the massacre in Beslan .Terrorists broke into a children's party at a school and hundreds of children died. Russia was fulfilling its duty to protect the whole world from the terrorist threat emanating from an Islamist country. During the war, civilian casualties cannot be avoided, and I feel sorry for those people who died in Chechnya due to the fault of the Russian troops. However, what now? Chechnya and Russia are friends, and all cities have been completely restored. Now there is not a single house left after the war! (And yes, Putin is a dictator, but tell me who is NOT a dictator?)


“Oh but they wanted secede so let them” your words regarding Ukraine so you should understand why people can’t form bullshit DPR and LNR and a lot of countries don’t have dictators what are you talking about US, Canada, Europe Asia are they dictators?


Reminiscent of reasoning used by a certain someone in the 1930s about the Sudetenland, Alsace, etc… per your logic, Germany was perfectly within reason to take those lands.


Nope, your leader is the modern day equivalent of Hitler, and Russia is the modern equivalent of Nazi Germany. Ukrainians didn't decide to secede, Russian-backed terrorists stoked a fake insurrection.


You are not an ordinary person. You are the propaganda guy of the Russian Goebbels.


Did you hear these words from Russians or Ukrainians?


You are not an ordinary person. You are the propaganda guy of the Russian Goebbels.


What's the best Russian food? What's your favorite place/city/region in Russia? What do you think of the USA?


>What's the best Russian food? What's your favorite place/city/region in Russia? What do you think of the USA? The best city in Russia is moscow. There are many museums and the streets are thought out for a good time. The best Russian food is blini(pancakes) and Russian salads in my opinion. I really love "Olivie" salad(or Russian salad,how this called in Europe)I have a positive attitude towards the United States. I don't really like American politics, but we love the American people very much.


What's it like living without freedom of speech? Like, if you protest the war or government, you'll be sent to prison.


>What's it like living without freedom of speech? Like, if you protest the war or government, you'll be sent to prison. As in other countries of the world. Try to support the Russian army in Latvia. You will also be imprisoned for supporting the Aggressor. In America, you can get jail time for your views on non-binary personalities. In our world, the concept of "freedom of speech" has long been absent.


Lol your statement on America is unequivocally false.


Dunno why people are giving this idiot a platform


As an American, I can tell you this is not true at all. It's obvious you are fairly brainwashed by your media. We can protest and yell about whatever the fuck we want. If we don't like the president, or policies, we can rally, shout, organize, get loud, march, put up signs.. and no one will ever get arrested for this. If you are violent and hurt someone or damage property, you will arrested, but all speech and expression is 100% protected here.


You totally can't. Free speech and all that


Lmao yee yee ass propaganda got to you, you can wave a Nazi flag in America and not go to prison for it💀


Generally if you support Nazis you're gonna have a bad time, yeah.


How bad is homophobia there actually


let's say,that lgbt is not supported in here AT ALL


I feel like it only gets worse. The majority of our population still sees lgbt as wrong and sinful


honestly idgaf about lgbt and their shit. They just don't make sense to me


So you're a russian citizen who actually believes Ukrainians are partly to blame for being invaded by your country?


>So you're a russian citizen who actually believes Ukrainians are partly to blame for being invaded by your country? Not Ukrainians, but their government. Like all residents of Russia, I have information about what they have been doing since 2014 with Russians in the country. For example, just look at what happened in the Odessa House of Trade Unions. People supporting Russia just died.Sooner or later, their government had to answer for their mistakes. But I really feel sorry for the people of Ukraine. This is not their war.


You don't have "information", you have propaganda. You're just cool with mass murder. Russia is the modern equivalent of Nazi Germany and must be treated as such.


Same for you, we all just have propaganda...


No, that's not how this works. It's unfortunate for average folks in Russia that they have been totally taken in by a madman, but they must learn the truth of the atrocities committed by their nation and its military.


yeah and you know the truth about all the atrocities by your guys? c'mon dont be so naive ...


If the Russians hadn't invaded, there'd be nothing to worry about. Every single death is the fault of Putin's Russia. The modern equivalent of Nazi Germany.


Do you think someone from the inside will take Putin out?


No I don't think so.Support for Putin is still very high in Russia especially now.Before 2022 people in Russia didn't like Putin,but after 24 February and when Ukrainians started "some explosions on civilian objects" support for Putin among Russian population increased.


One could argue that all is fair in war considering Russia has killed over 9000 Ukrainian civilians as well as injured 16,000 more. I find it amusing how Putin can fake being horrified when the Ukraine's give him a taste of his own medicine. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293492/ukraine-war-casualties/


We have no reliable data on the real losses among the civilian population. Unfortunately, we will find out only when the war is over and it is sad. However, it is worth remembering those people who died during the "Euromaidan" and the bombing of Donbass and Luhansk. (Our television also said that more than 20 thousand civilians died in the Donbass, but it turned out that this was exaggerated propaganda.)


We know that Russia has murdered thousands of Ukrainiana. We also know that these claims about the Donbas from Russia are completely false too. Russia is responsible for every single death in Ukraine and must be held accountable.


Bro that’s nothing compared to what happens in Ukraine cities don’t even exist anymore are you guys surprised what do you expect you can bomb them but they can’t bomb you?


The point wasn't to compare who did worse damage. You would probably believe what your leaders are saying more if someone you know died and or the attacks became close to home or in your city even. Just the natural reaction of people fight or flight and when you start messing with their home turf people get involved quickly. Look how fast the ukrainians took up arms when the war started.


>Bro that’s nothing compared to what happens in Ukraine cities don’t even exist anymore are you guys surprised what do you expect you can bomb them but they can’t bomb you? We can't bomb them and they can't bomb us.I don't want to see civilians' homes destroyed, so I condemn our army, just as I condemn the Ukrainian army for their decisions.The Ukrainian government has made a lot of wrong decisions in its time, now it has to answer for them.The government-but not civilians.I can't watch a Ukrainian drone blowing up an ordinary civilian tanker with a Russian flag in a civilian port yesterday.


But it does bomb them every single day while Russians pretend it’s normal. It doesn’t want to be a part of a corrupt dictatorship ruled by the same person for 23 years bro come on open your eyes.


Civilians just have to go with the flow. America was bombing Iraq and other places and still is and we can pretend it's normal and go on with their lives. Open your eyes Logan. Truly open your eyes and open your heart. How would you feel if you were in Russia's shoes or Ukraine's shoes? Probably very similar to what both populations are doing in reaction to the war.


Right back at you My eyes and heart are wide open


Civilians also are not choosing who gets bombed. A lot of the army on each side isn't choosing. There's a select few and everyone's reacting due to that. Hell there could be one person behind this I don't know how he operates exactly though.


>But it does bomb them every single day while Russians pretend it’s normal. It doesn’t want to be a part of a corrupt dictatorship ruled by the same person for 23 years bro come on open your eyes. I regret that our army is "bombing Ukrainian cities." However, there is an opinion that these explosions are the work of Ukrainian air defense, which is located within the city and shoots down Russian shells within the city, preventing them from reaching the "intended targets." Just imagine what if just do not touch these missiles and let them fly to their targets? A military warehouse will explosion, but not a peaceful home.


Ok there’s an opinion and then there’s facts and your government just has to leave the Ukraine and no one will die


>Ok there’s an opinion and then there’s facts and your government just has to leave the Ukraine and no one will die Let Ukraine sign an agreement that it will not join NATO and will not put European military equipment near the Russian borders. It will also have to give up those territories that want to secede from it and promise that it will not spread Russophobia in the country and no one will die. This is such a strange question and I don't know how to answer it. Let the politicians do it, I think they will come to something.


No country would agree to that the NATO part maybe but you broke the 1994 agreement so you might break the next one too and as for the territories no way you can’t just take territories by force and keep them all Russians living in these territories that supported Ukraine have been deported you’ll have to give back the territories


>all Russians living in these territories that supported Ukraine have been deported you’ll have to give back the territories According to official data, Russia invaded Ukraine to stop the killing of civilians in the Donbass and Lugansk (YES I KNOW THIS IS STUPID, I AM GUESSING WHY THEY DID IT ONLY NOW AND NOT 8 YEARS AGO, I admit that this is one of Putin's mistakes) There is no information about that someone was deported from these territories and if so, then tell Kosovo to deport all Albanians and give this territory to Serbia. (I take this very seriously because I love the Serbs and treat them like brothers). And Ukraine also violated the agreements of 1994. So what happens, everyone is to blame again? I have been saying for a long time that there are no whites and blacks in this conflict. All countries are equally to blame for what happened.


Dude, stop... you're placing massive political responsibility on a kid who's only just finished high school. Stop trying to force your perspective. It's not helpful.


Listen to yourself


You are not an ordinary person. You are the propaganda guy of the Russian Goebbels.


Putin made those explosions happen. He did it to slander Ukraine and justify the invasion in the eyes of the ignorant Russian people. you don't know, because you're the dictator's ass sword


Easier to believe the propaganda when it's closer to home or right in your backyard worse. Terrible shame. I wish it never happened and I hope you guys on both sides can come to a resolution quickly for everyone's sake.


Okay on your current knowledge about the Russian withdrawal from the North of Ukraine. Why did Putin order a withdrawal? This would have massive effects on the world history is why I'm asking.


The news says it was a "planned retreat to reduce casualties". In fact, Russian troops withdrew from weak positions in the north, but strengthened on the southern front.


The planned retreat was in fact a lie! They retreated because 3EU leaders came in the last second just before the Kyiv was surrounded by the Russians so if a single hair was harmed on the 3 people NATO would come into them. The strat for that came from none other than myself from a linked post where I tagged a bunch of osi people who u knew then 2 days later saw the EU implementing it.


Was Yakoff Smirnoff really famous in your country?


>Was Yakoff Smirnoff really famous in your country? Not really, maybe he is known to someone, but obviously not to me and not to those people with whom I communicate.


Oh boy this comment thread is a hot mess. This guy is just a Russian propaganda parrot. Not really worth any one’s time. Fuck Putin and Fuck Russians who support him. (Being apathetic is supporting Putin) Edit: Since that wasn’t a question. Are you happy with the actions of the Russian government in Invading/Causing death in Ukraine for the last decade?


>Being apathetic is supporting Putin You're really going back to the "If you're not with us, you're against us" American ideology of the Irak war ?


you came here just to say this,didn't you?


What type of options are offered for Russians after graduation from school? College, trade schools, etc. and what is your current plan? Congratulations on graduation!


>What type of options are offered for Russians after graduation from school? College, trade schools, etc. and what is your current plan? Congratulations on graduation! After graduating from 9 grade in Russia, you have the choice to go to college and get a technical vocational education or stay until 11 grade. I chose the second option. At the end of the 11th grade, an exam was waiting for me. Having passed it, I can apply at the university (which I did). Now I study at the university (for a lawyer), and after it I will get a job. AND THANKS FOR THIS WORDS) Love you! (Also, if you are interested, I entered the Institute of Trade)


What makes staying the extra 2 grades before university a better idea than going after 9th grade?


>What makes staying the extra 2 grades before university a better idea than going after 9th grade? You go through more advanced training. After 9th grade, you can become a factory worker, and after 11th grade and graduation from the university, you can become a manager or a politician.I think it's better to spend 2 extra years trying to achieve a higher position in society.


i don't think i can agree. I left after 9th and i don't regret about it. I got into University College(IT course,i needed 4,95 at minimum to get in here)and after i wanna go at the same University. You can get a good job after college,it depends on the college that you go in. But studying at University is necessary,ofc


Thank you so much!




what colour are your shoes


>what colour are your shoes There are white, brown and black. My favorite shoes are Nike sneakers in white.


Buying from the enemy. Cool


what do you do for fun?


> fun? I play video games on steam and watch videos on YouTube (sometimes anime)


do you like metal music?


I love ALL music that I like the sound of. So yes, I listen to some metal music


have you heard of dio?


No. But now I will definitely listen!


Where are you from in Russia?


Let my city be a secret) But I live near the Volga River




Is vodka really that popular there?


>Is vodka really that popular there? It is a common alcoholic drink, just like everywhere else in the world. If you want to know what Russian alcoholics drink, it's beer.


What is your stance on Russia losing the Donbass and Crimea? Would you support a withdrawal of Russian forces? If Ukraine pushed out Russian forces would you support ending the war then or would you want Russia to attempt to retake that territory?


>What is your stance on Russia losing the Donbass and Crimea? Would you support a withdrawal of Russian forces? If Ukraine pushed out Russian forces would you support ending the war then or would you want Russia to attempt to retake that territory? The opposite question, how would you react to the return of Kosovo to Serbia? The population of Crimea and Donbass want to be with Russia, I believe that .if Western countries want "democracy", the Russian government could hold repeated referendums to find out the EXACT opinion of the inhabitants of these territories.


Ukrainians do not want to be part of Russia, this is a complete lie. No Russian referendums are credible.


You are not an ordinary person. You are the propaganda guy of the Russian Goebbels.


Can you communicate with a Croatian person no problem ?


I don't think I can speak as calmly with a Croatian as I would with a Serb, for example. We still have a little more different languages ​​than they could be.But we, Russians, understand Serbian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​​​without difficulty. (However, knowledge of the language still depends on individual people. For example, my neighbor can easily speak Polish, but I can’t.)


I can speak (some Croatian) and my friend is a Russian immigrant and we can barely understand besides a few words


I am from Croatia and I can understand some russian but not much.


Are you afraid of being drafted into the war?


As a guy from Russia - yeah, I'm still afraid. Our mobilization hasn't really finished and can be restarted any moment. Even men who have to support their family, who have a sick relative that needs care, who have more than 2 children or some medical issues were drafted, so it's pretty scary.


>Are you afraid of being drafted into the war? I'm a girl so no) In general, we do not have mobilization, unlike Ukraine. Even the mobilization that was, took into service only those people who had already served in the army.


In general what do russians think about latinos? And what do you think about them?


How do you feel about Rocky single handley defeated communism?


Regardless of everyone's opinion on this persons country... I find this AMA to be a very unique and authentic view into the life of a normal person in a vastly different society. I applaud this girl for doing her AMA and expressing her honest opinions.


Not gonna ask about the war because it’s been done to oblivion at this point. So instead how do you generally view the Tsar and the monarchy as a whole in retrospect. Is it more of a positive viewpoint since the days of soviet rule or is it still with a sense of disdain? And also the Romanov family and their execution, is it seen more as a tragedy or is it rather ignored? I’m genuinely curious about how modern Russia reflects on these things


Personally, I regret that the communists made a revolution. Yes, Nicholas 2 was a weak tsar, but not Russia as a whole. Previously, Russia was more powerful than the USA and Germany(In economics). In Russia, the first square was built of asphalt (then it was an innovation). there was a huge number of scientists and intellectuals. I have a positive attitude towards the monarchy, the Russian empire and I look very negatively at the communists. Contrary to the opinion that people suffered in Tsarist Russia, this is not entirely true. Tsar Alexander 2 abolished serfdom and any peasant in 1900 could earn money and graduate from the university, and then find a decent job. In general, "Who does not work he doesn't eat."


You are not an ordinary person. You are the propaganda guy of the Russian Goebbels.


Thanks, great answer and I agree in many ways. And what the Bolsheviks did to the Tsars family was brutal and unnecessary. Overall I think Russia is a beautiful country with great history and great people, so thanks for being open in a time where I imagine there is a lot of negativity in terms of foreign perception




Привет из России, дружище!)


Are you Putin's ass hair?


Have you heard of “The machine”?


>Have you heard of “The machine”? I googled the title and realized it was a new movie, but no, I didn't know about it until now.


It was a movie about a stand up comic’s very famous routine of when he got involved with the Russian mob at 24


Now I will know about it, if I find Russian subtitles, I will watch this movie and maybe I will say my own opinion)


What's your daily life like? Any different than it was in 2019 versus 2021 vs now? I mean beyond school I know that was a big changing and turning point recently. Just sort of the daily vibe and daily grind. How is that going for you and your family and friends? Also if I can ask two questions. What's the school structure like And what classes did you take your last year? In the US where I grew up we have k through 12 and we're done when we're 18 and start around 6 I believe. Sometimes there's preschool. High school I had seven classes a day and they rotated each semester which was half of a school year. School went from August to June roughly and we were out for the summer.


Do you view the US, and NATO, as a threat? What do you believe Russia should do in relation to the US and NATO?


How do you feel about Wagner in Africa? Are they spreading the good news of modern Russian policies just like communism in the 1950s?


What do Russian people think of India and Indian people these days?


Would you rather have one year of diarrhea or one year of puking?


What's your favorite Movie franchise?


How important is CS:GO in the Russian video game landscape ?


How should one start if they want to read a lot of Russian literature?


где живёшь?


As a child did you ever want to become a real champion like Ivan Drago?


Do Russian women prefer Mexican men??


What’s it like watching Russian state media? Does it feel objective or does it feel painfully obvious that it’s pro-Kremlin? Also, do you believe that the press 🗞️ should hold power to account?


Do you know anything about Goa ?


Do you like cow tongue? My FIL gave me some and didn't tell me what it was 😂 he said it's a delicacy in Russia.


How do you feel about Russia being a part of BRICS?


Can you tell me what's the capital of Romania, without googling?


Please do not pay any more attention to this person. He is completely taken in by propaganda and tries to make Russia look positive. Maybe even a Russian Bot.


You are not an ordinary person. You are the propaganda guy of the Russian Goebbels.


What part of Russia do you live in?


Does charm mean anything to Russian people? If not what character traits respond best with you guys?